Monroe, Marla - Their Independent Bride [The Men of Space Station One #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Their Independent Bride [The Men of Space Station One #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 19

by Marla Monroe

  “What are you looking so happy about? You’d think that you had just had the best orgasm of your life.” Steven smiled down at her as she was getting dressed.

  “Oh? I guess I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “Love, you screamed. I think you were paying attention.”

  “Come on, you two.” Greg bounded down the stairs ahead of them.

  Janet followed Steven at a more sedate pace. She didn’t see any reason to be in that much of a hurry. Greg wasn’t acting like the Greg that she had made him into in her mind. He had told her that they hadn’t exactly hit it off before and that he’d been overly demanding. Now he was acting more like Steven.

  She shrugged it off and decided that everything was slowly working out. He’d said that he loved her, and she truly believed that he did from the sincerity on his face when he’d said it. Now if only she could remember how she had felt about him maybe things could get back to normal. Until then, she felt unbalanced.

  She walked into the kitchen to find the two men waiting on her. She couldn’t help staring at them. They were two prime examples of what a man should look like, handsome yet rugged. They stared back with questioning looks.

  “What do you two plan to do in my kitchen?”

  “Um, help?” Greg asked.

  “I don’t think so. You can sit at the table, and I’ll make you some coffee, but you’re not helping me cook.”

  They grinned with what looked like relief and took their seats at the table. Janet quickly put on a pot of coffee and began gathering what she would need to make dinner. Once the coffee was ready, Steven jumped up and poured them all a cup. She sipped hers absently as she took out a loaf of bread that she’d left to rise.

  Realizing that she needed the preserves she’d seen in the cellar, Janet opened the pantry door and then the cellar door and started down the steps.

  “Wait!” Greg jumped up from the table and raced across the room. “Don’t go down there. Tell me what you want, and I’ll get it for you.”

  “Nonsense. I can get it myself. You said you had covered up the place you think the creature had gotten in through. I’ll be careful.” She started back down, and he stopped her with a hand on her arm. Something drifted through his eyes.

  “Let me go first then. I don’t want to take a chance.”

  Janet saw a little of what he must have been like before her accident. Bossy only began to describe what she saw. He was almost too sure of himself. He had expected her to stop and do what he said. When she hadn’t, he’d visibly reigned himself in and tried again.

  She could tell that it had cost him to compromise. The fact that he had done it at all told her that he was sincere about relaxing his rigid rules some. She could appreciate that. She nodded and backed up so that he could squeeze past her. Then she followed him down the stairs. He looked around and then reached up as she made the last step and helped her down.

  “I don’t see anything. What did you need? I’ll get it for you.”

  “That jar of preserves on the fourth shelf.” She pointed to the jar.

  He pulled it down and motioned for her to go back upstairs. He carried the jar and followed her. Once they were in the kitchen again, he handed her the preserves and returned to the table and his cooling coffee.

  Greg was still a mystery to her since she couldn’t remember him before the accident. How he was now seemed almost too good to be true. Shaking her head, she didn’t think about it anymore and finished preparing dinner. After dinner she would think about it some more.

  When dinner was finished, the men insisted on cleaning up, so she headed to the living room and bypassed the baby books for a real novel that she had brought with her. It held her interest for all of thirty minutes and she was back to thinking about Greg and Steven.

  She couldn’t remember either one of them before the accident, but for some reason, she’d been more comfortable around Steven than around Greg from the beginning. It had to be instinct, and that worried her. If something as basic as instinct warned her not to get too close, what was she supposed to think about his current behavior? Was it all an act? No, she’d seen the sincerity in his eyes, on his face. He truly was in love with her.

  The longer she fretted over it, the more it bothered her. Finally, with a headache brewing, she put down the book and laid her head against the back of the couch and closed her eyes. Random thoughts of the two men bounced around in her head. Snippets of memory snuck through to tease at the edges of her mind. She latched onto them as they emerged and soon had a small picture of life before the accident. What she remembered didn’t bode well for Greg.

  * * * *

  Greg and Steven leaned back against opposite cabinets and talked. Greg was worried that Janet didn’t believe that he loved her. Somehow, she was aware of the past even though she didn’t actually remember it. It was the only answer he could come up with.

  “I think she’s warming up to you, Greg.” Steven tossed the dish cloth back and forth from hand to hand.

  “How do you get that? She stiffens when I touch her and gravitates toward you anytime we’re both in the room.”

  “You’re overanalyzing it all. She’s attracted to you, cares about and enjoys sex with you. Give her time. She’s forgotten two husbands and knows that she has to live with us even though she can’t remember us. That has to be hard to accept.”

  “You’re right. I’m pushing her. It’s just that it hurts so damn much to not be able to hug her without feeling her worry.”

  “Let’s go see what she’s doing. She’s been awfully quiet for the last forty-five minutes. That can’t be good.”

  They walked into the living room to find her curled up on the couch with her head thrown back against the couch. There was a book in her hand opened, but she wasn’t looking at it. Instead, her eyes were closed. The expression on her face appeared almost angry. Greg felt ice crawl down his back. She was remembering. He would bet anything that she was remembering.


  “What are you doing, love?” Steven seemed oblivious to it.

  Her eyes popped open, and she lifted her head to stare at them. Her gaze drifted to him, and there was a definite change in how she viewed him. His heart sank.

  “I was reading but got tired of it. The book just doesn’t hold my interest.”

  “We finished cleaning up.”


  Greg couldn’t speak. He was scared that something stupid would come out of his mouth. Instead, he stared and waited for her accusations. When she didn’t say anything for a few seconds, he finally did speak.

  “What about your baby books? Have you memorized all of them?” He grinned, thinking that would maybe break the ice.

  “I’m tired of them right now. I’ll read them again later.”

  He was right. Her voice had a definite chill to it. He glanced over at Steven. Now the man appeared to realize something wasn’t quite kosher. What should he do? He didn’t have a clue. Instead of hemming and hawing around, Greg chose to go the direct route.

  “You’ve gotten your memory back, haven’t you?”

  “Some of it. Not all of it.”

  “But you remember how you felt about me.”

  “Yeah, pretty much. You were strict with me and always trying to tell me what I could and couldn’t do.”

  “Not always. Just when it concerned your health or safety. I didn’t want anything to happen to you, baby. Can’t you understand that?”

  Greg moved to sit on the couch next to her but far enough away that she wouldn’t feel crowded, he hoped. She didn’t scoot over, but she did look worried. He sighed and leaned back to give her more room.

  “Hell, baby. I would never hurt you. Do you at least believe that?”

  “Yes.” She sighed and rubbed her face with both hands. “I’m sorry. Suddenly remembering some things took me by surprise. My head hurts something fierce, too.”

  “I’ll get you some painkiller for the headache, love.” Steven
disappeared up the stairs.

  “I can’t tell you I’m sorry enough about how I was, Janet. I thought I was keeping you safe. Now I know I was smothering you. I’m honestly trying hard not to do that, but there are some things I won’t back down on. The thing is, I don’t think you would balk at those things except on principle.”

  “You’re probably right. Maybe if you say it in a different way, it won’t bother me so much.” She stared intently into his eyes for a second.

  Greg started to ask what she was thinking, but Steven returned with the painkiller. Then he ran to the kitchen for a glass of water. Greg waited until she had taken the medicine before resuming the conversation.

  “Baby, do you believe that I love you?”

  She nodded but didn’t say anything.

  “I think I loved you the first time you argued with me. No one had ever done that before. It made me spitting mad, but it excited me, too. It was a novelty. From then on, I enjoyed making you mad on occasion. If you will remember, some of those arguments ended up with us in bed.”

  She blushed. It was a pretty, pink blush that stole over her face and neck. He smiled and only just stopped himself from running his finger down her cheek. He wasn’t sure she would have appreciated it.

  “I remember some of those arguments, but not all of them. I still don’t remember how I felt about you. It makes it difficult for me to know if my feelings now are real or not. How can I be sure that if I didn’t love you before, that being in love with you now will last?”

  “I’ve changed, Janet. For the better. I wish you could believe that.”

  “I want to, Greg. You have no idea how much I want to believe it. I do believe you love me, though.”

  “Well, that’s something, at least. Can’t we build on that and leave the past in the past?”

  “I don’t know if I can. Let me think about it.”

  Steven cleared his throat and snagged their attention. Greg looked at him with a less than friendly look.

  “It’s getting late. I think we should go to bed.”

  “That’s probably a good idea.” Greg agreed with Steven. They weren’t getting anywhere.

  “Yeah, my head is getting better. Maybe after I bathe the headache will be gone.”

  Greg watched as Janet walked up the stairs. Her entire body language shouted tired and uncomfortable. Was it the headache or the conversation? He hoped it wasn’t the conversation because they needed to have it and probably more like it before it was all over with.

  Once in the bedroom, they pulled off their clothes and climbed into bed. She didn’t shy away when he wrapped an arm around her, but he noticed that she did gravitate more toward Steven. It hurt. It tore at his heart, and he wondered if he’d done the right thing in falling in love with her after all.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Several days later, Janet stood watching the snow accumulate outside the kitchen window. The men were out checking the area for prints to indicate any creatures had been around. They also would check the supplies and transport while they were out. They had been out there for over two hours. She was beginning to get bored with no one to talk to.

  She had stew on the stove warming and bread ready to put in the stove as soon as they returned. She figured toast and stew would be warming, filling, and had been easy for her to throw together.

  She perked up when she saw them heading back toward the house. They looked cold and tired by the time she could see their faces. She wanted to open the door for them but had agreed not to in case something was lurking around waiting for a chance to get in the house. Instead, she unlocked it and stood across the room with her mop, ready to clean up the mess they would make tromping in snow.

  “Fuck it’s cold outside.” Greg stomped his boots at the door before walking in.

  Then Steven emerged with rosy, red cheeks. “At least the wind wasn’t blowing. It could have been worse.”

  “The hell you say?”

  Janet covered up a grin by coughing with her hand over her face. They were grumpy after having been out in it. She smiled her best smile and handed each of them a cup of coffee after she had cleaned up the snowy mess on the floor.

  “Thanks, baby. This will hit the spot.”

  “I have stew and toast for dinner tonight. Do you think that will be enough for you?”

  “Sounds good to me. Your stew is always thick with vegetables.” Steven nodded.

  The men disappeared into the living room as she slid the bread into the oven to toast. While it was browning, she stirred the stew and turned the temperature up to make sure it would be hot. As soon as the toast was ready, she ladled the stew into bowls and set them along with the toast on the table. Then she went to the door and called the men to eat.

  They hurried in and sat down. She joined them and they dug in. It wasn’t a surprise that they each wanted seconds. She managed to eat nearly all of her helping and a piece of toast. They were so busy eating, that conversation was relegated to one- and two-syllable words.

  After the kitchen had been cleaned up, she followed them into the living room and sat on the couch between the two men. She steeled herself not to lean into Steven. Instead, she leaned against Greg. He quickly wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her forehead before resuming his conversation with Steven.

  She only half listened. Instead, she concentrated on how it felt to be next to him and almost in his arms. They regularly had sex, but the intimacy seemed one-sided, and not on her side. She was holding herself back from him and wondered if that was part of the problem in her not remembering. She resolved not to do that the next time.

  Having made that decision, she was anxious for the next time. She squirmed as her panties grew damp just thinking about it. She couldn’t fault the sex. It was hot, intense, and wild. He always made sure that she was taken care of before he or Steven came. Greg’s dominant nature played well in the bedroom. It was odd that what she liked there didn’t carry over in the rest of her life.

  “Janet? Did you hear me, love?”

  “Um, no. I guess I was off in my own world. What did you say?”

  “It’s nearly eleven. Are you ready for bed?”

  “Goodness, where did the time go? Have I been daydreaming all this time?”

  “I don’t know. We were talking about the problems with the last house we worked on.”

  “Don’t worry about it, baby. It wasn’t anything you would have wanted to listen to, anyway. Let’s head upstairs.”

  She let Greg pull her to her feet and then followed them up the stairs. When they got to the bedroom, she called first dibs on the bathroom. She got ready for bed before leaving it for the men. Once she climbed into bed, she realized she wasn’t the least bit sleepy. That was thanks to not doing anything during the day but cooking. She wasn’t used to being lazy.

  Steven used the bathroom down the hall while Greg took over the master bath. They both finished about the same time and slipped into bed on either side of her. Steven faced her and began kissing along her jaw and around her ear. Greg nibbled her chin before claiming her mouth. She loved his kisses. They were so forceful and thorough in how he explored every crevice of her mouth with his tongue.

  When he finally pulled back, she was panting for breath. He licked along her lips and then nibbled the bottom one before drawing it into his mouth to soothe. She couldn’t get enough of his kisses, but when he began heading toward her pussy, she released the hold she’d had on his head so he could mouth his way down there.

  “I can smell your arousal, baby. I bet you’re soaking wet.”

  “I can’t help it. You two turn me on to the point of being ridiculous.”

  Steven drew her nipple into his mouth and flattened it to the roof. Then he sucked and pulled on it until she was whimpering with need. She needed more, much more. As if knowing, he began to pull and pinch her other nipple as he continued nursing from the one in his mouth. She could feel the draw clear to her cunt.

  Greg stoppe
d at her belly button to lick around it before lapping at the sensitive spots at her groin. She nearly came unglued when he sucked on the spot there. She doubled up, jerking her breast from Steven’s mouth.

  “God! That’s almost painful it feels so good.” She dug one hand into Steven’s hair and the other into Greg’s. “Don’t stop.”

  “Don’t worry, baby. I don’t plan to. I’m going to make you climax so many times you will lose count.”

  “I won’t complain.”

  He slipped between her legs and blew at the wet junction there. She squirmed, earning her a quick pinch on her nipple.

  “Stay still, love. I’m busy here.”

  Smothering a chuckle, she grinned then nearly screamed when Greg latched onto her pussy lips and sucked. He probed gently at her opening as he sucked and licked her pussy. Then he stiffened his tongue and thrust it in her slit over and over again. He ran a finger around her slit and then up and down it, pushing it inside just a little ways every once in a while.

  “Damn it! Don’t tease me. Fuck me, Greg.”

  “Since when are you calling the shots, babe?” he asked.

  “I need you, Greg. Please?” She would beg if need be when it came to sex.

  She was so wrapped up in need that she didn’t realize at first that he had begun to play with her ass. He slid one finger inside her cunt and swirled it around before drawing her pussy juices down to her back hole. Then he pressed a finger in past the first knuckle and on to the second one. Then he pressed all the way down to the webbing.

  She moaned then caught herself and cut it off. She didn’t need to let them know how excited she was or they would stop and start all over again. She knew how they played that game.

  Finally, Greg had two fingers inside her ass and was slowly pumping them in and out as she rocked her pelvis in the same rhythm as his questing fingers. It burned so good. Then he added more lube and another finger. The three fingers were a little more uncomfortable as he pushed them past the ring of resistance. Once they popped through, he began to pump them over and over until she was thrusting her pelvis up to meet the finger with her ass.


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