Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7)

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Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7) Page 11

by Candace Blevins

  Ironically, Randall’s construction company had built it for me. I hadn’t thought I’d need anything more than three bedrooms, but now I was wishing I’d gone with a different floor plan. When I paid tribute to Randall, I’d ask if he could send someone to put a door between two of the rooms.

  I hadn’t approved of the twins sharing a room, but it turns out just getting them out of the same bed was the current battle. I thought I could make it work by situating the beds so they could still see each other through the door at night, though.

  I pruned Dawg’s roses, fed his as well as mine, and planted over a hundred trays of annuals. The bulbs I’d planted in the fall were all up and beautiful, and the ivy I’d started in a shady spot on my lawn seemed to be taking hold. Houses all around us wonder how we have all these plantings, because deer eat their plants as soon as they put them out. The secret is we change and piss all over the place, but we can’t very well tell our neighbors our circle smells too much like wolf piss for the deer to dare come near.

  Britches was inside cleaning my house and I was surprised she wasn’t finished yet. Our deal was a hundred-twenty cash, or a hundred dollar check, but she hadn’t told me what she needed this week. I wasn’t finished, but went in to check on her and smiled as I smelled stew.

  I found her in the kitchen. “You didn’t have to cook, but thank you.”

  “Did you have Bash ask Angelica to help me?”

  I nodded and she said, “Okay, I just wanted to make sure. She called me last night and I’m supposed to meet a woman this evening.”

  “I’ve done all I can, but I hope it works out for you.”

  “Thanks. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I appreciate it.”

  “How long till it’s ready?”

  “I started it when I got here, and checked on it while I cleaned. It’s on simmer now, eat it when you’re ready.”

  Fuck, I’d finish the yard tomorrow. “How about you help me get clean in the shower?”

  “I… I… okay.”

  “You don’t want to?”

  “It’s not that. I can, I just won’t be able to fix my hair or makeup before I meet the other wolf.”

  I shook my head. “It’s okay, Britches. You want cash or check this week?”

  “Cash, please.”

  I pulled the money from my wallet and handed it to her. “You gonna eat with me?”

  “Why are you being nice?”

  “Would you rather I was an asshole?”

  She laughed. “No, I’m just not used to it. I don’t want to turn you down. If you still want me, I’m not saying no, I’d just rather not get in the shower.”

  “You done cleaning?”

  “Still have to do the downstairs bathroom. Was about to head back down there when you came in.”

  “You do that while I shower, then we’ll eat.”

  I put boxer briefs on after my shower, and went into the kitchen to find her dishing us each a bowl of stew.

  “Are you on the pill?” I asked as I accepted the bowl and sat down with it.

  “No. I’ve been advised not to take any medications before being bitten. I’ve been off them six months.”

  “Did you come to us in the hopes you’d find someone else to bite you?”

  “The Pack had no issues biting me, I just didn’t want to stay with them anymore. It hurt to be around them but not part of them.”

  “If this works, will you go back to them?”

  “I told Duke and Bash I had no intention of returning to my father’s Pack — or joining any other — when they let me start coming to parties, and then again before ya’ll voted so I could come and go as I please. The Pack rejected me. It wouldn’t feel right for them to accept me back. Why did you ask if I’m on birth control?”

  “Because I’ve made a decision to only fuck pussies that can’t get pregnant. Condoms aren’t as effective as I’d like them to be.”

  “So, anytime you take me, it’ll be up the ass or down the throat?”

  I nodded.

  “That’s actually kind of hot.”

  I smelled her lust and told her, “Probably should’ve fucked before we ate. There’s glycerin suppositories in the upstairs hall bath under the sink. Feel free to make use of them when you finish, but take your time eating. I’m going to get another bowl.”

  Dawg had warned me weeks ago that Britches controls her gag reflex on an empty stomach, but had cautioned me about throat-fucking her right after she eats. Apparently, she’d puked all over him. I’d let her blow me a little, but then I’d take her ass. No throat-fucking today.

  She went to the bathroom when she finished, and when I’d eaten my second bowlful I put the rest of the stew into the fridge, put our bowls away, and cleaned the stew pot. I wanted an outdoor fuck so I took the lube out to my deck, and left the door open so she’d be able to find me. I was sitting and looking into the forest behind my yard when she stepped to the door completely naked.

  I nodded toward a low table on the other side of the deck. “Lean over it.” I grabbed her by a nipple to stop her, and asked, “You lube already or do I need to do it for you?”

  “There was lube in there so I figured you’d want me to.”

  I nodded, released her nipple, and stripped out of my boxer briefs. I lubed my cock and stepped to her fine ass on full display. “Spread your cheeks.”

  I didn’t take long and I didn’t hurt her too bad. I went fat and short a few times, but not excessively so. It was a beautiful day and she has a sweet ass. Not as tight as I’d like, but still a nice fuck.

  I could tell her clit was rubbing just right on the table towards the end, and I actually held off until her orgasm finished before I let mine go. God, if this got around then my don’t-give-a-fuck rep would be totally ruined. Not that I cared, but I also didn’t want all the little sweet-butts thinking it was okay to hang on me.

  She groaned as my hand slapped her ass, and stood with a smile. “Yeah, ass-only is kind of hot.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Get dressed and let yourself out. Thanks for the stew, and the house looks good. See you next Monday?”

  “Yeah. Text me if you need me to come at a specific time.”

  I nodded and she left.

  Twenty minutes later I was on my bike headed to the clubhouse. The sky was bluer, the wind was sweeter… it was almost as if I’d been living in a dirty bubble, and now it was suddenly gone.

  I bounced a few hours before helping bartend, and noted people didn’t piss me off just by talking to me.

  I was playing pool in the clubhouse once we’d closed the bar, and Dawg was talking to someone I’d seen around a few times. He motioned me over when I finished my game. “Miss Attitude here’s never had a DP. Wanna help me show her how it works?”

  “If I get her ass.”

  “Works for me.” He walked her around a corner and I followed a few steps behind to watch her short skirt bob on her tight little ass.

  “Take your panties off, darlin’.” Dawg asks, I usually order.


  “Yeah, here.”

  “Someone might hear us!”

  He leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “And if they walk around the corner they’ll see you with a dick in your pussy and another in your ass. They’ll see how hot you are, and they’ll wish they were inside you instead of us.”

  He pulled a small tube of lube from his pocket, and I took it from him as she let her panties fall to the floor. “Mount her on your cock and I’ll get her ready for mine.”

  She tried to be quiet at first, but with just my finger in her ass I knew she was going to be loud. Sure enough, I barely had the head of my cock in her and she was moaning so loud even the humans in the other room had to be able to hear. Makes no difference to me — you never know what you’ll encounter at three in the morning in the clubhouse. Hell, I figure Dawg walked her around the corner because he was worried she’d balk too hard at doing it where everyone could see.

nbsp; Dawg and I set up a rhythm, so he was inside while I was out, but then switched it out so we both powered in at the same time. If she hadn’t been so horny it would’ve been too much for her, but she screamed and clutched at Dawg as she grasped for an orgasm apparently just out of reach. She and Dawg finally came together, but I wasn’t finished with her. I had her prop her hands against the wall and lean over, and Dawg played with her clit while I pounded her ass without mercy. When I finally came, I took a few steps back and leaned against the wall behind me.

  “Damn, I needed that.”

  Dawg picked the chick up and said, “I’m going to go cuddle her a bit. I think we were a little rough with our toy.”

  “She liked it.”

  “She did, but she still needs to be cuddled.”

  I pulled my pants up and fastened them, and made my way back to the main room. Dawg was sitting with the chick cradled in his lap, stroking her hair. Her eyes were closed and she looked happy, and my heart hurt remembering how it’d felt to hold someone like that.

  Dawg didn’t love her, though. I could hold someone like that now, if I wanted. The problem with that was then they’d think I liked them. I shook my head and got a beer.

  * * *

  Brain called me to the control room the next day to tell me Connie’s alarm system was hooked to the Drake Security control room.

  I’d asked him to tap into it and he’d never had a problem doing it before, to my knowledge. “And?”

  “We have an agreement not to tap into their customers.”

  I sighed. “What can we do? And what’s happened for her to look to the top security experts?”

  “Looks like her company pays for her security. Want me to see if I can get you on the phone with Aaron or Nathan, see if they’ll tell us anything?”


  He lifted his phone and dialed a number without having to search for it. “Aaron, I believe Gonzo’s dating one of your clients. I was going to patch into her security until I realized she’s yours. He’d like to speak with you, if you have a moment.”

  I heard Aaron tell him to hand me the phone, and I took it. “I know you’re seeing Constance — my control room alerted me when they saw you coming and going. She isn’t your type, but the footage we have of the two of you and the kids in the front and back yard tells me she wants you there, so we haven’t intervened.”

  “The twins are mine, but I just found out. She’s letting me come around to see the kids. I wanted to patch into the security to keep an eye on my children.”

  “Ouch. I’ll make you a deal — give me a number and I’ll put you on the list of people for my control room to call if there’s a problem at her house.”

  I didn’t say anything and he said, “That’s the best I can do. I won’t let you patch in and spy on her when she doesn’t know it.”

  I gave him my number and said, “If I don’t answer, have them call our control room and tell them, please.”

  “Will do. Best of luck, and congrats because those twins are adorable.”

  “Her company contracted you?”

  He was silent a few seconds before saying, “Yes.”

  “They ever contract for bodyguards?”

  “Not in a while, and only when there are specific threats to the company, or when she’s working on something controversial.”

  “Okay. I’d appreciate it if you kept me apprised on that end, too. I can only help keep her and the kids safe if I know there’s a problem.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Thank you.”

  I handed Brain’s phone back to him. “Thanks. I’ve decided on buffalo for Randall, and I need a door put between two rooms so I figure I’ll ask if he can send someone to do that for me. Will that be okay?”

  “Perfect. Another way to tell him you aren’t holding a grudge.”

  Chapter 14


  I called Connie Wednesday evening since I hadn’t heard from her. She was friendly enough, though she sounded flustered.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Chloe decided she wanted tattoos like yours and she drew all over her stomach and arms with permanent marker!”

  Oops. I have a full sleeve on one arm. Another of those things that makes me stand out as a bitten wolf, because once you’re a wolf you’ll lose a new tattoo the first time you change.

  “Do you want me to come talk to her?”

  “I’ve a good mind to take sandpaper to her skin to get it off. Nothing is working.”

  I could hear the frustration in her voice but I knew she’d never hurt the kids that bad. “If rubbing alcohol isn’t working, try hairspray.”

  “The alcohol faded it, but it’s still there.”

  “Try the hairspray. I’ll be there in twenty minutes, less if the traffic will get out of my way. I’m on my bike, but I’ll be as quiet as I can once I hit your neighborhood.”

  I texted Duke to let him know I might not be able to work the bar, and headed to Connie’s.

  They were in the kitchen, with Chloe in tears sitting on the island in shorts and no shirt. I could still see green on her, and I looked at Connie.

  “She used red, blue, black, and green. The alcohol faded it and the hairspray took everything but the green off.”

  “Do you have coarse sea salt? Or, just coarse salt, but it’s usually sea salt.”

  She walked to a cabinet and returned with a large shaker. I dialed the top so it would pour instead of shake, and poured about a spoonful into my hand. I dripped water into it from the faucet, worked it until it was a paste, and rubbed it on Chloe’s arm.

  “This’ll be uncomfortable, and that’s okay, but if it hurts then tell me and I’ll stop, okay?”

  She nodded and I carefully rubbed tiny circles over the green marks on her arm. She breathed in and I looked at her, took in her scent, and kept at it. When I smelled her scent edging past discomfort I moved to another section, and before long the green was gone, too.

  “Now her stomach,” her aunt said, clearly still unhappy.

  I hesitated. “Will anyone see her stomach? It’ll wear off naturally in a few days. I understand worrying about her arms because it’s short sleeve weather, but…”

  Connie glared at me, then Chloe, and threw up her hands. “Fine, it can stay since no one at school will see it.”

  I wondered what was really going on, because this seemed like she was blowing something small into something big.

  “Why did you write on yourself, Chloe?”

  “Why did you write on yourself?”

  “I didn’t. A really long time ago I paid someone to inject ink under my skin with a needle. It was like getting a thousand shots, over and over — but I was an adult, and I was old enough to do it. It’s against the law for kids to get a tattoo.”


  I nodded, and she looked at me in awe, which wasn’t the response I’d been looking for. God, she was definitely my kid.

  I lifted her from the counter, set her gently on her feet, and pointed to an empty corner. “Go stand facing the corner until your aunt and I figure out what to do.”

  I watched her walk to the corner and then nodded to Connie’s laptop on the table as I looked at her. “Can you open a blank word processing page, please?”

  She sat at the kitchen table and clicked a few times, and when she nodded I sat down beside her and pulled the laptop toward me to type:

  What did you have in mind for consequences?

  I take it you have something in mind?

  She knows she did wrong, and I think the removal was pretty traumatic. Rub salt on your arm like I did hers. I tried very hard to keep it from hurting but it had to be quite uncomfortable. Where’s Declan?

  I let him play video games while I dealt with his sister.

  Perfect. Why don’t we give Chloe some quiet time with crayons and a coloring book to reinforce where it IS okay to color, and I’ll play video games with Declan. Meanwhile, I�
��ll give you my credit card to order pizza, and when it arrives we can all stop doing whatever we’re doing and eat.

  She closed the laptop and said, “Okay, that works. I’ll go get the supplies she’ll need — you explain it to her.”

  Connie left and I said, “Please come here, Chloe.”

  I sat her on my leg and wished I had a tissue close so she could blow her nose. “You knew you weren’t supposed to use those markers, didn’t you?”

  She nodded and I told her, “I’m disappointed you did something you knew was naughty, but I still love you. I think you’ve learned your lesson, because you don’t want us to have to try to get that off your skin again, do you?”

  She shook her head and I smiled and kissed her forehead.

  “Your aunt is going to bring some crayons and a coloring book, because we want to remind you where it’s okay to color, and what it’s okay to color with. While you color, I’m going to play video games with Declan.”

  At this the tears flowed and she stuttered out, “I… I… I want to p…p…play video games with you!”

  “I know you do, but you need to use your crayons on the coloring book so you can remember where it’s okay to color. We’ll all do our thing until the pizza arrives, and then we’ll put all of this behind us, okay?”

  Connie came back with the crayons and coloring book, and I told her, “I want a large pizza all to myself. Extra cheese, and every kind of meat they have except anchovies.” She nodded, and I went to the den to play with Declan.

  He was playing an educational game, and one I thought far above a four year old’s level, but he nailed it. When he finished his game he told me, “Two people can play on the same side — will you help? Aunt Constance makes it harder when she helps, and it’s more fun when it’s harder but I can’t do it by myself.”

  He showed me the level his aunt sets it when she plays, and before long the two of us were building words with letters based on how we wanted a story to go.

  We paused the game when the doorbell rang, and I told Connie that Declan and I would need to finish our game after dinner before we shut it down. She nodded as she handed my credit card back to me, and I got plates from the cabinet while she opened the boxes.


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