Hooked (Decadence Nights Book 1)

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Hooked (Decadence Nights Book 1) Page 11

by Maddie Taylor

He crossed to the armoire, opening and closing drawers until he found what he wanted. Back with her quickly, he applied her matching ankle cuffs. With the fingers of one hand tucked in the leather restraints, he lifted her legs, bending her almost double as he found the velvet loops at the upper posts. With the help of a quick release clasp, he easily had her legs spread and linked to the top corners.

  He sat back and admired his handiwork. “Comfy, my queen?”

  She snorted, wordlessly indicating what she thought of his questions. “Do you plan to do this often, Sire? If so, I need to go back to yoga class. My thirty-eight years aren’t leaving me quite as limber as I used to be.”

  Serious now, he leaned over her, meeting her gaze steadily. “Is that a yes or a no, Livvy? I don’t want you strained or in pain.”


  As she lay there, literally folded in half like a taco shell, Livvy thought with amusement that she and Joseph had very different definitions of comfortable. Still she answered, “Comfy enough, Master.”

  “Good. I don’t want undue pressure on any joints or cramped muscles. On the other hand, I wouldn’t want you to be too comfortable? What would be the fun in that?”

  Livvy watched as with a killer grin, Joseph rolled his long, lean body to the side, retrieved something from the nightstand, and rolled back. He came to his knees beside her, in his hand he held a very long, graduated vibe with a handle. Holding the toy to her lips, he ordered, “Lick.”

  Obediently, she opened and touched the tip of her tongue to the toy, swirling it around the end. He hummed with approval.

  “Although you’re likely wet enough, the sight of this blue toy between your lips will help your king get a second wind.” He changed the angle of the toy and murmured, “Suck,” as he slid it inside.

  The taste of silicone was much less pleasant than the taste of Joseph, but she did her best to lubricate the large toy since she knew it was going into one of her nether places.

  “That’s my good girl,” he murmured, pulling it out. His fingers moved to part her pussy lips and he slid the slick head over her clit. It was more than enough to make her juices pool, although her wide-open, heels-over-head contortionist position had done a fine job with that, as did his ardent gaze surveying her so intimately.

  Joseph moved the toy to her awaiting channel and guided the tip in. It went easily at first, but as he worked the long graduated vibe past the third ring, it became more challenging, stretching her more as it went. As she tensed, her legs quivering in their restraints, he looked up and captured her gaze. Never losing their visual connection, his mouth opened over her clit and his tongue teased her achy nerve center. Mesmerized by the sight of his lush mouth working over her intimate flesh, she barely noticed as the large vibe sank in deeper.

  After endless minutes of his sensual torment, he eased away, his eyes dipping to where he continued to play with the tapered toy. “I hadn’t planned this tonight, but I can’t resist having you this open for me.” He withdrew the vibe from her pussy and moved it lower, gliding it over and around her smaller hole. “Your juices have you well prepared, but tell me if it becomes too much and I’ll add some lube.”

  The pressure was more than her muscles could resist and the smallest circle entered her bottom with a pop.

  “So hot,” he murmured, twisting the toy a bit as he advanced it to the next ring. “Let’s add some spice.” Suddenly, her ass came to life with intensely powerful vibrations that buzzed away in her naughtiest of places.

  “Sire,” she breathed. With her head propped on a pillow, and her ass and pussy tilted toward the canopied top, she had a perfect view of what he was doing. Spread shockingly wide and left defenseless against whatever he wanted to do to her, she had no choice except to take what he gave her. Captive to his will, she didn’t mind the least little bit.

  As she watched, the third ring disappeared and worked unremittingly, slipping out to ring two, then one, before pressing in again. She was really feeling the stretch and whimpered a bit, not from pain, but from trepidation over how many rings he planned for her to take. She’d counted six total, but anymore past this point would be new territory for her.

  His mouth lowered to her clit again, the circling and sucking of his clever tongue distracting her from the jumbo sized toy a few inches below it. She felt his teeth and cried out at the same time ring four fully claimed her ass. Stretched to the limit, she became concerned he would go for a fifth.

  “How are you doing, pet?”

  A smart ass remark about having the Michelin Man up her ass came to mind, but she bit it back. Don’t provoke the Dom who controls the humongous toy, Olivia.

  “It burns, Master, and is very tight. I don’t think I can take any more.”

  “Four was as much as I planned.”

  She blew out a relieved breath. “Thank you, Sire.”

  “You’re very welcome, but thank me after I add this.” She saw the egg just as he slipped it inside her, placing it right up against her G-spot. He switched it on and took her from needy to feverishly aroused, but that wasn’t enough for him. Nope. The king wanted to play, keeping her on the edge, but not letting her soar off the cliff just yet. As she neared a climax, he eased off the egg, or reduced the pressure of his tongue. Sometimes he’d do both, or tease with the vibe in her ass, backing off and pulling out—some, not all the way—before beginning its graduated penetration again.

  There was so much going on between her legs, add to that the extreme position, the restraints and the clamps, double penetration plus Joseph wickedly tonguing her clit that she didn’t know which sensation to focus on and found it impossible to absorb them all at once. She did know that after at least thirty minutes of stimulation overload she couldn’t hold out any longer. As if from a distance, she heard a panting, grunting moan. The roar in her ears as her climax built made it sound far off, but she knew it could only be her when the begging started. Rolling her head on the pillows, she cried out, “Mercy, Sire. I can’t take anymore.”

  “Then come, my queen, let me hear you scream your ruler’s name.”

  And she did. Ultimately, the egg on her G-spot was to blame when she came undone, occurring an instant after he thumbed the wicked oval on high. She bucked, her hips coming off the bed as she convulsed in orgasm. Her strained legs trembled as she did so, her torso twisting as she tried to escape her buzzing tormentors and the ceaseless lash of his wickedly hot tongue. Her mouth opened on a soundless wail.

  It seemed to go on forever, but eventually, after countless minutes, it abated, leaving only after-spasms in its wake. He switched off the vibes. The reprieve allowed her the breath to utter raggedly, “Oh, my, freakin’, king!”

  Joseph chuckled, the rush of his heated breath on her over-sensitized pussy was nearly too much, producing helpless whimpers. Mercifully, he removed the egg and eased the tapered vibe from her ass. But he wasn’t nearly through. Joseph knelt between her thighs, ready to fill a void left by one of the toys.

  “Where do you want me, pet?” he rasped, as his cock slicked along her swollen lips.

  “Inside me,” she barely managed to say.

  “Mm, good answer. His Majesty’s choice, it is.” In a blink, his cock was fully seated in her pussy. But he stilled, while embedded deeply, his hands moving to her breasts. “These need to come off, Livvy. Ready?”

  “Not really,” she remember this was the hard part, “but do it anyway.”

  Releasing the first clamp had her arching and hissing, but Joseph’s soothing tongue was there to quiet the unavoidable pain. The other went much the same way. He lingered, moving from one hard tipped breast to the other, licking ever so gently.

  “If only they didn’t have to come off, hm?” Lifting his head, he gazed at her, clearly trying to gauge her state of play.

  “It’s better now, Sire. Thank you.” With a kiss to each tender peak, he canted his hips, nudging into her once more before he withdrew. His hands moved between her thighs and his thumbs spread h
er lips, slicking his wet cock back and forth over her clit. As she felt another stirring low in her belly, he moved lower. His girth, somewhere between ring three and four, filled her much tighter channel full, but with conscious effort and a shaky breath, she relaxed her bottom and let him sink in further.

  “That’s my beautiful girl, take me. Take all I have to give you.”

  He moved faster, soon pistoning in and out, using her tight ass as he would her pussy. She felt completely dominated with this, the ultimate of intimacies. After a few thrusts, with her juices providing natural lube, she became consumed by his possession, the stretch and the fullness inciting her arousal, enhanced by his thumb strumming and reawakening her clit. A wave of ecstasy rolled inexorably toward her. Unable to hold back its force, she cried out, “I’m going to come again, Sire,”

  “Come, my queen, by royal decree I command it.”

  If she could have laughed, she would have. Instead, she screamed his name as pure euphoria crashed over her. Whether the third, sixth or one hundredth time, the pleasure he gave her was as gloriously fulfilling as the first. As she hung limply from the headboard, she watched as he experienced his own glory, throwing his head back and roaring as he came effusively inside her. It was a beautiful sight.

  He was still slightly winded when he moved off her and released her from the pillory. She was as limp as a dishrag, as he massaged her muscles and joints. Afterward, they dozed, snuggled together, waking intermittently to share a kiss or a few soft words. Much later, Livvy roused from the noises in the hallway—doors shutting, muffled voices and laughter—clearly, it was closing time.

  She stirred, whispering to Joseph. “It must be late, shouldn’t we go?”

  “It’s closing time most likely, but we don’t have to leave just yet.” He rolled her onto her back, coming up on an elbow, his usually precise hair disheveled, parted in deep furrows from her fingers. She brushed it back off his forehead, finger combing it into place.

  “You’re very handsome, patrician one might say. This room suites you.”

  He smiled, gazing down at her.

  A thought occurred to her. “Can you see me without your Harry Potter glasses?”

  He grunted, dropped onto his back and dragged her on top. His hand went to her behind, which hadn’t felt a single swat all night. She wiggled and pressed against him. His response was a firm squeeze.

  “I’m near sighted, pet, so the answer is yes, but I’m usually likened to Harrison Ford in his Professor Jones days not a boy wizard. I’ll go with that, if you don’t mind.”

  “All right, Professor Jones.” She grinned, her hand moving over his cheek and jaw, stroking the scruff of beard adorning both places. “I can easily see you in a teaching role, you know.”

  He smiled.


  “It’s funny. That is the room I tried to get for us tonight.”

  “A classroom?”

  “Yes, I had visions of bending you over my desk and improving your grades.”

  “With a cane, no doubt.”

  “I’d though to use a stout paddle.” He sat up. “That reminds me.” He rolled onto a hip and reached for something else on the nightstand. “You were such a good girl tonight, I didn't get to use this.”

  He held up the paddle with “pet” emblazoned on the end of the blade on one side, a thick covering of red velvet on the other. She eyed it dubiously, imagining the word tattooed on her backside.

  “Too bad, Master,” she consoled in a sweet voice, although not one bit sorry. “Maybe next time.”

  “Nope. Now. Roll over.”

  “But you said I was good.”

  “Since when do I need a reason to spank you?”

  “Never,” she grumbled, flipping onto her belly.

  “Careful, or the few I intended will multiply.” He patted her cheek. “Up on all fours, so I have a good target. I want to put my mark right on the fleshy part.”

  “Just what every girl wants to hear from her man, that she has a fleshy ass.”

  “I’m a Dom, Livvy. We like fleshy. It gives us so much more to discipline.”


  The paddle came down swiftly. “Have we ended the session and I didn’t know it?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Better, but not quite right.” He rubbed the velvety side where he had struck. “Care to try again?”

  “No, the session hasn’t ended, Master.”

  “Very good.” Leaning in, he inspected her paddled cheek. “Hm. That one didn’t take. Lean back a bit so your skin is nice and taut as if I had you over a spanking bench with your knees cocked forward.”

  She adjusted her position.

  “Perfect. Let’s try that again.” Unlike the cane and floggers he preferred, the paddle was silent as it soared through the air. The crack sounded before heat blossomed on her skin.


  “Livvy, I’ve bare hand spanked you twice as hard as that and you didn’t utter a word.”

  “This is different.”

  “How so?”

  “Never mind.”

  Another splat fell on her other cheek. “I asked you a question, pet.”

  “It’s different because you’re not angry and I’m not—”

  “What? Not aroused? I can certainly fix that.” His hand came between her thighs, two fingers sliding into her wetness as his thumb found her clit. When the paddle fell again, he had it flipped to the padded side and proceeded to give her a half dozen whacks. By the time the sound from the last one abated, Livvy was rocking back to meet his swats, moaning softly.

  “I’m thinking you’re aroused now, little one.”

  “Yes, Master, it’s your fingers, and when you spank me at the same time—” Abruptly, she stopped, as he added a third finger. After that, all that came out was an unintelligible groan.

  “No coming yet, Livvy. Not until we finish your tattoo.”

  The lettered side of the paddle fell hard on her unmarked cheek. She rocked back onto his hand, the pleasure-pain bringing her closer to the edge.

  Whisper-soft, his fingers traced where he’d swatted. “Gorgeous. The word is as clear as can be. I’m going to see about ordering one of these for home.” His lips brushed over her fiery skin, his breath hot as he whispered, “You can come now, sweet Olivia.”

  His fingers drove quickly in and out as his tongue licked over the imprint on her cheek. In seconds, she was there, moaning as she experienced her forth climax of the night.

  Afterward, despite water and chocolate, she was hopelessly spent, her legs rubbery like overcooked noodles. So it was, that in the wee hours of the morning, Joseph, having swimmer’s stamina, was able to summon enough strength to carry her upstairs to their borrowed apartment for the night.

  Chapter Twelve

  Standing impatiently outside Life Time Fitness downtown, she checked her phone for the umpteenth time in the past ten minutes. He was late and she wasn’t about to go into the gym for the very first visit all alone. She sent him a quick message.

  Livvy: Are you going to be too much longer? Should we reschedule the gym? Call me, please.

  Ten minutes later, she was pacing. Something must be wrong. Joseph was rarely late and when he was, he always called or at least sent her a text. She sent him another one.

  Livvy: Joseph, I’m worried. Please call.

  As soon as she hit send, she heard her name called. Expecting Joseph, she turned with a welcoming smile, but it wasn’t his sexy tall frame striding toward her. A coldness crept into her flesh as she came face to face with the owner of the voice, someone she’d hoped to never see again. He was exiting the fitness center, his damp hair curling around his ears and at his neck, his handsome face wearing the all too familiar expression of superiority. He eyed her up and down slowly, and as he did so often in the past, frowned as if finding her lacking. Livvy’s stomach clenched.

  “Olivia, it’s been a long time.”

  “Vaughn.” She barely stop
ped herself from calling him Sir, or tacking it onto the end. He wasn’t that to her anymore.

  “Decided to start working out, eh? Good for you.” His eyes dipped rudely to her breasts, sliding down her belly to her hips. “Maybe if you’d tried while we were together… But that’s water under the bridge.”

  That stung. With an hourglass figure like her mother, she had curves and carried a little extra padding around her hips and thighs, but she wasn’t fat. It had taken her a long time and hours of therapy to realize that, but having him point it out made the old insecurities come racing back. In unforgiving yoga pants, she felt every curve was conspicuous. Although she hated herself for doing so, she self-consciously moved her gym bag in front, hiding her hips.

  Of course, he noticed. “Those stubborn ten pounds are still dogging you I see. Too bad, dearling, they aged you. Without them, I might have kept you another year, maybe two.”

  His derisive words cut and she had to dig deep to maintain her composure. “I’d like to say it was nice to see you, Vaughn, but I prefer not to lie.” Managing an air of indifference, she shrugged coolly and turned away. That was the best she could do on the spur of the moment.

  “Still bitter after all this time, I see. That’s sad. If you need help moving on, I have some older friends who might be interested.”

  She spun on him. “Are you for real?”

  “Olivia, clearly you aren’t over me. You’re still angry.”

  “Of course, I’m angry. I spent two years with you and you cut me off at the knees, without warning. And where do you get off offering your ‘older friends’? You’re forty-six, Vaughn. Not a spring chicken in my book.”

  A blonde stuck her head out the door behind him. “Mas—uh, Vaughn, Sir. You forgot your wallet.” She tried to cover it, but Livvy caught her slip. She also caught the puppy dog eyes she cast his way and felt nauseous. Had she acted like that? The girl, and she was a girl, no more than twenty by her guess, was at least 5’8” and one hundred pounds at most. If she had breasts or hips, Livvy couldn’t tell.


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