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PROJECT 43432 Page 14

by Sokrahnaluth TV

  “I hope this time will go without any frequency interferences as the last. We must be extra careful whom we give that information to. We cannot allow a failure.”

  “You are right. I will take care of this and will proceed with the meeting this evening. As for Dr. Rob, I will reprogram him for his last mission.”

  “Very well, I shall leave you now. I need to monitor the development of our second project.”

  Mr. Basilius left the room. Mr. Elred started preparing his subject to complete the reprogramming.


  The Being

  Outside was already dark. The trees were bending from the wind and the drizzle became rain. The strong wind's sound was mixed with the sound of falling leaves on the ground. The emptiness of the streets was carried to every corner of the city. Thrown papers were swirling up and down, dancing with each other. Most of the citizens were reprogrammed to go back to their homes and stay there. Only a few were left outside to watch for the “rebels.”

  The motion of the streets was disrupted by the sound of a car, slowly driving, heading to the end of the city. It was a long black Charger closing on its target. The wind was curious about the unusual movement on the road. It gently touched the surface of the vehicle, exploring its forms like a little child. Already examined, the car was accompanied by the breath of the nature on its way through the city. When it reached the suburbs, the vehicle headed towards the woods.

  Meanwhile Erion and the rest of the group were slowly advancing towards their aim. The tunnel they were walking in was wet and cold. From the years, the ceiling on couple of places has fallen on the ground and they had to make their way forward by removing big pieces of soil and rocks. Erion stopped and turned to the others:

  “I have a strange feeling about this meeting point. I think we need to have a backup plan before we get closer. If I am not mistaken, there should be a second tunnel shortly ahead, which will lead us to an alternative way towards the meeting point. I am not sure about its condition, but we must split in two groups and advance from both tunnels. Alan, take two of the Megors and go with your friends through the second way. The rest of the group will come with me and will continue through the main route. I will try connecting to my people from here and see if I can establish mental connection with them. Let us take a break for a while. I will be back shortly.”

  Erion left the group and walked straight ahead to find a place for concentration. Suddenly Alan got a sharp pain on the back of his head. He grabbed it with his hands and fell on the ground with his knees, Anika rushed to help him.

  “Alan, what is it! What's going on?” Alan could not talk. He was holding the back of his head pressing the spot where the anti—frequency transmitter was.

  “Are we sure that we removed all the chips from his head?” asked Kane.

  “Yes, we scanned the whole body and we found nothing. I am not sure what could cause this,” Heops replied. Suddenly, an explosion was heard and the ceiling of the tunnel collapsed a little bit ahead of them. The dust and the soil formed a little fog and everyone started running back. Anika and Kane helped Alan to stand on his feet to join the rest. Seconds later, second explosion was heard around twenty meters behind them. They were in a trap. Everyone stopped moving and was ready to fight. The Dorgs instinctively stood in front of the humans trying to protect them. In a couple of seconds Alan's headache stopped and he was able to lift his head and see what was going on. He stepped on the ground by himself and focused on the second explosion. There was something in the whole picture, which made him think that he was in a dream. What was happening around him was not possible at least in that world. The time has stopped and everyone was still. No one was moving. The dust particles and the smoke were suspended in the air. There was no motion. The only person that was moving was he. ” I'm in a lucid dream,” he thought.

  “Not a dream young fellow, just different… position of the time variable if we can describe the motion of time in that way,” Alan heard those words, but in fact, it felt as if these were more like a thoughts, which he felt within his head. He was slowly walking straight, moving close to his friends, looking at their faces… they were still, as they were exactly before the time stopped. Alan slowly climbed out of the tunnel and stood up on the ground. He found himself in the forest. In front of him was standing tall figure, dressed in something he could not recognize. It was as this was some special fabric. The being spoke to Alan without doing any facial movements and without sound. Even though, Alan was able to understand him.

  “Alan, please don't be scared. It is a desperate time, which calls for drastic measures. You do not know me, but I know everything about you. Once in the past I was communicating with an old friend of yours called Alberi. He and I were working together on a project. The project succeeded and later our ways separated. He needed our help and he received what he asked for. His intentions were pure and the will to help the humanity made us provide him with what he needed. Unfortunately, this world is based on duality and as there were honorable men as Alberi, there were also men who wished to conquer and rule the others without humane intentions. Having lust for power and money. Ironically, you all as humanity make one big entity and the good and the bad come from the same consciousness. Right now, we know the world is going through difficult times and the possibilities to change the situation if we do not interfere are minimal if not impossible. We are here to help you with what we can in order to bring the balance back to this world. I am sad to admit that the current situation is almost irreversible. However whenever there is a spark of hope, I believe anything is possible. Unfortunately, this is not what others from my kind think. I know you have been Alberi's apprentice and he has taught you many things. That is why I have chosen to communicate with you. I have come here tonight to stop you from going to a certain capture. The “Company” has placed its people around every shelter that Erion has. Right now, there are many soldiers waiting for you in and around the base, you are heading to. You must get back to the “Company.” To do that you have to get back to the Megors you met recently underground. They will show you a secret passage under the building and a safe way to get back. The only way to stop that is to find the second facility and disable the machine that holds everyone in control. And remember: you have only one chance for that. We are going to be meeting again young man.”

  The being slowly walked back and disappeared into the dark woods. Alan did not have time to ask questions. He stood there for a minute and then went back into the tunnel. When he returned, he saw everyone discussing the explosions. Anika saw Alan.

  “Alan! God you are ok, I was not able to find you. Where were you?”

  “I am ok. I was outside talking to a strange being.”

  “Strange being? What are you talking about? Who was it?”

  Alan shouted:

  “Everyone, hear me! I have to say something important. We must not go forward with this plan as soldiers are waiting for us right now at the secret base where we are heading. The “Company” knows about all secret locations of Erion's underground bases and is monitoring all of them now. We must get back to the Megors we met recently. They will show us how to get to the “Company” and there we must find the location of the second experimental facility from where they conducted the experiment.”

  “We must get back? But why? How do you know the “Company” has the locations of all secret places? To get back there is a suicide and you know it!” Kane was certain.

  “I just spoke with a friend of Alberi who have given me this information and for some reason I believe him. The tunnel ahead of us is demolished and we are unable to continue. I hope Erion is ok. There is no other way right now but to go back if we want to save Erion and the people from this city.” The rest of the Megors were not willing to leave their leader alone. They said they would continue with the original plan advancing from the surface.

  “All right, we will form two groups and keep connection between us at all times. Erion did no
t have a communication device with him and we do not know what he is going to do. As some of you are moving forward, please keep us informed of the situation. The rest must get back and find a way to destroy this machine.”

  The tunnel was not ruined to a point that they could not get back. The second group started making their way back to the forgotten Megors.


  The Capture

  Before the explosions, Erion was in a meditative state trying to communicate with his brothers in the secret location. Not able to reach anyone, he got worried and just when he decided to get back, the two explosions happened. For a couple of minutes he was trying to shout and to make his way back, but the ruins were too heavy for him. The King felt the connection with his brother Megors from the group and that made him feel calm for a moment. He kept walking forward, stepping on the wet soil, his feet were sinking in the mud. It wasn't long before he reached the crossroad where the path was divided into two separate tunnels, but there was no indication which one was leading to the alternative exit. Time was pressing him. He chose the left and hoped for the best. Erion was moving more cautiously, not to give himself to the enemy. Soon he reached the exit leading to the surface and slowly looked around. There was no movement outside. The ability to see in the dark helped him to spot two figures. One was next to a tree not far from him and the second was a little bit further away in a position to shoot. The King came out slowly and quietly walked around, positioning himself exactly behind the first man who was next to the tree. With a quick move, the guard was brought down and his weapon taken. The man also had a knife on his belt and a second gun in his right boot. The Megor took the knife and with a strong throw, he hit the second guard. He got quiet for a second… no one came out. It was silent. He dragged the first man that he neutralized back to the tunnel from where he came. The soldier was placed against a wall and soon he regained consciousness.

  “How many are you and who sent you here?” Erion asked.

  The man's eyes opened wide when he saw Erion.

  “Calm down. I am not going to hurt you. Tell me how many are you and who sent you here?”

  “What are you?”

  “Who told you to guard this place? Are you a soldier of the “Company“?”

  “Yes, we were sent from the “Company” with strict orders to capture whoever tries to reach this place. We were not told that you are not human. Who are …? Erion interrupted him:

  “Listen to me! How many are you and what have you done to the rest?”

  “There was no one here when we arrived. We searched the premises but it was empty.” Erion was relieved. Now he had to find a way to warn his brothers not to come there.

  “Tell me how many you are.”

  “Originally we were twenty men, but something happened and they call off half of us. I don't know why.” Erion learned enough. He hit the man and that got him unconscious. Now, his main plan was to find out the exact number of the soldiers and find a way to contact the rest of the Megors. While he was thinking, he heard gunshots and outcry. He quickly got out of the tunnel and saw his fellows Megors fighting with the soldiers in an unequal fight. He gave out a tremendous sound, which only the Megors could produce and jumped in rescue of his brothers. He got there in a matter of seconds when he realized that they have been surrounded by many soldiers, all pointing their weapons at them. The Megors surrendered.


  Going Back

  Alan tried to contact the few who went searching for Erion, but alas, there was no signal from their devices. Meanwhile, his group removed the soil, clearing a path to walk back to the Megors living underground. They were walking silently, focused on their mission, without room for mistakes or doubt. Soon they were back to the little lake in the middle of the crossroad with the three tunnels. No one knew how to call them or let them know they were there.

  “There is no one around. The only place we know they could be for sure is inside this small lake. I will dive in and try to find them,” announced Alan.

  “That might be a suicide,” said Kane.

  “There is no time to think about that.” Alan bent to untie his shoes when they heard a voice:

  “That wouldn't be necessary.” They turned around and saw Naz. “However, only one of you can come with me.”

  “I will go. We need to hurry,” Alan stepped up.

  “Very well, follow me.”

  The Megor entered one of the tunnels followed by Alan. They walked for a short time when Naz stopped. He turned to the right and started looking for something. In a couple of seconds, a heavy scouring stone noise was heard, coming from the wall. Alan saw that the Megor opened a secret door and followed him inside. Not far from where he was standing, he saw a low light, coming out of something like a circle on the ground and few figures were sitting around it. They walked towards them, when suddenly all of the seated turned their heads towards Alan. Naz said something to Keran, when he stood up.

  “We meet again young fellow. I can see that my previous advice not to come here was misunderstood or perhaps ignored. What is it that you seek this time?”

  “I am sincerely apologizing for the fact that we returned. However, I need your help. We must stop the machine, which is broadcasting different vibrational keys designed to enslave the people. We were told that with your help we could get back to the “Company” using a different route. If we don't get there on time, many lives would be lost and the life on this planet will change. That will affect every living creature on this planet, including you. We only need a guidance finding the secret passage.”

  “As I must admit that this meeting with you is most unpleasant for me, I must also listen to the voice of the earth. We have felt the imbalance of the energy on this planet too. Nevertheless, we do not wish to interfere in its natural way of fixing things. I agree to show you the path to the “Company” if only you never return here again. ”

  “It will be as per your wish.”

  Keran asked Naz to show them the way to the “Company.” Alan expressed his appreciation to the Megors and left with his guide. They headed back to the pond when Naz spoke: “I wish to join your group. I have been in this place for a very long time and it has been years since I last walked the surface of the earth. If the situation is that bad, if the world might become a place of terror, I wish to help you fight against it. There is nothing for me here. If we remain underground, that will not help the situation.”

  “You should stay here and help your brothers. I am thankful for your willingness to help us. However, everyone has his time as I am sure one day you will be doing your part to help in this war.”

  “That is not fair. I have skills, I could be useful,” Naz protested.

  “Please remember that a war is fought not only on the battlefield but also in the minds of the people. You can win a war just by focusing your energy. The Megors are very strong mentally and your concentration abilities far exceed human's. If your brothers have felt the imbalance, I am sure they would do what is right to help us in this fight. As I am sure, you will do the same. You are doing a lot for us by showing us the way. Without the help of your people, we would be left with no other choice, but to walk on the surface, which is heavily guarded, full with zombies, and military.”

  “I understand what you are saying. Maybe you are right… Let me show you the way.”

  When they reached the small lake, the Megor asked the group to follow him. All of them headed to the tunnel, which was leading back to the “Company”. Naz decided to reveal some of their past to Alan:

  “We have built this tunnel long time ago. Back then, we thought to attack the “Company” and destroy everything. Time passed and we decided to fight a silent war. A war fought on a different level. It was then, when we met one of the fathers of all Megors. Our co—creators are not from this planet. Their home planet is very close to Earth. However, it exists on a different frequency range and thus is invisible to us and to the people. They are very advance
d species that can shift their appearance and frequency. That way they could make themselves visible when they want us to see them. As we have their genes, we are able to communicate with them telepathically. When we told them our story, one of them descended and came here to teach us their ways. We have learned to shift and be almost as they are. We are also aware that one of them has told you to come back here. They can see the possible versions of the future. In fact, there are infinite versions of the future and we can choose which one to experience. Going back right now to the “Company,” seems like the only option for all of us in pursue to save the planet.”

  After a couple of minutes, Naz stopped and turned to the left. He was looking for something specific that he was not able to find. The Megor was slowly touching the soil, trying to feel the right place. He found a soft spot and started digging out the soil with his fingers, creating a small hole in the wall. Soon he reached a metal handle, which he pulled with a strong force and the wall caved in. He started pushing it forward, revealing a tunnel made of huge heavy stones, covered with green algae.

  “That is the tunnel, which leads to the sewerage of the “Company.” It ends exactly one floor below the ground level. The command center should be above and from there you will be able to locate what you need. Be careful.”

  “Thank you.” Alan stepped first into the tunnel and the rest followed him. When the door closed behind them, they were on their own.


  Sandbox Reality

  It said, “In the life of the inhabitants of planet Earth, always comes a moment when they must make a choice, whether to be or not a real person. The choice itself predetermines everything for that individual, and the awareness of this decision will mostly depend on his ability to be in balance with all that is. During their lifetimes, humans are constantly asking themselves where they came from, and what they are supposed to do. They are so certain that finding an answer to these questions will make their lives better. Will the Universe show them who they are? Are they willing to sacrifice their technological achievements for the answers they so much desire? Will it be possible for them to live without everything that they see? Why the material possessions are so important, that they create strong relationships with them? I do not have an answer to these questions. Many are on the edge, ready to give themselves up to the idea of freedom and just before they let everything go they stop, and are unable to make that step. I wonder if they will ever live a free life, free of attachments and feelings. I am not sure if they are aware that the default state of that holographic game is a chaos, never meant to include happiness and love. However, they are so powerful that they manifest incredible things, constantly bending the rules of the game. I am not sure what the outside world means for them. But who are the people in it? Are they real or just reflections of their emotional state and memories, placed there by them, to help them stay sane and keep them company when they need it? What would happen if they stop dreaming? Will that holographic world continue to exist? But how can something be, if it is not created first? Their ability to dream, think, and feel will always generate enough energy to sustain this chaotic holographic mind game, which they think is real.”


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