Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles)

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Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles) Page 9

by Brenda Sparks

  “I have never seen anything so beautiful in all my six hundred plus years,” his sire murmured, watching her move elegantly toward them.

  Stephan took her hands in his. “Words cannot describe how beautiful you look.”

  Kat smiled a wide grin that reached the sparkle in her eyes. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  The Alpha leader quirked one dark brow. “Hardly the compliment I was going for, but it will have to do.”

  The questioning look on Katrina’s sweet face made Marcus push into her mind to glean the cause. He found her thinking how funny it was Stephan would care about a compliment when surely he knew how gorgeous he looked. She couldn’t understand why, with the confidence and power he exuded, he would question her attraction to him. She found him unbelievably attractive, in his custom tailored black tux slacks and crisp pleated shirt with the black neck tie that hung straight to emphasize his flat stomach.

  T-M-I. Did NOT need to know that. Marcus pulled from her mind, regretting his curiosity, and turned this attention on Stephan.

  He knew his sire well. Knew what the look of awe and wonderment on his face meant. It was the look of a man who could get lost in the human woman standing before him. A man who wanted to know everything about her, like her favorite color or perfume, or even the color of her toothbrush. Stephan looked at her as if she had curled herself around his heart to become a part of him. And that was something Marcus could relate to.

  A sad smile came to his face. His emotions churned in his gut, a mixture of happiness and sorrow. Happiness that Kat and Stephan seemed to be in love. Sadness because when they finally admitted it to one another, Marcus would be relegated to the third wheel, the odd man out. He knew Stephan would not tolerate another male near his woman, even if that other man had been her friend long before Stephan came into the picture.

  Marcus cleared his throat. “I hate to break up this beautiful moment,” his voice leaden with sarcasm, “but don’t you think you should be going?” He tapped the watch on his wrist. “The curtain goes up in fifteen.”

  “He’s right.” Stephan dropped Kat’s hands. “We should be leaving.”

  Stephan held her coat as she slipped her arms in, then he shrugged on his black jacket. Marcus watched the Alpha lay his hand on the small of her back and escort her out of the door without so much as a goodbye or see-you-later. Alone, Marcus’ heavy sigh was the only sound in the quiet home.


  They arrived at the theater as the curtain was being drawn and quietly made their way to their assigned green velvet chairs. Kat’s gaze swept the room, taking in the grandeur of the theater from the hunter green drapery that hung along the walls to the ornate crown molding framing the domed ceiling. She looked around at the men, outfitted in dark evening attire and the elegant women dressed in gowns of silk and chiffon. Katrina felt utterly regal sitting among them.

  She quietly gasped as the ballerinas entered the stage. A smug grin of male satisfaction graced Stephan’s face when he looked at her, obviously having heard the intake of breath. He looked so self-assured and confident. Sexy. Kat quickly looked back at the stage when her cheeks flushed.

  The dancers wore white fluffy tutus with white feathers that circled their heads like halos. They pranced gracefully on their toes. The arms of the ballerinas fluttered elegantly while the premier danseur, dressed in white and gold, twirled the prima ballerina in his strong arms as she stood on point.

  Never had Kat seen anything more graceful. Swan Lake was her favorite ballet, and that alone would have made the evening enjoyable, but the joy she felt while she watched them perform it expertly made her heart soar.

  As the ballet continued, Kat observed the sorcerer, von Rothbart, capture the Princess Odette and turn her into a swan by day. Completely engrossed, her fists tightened in her lap. She wept softly when Prince Siegfried became smitten with Odette and vowed to save her.

  Katrina sat mesmerized by the charming performers and felt a little bereft when the curtain lowered on Act Two for intermission. Stephan gently wiped the tear that ran down her cheek with the pad of his thumb.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to cry, it’s just so beautiful. I’ve never seen a group of dancers so graceful before.”

  Stephan leaned over, warm air from his mouth brushed her ear as he whispered, “I think you would look beautiful dancing the part of Odette.” She blushed. “These particular performers look so graceful because most of them aren’t ordinary dancers. They are like Marcus and me.”

  “You mean they are…” Kat hesitated, knowing she shouldn’t say the word vampire out loud in public.

  “Yes, and so is the owner, Nicholai Peterhof.”

  “Well that explains a lot.” Kat smiled. “I think I better go to the powder room and freshen up before the intermission is over. Excuse me, please.”

  Stephan rose with Kat. Her backside brushed against him as she passed between his body and the row in front of them, causing a rush of exquisite heat to flood her body. He made an audible inhale at the unintentional touch. She looked back over her shoulder, found his eyes had darkened with lust briefly before he shook his head ruefully as she made her way down the aisle.

  Kat stood in the elegant power room, touching up her makeup, when a sultry brunette, dressed in a low-cut green gown, moved beside her to wash her hands. Katrina suddenly flinched as cold water hit her arm from the faucet in front of the brunette.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Here.” The woman handed Kat a paper towel.

  “That’s okay. It only got my arm. No harm done.” Kat glanced at the woman, and the hairs on the nape of her neck rose. Something about those reddish-brown eyes were not right. They looked afire, intense…evil, Kat realized. Her stomach knotted.

  Kat fought the urge to recoil in fear, took the offered towel and wiped her arm dry, watching the woman leave the restroom. Wanting to give the brunette plenty of time to return to her seat so Kat wouldn’t have to run into her in the theater, Kat waited several minutes before she herself left.

  When she returned to her seat beside Stephan, his body immediately coiled tight in full protection mode, as if ready to pounce. He glanced around them, eyes roaming the crowd seemingly in search of the danger.

  He leaned over to whisper in her ear. “I can smell your fear. What happened?”

  “Nothing,” she hissed. Her hands clenched the handbag in her lap.

  “Come on, Kitten,” he coaxed, covering her hands with his. His thumb rubbed soothingly across the back of one hand as he continued. “Please tell me what scared you so much.”

  Kat reluctantly relayed the story of the woman from the bathroom, toying nervously with her purse while she spoke. “It’s not like she did anything. It was just those eyes.”

  Her voice trailed off as the curtain rose on Act Three. Stephan placed his arm around her shoulders and drew her close. She nestled into the comfort of his strong body, allowing his warmth to surround her, melt her tension so her attention focused once again on the drama onstage.

  Kat wanted to cheer at the end of Act Four when the swans drove Von Rothbart and Odile into the water to drown. Then once again she found herself softly weeping as she watched the spirits of Prince Siegfried and Odette ascend into the heavens above Swan Lake, their spirits united in death. Stephan gently wiped the tears from her cheeks with the pocket square from his tux. His hand rested a moment on her cheek.

  “So sad,” Katrina murmured as the curtain came down on the final act. “So romantic, but so sad that they had to die to be together.”

  Stephan forced a smile. “Come, Katrina,” he said, rising as he extended his hand to her. “I have someone I’d like you to meet.”

  “Who?” Katrina placed her hand in his and rose to her feet.

  “Nicholai Peterhof.”

  “The Nicholai Peterhof! As in the owner of the ballet company?” she asked incredulously, her eyes wide.

  Stephan nodded his head. “Yes, that Nicholai Peterhof.”

sp; Chapter 13

  Stephan led Kat by the hand down the row and contemplated Katrina’s tears. He knew a flash of impotency.

  Kat was an amazing woman who should not have to ever shed a tear. It tore at his heart to see her cry, especially knowing he could do nothing to stop it. He cared for her—the delicate, soft, fragile woman walking next to him.

  When they arrived in the aisle, he wiped another tear. The room spun around them when he looked down into her watery gaze. And it hit him. He did more than care for her, he loved her. Loved. Her. The realization staggered him, arresting his hand half down her cheek as he went to wipe another tear away. He tucked the awareness away for closer examination later.

  Stephan laced his fingers with hers, and they made their way through the audience to the back stage door, then through the sea of white tulle and feathers milling around the stage, steering her around the lead dancers. Stephan wanted to be the Prince Siegfried to her Princess Odette. He smiled as he thought about how they could be like the couple in Swan Lake, spirits united in death. If he converted her, through her mortal death, they could live forever, loving each other.

  But she wouldn’t want that, would she? Surely if she wanted to become a vampire she would have asked Marcus to convert her. With a soft sigh, he resigned himself to the fact he might just have to accept what little time her mortal life had left. He knew he would love her until the day she died—he just hoped that he could convince her to make that a very long time.

  What might come would come, for tonight, he would concentrate on taking her sadness by giving her something besides the ballet to think about. He rapped his knuckles on the door marked Authorized Personnel Only, and a deep voice bade them entry.

  Kat seemed to notice Nicholai immediately. How could she not, Stephan supposed. His presence filled the room. At six-foot-five, he stood a head taller than the couple with whom he spoke.

  Stephan slipped into Katrina’s mind like a shadow on a moonlit night, silent and still to find her thinking about another male. His date found Nicholai attractive. Her eyes roamed over the yellow dress shirt he wore, which was unbuttoned half way down his muscular chest, exposing the trail of fine hair that drew her eye downward. Stephan fought to suppress his inner beast which struggled to rise to the surface at the threat Nicholai presented.

  His possessiveness grew as he remained quietly in her mind listening to her thoughts. She found Nicholai’s dark hair attractive, slicked back as it was from the chiseled features of his face. She thought his amber eyes were lit with a passion for life.

  He is the kind of man who makes a woman go weak at the knees, thought Kat, but he’s not my Stephan.

  The threatening growl was stopped in his throat, suppressed by the smug smile that graced Stephan’s face as he give Katrina’s shoulders a quick squeeze, happy in the knowledge that she preferred him to Nicholai. His inner beast settled at the realization. The tension in his shoulders eased slightly.

  They stepped into the room, and the couple turned to face them. Kat froze beside him. Katrina’s muscles tensed beneath his arm, and his gaze quickly fell to her. He watched her, easily discerning her growing discomfort. Stephan’s hand moved to the nape of her neck, messaging it gently.

  Nicholai stepped around the couple, extended his hand to Katrina in welcome. He brought her hand to his lips as he bowed at the waist, placing a kiss on the delicate skin on the back of her hand. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Spencer. Stephan has told me much about you.” His R’s rolled off his tongue in his rich Russian accent. He rose, holding her gaze with his fiery eyes.

  Kat giggled nervously. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too.”

  “Allow me to introduce my companions. This is Gage and Andrea Lucio. Gage, Andrea, this is Stephan von Haas and Katrina Spencer.”

  Stephan glanced at the couple, noticing how Gage’s eyes narrowed slightly. The male watched Stephan carefully, observing the protective way he rubbed his date’s nape.

  Gage extended his hand to Stephan. “It’s nice to meet you…” He looked to Kat. “Both.”

  Kat shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

  “Yes, it’s nice to meet you,” Andrea chimed in. Her voice slid over Stephan’s skin like an oily black mass, making him uncomfortable. There was something off about this couple, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

  “You seem familiar, have we met before?” Gage eyed Kat with an intensity that did nothing to alleviate her tension.

  “I-I don’t believe so. I think I would have remembered.”

  “Huh, I would swear we have met somewhere before,” he said, a look of careful consideration crossed his face briefly before his features lightened. “Perhaps I’m thinking of someone else.”

  Gage turned to his mate. “Andrea, my dear, I think we should be going.” His gazed flicked to Nicholai. “Nicholai, I look forward to seeing you again soon.”

  Andrea crossed the room to join Gage. He encircled her waist with his arm. “Come, my dear.”

  “We didn’t mean to run you off,” Stephan volunteered.

  Gage waved a dismissive hand. “We were just leaving when you knocked. It was nice to meet you both.” After one more concerning glance at Kat, he swept his mate out the door, murmuring in her ear, “I swear I know that woman from somewhere.”

  Stephan pinned Nicholai with an inquisitive look, one eyebrow raised. “That was interesting.”

  Kat took a deep breath and whispered, “That was the woman from the bathroom.”

  Stephan’s instincts all fired at once. Powerful emotions threatened to overcome him. Protect her. See to her safety.

  The woman obviously made Kat as uncomfortable as she’d made him. And her mate was not much better. Stephan was glad they left before Kat mentioned who the female was. He would have been sorely tempted to allow his instincts to take over if she were still in the room. He did not keep the concern from his face when he looked from Kat to Nicholai.

  Now it was Nicholai’s turn to look inquisitive, but not wanting to explain, Stephan distracted him by saying, “What did he mean when he said he looked forward to seeing you again?”

  “He invited me to his home for a meal. He claimed Andrea is a big fan of the ballet and wanted a chance to speak to me, at length, about the company.”

  “You sound as if you don’t believe him.” Stephan observed, astutely deciphering Nicholai’s tone.

  “I’m not sure,” Nicholai mused. “I cannot say precisely why, but I have a feeling there is more to the story than just wanting a friendly dinner.”

  “Perhaps we should meet later and discuss your concerns in depth. Would you like to come to my penthouse for a drink?”

  “I’d be honored,” Nicholai replied, placing one hand over his heart. “Will Marcus be there? I haven’t seen him in years.”

  “More like several decades, my old friend.”

  Nicholai shot a look to Kat. “She knows we’re…?” Nicholai left the question hanging in the air.

  “Yes, she knows we’re vampires.”

  “She’s right here.” Kat placed her hands on her hips. “If you are going to talk about me as if I’m not here, perhaps I should leave.”

  Stephan pulled her into his arms. “I’m sorry, my dear. We didn’t mean to be rude.”

  Watching the two hold each other in a lover’s embrace, a warm grin lit Nicholai’s face. “Ah, ‘the world is full of beauty when the heart is full of love.’” He brushed a hand over his blue-black hair.

  “That’s a quote from W.L. Smith, isn’t it?” asked Stephan, raising his head with a smile on his lips.

  “You are correct, my friend. It is nice to see you so happy.”

  “I am that.” Stephan looked back down into Kat’s gray-blue eyes. “So very happy.” He squeezed her tightly to his chest.

  “Shall we sit?” offered Nicholai, moving toward the brown couch that lay against one wall in the room.

  “I’m afraid we need to get back home. Cinderella here might turn into
a pumpkin.” Kat hit the solid wall of his chest in protest. “Will you be able to come to the penthouse tomorrow night?”

  “I’ll be there with…How does the saying go…chimes on?”

  Kat giggled. “Close. I believe you were looking for bells. Be there with bells on.”

  “Ah yes, well either way, I’ll be there tinkling.”

  Kat and Stephan were still chuckling when they left Nicholai and headed for home.

  Marcus greeted them at the door. “How was it, Kitty Kat?”

  “It was the most graceful, beautiful, sad, romantic thing I have ever seen,” she gushed.

  “Could you think of any more words to describe it?” Marcus teased.

  “Oh yes, gorgeous, majestic, dramatic…”

  “Okay, okay, I get the point.” Marcus raised his hands out in a consolatory gesture.

  Kat pirouetted, her gown flaring out slightly as she twirled into Stephan’s open arms. He rested his chin on her head. “I’m glad you enjoyed the ballet.”

  Kat laid her head against his chest. “I loved it. I truly loved it. Oh Stephan, thank you so much for taking me. I’m so happy.”

  Stephan pulled back slightly and looked down onto her glowing face. “I’d do anything to make you happy, Kitten. Just name it. And I’ll do it.”

  Kat kissed him, a kiss that said all she didn’t. He felt her pour her love, her happiness, her very soul into that kiss. Telling him she belonged to him. She broke the kiss when a yawn threatened to overtake her. Stephan easily sensed her growing fatigue.

  “You look sleepy, Kitten.”

  Kat stretched, and lifted her arms above her head. Looking at him through heavy-lidded eyes, she said, “I guess I am.”

  Katrina glanced down at the watch on Stephan’s wrist. Her eyes widened slightly. “I hadn’t realized how late it was. I guess I’ll go to bed. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight.” Stephan gave her another quick kiss.

  “Goodnight,” echoed Marcus, as she pulled out of Stephan’s arms.


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