I grinned at her. “Getting started on expanding this family.”
I wouldn’t ruin our time thinking about my brother, but I was still so mind-blown and disgusted at what he’d done. He wouldn’t get away with his crimes. Karma was a bitch like that.
Somehow, in this awful, unimaginable storm, Mulaney’s strength had become a balm to me. Her love my shield. The beautiful, amazing woman in my arms was my past, my present, my life. We didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, but given the last eight months of uncertainty, we understood how precious life was. We were determined to listen wisely, forgive faster, and love harder, because that’s what people who loved each other did. She had the key to my heart and soul willingly. Wholeheartedly. Forever.
Now, where was I?
* * *
What is Holly hiding? And what will she do when she finds out who Carlos really is?
Let Carlos steal your heart in DANGEROUS REDEMPTION. Pre-order now.
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Bonus Scene
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Book Stuff
We’ve told you before that the Paths To Love series was never actually meant to be a series. But the more we got to know the characters, the louder they spoke to us. You know exactly who we’re talking about.
We’ll never forget the first time we met her. You might remember a phone call she has with Stone in Three Dates where he asks her to come home to Burdett. From that one scene, she intrigued us. And for a second there, we actually thought she and Carlos we’re going to end up together.
But in true Mulaney fashion, she promptly informed us we didn’t know a damn thing about her story. When she introduced us to Easton, we understood exactly why Carlos was never in the cards for her.
One of us has a major soft spot for Mulaney. And one of us wanted to take her into a horse stall and give her an attitude adjustment a few times. We think some of that talking to stuck . . . sometimes. What draws us to her is that she’s misunderstood. Sure, she says stuff she shouldn’t. Does lots of stuff she shouldn’t. But underneath that tough exterior is a vulnerability she didn’t really want to let us see. She’s stubborn like that.
Once she did, there’s just something about her we connect with. Maybe it’s how she feels she doesn’t quite fit anywhere except with her family. She loves the people she cares about with a fierceness like no other. She wouldn’t be who she is without the Jacobs. Come to think of it, we wouldn’t be who we are without them either.
Easton . . . isn’t he just . . . the kind of love you want in your life? He’s patient. He sees beyond all Mulaney’s faults and really loves her all the more because of them. One of our favorite things about him is he doesn’t want to change her. He wants to be her partner in every sense of the word. Solid. That’s exactly what Easton Carter is.
Whew . . . Miss Ruby gave us a scare didn’t she? That woman makes us laugh like no one else can. We have no idea where she comes up with the stuff she says, but we hope she never stops.
It’s always hard to bring a story to a close, especially when the characters have been with you as long as these have been with us. Mulaney and Easton challenged us. (Okay, that’s being nice. They were a pain in the you know what sometimes.) But they also taught us to appreciate the people in our lives in a way we haven’t before. And we might be a little better at speaking our minds because of them too.
You’ve probably figured out that Carlos and Holly’s story is ahead. Things are definitely going to get more difficult in the Paths To Love world before they get better, but we promise Carlos is going to knock your socks—erm, panties—off.
Until then, thank you so much for taking a chance on Easton and Mulaney.
Grahame Claire
Without our families, this dream wouldn’t be possible. They put up with our madness, celebrate our successes, and let us vent when we screw it all up. We love you more than we can ever say, and you are the reason we do what we do.
These thank yous are in no particular order. Except that we put our families first. We have to live with them, so you know, if we didn’t, we’d hear about it. Then again, we’re not sure they ever make it this far in our books, so they might not even know if we included them at all. Should we run an experiment? *evil cackling commences*
Friendship can take place in all shapes and forms. Ours has never been conventional, yet somehow we just connect. Through all the highs and lows, one thing has remained steady and strong. The bond we have that transcends the books.
“If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.” ― Nora Roberts
This quote is on our editor’s website. We live by it every single day. And when we saw the words on her page, we knew it was meant to be. Because of course we believe in fate. After summoning our courage and a few shots of vodka (just kidding!) we reached out to Sue Grimshaw and to say she’s a pleasure to work with is an understatement. She immediately addressed things we couldn’t quite put our fingers on and encourages us with her infinite positivity. Thank you so much for taking a chance on us, Sue.
Marion Archer, you have been part of our journey even before we officially worked together. Your kindness over the years is something we’ll never, ever forget. You’ve taken a difficult part of the writing process and made it something we now look forward to. We’re so thrilled to not only call you our editor, but our friend. And you brought us the good chocolate. So of course we’re friends. When you bring us cake, we’ll be besties!
Karen Lawson and Janet Hitchcock, thank you so much for the team effort. Your comments and banter cracked us up. You made our work shine and are both an absolute pleasure.
Tandy Boese, thank you for putting up with us and our schedule.
Angela Houle, we’re so appreciative of your guidance and support over the years. This series wouldn’t be where it is without you. Thank you for all you’ve done.
Natasha Is A Book Junkie, you knocked our cover reveal out of the park. You wow us with your amazing graphics! And one of us finally got to meet you!!! We hope to again soon, but it might be best if it’s not near your house . . . because we might end up with your precious dog in our purse. :)
Author friends are critical to any writing journey and we’re lucky enough to have some amazing ladies in our corner. Alessandra Torre, your guidance and wisdom has set us on a path we never thought possible. We’re so grateful to you for everything you do for us. Tia Louise, you are such a star in the author community. Thank you for always being a bright spot.
Who knew that a chance meeting at RT could turn into friendship we never expected? Claudia Burgoa, we really don’t know where we’d be without you. You amaze us with your kindness and positive attitude. Not sure what we did to deserve having you in our lives, but we’re so glad to have you.
Catherine Cowles and Emma Renshaw . . . you know. That’s really all there is to say. Except love you both to pieces.
Now to the people who are
the first eyes on our stories. You just don’t know how much your honest feedback means to us and helps shape our books. Please don’t ever leave us. Suebee. Cheesecake Factory. Need we say more?! Your support and friendship gives us strength. Knowing you’re in our corner means the world. Christy, Jessica, Diane, L. Duarte, Sonia, and Sabrina, there isn’t enough thanks for all you do. We adore you!
Belinda G., thank you so much for the candy research. We hope you got to enjoy some while you were helping us!
And finally, to you, our readers. Every email, message, and review means more than we could ever say. You have embraced our stories and love them as your own. Without your support we wouldn’t be able to do this. Getting to know you is a highlight of this journey. We’re so lucky to have you as part of our family. THANK YOU.
Also by Grahame Claire
It’s Not Over
Three Dates
Righting Our Wrongs
Dangerous Redemption
Thick As Thieves
About the Author
Grahame Claire is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance.
A writer. A blogger. United by our love of stories and all things romance. There was definitely some insta-love. Hello? Books involved. A little courting. A lot of writing. The result...Grahame Claire.
Soulmates. Unashamed of our multiple book boyfriends. Especially the ones that rooted in our heads and wouldn’t leave us alone. Don’t worry. We’ll share.
Pleased to meet you.
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