Monroe, Marla - Their Independent Bride [The Men of Space Station One #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Their Independent Bride [The Men of Space Station One #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Marla Monroe

  Because I want to make my own decisions and he wants to make some of them for me. I need to back off some and give him some control. I promised. She sighed and sipped the coffee.

  “Need anything else that you can think of?” Greg sat on the edge of the couch next to her hip.

  “I can’t think of anything. I have the radio if something is wrong, and everything I need is around me. I wish we had a TV, though. I could really go for a movie or two.”

  “Sorry. We can’t provide that.” Steven ran his hand over her hair, tugging on it just a little.

  “Behave yourself, baby. We’ll be back around dark. Don’t try and fix anything for us tonight. We’ll fix something when we get home. Okay?”

  “All right.”

  Greg leaned forward and kissed her before standing up. She watched as the two of them walked toward the kitchen. A few seconds later, the back door opened and shut. She should be used to that by now. It seemed to happen a lot for her. They went out without her all the time. If they were back on Earth, she would complain that they were seeing someone as much as they left her behind at the house.

  She spent the first two hours reading through the pamphlets and booklets about the planet, Alpha, that they were living on. She realized that the ones from the shuttle and back on Earth hadn’t included anything about the dangers, really. All they had provided them with were some names of plants and a few animals. They had identified several plants that were dangerous to humans. One was a pretty-looking blue-and-yellow flower. It was poisonous if ingested. Another one was a poisonous thistle plant. It was dangerous if the needlelike thistle poked you even once.

  Janet finished the last pamphlet and checked the clock. A little over two hours since the men had left, with about ten more to go. She sighed and started thumbing through the books to find one that interested her. She opened it to the first page and began to read. Halfway through the chapter, she found her mind wandering to the men. She wanted them there with her. She didn’t like that they were separated even for an hour, much less twelve or more hours a day.

  She had to be honest with herself. She was falling in love with them. She needed to figure out how to keep it from them. She was sure that eventually she would screw up and say the words to them after or during sex. It was when she was at her most vulnerable. Hopefully, when that happened they would take it as being from the heat of the moment.

  If the men thought she loved them, they would probably use it against her. She would eventually do anything for them. She didn’t want to become some simpering little wife that bent at their every word. She was stronger than that. Being independent meant that she didn’t have to cater to anyone if she didn’t want to.

  That was when she realized that she wanted to please them. She wanted to become the woman of their dreams. It frightened her. She started to get up and pace, but remembered just in time that she wasn’t supposed to be on her foot any more than necessary. Never mind that it had been Greg’s order. It was the best thing for her, and she could admit that. It didn’t mean she was losing her independence.

  Conflicting feelings raced around inside her. On one hand, she wanted to be what they needed, but on the other hand, she wanted to keep her independence. How was she ever going to reconcile the two?

  She spent the rest of the day on the couch only getting up for the bathroom, off by the office, and to get something to eat and drink. Her leg felt much better by the end of the day. She hoped they would let her off of couch confinement with bathroom privileges and let her walk around in the house. She was going stir crazy sitting there.

  She turned on the lamp by the couch when it began to get dark outside and waited anxiously for the men to return. She missed them, even Greg’s bossiness. When she heard the transport pull up outside, she almost ran for the door to greet them. She remembered at the last minute to stay on the couch. No doubt they would unhitch the trailer and park the transport before they came inside.

  Several minutes passed before she heard the kitchen door open and close. Footsteps crossed the kitchen floor. Finally, they walked into the living room to greet her. She couldn’t help the massive smile on her face. She’d been so lonely all day.

  “Are you glad to see us, love?” Steven bent over her and kissed her.

  She wanted to deepen it and pull him down on her but figured Greg needed his turn. She waited for him to kiss her. He hesitated and her heart fell. He wasn’t really as enamored by her as Steven was. She supposed she should have expected that since she was so far away from the type of women he was normally attracted to.

  He kissed her then stood back up. “How did you do today?”

  “I’m bored to death. There’s only so much sitting and reading you can do before you want to get up and do something. But I didn’t. I stayed on the couch all day like you said.”

  “Good girl. I’m proud of you.” Greg nodded. “Are you ready to go back upstairs?”

  “Yes, anything different. I’ve already eaten, but you are probably hungry.”

  “Hungry is one word for it, love.” Steven headed for the stairs. “We need to shower first. Then I’ll carry you upstairs.”

  “Yeah, you do smell a bit ripe.”

  “Funny,” Steven called down.

  “I’m going to shower in the other bathroom, baby. It won’t be much longer and we’ll have you upstairs. Just give us a few minutes.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next day, the men were back working on the fence. Janet was allowed up to walk around, but she was strongly encouraged to rest her ankle often. Now, she could insist on a more normal relationship in bed. The men couldn’t say that she was too hurt to play. She had never been this needy when it came to sex before Steven and Greg. Now she had a difficult time going several hours without thinking about it.

  I’m turning into a pervert. She couldn’t feel bad or guilty about it, though. It was natural for someone her age to want to have a healthy sexual relationship with her husbands. She sighed. There she went again.

  Janet hobbled over to the stove to check dinner. Everything seemed to be on time. The men would show up in about thirty minutes. Then they would want to take showers before eating. She was pretty sure she had it timed right. She finally pronounced it ready and returned to the couch where she propped her foot up.

  She heard Steven and Greg walk in cursing several minutes later. They were talking about a fence puller and a pair of pliers. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know bad enough to ask, though. They walked into the living room still fussing.

  “Hey, baby. How are you feeling?” Greg tugged on her hair before dropping a kiss on her forehead.

  “I’m doing fine. Dinner will be ready once you finish in the shower.”

  “Where’s my kiss?” Steven wrapped his big hand around the back of her neck and pulled her in for a four-alarm kiss.

  His tongue teased hers before sucking it into his mouth. When he let her go, she opened her eyes to find him grinning down at her. He obviously knew he’d rocked her world with that kiss.

  “Go shower. You stink.” She squinched up her nose for good measure.

  “Minx. I’ll show you stink.” He acted as if he was going to wrap his arms around her. She held up her hands to ward him off.

  “Okay, you two. Act like grownups.” Greg couldn’t hide the chuckle from them. He had enjoyed it just as much as they had.

  “We’ll be back down in a few minutes, love.”

  They returned to get her for dinner thirty minutes later. She let them serve it since she had cooked it. Once they were finished, the men cleaned up the kitchen while she waited in the living room for one of them to carry her upstairs to bed. They still wouldn’t let her climb the stairs.

  Greg carried her up while Steven ran her a bath. As soon as he put her down, Janet began stripping out of her clothes. She was ready for bed, and even the thought of a warm bath didn’t excite her as much as going to bed with her men. />
  Steven helped her in. Then he left her to bathe and soak for a while. She could hear the murmur of their voices outside the bathroom door, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. It was frustrating not to know everything they were talking about. They had talked all day outside. She wanted to talk with them now. Well, maybe not talk, exactly.

  She carefully got out of the tub by herself and dried off. Once she was thoroughly dry, Janet walked out of the bathroom with as little of a limp as she could manage. She didn’t want Greg to see her as still injured. She wanted him to see her as a desirable woman that he wanted to fuck.

  “Baby, you should have let one of us help you out.” Greg walked over to her and picked her up.

  “I didn’t have any trouble getting out, and I was careful.”

  “Still, we don’t mind helping you.”

  “Anything to get our hands on you, love.” Steven pulled back the covers on the bed so that Greg could set her down.

  “Why aren’t you two undressed? I’m ready for you to come to bed.”

  “We were just talking about that, baby.” Greg brushed a strand of hair off her face.

  “Why were you talking about undressing?”

  “We were actually talking about sex, nosey.” Steven began unbuttoning his jeans. He unzipped but didn’t start pulling them off.

  She frowned. This didn’t sound good. “What about sex?”

  “Trying to decide if you are well enough to play, baby. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’re taking this way too far, Greg. I’m not made of glass. I won’t break if you touch me too hard. I think you know that by now.”

  “Yeah, our baby likes it a bit rough. That’s why I wanted to wait until you were healed before we had sex again. You bring out the beast in us, and we lose control once we’re in the middle of things, so to speak,” Greg said.

  “Well I’m good to go, guys. Come to bed and make me happy.” She rolled over to the middle of the bed and crooked her fingers in a come here gesture.

  Steven looked at Greg. Almost at the same time, they moved toward the bed and climbed on. Greg attacked her breasts with hands and mouth. He licked all around the nipple before sucking on it. His fingers were twisting and pinching her other nipple. She felt the initial warmth of arousal flood her bloodstream. Her pussy juices began to leak from her body as Greg bit at her nipple.

  Steven licked and kissed her pelvis and the areas just above her hip bone. She was sensitive there. Each time he ran his tongue over one of the spots, she cried out and lifted her hips toward him. After tormenting her for what seemed like thirty minutes, he moved to her mound. She shaved regularly, so he could enjoy sucking on her there. He was very oral and tended to mouth every part of her body at one point or another.

  “Your pussy is soaking wet, love. Are you turned on? Do we make you hot?”

  “Please, Steven. I need one of you inside me. I feel so empty.”

  “Don’t rush us, baby. We’ve had to do without, too. Steven and I want to enjoy it.” Greg began biting and sucking all around her breasts.

  Steven’s mouth moved farther south. He licked over her slit twice before he settled in to suck and eat at her pussy. His teeth tugged at her pussy lips. Then he kissed and licked them to soothe the little stings. When he entered her cunt with two fingers, she nearly screamed in relief. For a brief moment, it settled the burning fire in her belly, but only for a few minutes. Then the aching emptiness built inside of her once again.

  “Cunt is so tight, love. I can’t wait to get my cock inside of you. You’ll squeeze me to death.”

  “I need you, Steven. Please. Fuck me.”


  “Lay down, Steven. If she wants something to fill her up, we’ll take care of her.”

  Greg directed them until Janet was trying to stuff Steven’s thick dick inside her snug, wet pussy. She wasn’t sure he would fit and wondered why. Then, as if by magic, she began to slide down the length of him until she was flush with his pelvis. His groin hair rasped against her clit. It felt wonderful. She wiggled her hips to grind her clit down on him.

  Greg popped her ass. “Be still, baby. I want in that hot ass, but I’ve got to stretch you first.”

  She giggled then felt him spread lube around her dark rosette. When he pressed a finger past the tight ring, she hissed out a breath but remained still. It didn’t hurt, only pinched. Then he added more lube and another finger. This time she had to press out in order to relax for him to force the second finger past the resistant tissue. It burned but quickly changed into more of a warm tingle.

  Then he was pressing three fingers into her back hole with more lube. She moaned but pushed back, and finally, the searing sting turned into nothing but fullness as he passed the resistant ring. Her ass felt full, but she knew that was nothing compared to how it would feel when Greg’s hard cock filled her there.

  “Easy, baby. Just breathe through it.” He pumped his fingers in and out of her ass in long, slow strokes.

  Once he was satisfied that she was ready, he pulled them out and replaced them with his lubed-up dick. He pressed forward against her back hole and slowly pushed past the tight tissues trying to keep him out.

  Janet panted as she pushed out in an attempt to let him in. It burned so good. She loved the bite of pain that changed to something even better once he made it past the hardest part. He tunneled his way deeper into her ass and then held still for her to adjust to his girth there.

  With Steven filling her pussy to overflowing and Greg shoved in her ass, she almost couldn’t breathe around them. Something had to go. She needed them to move. She couldn’t be still with them both inside of her.

  “Oh, God. Fuck me! I need you to move, Steven. Please, Greg.”

  Greg pulled out then pressed back in as Steven moved out. They set a slow, sensuous rhythm that threatened to overwhelm her. She ached for them to speed up, but she also didn’t want it to end too soon. Greg stimulated nerve endings deep in her ass that, mixed with the ones Steven had stirred up, had her body singing in pleasure. It wouldn’t take much more to put her over the edge.

  “Fuck, you’re tight, baby. I’m not going to last long.”

  “She’s squeezing my dick to the point of pain. Jesus, love. I’m going to explode if you keep flexing that tight cunt around me.”

  “I can’t help it. Oh, God! I’m so full.”

  They sped up a little and the pleasure-pain totally blew through her. She clamped down on both men as she exploded around them. She heard their shouts and curses as if from a long way off as she flew through ecstasy to the point of passing out. The last thing she heard was Steven’s Holy Hell.

  * * * *

  Steven felt it the minute she relaxed against him. She had passed out. He was almost too worn out to grin, but he managed.

  “She’s unconscious, isn’t she?” Greg asked.

  “Yeah. We did well.”

  “I don’t think we bothered her leg too much, either. She had most of her weight on you and not on that leg.”

  Steven felt Greg pull out of Janet’s body. The other man padded toward the bathroom then returned a few seconds later with a washcloth. He helped Steven pull her off of him. She moaned but didn’t wake up.

  “I’ll clean her up while you run the bath,” Greg said.

  Steven grunted and rolled off the bed. He couldn’t believe how wobbly his legs were. The sex had been intense. Maybe it hadn’t just been sex. Maybe it had been more along the lines of making love. God knew he had been affected by it. Being inside her body was akin to being in paradise. He couldn’t get enough of her. He wondered how Greg felt about her. The other man didn’t talk much about his feelings.

  He turned on the bath and adjusted the water to the warmest temperature he thought she would like. She tended to scald herself if he didn’t watch out. She liked her water really hot.

  Greg walked in carrying her. For just a second, there had been a very soft expression on the other man’s
face as he looked down at her. Maybe Greg felt more for Janet than he was letting on. He sure hoped so since they were going to be together for the rest of their lives.

  “How hot did you make the water? Am I going to burn my balls?”

  “Probably, but it’s not as hot as she would have run it.”

  Greg grunted and stepped over into the tub. His hissed-out breath was an indication that the water definitely hot. Steven smiled and handed the other man a cloth.

  “You can bathe her. I’ll remake the bed so we can sleep in it.”

  Steven left cousin and wife in the bathroom. He hoped Janet would wake up and they would talk some. They didn’t talk to each other nearly enough. It would do them some good to spend time alone. He concentrated on putting away the clothes and straightening the bed covers so they would be comfortable when they went back to bed. They tended to make a mess of the sheets during sex.

  Once again, he felt like it hadn’t been just sex. He smiled. To him, it was much more. He hoped it had been to the others.

  He heard the murmur of voices coming from the other room, now. Good, Janet had awakened and they were talking. He almost walked over to the door to listen in but caught himself. That was between them. They needed to have their own time together. He slipped downstairs and fixed a glass of water for Janet. He was sure she would be thirsty when she got out of the tub. When he returned to the bedroom, he heard the water draining from the tub. They would be out in a couple of minutes.

  Steven set the glass of water on the bedside table then climbed into the bed to wait for them. The sheets were a bit cool. He would be glad when they returned to warm the bed up some.

  The door to the bathroom opened and Greg carried Janet out of the bathroom toward the bed. He handed her off to Steven then got in bed next to her. Steven cuddled her up next to him.

  “How do you feel, love?”

  “Hmm, wonderful.”

  “Enjoy your bath?”

  “It was great, thanks. Greg bathed me. I guess I passed out.”


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