Monroe, Marla - Their Independent Bride [The Men of Space Station One #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Their Independent Bride [The Men of Space Station One #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Marla Monroe

  “Fair enough. Then we’ll discuss it again afterwards.” Greg nodded his head.

  “For now, would you please stay in the house and not come out without one of us with you until we’ve had time to look around the house?” Steven asked.

  “Okay, I’ll stay inside. I need to work on dinner anyway. How long before you’re ready to eat?”

  “Probably another hour and a half,” Greg said.

  Greg slipped her off his lap, holding his hand at her back until he was sure she was steady. Little things like that she enjoyed. It was the big things they were going to have trouble with. The men stood up and headed back outside to finish unloading the trailer.

  Janet returned to the kitchen to decide on what to put together for dinner that night. She realized after a few minutes of staring at nothing that she was nervous about the coming night now. She had never allowed another man to call all the shots in bed. Not because she was aggressive, but simply because she had never trusted another person with her safety before.

  She’d learned early in life that if she didn’t look out for herself, no one else would. Her own parents had been too tied up in their lives to worry about her. Her previous lovers hadn’t worried overly much about if she was satisfied or not. Her boyfriends tended to care more about what was going on in their lives than what had happened in hers. She was used to seeing after herself. Now Greg and Steven wanted her to trust them to take care of her. It went against everything she knew about people and men in particular.

  Somehow she would get through it, though. It was only for twenty-four hours and only in bed.

  Chapter Two

  “I’m really worried about how we’re going to keep Janet safe, Steven. She’s too independent for us. What in the hell were they thinking?” Greg moved some forming material over to the shed.

  He had nothing to complain about her physically. She was a tiny thing for them, but she had the general body type they both loved. She had rounded hips with curves and a slightly rounded abdomen. Her generous breasts were pleasing as well. He wanted to bury his cock in her ass and his face in her breasts every time he looked at her. Her heart-shaped face and startling green eyes were accented by strawberry-blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders. She couldn’t be more than five feet two inches. She brought out every protective streak in him, which left them in a mess.

  “I don’t know, but we’ve got to figure something out. We’re married for life, and this damn planet is a lot more dangerous than they originally told us.”

  “We’ll start tonight trying to change her mind about submission.” Greg felt like it was their only chance at staying sane around her.

  “When she first talked to us on the shuttle, I would have sworn she was a submissive with the way she looked down and let us lead. The more she got to know us, the more independent she became.”

  “I think the independence in her is the learned behavior. I think she’s had to be that way in the past, so she wears it like a shield now.”

  “If you’re right, what will it take to break through that shield without damaging her? She’s actually a sweet little thing.”

  “I don’t know, Steven, but we’ve got to figure it out for all our sakes, and we’ve got to figure it out fast.”

  They worked in silence for a little while longer then started talking about the other family that would be working with them building houses. They were going to meet up with them in a few days for dinner to get to know each other better. They had spent some time together on the shuttle but had been so tied up learning about the plant and how to work the machinery that they hadn’t gotten to know them that well. Greg was looking forward to finding out how the other family was faring with all the dangers.

  “Looks like that about does it,” Steven said as he dropped the last pallet against the side of the shed. “Let’s put the transport up in the garage and see about dinner. It should be ready by the time we shower and change.”

  “I’m all for that. I’m starved.” Greg followed Steven back to the transport.

  Once they had it parked in the garage, they walked into the kitchen to an amazing smell of something he hoped was edible.

  “Hey, you’re back. Dinner will be ready in another fifteen minutes.”

  “We’re going to go take a shower and change clothes. We’ll be back downstairs about that time.” Steven hurried up the stairs.

  Greg smiled at Janet and just looked at her for a few seconds.


  “You have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen.”

  “Um, thanks.” She wiped her hands on her pants as if her hands had gone sweaty.

  He liked that he could get her flustered. He turned and walked toward the stairs. He needed that shower now. His cock was standing at attention. It had been ever since he had gotten to thinking about her luscious body and what the night would bring.

  As soon as he finished in the shower, he dried off and pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. She had figured out that they wore the same clothes and hadn’t bothered separating them out. Good. He liked that she didn’t question anything about their personal preferences. Only when it came to her had she voiced concerns. They would work through those and teach her all about the joys of submission. They might have to compromise outside of the bedroom, but he was willing to bet they could convince her that sex with them their way involved a lot more pleasure.

  He and Steven took the stairs together and walked into the kitchen at the same time Janet was serving their plates.

  “I hope you like this. It’s a native dish. It tasted decent onboard the shuttle when we made it, but I added a few things. It’s made with currik, a potato-like vegetable.”

  “It smells delicious,” Steven said.

  They all sat down and began to eat. Greg lifted his eyebrows at the taste of the new food. It was pretty good, a little chewy, but good.

  “I think it needs more cooking. It’s a little tougher than it should be. I’m sorry. I’ll eventually learn.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Janet. It’s really good. Learning to cook with foreign foods is going to be tough,” Steven assured her.

  They finished eating while talking about when to start work on the new house and construction in general.

  “I’ll call Brad and Kirk on the radio and ask what their thoughts are on starting and when we’re going to meet for a meal,” Greg said.

  “I can’t wait to see Carmen again. I think we’ll be great friends. I just wish we didn’t live so far away from each other.”

  “You’re only a fifteen- or twenty-minute drive. We can take you to visit her sometimes.” Greg sat back in his chair. He was full.

  “Why don’t you two go on in the living room while I clean up the kitchen? I’ll bring you some coffee in a few minutes.”

  Greg and Steven both got up and headed for the other room, leaving Janet to clean up. Greg chose a recliner and settled into it. Steven took the other one. They talked about what they would do the next day. Both agreed that getting the garden in was a top priority. They needed to till it up into rows for planting. It would probably take all day to get it ready and then they could plant the next day.

  “Are you talking about the garden?” Janet asked, walking in the room with two cups of coffee.

  She handed each of them a cup then curled up on the couch and asked them what they were discussing about the garden.

  “We plan to plow it up and get it ready to plant tomorrow. Then we can plant the next day,” Greg told her.

  “There’s where we are going to have some trouble. The garden is my domain. I need you to plow it up for me, but I do the planting. You’ve got more than enough to do with building houses. The rest is up to me.”

  “Janet, love, we’re going to help you get started while we have time to help. Once we start working on the house, we won’t have the time to do anything else.” Steven took a sip of his coffee.

  “You can help, but it’s my garden.”

  Greg hurried to avoid a fight. “It’s your garden, Janet. We’re just trying to figure out how to help while we can.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.” She eyed him warily, though, as if she knew he’d been placating her.

  Steven sighed rather loudly. They both looked at him.

  “What?” Janet finally asked.

  “Let’s start the twenty-four hours now.”

  Janet’s mouth hung open and she licked her lower lip either in anticipation or nervousness or both. Greg wasn’t sure. It drew his attention to her mouth and how good it would look stretched around his cock. A glance at Steven revealed that he was probably thinking the same thing. They both waited for her answer.


  “It’s as good a time as any,” Greg offered.

  “What are the rules?”

  “Basically, you follow our directions and do whatever we say or we punish you. You have to trust that we can take care of you and your pleasure. We would never hurt you, Janet, but we will push your limits.”

  Greg watched her as his words sank in. She licked her lips again. That was anticipation. He was sure of it.

  “Okay, I’ll start now. Just remember that I don’t know anything about this so don’t expect me to be perfect.”

  “You are perfect, love. Just let us show you how perfect.” Steven reclined his seat back some. “Stand up and remove all of your clothes.”

  Janet’s brows furrowed and her mouth dropped open. Then she shut her mouth and stood up and began to remove her clothes, keeping her back to them. When Steven would have said something about it, Greg shook his head. They could allow her some leeway as she got used to them.

  “Now turn around and come to me.”

  Janet slowly turned around and walked toward Steven. Her lush breasts moved as she walked. Her slightly rounded abdomen would be perfect to rest his head on. Greg envied that Steven would hold her first.

  “Climb up in my lap, love.”

  She slowly climbed into his lap and sat with her legs off to the side. Steven put his arms under her knees and pulled her farther into his lap so that she was cuddled against his wide chest. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned in to kiss her. Greg watched as Steven ran his lips softly back and forth across hers before licking along the seam in an attempt to get her to open her mouth to his. When she did, Steven plunged his tongue inside.

  When they finally pulled apart, Steven laid her back some so that he could look at her. Her body turned a pale shade of pink all over.

  “Baby, there’s no need to be embarrassed because we look at you. You’re lovely to look at. We like watching you.” Greg tried to soften the obvious uncomfortable feelings she was having.

  Steven sat her back up. “Go on over to Greg and let him see you. He’s right. You’re beautiful.”

  Greg watched Janet carefully climb off of Steven’s lap and walk over to his chair. She started to climb up, but he reached over and plucked her off the floor and settled her on his lap. He didn’t want her to end up rubbing all over his rock-hard cock. He wasn’t sure how long he would be able to maintain control if she did.

  “Your tits are so pretty. I love pretty, pink nipples. I bet they taste like ripe berries. Have you ever tasted your own nipples, baby? I bet you could.”

  She shook her head, but her eyes flared when he mentioned it. He bet if he could spy on her later, she would try it. He almost got her to try right then, but he didn’t want to increase her anxiety level just yet.

  “I’m going to touch your pretty breasts, Janet. I want to feel how heavy they are in my hands.”

  He reached with both hands and palmed her breasts. They felt like ripe melons. He rubbed them lightly then let go. Then he ran a hand over her shoulders and down her arms, getting her used to his touch. He liked to touch a lot.

  He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “I can’t wait to taste that pretty pussy, too. I love licking hot, wet cunts.”

  Greg laid his lips against her neck and trailed his tongue down her neck to her shoulder where he nipped a little at it.

  He felt her shiver and smiled. It was exactly the kind of reaction he was looking for. When he saw her eyes, he knew they had a submissive just waiting for the right touch. They had gone a dark green and were heavy lidded with desire. He looked over at Steven. His cousin couldn’t see her face.

  “She’s ready.”

  “Then let’s move this upstairs.”

  Greg repositioned the chair and stood up, carrying Janet with him toward the stairs.

  “Where are we going?” Janet asked.

  “To the bedroom, baby. You’ll be more comfortable there.”

  She held onto him lightly, as if she already trusted him to a certain degree. It made him feel good to have that small amount of trust that she was so stingy with. When he made it to the bedroom, he flipped the switch to turn on the lights. He wanted everything to be visible to her so there were no secrets. She needed to know that they would always be honest with her.

  Steven walked in right behind them and began pulling off his clothes. He folded everything and placed it on the dresser. Greg sat Janet on the bed and let her watch them remove their clothing. When Steven’s cock came into view, her eyes got big. He was used to that reaction and wasn’t intimidated by it. He was longer than Steven, just not as thick. When they were both totally nude, Greg walked over and ran his hands through her shoulder-length hair before pulling her head back with it. Her eyes rounded and darkened once again. Yes, she was most definitely a submissive, at least in the bedroom.

  * * * *

  Janet couldn’t believe how good it felt for Greg to pull her head back with her hair. It took her breath away. When he looked down into her eyes and smiled, she found herself smiling back at him.

  “You’re beautiful when you’re aroused, Janet. Your skin glows and your eyes grow all dark and heavy. I like seeing you that way. I want to keep you that way.”

  Steven walked over and ran his hand from her neck to her breasts and pulled one erect nipple with his thumb and forefinger until the sensation was bordering on pain. When he let it go, he bent down and licked it. His tongue felt so good against the agitated little tip. He repeated the gesture to the other one, and she whimpered when he licked it.

  “Janet, crawl over to the middle of the bed and raise your hands over your head for me, baby.” Greg walked over to the chest where she had hidden away their toy collection. He pulled out a length of soft rope and carried it over to the bed where he climbed up and knelt next to the headboard.

  “What are you going to do?” She didn’t lower her hands, but she did tense up.

  “Relax, baby. I’m going to tie your hands to the headboard. We’ll be redesigning the bed later to fit our needs. But for now, this will work.”

  He tied a loose knot around one wrist then wrapped the rope around the headboard in the middle and fastened her other wrist to it. He double-checked the slack to be sure she wouldn’t chafe her wrists on the rope and that there was plenty of room to move her arms.

  She couldn’t help testing the rope for any give and to assure that she really was unable to get away. It calmed her to a certain degree, and she realized that all of those meetings on the shuttle had taught her to trust them. She wasn’t afraid of what they might do to her at all. She was more afraid of how her body would react.

  “Don’t worry, Janet. We won’t hurt you. All we want to do is prove to you that we will always take care of you and have your best interests at heart.” Steven lay down next to her and propped his head up on one hand.

  Greg lay down on the other side and did the same. They watched her for what felt like hours before she began to get antsy and break the silence.

  “So. Do something already.” She frowned at them.

  Greg smiled that slow, sexy smile that stopped her heart and let her know she was in for it. True to his nature, he popped her on the thigh with his hand and shook his head.

  “I didn’t say you could
speak, baby. We’re admiring you. Let us enjoy just looking at you for a while.”

  “You hit me!” She frowned at him, knowing that it had been nothing more than a love tap.

  He chuckled and shook his head. “You know better than that.”

  Steven reached out and ran his finger all around her nipple without touching it. He let his nail scrape around the areola, sending sharp, tingling sensations straight to her clit. Then he wet one finger and drew a line from nipple to nipple and blew across it.

  Shivers ran down her spine at the cooling sensation it caused. She could see the amusement in Greg’s eyes at Steven’s little teases. Then Greg bent over and nibbled at her jaw with his teeth. He nipped along her skin from chin to cheek and on around to her ear. There he sucked in her earlobe and began drawing on it much as a baby would a teat.

  When he stopped, Steven took over on the other side while Greg continued on down her neck to her shoulder. She shivered when he licked her there. He quickly followed with his teeth and nibbled her until he reached her shoulder.

  “What are you doing to me?”

  “What do you mean? We’re just exploring your body. Learning what makes you wiggle and what makes you shiver. Soon we’ll know your body better than you do.” Greg whispered this into her ear.

  “I want to touch the two of you, too.”

  “All in good time, baby.” Greg ran his hand down her side to her hip.

  “Have some patience, love,” Steven said.

  She opened and closed her hands into light fists. She wasn’t in any pain or distress. She just wanted to be able to do to them what they were doing to her, because they were driving her crazy.

  “Be still, Janet. You’re wiggling around like a wiggle worm.” Steven squeezed her shoulder.

  “You did not just compare me to a worm!” She huffed out a breath.

  “Well, you’re moving around like one.”

  Greg took that opportunity to latch onto her nipple and draw on it. He crammed as much of her breast into his mouth as he could manage before sucking. Steven followed suit and took the other breast into his hot mouth. They both sucked and licked around on it until she was once again wiggling in an attempt to get them where she wanted them.


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