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Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles)

Page 21

by Brenda Sparks

  The crowd erupted with female cat calls and laughter.

  “That’s original.” Marcus took a sip of his bourbon. “Okay, now that’s funny,” he continued, tipping his glass toward the next contestant.

  “Next is Shark Attack,” the emcee announced. A blonde woman walked across the stage wearing a bikini top and a shark. The costume had been designed to look like the shark was eating her from the bottom up, her chest and head stuck out of its open mouth.

  “This damsel is in real distress. She might need mouth to mouth. Any takers?” the emcee asked as the noise from the crowd turned deeply masculine.

  “I wouldn’t mind giving her a little mouth to mouth,” Marcus volunteered. Nicholai lifted his glass in a salute of agreement and downed the rest of his vodka tonic.

  “How about mouth to mouth with her?” he asked Marcus sarcastically as the next person walked on stage.

  An out of shape, middle-aged man, dressed in a two piece showgirl outfit walked across the stage. A red feather boa and feathered headpiece completed his white and red sequined outfit. “Meet Ooh La La Lola,” said the emcee, pausing to allow the man to exit the stage as the crowd applauded. “This next one is a killer. Killer B that is.”

  Out walked a woman in a large letter B. She held a bloody knife in one hand while blood dripped down her face as well as the B costume.

  “We all like pigs in a blanket, but I never knew they could be so cute,” said the emcee as a pretty red head with freckles all over her face came out wrapped in a blue blanket that had the heads of cute piglets attached to it.

  “Now there is a pig in a blanket I could really sink my teeth into.” Marcus smiled an evil grin.

  Stephan laughed. “You always have had a thing for redheads.”

  Kat took a sip of her drink as the emcee announced, “Now this one is for you ladies.”

  A man dressed up as a medieval knight walked slowly out onto the stage to a round of feminine cat calls. He wore a chainmail tunic that hung well past his knees. As he reached the center of the stage, he lifted the chainmail to reveal an extremely large penis, the size of a log, sewn onto his groin of the costume. “A Knight to Remember,” joked the emcee. Another round of feminine cat calls went out.

  Kat laughed so hard she nearly spit her drink all over Stephan. She seemed to be having the time of her life. And he had to admit, he was having a blast this Halloween—thanks to her. Stephan reached over and placed his hand on her knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

  “And now last but not least, we have Deviled Egg,” the emcee announced as a man walked out on the stage. Dressed in an egg shaped costume, with his arms and legs poked out of the fabric, he looked ridiculous. The costume was white with a yellow circle yoke in the stomach area. A pair of big red devil horns attached to the head and a pointed red tail that hung down in the back completed the costume. The man’s face stuck through the material just under where the horns attached.

  Marcus and Nicholai’s laughing stopped abruptly and realization crossed their faces in the same instance. When both men quieted, Stephan sensed the tension rolling between them. The two males turned to look at each other in unison.

  “That’s…” started Nicholai.

  “I know” stated Marcus.

  Stephan, we have a problem. That egg is one of Gage’s men. Alvero.

  Stephan sent his senses flaring out through the club. He could feel three distinct vampires one of which currently stood on stage. His heart clenched in his chest, threatening to stop its beating as he realized Katrina may be in danger. He berated himself to not being more vigilant and monitoring the club all evening. He should have known there were other vampires in the building. He’d allowed his feelings for Katrina to distract him.

  It will not happen again, he vowed to himself

  Marcus, we need to get Kat out of here, now, before he sees her or recognizes one of us, Stephan ordered. Marcus’ concern passed across the mindlink, flooding Stephan with dread.

  I agree. Marcus nodded his head.

  Stephan leaned over and whispered into Kat’s ear. “We need to leave, sweetheart.”

  “Why?” Kat looked at him questioningly, the smile fading from her lips.

  “That egg is one of Lucio’s men. We need to get out of here before he realizes who we are.” Stephan pulled the red hood over Kat’s blonde locks. Tucked it around her face, relieved her costume had come with a mask. She held the hood closed at her chin with one hand as her other hand found his.

  After sliding from the booth and leaving a generous tip, the group made its way toward the exit. Marcus and Stephan flanked Katrina on each side with Nicholai taking up the rear of the group. He glanced several times at the stage as they made their way out of the club to be sure the vampire didn’t notice them.

  Stephan knew it was a bad idea to go out. He had said as much to Kat and Marcus, but he allowed his emotions for Kat to overrule his common sense. He silently cursed himself for allowing her to be placed in potential danger once again. His mind dreamt up all kinds of scary scenarios which could have happened if Gage’s guard had spotted them. For all he knew, other guards might be watching them while they stood waiting for the valet to bring his car around. He scanned the surrounding area looking for anything out of the ordinary.

  As he kept a wary eye out for trouble, he realized that as long as Gage was alive his Katrina would never be safe. He would forever be looking over his shoulder. Stephan turned toward Nicholai. “Contact Demetri and ask him to meet us at the penthouse. We need to talk.”

  Chapter 31

  The car ride back to the penthouse had been a silent sprint. Stephan wove in and out of traffic, his only concern getting back to the relative safety of his home. He wanted Kat tucked away safe from the potential eyes of his enemy. As he drove, he kept a wary eye on the rear view mirror the entire ride, watching for any signs that they were being followed.

  Stephan ruminated on the close call while he, Nicholai, and Marcus sat in the living room facing each other. No one spoke. Each warrior seemed lost in his own thoughts about the female who stood out on the terrace taking in deep gulps of air. With her arms wrapped around her chest, she stared out over the strip.

  Stephan tore his eyes away from his lover. “What did Demetri say when you contacted him, Nicholai?”

  “He was with Vlad. They were going to pick up Alex on the way here.”

  Marcus crossed his leg bringing his ankle to rest on his opposite knee. “So when are the other Alphas due to arrive?”

  As if in answer to Marcus’ question, the buzzer rang, and Stephan went to usher the new arrivals into the penthouse. He opened the heavy door wide and greeted the three males standing on the other side in the way of warriors, by clasping each one in turn by the forearms. Demetri entered first quietly making his way to the living room to join Nicholai and Marcus.

  Alexander Hall was the next to enter. The youngest of the Alphas at barely over one hundred years old, he wore jeans and a T-shirt. After shrugging out of his leather jacket, he ran a hand through his short blond hair. He was unusually silent as he made his way toward the living room.

  Vladimir Starikovich followed him through the door and into the living room. Unlike Alexander, Vladimir was a man of few words. While not the biggest man on the team, he was very strong and cunning. Living in Siberia taught him survival skills none of the others had. Skills which had come in handy more than once. He wore his black hair cut in a military crew style and dressed in all black that would, if needed, allow him to slip into a shadow becoming nothing more than darkness.

  After greeting his fellow Alphas, Vlad sunk into one of the black leather couches, careful to position himself toward an exit. Stephan watched the six-foot-six Siberian warrior rub his stubbled head, then clasp his hands behind it.

  Alex grasped Stephan then Marcus by the forearms and said “It is good to see ya, friends.” His southern twang drew the last word out making it sing-songy.

  “It’s good to see y
ou both,” said Marcus, glancing from Alexander to Vladimir.

  “Da, I agree,” Vlad replied efficiently, as was his way.

  “Hey, where’s Michael?” asked Alexander taking notice of the only missing Alpha.

  Stephan straightened. “My plane was delayed in Savannah due to the weather, so Michael will not be able to join us this evening.”

  “Michael always was the last to arrive,” observed Vlad, his thick Siberian accent making the W’s sound like V’s.

  “That’s true,” agreed Stephan. “Let me get right to the point.”

  The Alphas listened while he succinctly relayed the events of the past few days, beginning with the confrontation with Gage and ending with the costume contest. Vlad nodded at Demetri with respect when Stephan relayed how the Alpha had rescued Katrina from being abducted.

  Alex smiled knowingly at Stephan when he talked about Kat, probably because his voice went soft when he spoke her name. He couldn’t help it. He was in love. And Alex apparently approved.

  “So where do we go from here, comrade?” asked Demetri leaning forward to rest his thick forearms on his thighs.

  “I’m not sure. Do you have any ideas?” Stephan asked.

  Demetri nodded. “I suggest you convert her to make her stronger, less vulnerable.”

  Alexander gestured at the portrait of vampiric Kat hanging on the wall with a jerk of his thumb. “I thought she was a vampire.”

  “No. She is mortal,” Marcus informed Alex.

  Alexander looked perplexed. “But you said she fought one of Gage’s guards.”

  A prideful look adorned Stephan’s face. “She did. Marcus has been teaching her how to fight. But she was lucky, caught the male off guard. If Demetri hadn’t arrived when he did, I’m afraid things would have turned out much different.” Bile rose from his stomach.

  “That’s why you should convert her,” Demetri repeated.

  “I don’t know. I don’t think Kat will go for that,” assumed Marcus.

  Stephan raised an eyebrow. “Have you spoken with her before about converting?”

  “No, but I’ve known her for a long time. I can’t imagine she would be willing to be drained. She has a phobia about such things.”

  Stephan nodded in agreement. “I’ve been in her head. I know how much she is frightened of the idea of someone drinking from her. I don’t think she will want to do what is necessary to turn.”

  “Why don’t you just force her?” Demetri said with an incredulous voice, as he leaned back against the couch and crossed his arms across his chest. “Why give her a choice in the matter? Simply decide what is best, then take care of your mate. Once it is done, she will learn to accept it.”

  “First of all, I have more respect for her feelings then to force the conversion on her.” Anger furrowed his brows as Stephan explained. “And secondly, I don’t know for sure that she is my mate.”

  “You mean you haven’t drunk from her yet?” asked Alex, his eyes wide in astonishment.

  Vlad cursed in Russian and scrubbed a thoughtful hand over the scruff of his dark goatee.

  “No, I haven’t,” admitted Stephan, straightening his spine in defiance. “As I said, she has a phobia about anyone drinking from her, and I have respected her wishes by not taking from her vein.” Stephan swung a pointed glance toward Marcus when Vlad shook his head in disbelief.

  Ever the warrior, Demetri suggested, “If she will not convert, then I suggest we remove the threat and take out Gage.”

  Stephan looked to Demetri. Now that was a suggestion he would entertain. He nodded his head slowly. “That may be our only option.”


  Kat stood out on the terrace, the cool air chilling her to the bone, and tried to calm her turbulent feelings. The emotions seemed strange, as if they belonged to someone else. She felt anxious, vengeful. A desperate fear crept up her spine, sending tiny shivers throughout her body.

  She replayed the previous night’s events and the hairs on the back of her neck rose. If Demetri hadn’t arrived in time, she would have died at the hands of the guard. She knew she owed Demetri her life, and she had yet to thank him. She silently chastised herself for ever fearing him. She now realized that he was willing to put his own safety at risk to protect her, keep her safe. She owed him a thank you, and she intended to give it to him now before she lost her courage to face him.

  Kat squared her shoulders, opened the sliding glass door and stepped into the living room. The presence of power hit her squarely as she entered, practically knocking her back on her heels. As she crossed the room, all eyes turned on her, pinning her under their intense gaze.

  “Hello,” she said hesitantly, then allowed Stephan to gather her to his side.

  “Hello, sweetheart.” He gave her waist a squeeze. “I believe there are some people here who you have not met yet. This is Alexander Hall.”

  “Hello, Alexander.” Katrina extended her hand to the handsome blond.

  “Hello, Miss Katrina. It’s nice to meet ya.” Alex stood and shook her hand with vigor as he gave a broad smile that flashed his perfect white teeth. “And please, call me Alex.”

  “And this is Vladimir Starikovich,” Stephan said when Kat released Alex’s hand.

  She looked over at the man sitting on the couch. Vlad was leanly muscular; well defined, but not bulky. The black T-shirt and jeans he wore hugged his body showing off his muscles in a way Kat found rather sexy. With his angular face and goatee, he looked like the devil himself as he leaned back in his seat, his long legs stretched out before him crossed at the ankles.

  Vlad stood, took her hand, and bowed deeply in courtly greeting over her hand. “Salutations,” he said simply, before he sank back down onto the padded black leather.

  “Nice to meet you,” she murmured, feeling a stir in the air, like something crawling over her skin. It made her uncomfortable.

  Kat looked up into her lover’s eyes. She’d had every intention of thanking Demetri, but she instinctually knew now was not the time. “I can see you all are talking. I was just passing through on my way upstairs. It’s been a long night. I thought I’d go take a bath.”

  “Of course, Kitten. I’ll join you soon.” Stephan gave her a quick kiss on her forehead before releasing her.

  Demetri watched Kat ascend the staircase and disappear from sight. “There may be another option,” he said quietly.

  “What would that be?” asked Stephan, hope lightening his voice.

  “We could send her away. Keep her somewhere safe.”

  Stephan rubbed his chin. Before he could respond, Marcus said, “No. No, I won’t let you send her away.” Fear thickened his voice and it dropped to a menacing tone.

  Nicholai raised a hand toward Marcus. “I think we need to hear all options,” he said sensibly. “I believe it is called brain-squalling.”

  A smile took Alex’s face. “I think you mean brainstorming.”

  “Yes, that is what I meant, brainstorming,” Nicholai looked back at Stephan.

  The warrior nodded his head once, knowing the Alpha’s suggestion made sense. “Of course you are right, Nicholai. There’s no harm in hearing ideas. Go ahead, Demetri.”

  “If we were to send her away, it would keep her safe from the threats in our world and give us time to deal with Gage.”

  Vladimir spoke up. “Demetri makes sense. If she will not convert so she can be strong and safe, then send her away where she will be safe.”

  Stephan murmured, “It is the fact that she has been drawn into our dark world that has made her unsafe.” His eyes found the vampire he had sired. “Marcus, can’t you see that?”

  Marcus lowered his eyes to the ground. Like a stubborn child, he refused to agree.

  “Where could we send her?” asked Demetri.

  “I know of a place. I have a friend with a ranch in Utah. I could see if she could go there. Rusty is trustworthy and always looking for help on the ranch,” Alex offered.

  Marcus straightened in his
chair. “That won’t work. We can’t send her away. She’ll miss us and want to come back.”

  Stephan began to pace as he murmured, “Right back into the dangers of our world.”

  “That is why her memory will need to be wiped,” Demetri reasoned.

  Marcus’ eyes widened, his hands fisted by his sides. “You mean wipe all her memories of us. That’s seven years of memories. It’s too dangerous. It could destroy her mind.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that.” Stephan raked a hand down his handsome face. Erase her memories. Memories of him. Of their time together.

  “If you don’t know how, comrade, I can do it for you,” offered Demetri, obviously misunderstanding his reluctance.

  “No,” Stephan bit out between clenched teeth, his jaw muscle twitching. He would never allow anyone else to enter her mind that deeply. He trusted no one but himself to do the deed if it had to be done—not that he wanted to do it. “If it must be done, I’ll be the one to do it.”

  Both Marcus and Demetri were correct, if he didn’t erase her memories of them, it wouldn’t matter where they sent her, Kat would come right back to their dangerous world.

  “Maybe it won’t be necessary. Maybe she would be willing to convert,” Marcus offered, a hopeful look on his face.

  Nicholai clasped a hand down on Stephan’s shoulder. “In the words of Emerson, give all to love; obey thy heart.” Stephan looked at Nicholai in confusion. “In other words do what you have to do for the one you love, even though it may not be easy.” After he nodded his understanding, Nicholai continued, “I am sorry you have such a difficult decision. I hope she will convert for you. I do not envy your tasks.”

  “I’ll talk to her tonight and ask her to convert. If she refuses, then I’ll call Alex and he can arrange a safe place for her to go.” Stephan desperately hoped her love for him would be strong enough to convince her to convert if for no other reason than to be with him for centuries, but knowing how deeply rooted her phobia was, he tried to resign himself to accept the plan Fate had in store for him—whatever it may be. He glanced in the direction of his bedroom, apprehension twisting his gut.


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