All Of Us (All Series Book 7)

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All Of Us (All Series Book 7) Page 10

by Natalie Ann

  Chloe looked over at Kristen before answering. She’d hoped the shyness was fading away, but Kristen understood she’d only spent that one day with her mother.

  “Can we get Chinese food?”

  “I love Chinese food,” her mother said. “I ask for extra fortune cookies too. Did you know when you read the fortune cookie you are supposed to add words to the end of it?”

  “You are?” Chloe asked. “What words?”

  “Mom,” Kristen said, her teeth hurting from her clenched jaw.

  “In the bathroom,” her mother said.

  “What?” Chloe asked and Landon burst out laughing.

  “If you get a fortune that says ‘the best things in life are free’ then you add ‘in the bathroom’ at the end of it.”

  “That’s silly,” Chloe said giggling.

  “Yes, it is,” Kristen said. “Now why don’t the two of you head out for your night. We’ll come get Chloe in the morning.”

  “Bye, Kristen. Bye, Uncle Landon.”

  “Wow,” Landon said when the door was closed. “You weren’t kidding about your mother, were you?”

  “It was close there for a second. Sometimes I have no idea what will come out of her mouth.”

  Memories of her father always fighting with her mother about that never faded. How her dad wanted her mother to be just a little normal once in a while.

  “I think Chloe will have a blast tonight.”

  “I’m sure she will. My mother won’t teach her any bad habits. Well, who knows what Chloe’s hair and nails will look like when we get her tomorrow, but otherwise they’ll have fun.”

  “Did she dress you up like her as a kid?” he asked.

  “Until I was old enough to fight back. Now you know why my clothing choices are much tamer.”

  “Among other things,” he said, reaching for her and pulling her close.

  “I’m trying not to get insulted that you think other parts of me are tame,” she said, her nails running up and down his arm.

  “Have I told you that I’m not a big fan of tame women?”

  “No, you haven’t,” she said, kissing his neck. “Do you like dangerous women?”

  “No, not dangerous. Just some that have a little bit of a wild side now and again.”

  She pulled his shirt out of the waist of his jeans and slid her hands under it and over his chest. “How wild?”

  “That’s a good start,” he said, returning the favor and pulling her shirt up and over her head. “You okay with this just now?”

  “Are you kidding me? I couldn’t kick my mother out fast enough.”

  “My type of girl,” he said, his mouth lowering on hers.

  If her heart sped up at those words she was too busy to really pay attention because she was attacking the button of his jeans. “Couch or bedroom?”

  “The couch is closer. We can hit the bedroom next.”

  He brushed her hands aside and went right for her jeans instead. She allowed him because it felt like she was suffocating in her clothing at the moment. Her skin was hot and sweaty, parts of her body were nice and swollen and she needed relief in more than one place.

  She helped him lower her jeans and kicked them away. Since her shirt had already been removed he went right after her bra and flung it off around the room, his mouth latching onto one nipple while his hand went for the other, pinching and flicking.

  “Oh, God,” she said while he showed her the magic he possessed. How his mouth and hands were working the same sort of rhythm. Man, he was coordinated.

  Her legs were starting to shake, but she couldn’t form the words to ask him to move them to the couch. She took matters into her own hands and backed him up and gave him a little shove down, then crawled into his lap, spreading her legs wide and planting herself down, grinding on the bulge in his jeans.

  “We should have removed these before I pushed you down,” she said.

  “Easy fix,” he said, scooting her up and undoing his pants and sliding them down his hips with his underwear.

  “Oh yeah. Now that is what I’m talking about.” She slid back so she was on his thighs, then gripped him tight in one hand, the other coming out to stroke the wetness off the tip. Big, strong, solid.

  A heat that was making her burn within as if she’d just bitten into a ghost pepper with no milk in sight.

  But there was a relief and it was in her hands and she wasn’t going to wait much longer. “Do you have a condom with you or do I have to get up and strut myself back to my bedroom for one?”

  He pushed her off his lap. “Remove your underwear,” he said while he reached under his hips for his wallet and pulled one out, then pushed his jeans down the rest of the way.

  She pulled it out of his hand. “Allow me,” she said just dying to feel him as much as she could.

  Standing in front of him naked, bent over, her breasts hanging in front of his face, she covered him as fast as she could.

  When she was done, she straightened up and climbed into his lap, nudged him between her legs and lowered herself down as slowly as possible. Sure, she wanted to impale herself, but she was trying to savor the pleasure as long as she could.

  She started to lift up and lower back down, but on her way up, he held her there with his hands on her waist, his mouth going right for a nipple again.

  He sucked it into his mouth, his teeth started to graze and nip, and she was dying to move back down. To have any type of friction, but he wasn’t letting go.

  Yeah, it felt good what he was doing, but it’d feel better if she could fill herself up with his body even more.

  “You’ve got no patience,” he mumbled around her tender flesh.

  “No. Not when you’re right at the opening and I want to feel all of you.”

  “Is this what you want?” he asked, lifting his hips and sending himself deep inside.

  “Yes,” she squeaked out.

  “How about this?” he asked as he lowered and lifted again.

  “Keep it up,” she said, feeling her body start to crest already. It’d just been way too long since she’d been with a man and there was no way she wanted this to be dragged out.

  “I could keep it up all night long,” he said, moving faster.

  “Is that a promise?”

  “It is,” he said, his fist going into her hair and holding her head in place as he nibbled at her lips. “Ride me,” he said.

  And she did. Not because he asked. Not because he demanded it. But because she needed it.

  She started to bob up and down on her knees. Bringing him almost out to the tip and then slamming back down all the way. His other hand went around to her ass and cupped her cheek guiding her at the speed he was looking for.

  It was hurried and primal and exactly what she envisioned as she heard the slapping of skin against skin in her living room.

  Her breathing was short and clipped, his not much better. Who needed to breathe when you were riding a sexy man and he had his hands and mouth on you?

  “I’m almost there,” she said.

  “I’ll hold off until you are.”

  How many men said that? Could do it? She had a feeling he had a huge amount of control and that thought started to send her over the top.

  His fingers were gripping her tighter and she wasn’t sure if that was his way to turn her on, or hold him back. It didn’t matter because the muscles between her legs started to quiver and she felt everything just let go.

  Her head went back and a scream escaped from her lips. While she was riding out the wave of ecstasy, Landon was slamming into her harder and faster until he grunted out himself. Olivia had said she thought Landon was a grunter, but this wasn’t what she’d been thinking of when Olivia made the comment.

  Nor was this how she imagined their first time to be, but surprisingly, it was pretty much perfect.

  Wiggled Her Way

  Landon lay there sucking in great gobs of air into his mouth.

  If his lungs were burning, he
really didn’t care. He didn’t even care if it was the last breath he took because he knew he’d die a happy man.

  “Did that just happen?” she asked. “Because if it was just another dream that I’m going to wake up wet from, I’m going to be really disappointed.”

  “You dream about me and wake up wet?” he asked.

  “Figures you’d latch onto that,” she said.

  He shifted her a bit, put his thumb and finger under her chin, and kissed her gently on the lips. “I believe I was latched onto some other things first.”

  “Yes, you were,” she said, smiling, and the air he’d sucked in earlier was right back out like a kick to the chest with the look in her eyes.

  He’d never been one for tenderness or emotions with a woman. Never found someone he wanted to share those things with.

  His life had been filled with drama and fighting and he wanted none of it in his future. When he was in a relationship with a woman, he always held just enough of himself back to prevent that.

  Now he knew he wouldn’t be able to do that with Kristen though.

  She’d wiggled her way into not just his life, but had also taken up residence in a tiny part of his heart.

  How much more he was willing to let her in would be determined.

  “So back to the dreams,” he said, trying to keep their conversation lighter than he was feeling at the moment.

  “Oh, I have plenty of dreams. Don’t tell me you don’t,” she said, climbing up off his lap. He was already missing the warmth and heat she offered, but knew he should get up and take care of the condom.

  “I’m hoping maybe we can get to some of those dreams of mine tonight,” he said, walking out of the room and down the hall. When he came back out she was pulling her shirt over her head and her jeans were back on. “I like that other look on you better.” He reached for his underwear and jeans and pulled them on.

  “I’m not much on cooking naked. Hot grease and all.”

  “You’re going to cook for me?” he asked. “I thought I’d take you out.”

  “Going out takes away from our time together. I had all these plans and wanted to stay in. Besides, you’ve cooked for me a few times, so I can return the favor.”

  “What are you making?” he asked, pulling his shirt on and following her to her little kitchen.

  “Nothing fancy. Just some stuffed pork chops with Spanish rice. I’ve got some fresh green beans too if you like them. I wasn’t sure about you and veggies. I haven’t seen you eat much of them.”

  “I eat them now and again. Green beans I can handle. I’m trying to eat healthier now that I’ve got Chloe. I can’t very well feed her sandwiches or pizza every night.”

  “I think she’d be happy with pizza every night though.”

  He laughed. “I’m sure she would. We’re getting a little bit more variety with dinner now, so that helps. She is more vocal about what she likes.”

  “Does she ever tell you something she doesn’t like?”

  “No. Which is why I hated trying something new. I didn’t want her to think she was being forced.”

  “Do you think she was forced to do things a lot?” she asked, as she turned the oven on and put the pork chops in a pan. “Do you want a beer?”

  “I’d love a beer,” he said, reaching around her and getting it himself. “I really don’t know much about her life before she moved here. I’ve tried to talk to her about it, but she clams up. I asked the counselor if she talks about her past at all and I don’t get much back there.”

  “I understand she can’t tell you what Chloe is saying, but she doesn’t tell if you Chloe is at least talking about her mother?”

  “Nothing. I’m starting to wonder if I should find someone else, but I don’t know if it’s right to do that to Chloe.”

  “Ask her,” Kristen said.

  “Who? The counselor?”

  “No. Chloe. Ask if she likes talking to the counselor. If she feels comfortable with her. If she wants to talk to someone else. It’s been long enough that I’d like to think she’d at least answer you.”

  “Maybe you’re right. I’ll think about it. There is no use spending money on it if it’s not making a difference when I can find her someone else to talk to.”

  “There are also support groups that don’t cost anything.”

  “Support groups for kids?”

  She turned and looked at him. “Of course. I’m surprised the counselor hasn’t given you any information on it. Ask the school, I’m sure they’ve got information. Chloe isn’t the first child to lose a parent. Sometimes it just helps to be around other kids going through the same thing. Though her situation is definitely different since she didn’t have a father.”

  “Okay. That makes sense. Can we not talk about it anymore though? Let’s just focus on us tonight since we don’t get nights like this often.”

  And that smile again. A slow soft one that started at her lips, moved up her cheeks and then lit a fire in her eyes. Or maybe it was a fire in him just looking at her.

  “What do you want to talk about?” she asked.

  “You. Ever have any serious relationships?”

  Her smile dropped. “Come on. You don’t want to talk about my exes, do you?”

  “I just want to know more about you,” he said.

  “I’ve had a few serious relationships. I told you though, they all had complications.”

  “Such as?” he asked.

  “Lack of commitment when I was looking for that. Lack of drive. Lack of social skills. It seems I’m good at picking losers.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “What category do I fall into?”

  She walked up and ran her finger down his chest. “Oh baby, you are definitely a winner even with complications. But your issues aren’t like theirs were.”

  “You don’t know that,” he said. “You don’t know if I’ve ever had any serious relationships.”

  “I don’t think you have,” she said.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because you said you’ve never lived with a woman before. That you’ve always been busy with work. You talked about your parents’ relationship. My guess is, you avoid getting involved but aren’t opposed to it. It just hasn’t been the time.”

  He took a drink of his beer, surprised she’d pegged him so well and shouldn’t have been. She’d been right on target with Chloe more times than not. “Could be.”

  “If you really avoided commitments you wouldn’t have taken on Chloe.”

  “She’s family,” he argued. “I couldn’t let her go into foster care.”

  “That is a sense of loyalty you have too. I find it very sexy.”

  He laughed. “Loyalty seemed to be missing in my household a lot.”

  “All the more reason you’ve got it. I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. You’re a great guy, Landon, and you’re doing a wonderful thing with Chloe. You two are going to find your way, but it will take time.”

  “I’m doing okay with her thanks to you.”

  “I’ll agree with that,” she said, laughing. “But I think you would have figured it out on your own too.”

  “At a much slower pace.”

  “Slow has its places,” she said, wrapping him up in a hug.

  “And so does fast.” He nibbled on her lips. “Do we have time to go into the bedroom while dinner is cooking?”

  “We do,” she said. “Let me get these chops in the oven and I’m all yours for thirty minutes.”

  Thirty minutes was a good start, but he was looking for a lot more. He’d keep those thoughts to himself for now though. Since they seemed foreign ideas, even to him.

  Confidence Boost

  Landon was sitting at his desk when his phone rang. The minute he saw it was the Saratoga School District his heart started racing in his chest worse than the first time he was called to a scene with shots fired.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Mr. Barber, this is Carly Callaha
n calling. Chloe’s teacher.”

  “Yes,” he said. “Is she okay? Sick? In trouble? What happened?”

  “Nothing all that horrible. Chloe is a model student. I wish half my students were as diligent as her at doing their work and minding their own business. Do you have a minute to talk?”

  “Yes,” he said, getting up and shutting the door to his office.

  “I know all about Chloe’s situation from when we met prior to school starting. Has anything happened recently? Or any changes?”

  “No, why?” he asked.

  “She has seemed down the past few days. Quieter than normal. I tried to talk to her, but she says nothing is wrong.”

  “I noticed she has been quieter than normal too. We’re still working things out. It’s hard to get her to open up to me and her counselor hasn’t said anything different than normal.”

  “Okay. I can work on her more. Do you think the Halloween parade today could be part of it?” Carly asked.

  “Maybe,” he said. “I asked her about dressing up and what she wanted to be and she struggled to come up with something. I’m new to this whole thing. She did start taking jiu jitsu lessons at my studio and I thought that might work since she seems so comfortable in it.”

  “That was a very good idea,” Carly said. “I didn’t know she was taking lessons until she came in with her gear on. Her classmates were asking her all sorts of questions and that might have been the most some of the other students had talked to her. It did give her a little confidence boost, I could see. But then she went back to sitting at her desk and reading a book.”

  He was glad he did something right on the first try. It was like pulling teeth to get a costume idea out of Chloe last week and he knew he was running out of time. Part of him hoped to hell he didn’t have to try to make something and whatever she wanted he could just go buy. Thankfully it didn’t come down to that.

  “This is her first holiday with you, but I don’t think most kids think of Halloween as a holiday. Could it be triggering some memory or anniversary of something?” Carly asked.

  “Shit,” he said. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to swear.”

  “Did something just pop in your head?” she asked, her voice still soft and sweet. Chloe talked about Mrs. Callahan all the time and he could see why.


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