Steel Couples (Men of Steel Book 10)

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Steel Couples (Men of Steel Book 10) Page 13

by Mj Fields

  “Oh, oh, oh, Gray,” I cry as he sweeps his tongue up and down my opening, then thrusts in and out repeatedly, until finally the tight bud of nerves becomes his next target.

  He circles his tongue then sucks, and I come. I come hard, so hard I forget his instruction to leave my hands above my head and grip his hair as my hips thrust against his mouth.

  He looks up at me as pushes a finger inside. “That’s one.”

  With those words, with the way his eyes are wild with want, with the way he licks his lips that are glistening with my wetness, there is a promise of more, so many more.

  “Starved,” he groans before he begins again.

  I grip the headboard and arch my back, no longer trying to hold back my next orgasms as I rub against him, hungry for the one pending and the ones to come.

  Lost in feeling, and love, and touch, and sensation, I hear him pant, “That’s four.”

  “I want you,” I beg. “I want you inside me. Please.”

  He pushes himself up and grips his massive cock, stroking it slowly while looking between my legs. He positions himself, and my core tightens with anticipation, or the overwhelming fullness that is about to consume me.

  He rubs his cock up and down my pussy, coating himself with me.

  “Absolutely beautiful,” he moans on a whisper. Then he taps the head of his cock against my clit. “Mine.”

  “Forever,” I whimper.

  “Nothing less.” He rubs his head up and down me, still watching his body touching mine in the most beautiful way. “Gonna fuck you.”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  Something in the way I say it forces him to look up at me.

  “I love you, Mandee.” He slams fully inside of me.

  My breath is totally and completely gone, and then stills.

  He leans down, placing a light kiss to my lips, and reminds me, “Breathe, beautiful.”

  Finally, I do.

  He slides nearly all the way out of me then stops. “Shit.”

  I watch his body tense.

  “Make love to me, Grayson,” I whisper.

  He pushes in slower this time, then kisses my lips and swivels his hips. He finds a perfect pace. Our bodies work together, slower, eye to eye, skin to skin, breath to breath.

  He rolls us so I am now on top of him. His hips buck as he grips mine, holding me still. His eyes are glued to mine as I start to rock back and forth, our bodies once again finding the perfect pace.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he groans as he thrusts. “Lean back.”

  I rest my hands on his thighs as he pushes my thighs farther apart.

  “Wanna fucking eat it,” he hisses as he pushes his thumb against my clit. “Consume you like you consume me.”

  “You have!” I cry, trying to close my legs when I feel another orgasm building.

  He holds them apart, thrusting his hips up. “Fuck yes. Fuck. Yes.”

  He moves faster, driving deeper, and then I feel him expand inside of me then still.

  I know he’s going to come, and I want him to.

  I rock harder, faster.

  His eyes widen in wonder. His head falls back. “Oh, fuck!”

  As his body jerks, his cock pulses as he lets out a growl, coming inside me.

  I rock one more time and follow him into what I now know is ecstasy.


  I was more than happy when Gage messaged and said he changed his mind about the girls all staying together for two nights, saying he was going to stay with Phoenix until morning. Apparently, her parents showed up less than an hour after they returned from him picking her up from there place. Phoenix wanted him to stay to run interference. She’d had enough.

  When I told Mandee, she looked shocked.

  “What?” I ask, confused by her reaction.

  “She’s letting him help her?” Her beautiful smile lights up. “She’s letting him help her.”

  “She is.” I smile, too. I can’t help it. Hers is contagious.

  Mandee and I shower, washing, kissing, loving the fuck out of each other.

  She looks at me the same damn way I know I look at her—like I’m hers.

  And I am.

  Mags messages me just before eleven, saying she is now ordained via the world wide web. I congratulate her, and she tells me that I better make sure she is the one marrying me, too.

  When I come out of the bathroom, Mandee is in one of my tee-shirts, standing barefoot in front of the stove, her hair still damp and hanging nearly down to her ass.

  Bacon. I smell bacon.

  She looks over her shoulder as if she knows I’m standing there, watching her, and smiles when she sees me.

  “For breakfast?” I ask, feeling a smile creep up.

  “Uh-huh.” She smirks then turns back around, giggling.

  That girl, Mandee, is the best. Preparing tonight for an early morning bacon treat.

  Fuck yes! I throw a victory fist in the air. Fuck. Yes.

  Bacon in the morning is always accompanied by a blowjob.

  I can’t fall asleep tonight. It has nothing to do with knowing she’s going to suck me like a Hoover while I lay back and eat bacon. It isn’t because of nightmares or fear. It’s because of something she said about her dream wedding, or her new idea of a dream wedding.

  I wish I could give her the one thing I cannot—her mother being present on the day she gets married. I wish that I could, but I know I can’t.

  The rest of the things she said is true, and I am so happy she is so happy with us.

  My phone vibrates, waking me up, and my eyes open slowly. It’s not even light out.

  I reach over and see a message from Gage.

  Gage: Ready?

  Grayson: Now?

  Gage: Yep.

  I groan inwardly and look down at Mandee, whose head is on my chest, lips slightly parted. I sigh, knowing I am going to slide out of a warm bed and allow the woman I love and adore, who gives the best fucking blowjob I’ve ever had, to sleep while I go help my brother.

  I regretfully slide out of bed, and she sighs in her sleep. I am seriously considering making a loud noise or just tapping my cock against her lips, but then I realize I’m not that fucking inconsiderate.

  We screw candles into the wagon wheels as Phoenix’s father watches us from an uncomfortably close distance.

  Gage watches me, and we exchange glances. He answers a million questions and overuses the power saw and drill since it seems to be the only time Phoenix’s dad stops firing questions.

  Within two hours, the sun is rising. Fucking Gage and his early morning ass, I think. But, looking around, the wheels are hung, the benches are placed, the stage is set, the arbor is up, and every place flowers are going to be plopped is in place.

  “Looks damn good,” I tell him after I watch him look around.

  He looks up and smiles, then nods.

  I look up and see an orange extension cord dangling slightly.

  “I’ll get a ladder and get that out of—”

  “No,” he says. “It stays.”

  “Really?” I ask, looking at the damn thing.

  “Definitely.” He nods and smiles.

  With Mandee, Juliana, Mom, Mags, and Phoenix’s mother, Bopha, all in what Mandee calls “pampering mode,” I’m with my brothers, nephew, and Phoenix’s father, Arun.

  Arun doesn’t stop asking questions, ever.

  I laugh to myself.

  Gage is doing a hell of a lot better than I expected with all the questions being fired at him.

  When Arun stands up and announces he has to use the bathroom, I look at Gage.

  “Shut up,” he whispers a hiss.

  I smirk and look down at the beer in my hand.

  “We gonna do s’mores?” Brand asks.

  Both Garrett and Gage answer, “Sure.”

  Gage nods to Garrett. “Get on it.”

  “Yeah, Dad.” Brand chuckles. “Get on it.”

  Garrett grabs him up and throws him
over his shoulder. “Let’s go find some sticks.”

  Brand laughs as they walk away.

  Gage looks at me. “Can you sing tomorrow?”

  Fuck, talk about last minute. Regardless, I nod. “Sure.”

  “At the bar, after. Not here,” he says, leaning back against the picnic table. “ ‘Black.’ Derik’s Bentley.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, not really a wedding song, huh?”

  He shakes his head as he stands. “Good song, though, huh?”

  “Damn good song.” I stand, following him down the dock where we look out over the lake.

  He’s quiet. Really quiet.

  “You good?” I ask.

  He smirks. “Sick of talking.”

  Knowing he’s talking about his father-in-law, I laugh. “He’s very chatty.”

  Gage nods. “Good man, though. Works hard. Loves his girls.”

  “I can tell.” I smile.

  “I have an Arun, and you have a William.” He chuckles. “Both a fuck of a lot better than our piece of shit.”

  “That’s for sure,” I say, looking out at the water.

  I shrug and smile as I spot the raft floating in the distance. “Fuck if I ever admit to saying this, but if he wasn’t such a shitbag, we may not have ever been shipped here to get our shit together. Had that not happened, we’d have never fucking met them.”

  The words hurt to say, to admit, but it’s the fucking truth.

  We are both silent for a minute.

  “Seize the moment,” Gage says on sigh. When he looks at me, I nod, and he nods back.


  I need a drink. The words scream in my head so loud I’m afraid everyone around me will hear it. Almost everyone knows I’m pregnant. Well, possibly everyone, except my parents

  Is it awful that I don’t want her to know because I will feel like I have disappointed her?

  Thinking it makes me feel almost like a child, but honestly, I just want her to enjoy her day. Okay, that sounds bitchy and bitter, but it’s really not.

  Mandee and I discussed it this morning. The girl I thought would have the white horses and the ballgown doesn’t want any of it now. She just wants Gray.

  I look up and smile at her as we are sitting, feet soaking in water and bath salts.

  Seven of Mom’s employees are here to pamper us. Mom and I did fight about that. She wanted to do mine, Mandee’s, Juliana’s, Gail’s, Mags’, Carly’s, Bekah’s, Taelyn’s, Tara’s, and Kat’s pedicures and manicures the day before the wedding.

  I look away from Mandee and at my mom, who is sitting next to me rather uncomfortably while someone pampers her.

  “Not right,” she mutters, and I laugh.

  She looks over at me, and I think of my grandmother who I miss dearly, who looks nearly identical to my mother. For the first time, I don’t look at her like she’s that mom, the one to push and damn near force you to try harder, do more, do better. She’s trying.

  I reach over, take her hand, and smile. Her eyes mist over.

  If I continue looking at her, I will cry, too, so I look back at Mandee.

  She looks at my mother and our hands and smiles, so I take hers, too.

  Her bottom lip plumps out, telling me she’s missing her mother.

  I lean closer and whisper, “You can share mine.”

  She leans over and rests her head on my shoulder.

  “Plus, you’ll have Mags and Gail,” I whisper, resting my head on hers. “And me.”

  “Always you.” She squeezes my hand.

  I look back at my mom, who is scowling down as she watches her staff.


  She looks up at me. “Too hot? Too rough? You want me to do?”

  “No.” I smile. “I want you to relax. Everything is perfect.”

  She huffs. “Except the fire and this.” She points down. “I should be doing yours.”

  “Well, it’s your day, too, and I want you to relax and enjoy this.”

  She nods once and remains quiet. Then she says, “Your sisters are still sleeping.”

  “Let them sleep.”

  “Hmm,” she says.

  “Hmm,” I reply.

  I stand in the mirror, looking at myself. I have been waxed, exfoliated, lotioned, rubbed down, my feet and hands are done, and I am ready for bed.

  Tomorrow, I will become a wife to a man I never even thought to dream of. A man as big as a tree, who makes me deliriously happy. A man who loves and respects me.

  I smile as realization hits, thinking how the man I am marrying is not unlike my father.

  I shake my head and feel tears welling. Closing my eyes, the first one falls.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder and open my eyes.

  “You okay, my girl?” Mags asks.

  I nod.

  She takes my hand. “Come sit with me?”

  I follow her to the deck that is off mine and Gage’s room. She sits in one of the Adirondack chairs, and I sit in the other.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” she asks, gray eyes sparkling.

  I open up to Mags. “Just a few months ago, I wouldn’t dare open myself up and show my flaws, my judgments. I was so determined that made someone weak, but now … now I’m starting to embrace all that I am. Now I am open to the truths that come when you are not just wanting to show the world you’re badass and strong, but knowing you are more so than ever before. I never wanted to have someone in my life, a man who I would come to depend on like my mom does my father.” I pause for a moment and smile.

  “But you understand it now,” Mags says, knowing that’s exactly it. “Love is a beautiful thing, my girl. And true love, well, that’s even more so.”

  “My parents have that,” I say, acknowledging it for the first time out loud.

  She grins. “They sure do.”

  I sit back and sigh, holding my hand over my belly.

  “You feeling okay?” she asks in concern.

  “Tired.” I smile. “But yeah, I feel better than ever before.”

  We sit silently for several minutes, watching the bonfire next to the lake. When I stand up and walk to the railing to get a better look at Gage, he turns around at the same time.

  “That’s the kind of love stories are written about,” Mags says, leaning against the railing next to me and giving Gage a little wave. “He knew you were looking at him; could sense it.”

  I smile and nod.

  “Phoenix,” I hear my mother call from my room behind me and turn around. “It’s time to rest. You have a big day tomorrow. Your friends will be here early. Then all those guests, the ones we weren’t sure would make it because of the drive, your husband put them up in hotels in town.”

  I take Mags’ hand, smiling as we walk toward my mother and tell her, “Dad would have done the same for you.”

  “Of course he would,” she says without a doubt in her mind. “We’re partners in every way. You and Gage will be, too.”

  “We are, Mom,” I say, taking her hand with my other.

  She laughs. “Things change when kids are in the picture. That’s the true test. One I have no doubt he will pass.” Mom lets go of my hand to pull down the duvet cover of the bed, and I climb in.

  “Good night, ladies. We’ll see you at breakfast,” Mags says, leaving the room.

  When I am settled in bed, and my mom covers me up, kisses my cheek then steps back, I notice her looking at me differently.


  She leans in and places her hand on my belly. “Children change everything, Phoenix. But when love is true, it makes you even stronger when they come.” She steps back and nods. “When are you due?”

  For a moment, the shock renders me silent. Then I feel bad for not telling her. Then I wonder if she’s angry, upset, disappointed …

  “We were getting married before I found out,” I say, trying to erase all those questions I assume she has.

  She doesn’t respond.

  “He wants a lot of kids. He wanted to start—

  “I’m not doubting, Phoenix; I’m simply asking a question.”

  I can tell she’s being sincere.

  “July. I’m just a month.”

  She climbs up on the bed and kisses my cheek, then lies next to me, not saying a word.

  After a few moments, I whisper, “Mom?”

  And she whispers back, “I always hoped to help you like your grandmother helped me.”

  “You have to work. Davy and Mali are still young.”

  “And you have Mags and Gail.”

  “And you, Mom,” I say, rolling to my side to look at her, hoping she isn’t upset.

  “And me.” She smiles. “But I work.”

  “I know, and so will I.”

  “I will be here whenever you need.”

  “I will need you whenever you’re free,” I assure her.

  She smiles. “Good. I want to be like my mother. I want to be close with my grandchildren.”

  “Then you will be,” I say, taking her hand and lying back.

  “Then I will be,” she says with a softness in her voice.

  We lie there silently, still holding hands.

  “Sleep, my beautiful, strong girl. Sleep knowing I am so proud of the woman you have become. Sleep, Phoenix, because tomorrow begins your journey to forever.”

  I nod, fighting tears as the weight of her words presses down on my emotions like they never have before.


  “You look fucking sexy as hell, man,” Zandor says, looking me up and down. “I mean, damn, I think if you looked this good in high school, we may have—”

  “Shut the fuck up, Z,” I tell him, trying not to laugh.

  “No, seriously, I’m stiffening up looking at you in that tux,” he continues.

  “Lines, you’re crossing them.”

  “At least you and I are friends. You didn’t even know the tranny you hooked up with on the dating app, and—”

  “You fucked a tranny?” Garrett gasps.

  From between my teeth, I hiss, “Fuck no, and Z, cut the shit.”

  “I’m just trying to loosen you the fuck up. Just like I would in a locker room with some KY before showing you just how hot you make me.”

  When I turn and glare at him, he stops talking shit. Then, like a domino effect, Garrett, Grayson, Zandor, Xavier, Jase, and fucking Ricco start laughing.


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