The Blood Bride (Blood Secrets)

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The Blood Bride (Blood Secrets) Page 22

by Nix, Imogene

  The humans watching were howling with fright now, but she blocked the sound and advanced on another Brethren. He swiped gore and sweat from his fine Italian suit, then raised his rapier. The feral look in his eyes met her gaze. Crack! Once more the whip flayed at the air. He ducked and the dance of death began again.

  Again and again she replayed the scene. The fight was vicious, but the Brethren outnumbered them. Exhaustion started to pull, when she saw Javed fall. She cried out, but too late for him to move away. Saw the blade separate head from shoulders.


  Xavier moved forward and she knew. This was the minute she would relive over and over again.

  They moved forward, circling around him, swords and chains raised. Her stomach roiled, knowing what was to come, but still dreading it.

  Estersham moved out of the grey dust cloud that swirled around them.

  “Finally. My friend, you should have joined me. I would have preferred that. However, the girl, once she joins my army, will more than make up for the disappointment of your intractability.” He grinned, the look in his eyes feral as they glowed a deep burnished gold. His teeth, so long and ready to rip and shred, had descended. Drips of crimson running down his chin. Her stomach roiled.

  “No. You will not kill him. I will not let you.” She cracked the whip, anger lending her speed and agility. She ran at him. Some of the Brethren moved in front, like a living wall of protectors.

  “Nooooo!” The whip slashed and cracked in the air. She hit one across the neck, watching as it curled around in her deft movements and she jerked, tearing the ligaments and flesh. She screamed as she moved forward and for the first time, the scent of fear rose from the Brethren. In her eyes they had seen something. She didn’t dwell on their faces, though. Estersham sucked in a breath.

  “You are no longer human?” He hissed the words, anger evident in the cold English tone of his voice.

  “Just worked that out, did you?” She stalked forward. A cry broke her stride, and she twisted back, in time to see the knife sever Xavier’s head.

  “Xavier!” The primal howl rent the air.

  She opened her eyes and panted, sucking air into her heaving body. “Xavier!” This time the sound was broken by the vicious sobs tearing from her being. “Xavier!”

  Slowly she became conscious of the warm arms around her bitterly frozen frame.

  “I’m here, Hope. I have you.” The words soothed the hideous sense of loss and despair and she gulped for air, exhaustion pulling at her senses. She let the heat of his body seep into her. Drew comfort from the closeness and scent of him.

  “It’s okay. I’m here and alive. You are with me.”

  “It happened, but this time it was different. This time he found out. He knew. And I think I have a better idea of where.” The words tumbled out, low and broken, but she now knew they just might have found the key. The one they had been searching for.

  “Where, Hope? What did you see?” This time, it was Cressida speaking quietly.

  “Cressida? Why are you here?”

  “Because the whole household heard you.” No matter her words were quiet, they may as well have been shouted and Hope winced. “It has been getting gradually louder with each night. You were close this time, though, weren’t you?” The soothing words demanded an answer nonetheless.

  “Yes. White coats. The humans are wearing white coats. We need to check factories, laboratories and places where they wear those sorts of coat.”

  “Well done, Hope. I know it has been an ordeal, but now we have a fighting chance. Tonight I need you to focus on those types of location. Can you do that?” Her gaze was steady.

  “Yeah, I can do that.” Hope raised her eyes one last time to the woman, the vampire Councillor. “I can do that.” She would beat Estersham. There was no way she was going to lose Xavier and the sense of belonging that she finally had found. The conviction in her voice must have reinforced her commitment to Cressida, as she left the room and once more, it was just her and Xavier.

  He pulled her against his body. “So what happened?”

  But she couldn’t answer. The pain of the loss she had experienced was unbearable to her now. She refused to give in to the tearing pain. Not now. If she did, it would swallow her and she’d be lost.

  “I can’t, Xavier. Not now.”

  She felt the nod, a jerk of muscles against her, and burrowed into his arms. “Just hold me. Please?”

  They lay like that for a long time.

  * * * *

  Evening came and they rose, with limbs that ached tiredly—the ongoing pressure of the constant stress wearing them down. He could see the dark circles and grey pallor in her face. Lack of sleep and the demands of her dreams were draining her. If it wasn’t so important, he wouldn’t keep pushing, but as it stood, time was running out. They had to find the answer, because otherwise it would be too late for all of them. They had to solve the problem, and the knowledge weighed more heavily as each day passed.

  “Sit down, Hope. I’ll grab your sustenance and then we can start. Are you okay with that?” He waited, watching her until she responded.

  She nodded—the movement jerky and graceless. Since waking in the night, he had felt a distance growing between them, as if she was retreating behind a shell, and he wanted to knock down the wall she was building, but didn’t know how. It angered him, but he acknowledged the sense of helplessness. Xavier had already attempted to use the link, but somehow she had managed to lock him out.

  Xavier didn’t know what else to do, so he waited and watched. Impatience ate at him as effectively as acid. How long could she continue like this? Her behaviour was both robotic and jarring. Yet in her eyes he could see determination, so instead, he moved to the side, retrieved a goblet of the heavily blooded wine and moved back to where he had left her. She had already booted the machine and was working through the list of properties, clicks and flicking paper meeting his gaze.

  He waited by the doorway, knowing she hadn’t yet noticed him.

  “I won’t lose him. I need to find out where. When.” She muttered the words.

  Xavier watched her shoulders slump again, and a general air of loss and sorrow fell upon her. So much had happened in such a short time. Even while he stood in the shadows she straightened again, her spine once more aligned. “This isn’t going to help anyone.” His heart constricted while he closed his eyes against the burning sensation that built behind his own eyelids.

  Knowing she wouldn’t wish him to see her like this, he made a thudding noise, alerting her while he stumbled his way back into the room.

  Hope turned slowly, her eyes shone with the tears she fought to contain. “I’m ready to start again.” The unnecessary words were teamed with a hand movement. It was to keep his gaze from her face, no doubt, he told himself.

  “Excellent. Show me what you’re looking at now.” Xavier kept his words gentle, but she shook her head.

  “No. Not right now. You keep going with your things. I have a few ideas I want to try.” She kept her face averted, and he detected the huskiness in her words, but let it be. There was nothing to be gained by making her feel worse.

  Xavier settled in, checking messages and emails. The government had finally contacted him about the attack. He read the incident report. The constant tap of the keyboard as she worked kept him company.

  “Ohhh…” The sound had him lifting his head.

  “What?” He looked closely at her face, seeing the surprise and dismay.

  “I think I know.”

  Xavier rose, moving quickly around the desk to crouch down beside her. “Show me.”

  Hope pulled up the image of the old blood hospital across town. Of course, what else could possibly be the target? Yet, he was sure the nest had sold that property.

  “See this? That building, the lines. It all seems so clear now. It’s one of the old clinics set up not long after I was abducted. It’s in an industrial zone, which explains why there weren’t
lots of cars and other people in my dreams.” Hope looked up at Xavier and his chest tightened. “That’s the location. I’m sure of it.”

  He moved quickly, the adrenaline rushing through his system. Time to move. They had to hurry and make arrangements. Xavier lifted the phone to his ear, while she slumped into the chair. He closed his eyes, turning away from the sight of her. But the pinched white look on her face haunted him as he began to speak.

  * * * *

  Hope could feel the daylight pressing down on her. But she had to know. “Does he know, do you think?” She gripped the goblet tightly.

  “I don’t believe so. I have mobilised people to begin the preparations, though. If he is aware, it’s too late for him to do anything tonight. When we wake, I will contact the rogues. Have them pass along the message to meet.”

  The knowledge sat like a lump in her stomach, but she fought off the sensation of fear that choked her, the first time since dealing with the situation since her change.

  Hope sipped at the blood, but she couldn’t finish. It settled at the base of her stomach, which wanted to churn, a sensation she had felt more than enough of. She walked to the small dresser and placed the goblet down, watching, as the liquid moved within the fine-cut crystal.

  “What about…?” Hope couldn’t continue the thought, but knew he understood as Xavier pulled her against him.

  “No. We don’t believe he knows about you. Otherwise, I’m sure you would know now. That is one of the strongest positives on our side. Add in the fact he doesn’t know your change has removed the siren strain from your blood, and we are streets ahead.”

  The words were as she expected, but it didn’t lift the heavy weight she felt pressing her down. With the coming dawn, exhaustion pulled at her body and mind.

  Hope climbed into the bed, pulling the light coverlet over her lace-clad body. Xavier settled in behind her. His warm breath brushed over her neck in an intimate lover’s touch. She wanted to turn in his arms and seek the reassurance of his most urgent caresses. But that was the coward’s way, she reminded herself. Tonight, she was ready. Prepared for whatever her dreams threw at her.

  He encircled her body softly and she wanted to cry at the tender emotions that rose in response to his touch. The feeling that settled inside her heart at the care he showed for her was affirmed in his actions. Her eyes burned and she waited, listening for the sound of his breath to settle into the steady cadence of sleep. Hope controlled her own breathing, keeping a steady in and out rhythm while she settled her emotions.

  “I know you’re awake.” His voice rumbled at her ear. Hope closed her eyes. She’d forgotten about the bond between them.

  “I can still hear your thoughts,” his voice intruded in her mind. “I’m happy to make you feel better, but only if you want to.” How in heaven’s name was she supposed to keep herself apart, when his thoughts called to her, like the most enticing promises ever known?

  “Not tonight. I would feel like I was using you. I’ll never do that, Xavier.” She sniffled loudly.

  “Hope, I…”

  “Not tonight, Xavier. We need to sleep, to be ready.” But sleep was the one thing Hope feared, almost as much as the battle to come. The dreams, the smells and sounds kept filling her with dread. His death. She was sure it would come again in her dreams.

  “Okay, we’ll do it your way, tonight.” She could hear the dissatisfaction in his voice at her comments and she smiled, just a little, before snuggling against him. Hope closed her eyes and willed herself to sleep.

  It took a long time.

  Chapter Eleven

  The layers of sleep lifted from her consciousness as Hope woke. The feel of Xavier wrapped around her, filling her with pleasure and warmth, while she stayed as still as possible, not wanting to wake him and lose the feeling of well-being that bloomed inside her.

  “Good morning.” His voice flowed over her like silk, making her shiver with sensual anticipation followed by the rippling sensation of laughter. “Much as I’d like to make love with you, we need to move.”

  His words stripped the happy feelings of contentment. It was the day she feared. Hope nodded unsteadily then rose, reaching for the clothes she had laid out the night before. The black pants and close-fitting corset top. The thigh-high boots with carefully reinforced toes and heels. The black leather belt with the whip hook teamed with a matching leather jacket, all in a glossy leather shine. She smiled at the thought of just how much her clothing tastes had changed. Or had they? Had she just lost some of her inhibitions?

  Hope stopped abruptly as another thought occurred to her. Maybe it was more than that… Perhaps it was a physical manifestation of just how much she had found her own way. The concept fascinated her, but there was no time to consider it.

  He laid his hand softly on her shoulder. “It’s time. But before we go… Carry this with you. I don’t know if it will help, but I would feel a little better knowing you have it.”

  He held a small silver stiletto, elegantly engraved. He pressed it into her hands, folding her fingers around the handle. He looked at Hope and she could see concern shining. Intrigued she looked, seeing a small clip, which she pressed, watching as a copper spike shot out. She grinned, knowing what this was. He took it without a sound and showed her with a deft twist how to retract the spike.

  She nodded, and slipped it into the pocket of her coat, zipping it up. She knew there was a story to this knife, one she was determined to ask him later, once the threat had passed and they were able to breathe easily. She clung to the notion and took a last, long look around.

  “I’m ready.” They left the bedroom, and Hope refused to look back once they had left the room that had been a haven during a time of upheaval. Hope knew, whatever happened now, there was only one way to deal with the aftermath of whatever took place. Looking to the future and accepting what happened, no matter how personally devastating it would be.

  Once downstairs, Hope noticed the men and women milling around, many dressed as she was, in uniform black, and the majority were decked out in leather. So many more than she could ever remember seeing. New faces filled the crowded foyer, but she looked harder for those she knew. There was Catriona and her partner Emily, holding hands. Near the door stood Javed, a grim half-smile covering his handsome face as Cressida waited by the stairs.

  There also had to be at least a hundred vampires watching and waiting in the silence, as she and Xavier stepped off the last tread.

  “Ready?” Cressida’s voice was husky and Hope nodded uncertainly, while her stomach pitched and roiled. Cressida clapped once, and several members of the household appeared in the doorways, carrying trays with goblets of the blood wine that most of them had come to prefer. Cressida had chosen to wear leather as well, but with her usual style, it was red. Actually crimson, and stark against her pale skin and blonde hair. Hope smiled. That was Cressida all over, making a statement.

  The human staff moved silently among the warriors who waited, the quiet only filled with the sound of steps and crystal moving on trays, and the barely discernible throb of a heartbeat here and there.

  Cressida stepped forward, taking the first step up the staircase before stopping. Hope felt the ripple of tension that wove through the room as Cressida slowly turned.

  The Mistress’ eyes glinted in the reflected light of the chandeliers. “For hundreds of years, we have lived and died, keeping to the single basic understanding that humans are more than just food. For hundreds of years, we have acted as their guardians. Now, it is time for us to be their avengers.”

  The company assembled within the room stood still, mesmerised by Cressida’s words. “Tonight, we take the first step in ensuring the safety of the innocents, and reclaim our place within humanity. Some will fall. We will mourn them together, but it is in our victory that we shall celebrate their life!”

  A hand crept around Hope’s waist. Warm and welcome, she felt Xavier move closer and she leaned into him. Drawing strength, even as sh
e watched the others grinning with growing excitement.

  “Tonight we will work together to vanquish those who would destroy our way of life. The Brethren would use humans as a food source, to be rounded up like cattle to the slaughter with no thoughts to their place and ours in this brave new world.” Hope watched as Cressida paused, waited a beat and scanned the room. Felt the energy flowing around and buffeting her.

  “We will protect the innocents and rid the world of this unworthy scourge. To the battle for the innocents. To victory!” Her voice rose, urgent, while the room erupted in cheers. The atmosphere was now electric, as the chamber rang with ‘hurrahs’, before the assembly drank deeply of the blooded wine.

  Cressida looked at Hope and winked conspiratorially, shocking Hope for just an instant. “She wants you to know that she is pleased to have you among us. That she sees you as an asset.” The words from Xavier’s mind had her goggling.

  “I can’t see how she could possibly think I’m an asset. It’s not like I can fight hand to hand in any useful fashion or fly through the air.” Hope muttered the words, yet she felt his movements, the shaking of his head behind her.

  “No, you’re not ready for that yet. But you will do what you must to protect all of the innocents. That is what counts tonight.”

  Perhaps it was, but then she still might lose Xavier. For the first time, she knew she would move heaven and earth to make sure that wouldn’t happen. Hope squared her shoulders.

  “Everyone here has strengths. Emily was a police officer, so she already knows how to fight. Catriona can’t fight worth a damn, but she has the most amazing ability to disseminate information, so she’ll be doing that tonight. Everyone has a role to fulfil.”

  He would protect her. The instinctual knowledge was there, in the glint of his eye and the way he held her tight against his body. But she too, would protect her mate from a possible death, and the agony of a never-ending grief she suspected would engulf her if he was lost.

  Without a word the warriors turned to the door, placing empty glasses on sideboards and any available surface, before making their way outside to the vehicles.


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