Cat Tales 2: Eye of the Tiger

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Cat Tales 2: Eye of the Tiger Page 5

by Stormy Sommers

  Take him, Rav, she ordered. Claim him. Make him yours. Andrew felt Rav’s excitement spike upward at her command, and his own need tightened inside him as he sucked hungrily at Rav’s shaft, urging him on.

  Roaring, Rav dragged Andrew’s head hard against him, holding him there as his hips hammered forward, his orgasm bursting from him in searing waves which flooded Andrew’s mouth, over and over. Almost whimpering in delight, Andrew swallowed hungrily, his own climax ripping through him as Sharra savaged his shaft. His hand squeezed her breast spasmodically, and he felt her arch her back, thrusting her breasts upward into the jetting streams of his come.

  Turning his head, he watched as the pale, milky fluid coated her breasts, spurting in gleaming lines across the back of his hand. Spreading his fingers, he smeared his seed over those twin, heavy mounds, circling her dark, pebbled nipples over and over until she writhed, cat-like, small, hungry sounds escaping her lips. Her hands rose to his shoulders, urging him down beside her, and Andrew stretched along her length, his pulsating cock pressed against one soft, rounded hip as he lowered his head and tasted himself on her skin.

  Now suck me, An’Ru, she whispered hoarsely. Both of you.

  Panting, his head spinning, Andrew opened his lips, nuzzling blindly for the nipple his mouth craved. Finding it, he drew on it sharply, making her gasp with delight. Slitting his eyes, he saw Rav suckle the other, tugging at it hungrily as his hand caressed her belly. She thrust her hips upward and Andrew, feeling the empty ache in her cunt as if it were inside his own body, slid two fingers between the furred lips of her sex.

  He was amazed at the feel of her, the heat of her cunt, the way her flesh seemed to seize him, pulling his fingers deeper. He pistoned them inside her, fucking her with his fingers as he and his pack-brother nursed at her breasts.

  Around him, he heard soft moans and hoarse cries, and felt the brush of fur against his back as a mating couple rolled against him, oblivious in their frenzy. The air was electric with lust, shared and experienced and passed back and forth from mind to mind. As if a veil had been ripped away from his inner sight, Andrew’s mind was flooded with shifting impressions -- claws scraping over skin as a tiger reared above him, the sweet, agonizing stab of a cock plunging into his ass, a hot, hungry mouth sucking lightly at his overladen balls as another closed around his shaft, suckling it as he suckled Sharra’s breast.

  Orgasm after orgasm exploded through him until he could no longer tell which was his and which someone else’s. Names flickered in his mind, whispered in the depths of lust. Shev. Harn. Ashra. Dak. Marleth. Narvu. He felt them around him, hands gliding against skin, fur caressing fur as they bound themselves again to one another in a ritual as ancient as the An’Shar themselves, as timeless and endless as the dance of the stars.

  A velvety thigh was draped over his, and he came back to himself to find Sharra rolling to face him, her arms looped around his neck as she slid his cock inside her. He gasped at the feel of her, slick and hot, around him as, with one downward push, she took him in to the hilt. She clung to his neck as Rav curled close behind her, urging her thighs wider as he entered her ass.

  Andrew swallowed, feeling the pressure on his cock redouble as Rav sank into her, deeper and deeper, filling her so tightly Andrew had to grit his teeth to keep from coming. Buried inside her up to the balls, they froze, fighting back the sensations hammering at their loins. Groaning, Andrew realized he could feel Rav’s balls brushing against his own. His hands were full of Sharra’s breasts, so lush and round they overflowed his grip, and he squeezed them rhythmically, desperately clinging to his self-control as she writhed between them, mewling in pleasure.

  Now fuck me, both of you. Fuck me hard. Let your seed mingle with ours, An’Ru Hunt.

  Grinning, she craned her neck forward, her sharp little teeth scraping the skin of his throat. With a harsh, hungry groan, he plunged inside her, painfully aware of Rav’s shaft gliding next to his, separated only by the slick barrier of Sharra’s hot flesh.

  Rav was so hard Andrew could feel the rim of his cockhead as it glided back and forth, almost as easily as if it rubbed directly against his shaft. Spurred by the sensation, he lunged deeper, feeling the sensuous grip of Sharra’s passage as he pulled out almost to the tip, and slammed in again.

  Yes! Sharra cried exultantly in his mind. Again!

  Joyfully, he complied, hammering into her with an abandon which was echoed back to him on all sides. Tilting his head, he saw his sharra-va gathered around them, their hands working their cocks as they watched him and Rav pleasure their goddess. Rav snorted wildly, thrusting in time with his strokes, and their balls mashed together, rubbing as they pounded into Sharra’s sweet flesh.

  Closing his eyes, Andrew grabbed at her breasts, tweaking the nipples until she yowled in ecstasy, her body going rigid between them as her climax burst through her. Her cunt clamped around him, seizing his cock, and Andrew dragged himself from it, feeling the tension inside him spiral up into an agony so sweet he thought he might die from it.

  Roaring, he tossed his head back, and the tension shattered over him like a wave as Rav and he sank home one last time, their balls throbbing against each other as they came, straining into her. Their climax rippled through their watching brothers, triggering their own, and Andrew stroked into her again and again, his cock gliding easily on the slickness of his seed as Sharra rolled her torso away from him, baring her breasts to the streams of come arching through the air to splash against their full roundness.

  * * *

  As round and gleaming as Sharra’s breasts, the twin moons of An’Sharrat hung low on the horizon, fat and pale in the lightening sky. Watching them through heavy lids, Andrew listened to the peaceful sounds around him -- the low, soft chirping of some just-stirring bird, the heavy, exhausted slumber of his pack-mates. Sharra’s breast, full and warm, pillowed his head, and he glanced up to see her mouth hanging slightly open, her wild, entrancing features lax in sleep.

  Smiling fondly, he snuggled his cheek against her firm flesh, about to close his eyes and go back to sleep when he caught the glitter of Rav’s slitted eyes, and realized his pack-brother was watching him.

  Yes. This is how it is, my An’Ru. We all love her. How could we not? Andrew nodded, understanding. And there will be many, many times just for the two of us.

  Something in his heart leapt at Rav’s words, and at the way the An’Shar’s hand slid up her belly to cover Andrew’s own. Smiling, his fingers curling possessively over Andrew’s and his eyes full of a smoky, private promise, Rav’s eyelids fluttered shut and he drifted back down into an exhausted sleep.

  Sated, comfortable, more at peace with himself than he’d ever been in his life, An’Ru did the same.


  Squinting against the mid-morning sunlight, Zheri saw the captain striding toward her, his tall form easy to pick out against the flatness of the savanna. His shirt hung open, and his dog tags glinted in the clear light, but his short blond hair, she noticed, was singularly mussed.

  For a moment she thought she saw something else moving at his side, but as the captain approached the ship he was alone.

  His shoulders squared, he strode into the camp, barking orders in his usual brusque way. “All right, we’ve got a lot of things to take care of. Masterson, power up the com link and open a channel to CEC. Jory, I need…” He stopped short, finally registering the fact that only Zheri stood among the cluster of tents, their canvas flaps flopping idly in the warm savanna breeze. “Where the hell’s Jory?”

  Zheri shrugged.

  “Where’s everybody else?”

  An involuntary smile tugged at her lips, and she cleared her throat hurriedly, trying to suppress it. “I think they’ve all been recruited, Captain.”


  Zheri reached toward his collar, tugging it down to reveal light, playful bite marks. Her smile got away from her, stretching her cheeks, and Captain Hunt’s face flushed with a sudden embarrassment,
his gaze sliding away from hers.

  “You know, recruited?” She bit the inside of her cheek, trying to keep from laughing. “You’re a military man, Captain. You know the tactic.”

  “What in hell are you talking about, doctor?”

  She couldn’t help it. She grinned. “Divide and conquer.”

  Andrew stared at her a moment. Then he shook his head, chuckling ruefully. “God help us.”

  Stormy Sommers

  After years of hiding her manuscripts in obscure, misleadingly-named computer files, Stormy Sommers decided it was time to come out of the closet and share her abiding love of all things erotic -- and preferably fuzzy. An avowed cat-lover, she nevertheless refuses to discriminate on the basis of species, and married a human despite his lack of fur. The cat still rules the roost, though!

  You can visit Stormy on the web at, or join to receive her monthly newsletter.




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