Dylan and Kimo

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Dylan and Kimo Page 2

by David O. Sullivan

  Dylan shook his head. “Did I drink too much at dinner? I don’t see anything.”

  “It’s invisible. I had a hell of a time rolling it.” He put the imaginary cigarette between his lips and used invisible matches to light it as a trooper’s car pulled up.

  Officer Washburn stepped out, securing her hat. “Oh, it’s you guys. I saw you fall down and wanted to see if you’re okay.”

  They laughed. Dylan greeted her with a grand smile. “Officer Washburn, we’re fine. How nice of you to check on us, and nice to see you again.”

  She stepped closer. “You gentlemen okay?”

  The guys glanced at each other and smirked. Kimo held his hand toward her with thumb and index finger pinched. “Yeah, we’re cool. We were just smoking a joint. Want some?”

  She titled her head like a confused dog, but half a smile crept to her face.

  Dylan cut in. “If you don’t see it, Trooper, it’s because it’s invisible. Kimo lit it with invisible matches.”

  She laughed and crossed her arms. “Unless you have a medical marijuana card, I’m going to have to write both of you an invisible ticket.”

  Dylan reached in his pocket. “Here you go, ma’am.” He held out an invisible card.

  She inspected it. “Sorry, guys. This expired yesterday.”

  They all laughed until her radio blared.

  “Dispatch to Unit 912. Accident report.”

  She grabbed her portable radio from under her raincoat and turned her back to the storm. “Go ahead to 912.”

  A bland dispatcher’s voice returned, “Three-car accident, no injury, blocking the road. Westbound Highway 126, near the Three Rivers Casino driveway.”

  “Nine-twelve, copy. Five minutes away.” She turned to them. “I have to go. Thanks for the laugh.”

  Kimo wasted no time and extracted his business card from under his rain gear. He passed it to her. “Do they give you business cards?”

  She lifted the flap of her uniform shirt, smiled, and handed her card over while making eye contact with one, then the other. Her smile exposed her gorgeous teeth. She jumped in her car, stole a final glance toward them, and headed north with emergency lights on.

  Kimo gloated. “She digs me, Dylan. She wants me so bad. She’ll call me within seventy-two hours.”

  Dylan shook his head. “She’ll only call you to get my number.”

  Kimo took a drag from the invisible joint and passed it to Dylan.

  Dylan sucked hard on it. “Maybe she wants both of us.” He passed the joint back. “You ever done a three-way?”

  Kimo drew a long, slow drag. “That would be so hot, her, you, and me. I bet it takes two men to please her. She’s sexy.” He draped his arm around Dylan again and squeezed. “You’re pretty athletic, too.” They finished the joint and headed back to their room.

  * * * *

  Dylan teased, “Come on, hurry up.” He nudged Kimo’s arm, making it harder to unlock the door. Dylan got a faint whiff of musk cologne. Once inside, Kimo spun and lifted Dylan under the armpits and tossed him on the bed.

  “Dude, you’re a strong fucker.”

  Kimo towered over Dylan. “You’re light. How much you weigh?”

  Dylan stood, and they both shed their rain gear. “I’m five-foot-five inches, one hundred thirty pounds. Body fat of nine percent.”

  Kimo drifted toward the quaint, Franklin style wood stove. “I weighed one fifty when I was twelve. I’m going to start a fire. I love fire.”

  Dylan stared at the sexy hunk. His words gushed out. “I feel like I’ve known you a long time. Thanks for being so cool. To tell the truth, I was nervous about spending the night with a stranger.” He patted Kimo’s back then went to his suitcase for his toiletry bag. “Kimo, the bed is big. We can share it.”

  Kimo stood as the fire intensified. “You sure, bro? I know you’re shyer than I am. I’m used to sleeping bags.”

  “Yeah, I’m good with it. I promise not to molest you.” Dylan’s face warmed.

  Kimo burst into laughter. “You made yourself blush with that one.”

  Dylan slapped his own forehead.

  Kimo said, “It’s okay, you’re cute when you blush.” He pulled Dylan into a full body hug.

  Dylan turned away in exaggerated embarrassment and buried his face in his hands. He took deep breaths to recover. Kimo’s cute comment excited him.

  “Bro, I feel like I’ve known you a long time, too. Do you mind if I get comfortable?”

  Dylan turned around. “Sure, do what you want.”

  Kimo stripped to just his briefs. Dylan’s gaze fell to his bud’s red trunk style briefs with a white waistband. The bulge seemed well above average. Dylan stripped to his briefs, black with a blue waistband. He caught Kimo’s lingering look.

  Kimo yanked his laptop from his bag. “Got some work to do.” He took it to the tiny table in the corner.

  Chapter 4

  Dylan sat up in bed, his back against the headboard. He opened his paperback book and bent his knees up to hide its cover. The lights flickered but held. Winds rocked the building, and snow pounded the window. He stole glances at Kimo tapping his keyboard. On occasion, Kimo glanced Dylan’s way and smiled. Time passed until Dylan dropped the book on the small side table.

  Kimo pushed back from his laptop and leered at Dylan as a loud thunderclap exploded. “I’m ready for my treat.”

  Heat surged through Dylan, and it wasn’t from the wood stove. He shook his head.

  “The chocolate cake from the restaurant. What did you think I meant?”

  Dylan choked on his words. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  With each in just briefs, they rushed to the small refrigerator atop the compact pine dresser and dug in, sitting at the tiny table. Dylan fantasized about smearing chocolate frosting on Trooper Washburn and Kimo as they lay naked on his bed. He finished his cake and licked the carton.

  “Kimo, I’m ready for sleep. Thanks for a nice night.”

  Kimo stared. “Goodnight, brudda. I had a good time, too. You’re cool.” He scooped icing with his finger and shoved it in his mouth, taking his time to suck his finger clean.

  Dylan returned to bed and lay on his back and took deep breaths. He let the storm lull him to sleep with a soft smile on his lips. His cock filled out in his briefs.

  Later, Dylan stirred awake as the other side of the bed shifted. He spied the image of the hunky Hawaiian slipping under the covers. Before he could finish another breath, he fell back to dreamland.

  Sometime later, a vivid dream woke him. He was certain a large, firm hand was on his ass. His own hand shot to feel, and nothing was there. He sat up and looked toward the blackened clock radio. He blinked to orientate himself. A few candles in glass containers lit the room.


  The Franklin stove radiated heat, and flames danced through the viewing glass. The storm continued unabated. Winds slapped the building and shook it. Lighting lit the room for a few seconds. Curtains were wide open.

  The couch is turned around toward the window.

  He stood and looked over the back of it. Kimo lay on his side, watching the storm with his head supported by his arm and hand, a big grin splayed on his face. His other hand rested inside the front of his briefs, which was all he had on. Dylan patted his own awakened cock. He wondered if he should slip back to bed when Kimo turned his head.

  “Hey, you awake, too?”

  “Yeah, the storm woke me. Well, a dream, too. You lit candles.”

  Kimo chuckled. “Yeah, always have to be prepared. I like to storm watch, so I turned the couch around.” He pulled his hand out of his briefs as casually as someone would stroke his hair. “Storms make me horny.”

  Dylan’s face and neck warmed in his silence.

  “Aw, damn, I’m sorry. I’m too open for you. I always get in trouble with my mouth. Did I make you blush again?”

  “It’s okay. I need to get out of my shell. You remind me of Arthur. He’d tease me, unmerci
fully sometimes.”

  Kimo pulled his feet back. “You can sit and watch, too. I promise not to molest you.”

  In a spark of bravery, Dylan slipped onto the opposite end of the couch. He hoped the dim lighting would hide the boner in his briefs. It’d be okay if he molested me.

  Kimo stared outside, his face lit by periodic lightning flashes. “The snow is getting pretty deep outside. So, Dylan, you never told me what you do for work, unless you’re retired or independently wealthy.”

  Dylan’s smile expanded. “Nothing special. I work in customer service for an electronics company.”

  “What else you into?”

  “I play baseball on a city league. I was on high school and college teams. I like to run, read, watch chick-flicks or action movies, depending on my mood. Still figuring out what I want to be when I grow up.”

  Kimo nodded. “I’m happy for now, but my auntie, who has powers, says I’m destined for a different career. She says she knows what it is but can’t tell me. Something about upsetting the cosmic order.” Kimo stood and squeezed past Dylan, between the couch and window. “Fire needs more wood.”

  The big man’s groin passed within inches. Kimo had long flowing thick black hair to his shoulders, far different than Dylan’s short cut. As Kimo tended to the fire, Dylan caught sight of his paperback on the couch, the one he read before sleep. His heart caught in shock.

  Kimo returned, picked the book up, and held it. “Nice story. Hope it’s okay I looked at it. One of my sisters sends me romance novels when she finishes them. Guess it keeps me in touch with my feminine side.” He laughed.

  Dylan’s mouth froze. He knew the cover had two men kissing.

  “Bro, was it okay I looked at your book?”

  “Yeah, it was. I left it out. No big deal. And, yeah, in case you’re wondering, I’m bi.” He waited.

  The storm continued.

  The fire crackled.

  When Dylan stole a look toward Kimo, the big man’s eyes were fixed on him.

  “Yeah, I did wonder when I read the part of the two guys sneaking off to fuck each other, promising not to tell their wives. Too many people are hung up with sexual identities. Back home, things are a lot cooler. No big deal if you’re lesbian, gay, bi, or done the cross-over cut.”

  “You mean transgender?”

  “Yeah. To tell the truth, I’ve played with guys. It was fun. Who hasn’t once or twice? Or six or seven times?” His nearest foot slid and grazed Dylan’s thigh.

  Silence seized the room except for the violent snowstorm. Dylan’s cock pulsed. He swallowed twice before rotating toward Kimo, bringing his legs onto the couch. One foot nuzzled Kimo’s.

  If I don’t make a move, I’ll regret it forever.

  Their feet touched, almost like they were kissing. Several excited nervous minutes passed, Dylan stood and floated around the couch, behind Kimo, who glanced up. A soft smile bent Kimo’s lips.

  Dylan’s hand dropped down to the big man’s shoulder, gliding to his chest. Kimo’s solid muscles excited Dylan. He leaned over more, and his other hand settled on Kimo’s thick neck. Dylan’s gaze followed the man’s contoured torso.

  Kimo settled his head down and looked up and held a stare with Dylan. In slow motion, his gentle yet massive paw took Dylan’s arm and guided him over the couch, on top of him.

  Dylan’s briefs-clad erection rested again Kimo, and his body tingled again, up his spine and down to his toes, curling them. Their hands explored each other.

  “Dylan, you’re a cutie.”

  “And you’re a hottie.”

  “I wasn’t sure if you were interested.” Kimo winked.

  “I thought the same about you.” He adored resting his smaller body on Kimo. “Since it’s legally after midnight, today is my birthday. Being with you is a hell of a way to turn my life around.” He chuckled. “Sorry, that’s something a girl would say.”

  Chapter 5

  Kimo’s lips parted and showed his white teeth. He blinked softly. “Happy birthday, Dylan.” He slapped Dylan’s ass and counted aloud to twenty-six as he spanked, wearing a deep grin.

  Dylan rested on Kimo, head turned to one side on the Hawaiian’s chest. “You into spanking?”

  “A little, you?”

  “Never done it, but it seemed nice.” He chuckled again. “Your heart is pounding. I can hear it.”

  Kimo kissed the top of Dylan’s head and parted his hair to reach the forehead. “That’s because there’s one hell of a cute guy laying on me in sexy briefs and a boner.”

  A clap of thunder rocked the room. Dylan ground his groin into Kimo. Their eyes met and held through a long series of slow blinks. Kimo bit his lip. A moan escaped. He wrapped Dylan tight in a hug and scissored his legs around Dylan’s hips.

  Dylan hugged back in excitement. Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee. Darn, I didn’t get to unwrap the present. Precum leaked. He imagined what size the wet spot on his briefs would be. I bet Kimo’s leaking, too. Damn, if his cock is proportional to his body, it’ll be huge.

  Kimo whispered, “What are you thinking? You got quiet. We can stop if you want.”

  Dylan lifted his head and stared into the dark brown eyes below him. He kissed Kimo’s neck then licked his smooth chest, teasing the nearest nipple with circular tongue swipes. “If you want me to stop, just say so. I will. In a few hours.” The wind driven snow pounded the window.

  “So, what were you thinking before?”

  Dylan’s tongue worked down the chest and abs. “I was thinking how hot you are. I sang happy birthday to me, and I figured you’re my present, but damn, I didn’t get to unwrap you. Then I wondered if your cock is proportional to your body, and if so, oh, my God!” They laughed. Dylan slipped lower and tugged the front of Kimo’s briefs down, wet spot and all. He stared in awe with his mouth hanging open.

  “That’s the usual response. No one can believe it.” Pride flowed from Kimo’s comment.

  “It’s huge. Just frigging huge.” Dylan stroked and fisted it. “I can barely get my hand around it.” He licked his lips. There’s no way that’s going in my ass.

  Kimo sat up and guided Dylan’s head down toward his pulsing cock.

  He licked the length several times, and as Kimo moaned, Dylan’s body tingled. The violent storm created a storybook scene.

  Kimo matched Dylan’s moan and tensed his body. “Dylan, you better stop mouthing my cock or I’ll come.”

  Dylan backed away and settled on his haunches. “What, you too old to do a double header?”

  Kimo smirked. “Then go for it.”

  Dylan took a deep breath and pretended he was diving under water with his palms together. He lay prone and teased Kimo’s huge cock with his tongue. He licked the underside of the head, then up one side and down the other and moved on to work the opening with the tip of his tongue. His own cock pulsed, and adrenaline rushed through his arteries as thunder and lightning shook the room. His toes curled.

  “Suck it as deep as you can. I’m so close.” Kimo lifted his head to view the action as he lay on his back.

  Dylan took deep breaths and cautioned, “Tell me before you blast. It’s been two years since my last time and—” He cut himself off.

  “Okay, I will.” Kimo gripped the back of Dylan’s head and pushed his mouth back to Kimo’s cock.

  Dylan came up for air and grinned. “If you want to make it last longer, take slow deep breaths and try to remember the names of all your teachers from first grade to high school.”

  “Dude, you’re joking, right?”

  He shook his head while he sucked and fisted Kimo’s cock. “No, I’m serious. A thirty-one-year-old woman seduced me when I was nineteen. She taught it to me, other stuff, too.” He smiled. “I used to come really fast when I was younger.” Dylan reveled in Kimo’s company. What a cool guy, easy to be with, intelligent, caring, like Arthur. He slipped a hand inside his own briefs to smear his precum on his cock.

  I hope he’s enj
oying this. Then he mentally slapped himself. Duh, he’s boned, leaking, and saying how close he is to a volcanic eruption. Quit being so insecure.

  Kimo’s body relaxed. “Bro, that really works. I only got to my seventh-grade teacher, but it works.”

  Kimo jumped to his feet, pulled his briefs up, and bent in front of Dylan. “I’ve always wanted to do this.” He scooped Dylan in his arms, heading for the bed. Dylan’s arms wrapped around the big guy’s neck. Kimo stared into Dylan’s eyes. “I love to kiss women, but never wanted to do it with a guy, until now.”

  Dylan pulled him close, and their lips met with caution at first, then deeper. Kimo positioned Dylan on his back like he was a precious item. Dylan held his neck and pulled him on top of himself. They hugged and rolled the width of the bed and back again. There was no hesitation for another kiss, deep and long. They hugged, and hands roamed. Kimo rotated into the sixty-nine posture.

  “I want to make you cum, Dylan. Have I told you that your name is sexy?” He eased Dylan’s briefs down to his thighs and licked the exposed cock.

  Dylan gave a mental thank you as he re-discovered Kimo’s swollen and leaking dick. He licked it all over and gave time to the large, shaved nut sack. Each guy lay on a side, pleasuring the new friend next to him. The lightning and thunder continued as though it were a special performance for them. Dylan smirked as he sucked another inch down. He added a fist to stroke. Kimo did the same and slurped. Dylan’s body shook, and thunder rolled in his head.

  “Gonna cum.”

  Kimo nodded. He swallowed Dylan’s cock with the tip rubbing against the back of his throat. Dylan’s thighs and ass tightened, and the first blast erupted, followed by several more as a rush of energy ran up his spine. He tried to keep up the service to Kimo’s member, but he had to pause. His body shook with each spasm of his cock. He realized his dick was still in Kimo’s mouth.

  Damn, he’s swallowing it.

  Finally, he went back to sucking and stroking Kimo.

  Kimo tapped Dylan’s leg. “You don’t have to now. You came. I can finish myself.”

  Dylan kept at it with a pounding heart.


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