Lily's Trust

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Lily's Trust Page 13

by Lilli Carlisle

  Net continued to fight until Beth’s body fell to the ground. She ran to Beth, her hands glowing as Net placed them on her friend’s face. Lily could see the glow from Net’s hands going into Beth and almost instantly the alpha began to morph back into her previous self.

  Lily hadn’t even seen Vengier move before he was looming over his sister. With his empty hand, Vengier fisted Net’s hair and ripped her away from Beth before slamming her to the ground.

  Lily struggled to help but was stuck to the spot. She kept trying to remember that this happened hundreds of years ago and there was nothing she could do. However, the rage and anguish she felt was real.

  “You and your love for these creatures disgust me. You’ve made your choice. Now I must make mine. Let’s see how much they love you back.” Without a second thought, he punched the orb into Net’s chest. A language Lily didn’t recognize flowed from his thin lips as Net struggled to break free. As Vengier spoke the last word, Net’s chest glowed even brighter before closing around the orb, making it part of her body. Then it healed as if the trauma had never happened.

  Vengier stood back, a smug expression on his face. “Net, the Divine Mother no more. The giver of life is now and forever more the harbinger of death. You will pull the life out of every living creature you near. Nevertheless, don’t worry, sister. Considering you love these animals so much, I’ve cursed you to remain here among them. Slowly, over time, you will drain the life out of this pack and its people.”

  “Bastard, I’ll kill you myself,” Net roared as she jumped to her feet and raked her nails across the uninjured side of Vengier’s face before grabbing his arm and throwing him across the clearing.

  She ran toward Bain but her brother’s words stopped her. “Touch him and you’ll destroy what little life he has left.”

  Net froze, and she reached out to the leaves of a nearby maple tree. They dried up and floated to the ground at her slightest touch. The stricken look on her face made Vengier laugh even louder.

  “Enjoy your new prison, baby sister,” he jeered before vanishing.

  Net slumped to the ground, causing the grass around her to turn brown and die. Her sobs tore at Lily and she wished she could comfort her. A flash of light appeared beside Bain before taking shape into the biggest wolf Lily had ever seen. She wasn’t sure how his black fur seemed to pulse with light, but it was stunning.

  “Fenrir, don’t come any closer to me. I’ve been cursed and am no longer safe to be near,” Net warned as Fenrir moved closer to Bain. “Is there anything you can do to save him?”

  He is past that stage, Net. I am sorry. A deep, calming voice filled the area.

  “I would do anything to save him.”

  Would you sacrifice your existence?

  “Yes.” There was no hesitation.

  Fenrir seemed to study Net for a moment before saying, I believe you would. He would have to be reborn, but the damage to his spine may not repair itself and he would not remember you or what occurred here. No one in the pack will remember him and Bain will no longer be your mate in this life or any others.

  Lily felt the agony, the longing as Net raised her hand as if reaching for her mate before pulling it back. “Agreed, you may take my life.”

  No, but I will accept your physical existence. Net’s body seemed to evaporate into the shadow Lily was more familiar with. In this form, your touch will not be deadly but there is nothing I can do about the ‘Zura’ inside you. I’ve slowed the pace at which you’ll draw life from this land but I alone cannot reverse its effects.

  Net hovered closer to Bain’s body, careful not to touch him with her shadow. Thank you, Fenrir.

  As the world dimmed around her, Lily was consumed by the need to see Jensgar. She wanted to be back with her mate. She’d let her pride and fear consume her, always pushing herself to prove she was good enough, strong enough. Lily had always tried to make herself worthy—worthy of her omega powers, worthy of true love, worthy of Jensgar and of leading a pack.

  Now, all she wished for was her mate.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jensgar held Lily tight as she continued to sleep. It had been two days since Net’s visit and his mate had yet to wake up. Doc had been in several times to check on her, and after the first bag of blood had been administered, he declared Lily physically fine. If she were fine, she wouldn’t still be asleep. He’d yelled enough at the doctor that now he kept this opinion to himself.

  He knew he was getting close to inconsolable, and the pack members respectfully gave him a wide berth, knowing that having an injured mate was excruciatingly painful. His wolf had been growly since finding their mate slumped over on their bed. Now that Jensgar had opened the bond between them, he could feel her emotions and sense her chaotic thoughts.

  It was new and imperfect but he managed to catch glimpses and feelings. The confusion, fear and rage surprised him at first, but what concerned him most was Lily’s growing sadness. It weighed heavy, causing him to pull her even closer in the dim predawn light coming in the bedroom window.

  Ceva had left eighteen hours ago in search of Net and had yet to return. They hoped to have more answers when Lily finally awoke. To that end, Ceva had placed a slim gold band around his mate’s wrist that would alert Ceva when Lily woke, saying it was faster than any call could hope to be.

  Marcus, Amalia, Thomas, Katrina and Bain, among others, had come to visit for news of any changes and to keep Jensgar company during his vigil. His wolf had gone over the top, in complete protection mode and Jensgar was having a hard time not growling when anyone moved too close to Lily. The doctor’s visits were their own kind of hell.

  The first inkling of consciousness shocked him, but the second had him rolling Lily onto her back and hovering over her searching for any movement. Her long lashes quivered before her beautiful blue eyes opened wide. Shock quickly blended into relief, as her eyes softened and she threw her arms around his neck.

  “I’m back,” Lily cried. “I missed you so much. I love you, Jensgar.”

  He could feel hot tears running down his cheeks. “I love you too, my mate. Don’t ever leave me again. I don’t think I could survive it.”

  “Our bond…it feels different,” Lily stated as she looked up at him with so much love.

  “Yes, I got my head on straight and fixed it.” He smiled at her sheepishly.

  Lily reached up and caressed the side of his face. “You’re not the only one needing forgiveness.”

  “Yeah, yeah…you’re both sorry, blah, blah, blah. I want answers,” Ceva’s voice echoed in the room, causing both Jensgar and Lily to moan at the interruption. “Oh, stuff the moaning. You scared me, young lady, and I don’t like the feeling much.”

  “She woke up a moment ago. You couldn’t give us five minutes?” Jensgar asked as he helped Lily sit up and lean against the headboard.

  “You’ll have plenty of time after we figure out a way to stop Net,” Ceva declared before sitting in a chair that had been set beside the bed.

  “No,” Lily almost growled, putting Jensgar on alert.

  “Honey, she’s the one who keeps doing this—whatever it is, to you. She has to be stopped,” Ceva explained as if she were talking to a frightened child.

  The corners of Lily’s mouth perked up as if she were fighting back a smile. “Yes, mother. I am aware of what she does.”

  Ceva huffed and threw her hands into the air. “If you’re not confused, then you’re insane because this has to end.”

  “Trust me, I’m neither.”

  Jensgar gently turned Lily’s face for her to look at him. “What’s changed, love?”

  “Everything,” Lily declared, then she told her love and Ceva what she’d seen and heard in the vision Net had transferred to Lily.

  Jensgar listened intently, unsure what to think of this new information, but pushed the questions aside to puzzle out later. The moment Ceva disappeared his need to care for his mate kicked into high gear. He and his wolf refused to m
ove more than a few feet away from her, and it seemed Lily felt the same way.

  Food was delivered to their bedroom because Lily had to be hungry, though she hadn’t complained once. As soon as she had eaten her fill, Jensgar began to fill the tub so that they could soak her cramped muscles from days of lying motionless.

  With Lily in his arms, he sank down into the hot water, scented with lavender oil to help ease Lily’s aches. They exchanged soft kisses and touches but neither spoke as their bond settled into place. The depth of their connection joined them on a level more intimate then any words could ever attempt to convey.

  Later that night they made love slowly, exploring each other with gentle touches as if they’d been apart for years and not days. Their shared passion increased as their physical and emotional senses merged into a haze that neither wished to end.

  As the dawn of a new day flooded their bedroom with its warm glow, Jensgar held his mate close and formulated a new plan.

  This curse had to be stopped.


  Bain was white as a sheet and shaking. This had to be the worst plan ever. Lily brought him a glass of water as the remainder of the people in the conference room sat in stunned silence. Ceva and King Leonidas had joined them with members of the Royal Guard, as Lily broke the news to Bain, Katrina, Amalia, Thomas, Marcus and the remainder of their warriors. Lily thought informing the rest of the pack would be catastrophic, considering they were under a curse and all that it meant. She didn’t want to cause panic.

  Lily wished she could take the stricken look from Katrina’s face but knew nothing she said would help. She’d known Bain and Katrina had grown closer over the time they’d been living here. Even Marcus seemed content for the first time. The three had become inseparable, and now this.

  “Net,” Bain repeated the name aloud for the first time. “We were mates until I died and was reborn by Fenrir.”

  Lily couldn’t come up with anything else to say, so she went with the truth. “Yes.”

  “And I’m paralyzed due to a god named Vengier.” Bain’s voice was eerily cold.

  “Yes.” Lily didn’t like the look in his eyes.

  “I want to meet her,” Bain said without emotion.

  Marcus gathered Katrina into his arms and they left the room without looking back. Lily imagined the three had quite the difficult time ahead of them if what they had between them survived.

  “We will be returning to the forest today to have a discussion with Net, at a distance that won’t adversely affect us,” Jensgar explained and Lily couldn’t help but smile as her mate pulled her chair closer.

  “We need to find a way to remove the curse to restore the land and set Net free. That is the only way to save the Evergreen pack,” Lily stated before turning to Ceva to continue.

  “Fenrir is oddly silent on the matter,” Ceva began. “However, I was able to uncover information on Gamal, or as he prefers, Vengier, and Net. Net is a goddess of the forest. Her brother Vengier is a god of beauty. That was until he killed Fenrir’s mate and was scarred in the ensuing battle. Over millennia Vengier was driven to madness and blamed wolf shifters for his ruin.”

  “But he killed Fenrir’s mate. The bastard deserved worse than what he got,” Chris huffed in disgust.

  “Yes, he did, but Vengier disappeared after cursing his sister. Rumors have placed him on a parallel plane, but as of yet I have not been able to find him.” Ceva stretched her black wings wide, checked the many weapons strapped to her body and continued. “I will carry on with my search while you have your discussion with Net.” She vanished without further discussion. Ceva wasn’t much on formalities.

  “Thomas and Amalia will stay here to oversee the pack in case something happens to us.” Lily said as Jensgar growled fiercely.

  “Nothing will happen to you,” he stated with confidence.

  “We have to be prepared for every scenario,” Lily assured as she twined her fingers with his. “But I don’t intend for any of us to get hurt.”

  “We’ll be taking my Royal Guard and half of your warriors with us,” King Leonidas announced. “The remaining warriors will stay to protect the pack. We don’t know what to expect, but all precautions will be taken.”

  Jensgar and Lily stood as a unit. They were a team, this was their pack and they would do whatever it took to save it.


  The forest was much the same as in her vision. Even though she had been here before, Lily hadn’t had the time to notice the little things she’d seen in the vision. The way the ground slopped gently, how extensive the trails were, or the leaves and branches reaching out to her. She couldn’t help but run her fingers over the colorful petals as Jensgar kept hold of her other hand.

  The warriors spread out, while the king, Jensgar, Bain and Lily remained on the trail. There had been no sign of Net and the sun was now low in the sky. They’d have to turn around soon and try another day. Lily decided to give it one more try.

  “Come on, Net, we came here to talk. We need to try to figure out a way to break the curse. The least you could do is make an appearance,” Lily yelled into the dense forest, having lost her patience long ago.

  There is no way to break it. Only my death can reverse the damage done to the land. I’ve tried to figure out a way to do the job myself, but in this form, it is impossible. Net’s voice bounced off the trees and echoed around them.

  “There has to be a way,” Jensgar growled. “We will not allow this pack to die out.”

  “Show yourself,” Bain ordered with barely contained anger. “After all this time, show yourself.”

  Her shadowy outline appeared many yards away before his last syllable was spoken. Bain began wheeling himself in that direction until Jensgar stood in his way.

  “You can’t go any closer to her. She could drain the life out of you.”

  Warriors stepped out of the trees, but all gave Net space, not wanting to end up on the ground unconscious.

  “I want answers,” Bain growled. “I’ve been coming here for centuries and you never once showed yourself or spoke. All those years of wondering who I was, where I came from, why the only thing I could remember was my name, and you had the answers all along.”

  It would have done more damage for you to know.

  “More damage…” Bain’s voice broke as he waved his arms over the wheels of his chair.

  Lily lost track of the conversation as their strong emotions beat at her like a drum. Jensgar sensed her distress and soon she was back in her mate’s arms.

  The hurt, anger and regret felt as if it was being poured into her. Lily knew the love they had once shared. She had felt it. The loss of that tore at her until a tear slipped down her cheek and fell to the ground.

  A deep rumble was their only warning as the earth shook and rolled. Cries and shouts were almost deafened by the earth’s roar. Jensgar covered her body with his own, protecting her from the falling branches and debris.

  As quickly as it began, all movement and noise ceased, leaving an eerie silence in its place. Slowly Jensgar rose and helped Lily to her feet. Dust was still floating in the air, making it difficult to make out the other people in their group.

  “Are you hurt?” Jensgar asked as his hands travelled up and down Lily’s body to check for injuries.

  “No, I’m fine. What about you?”

  “A few cuts and bruises, but they’ll heal,” Jensgar answered before his eyes shifted to something over Lily’s shoulder. “Shit.”

  Lily turned to face whatever was behind her only to gasp in shock. “Net?”

  The stunning woman she’d seen in her vision stared back at her with disbelieving eyes. Net was semi-transparent now and Lily could make out a lot of her features even with the remaining shadows.

  A growl caught Lily’s attention as a large silver wolf came to stand beside her. She looked over to see Bain’s overturned wheelchair and torn clothing. He must have shifted during the earthquake. Though she knew Bain could shift and hav
e full use of his body, this was the first time Lily had seen it.

  What have you done? Net asked as she held her hands out in front of her in shock.

  “I haven’t done anything,” Lily shot back.

  Jensgar’s arm wrapped around Lily’s waist, making her turn her head up to look at him. Her mate’s eyes were locked onto one of the trees, which was now glowing yellow. Warriors surrounded them as Jensgar began leading her further away from it. The bark began to break apart and turn to ash, raining down into piles around its roots and leaving behind a vile creature.


  Net still remained a good distance away as to not take anyone’s life force, but the pure hate in her eyes was unmistakable.

  “Now, who do we have here?” The scars on both sides of Vengier’s face crinkled in a macabre fashion when he smiled. It gave Lily the creeps and made her skin crawl.

  Vengier, you bastard. You’ve been hiding inside that tree all this time.

  “Yes, but not hiding. I’ve received centuries of satisfaction as I watched you mourn these dogs, as the land dried up and died around you. I basked in your pain, day after day and no one was the wiser. The great Fenrir couldn’t even track me down.”

  “You really are an asshole.” The words were out of Lily’s mouth before she even registered that she was going to speak. Damn.

  Jensgar quickly placed Lily behind him and the warriors moved in closer. Even Bain stood in front of them, snarling at Vengier.

  “And there’s the girl of the hour,” he mocked. “Come to save the dying pack and set my sister free. I don’t think so.”

  With a flick of his finger, Vengier threw each of the warriors, the king and Jensgar to the far side of the clearing. Lily ran to Jensgar’s unmoving body, the replay of events from long ago was not lost on her. Mid-stride, Lily was picked up into the air and squeezed as she hovered several feet above the ground.

  Net surged forward and slammed a massive tree limb crashing into Vengier’s body and dropping Lily to the ground. The hard ground stung her back but she knew nothing was broken and surged to her feet ready for the next attack.


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