Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7)

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Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7) Page 24

by Candace Blevins

  * * *


  I hadn’t been joking when I said it’d felt naughty to talk about it, and it felt a hundred times naughtier for him to do it, and he hadn’t even pushed his finger inside yet.

  He teased my pussy with one hand while he teased the outside of my rectum… wow, he was right — calling it a rectum isn’t very sexy.

  I’ve never successfully played with myself, but my hands were free since my weight was on my chest and shoulders, and I was so tempted to see if I could rub my clit and ease some of the pressure, but I wasn’t sure what to do.

  Just as I was about to ask for more, he pressed his finger inside and I gasped at the invasion. Things are supposed to go out, not in, and it felt so wrong, and yet… I still wanted more.

  Thankfully, he gave me another finger a few moments later, and this time my gasp wasn’t just because something was coming in, but because it stretched me open uncomfortably, and I squeezed down to try to slow his entry but he just kept pressing.

  “Relax for me. It’s okay to push out — it’ll help you figure out how to open up and let me in, but I’m going to keep coming in no matter how hard you squeeze. The only way to stop me is to ask me to stop.”

  At first, my muscles refused to push out. We learn during potty-training as toddlers to only do that on the toilet, and fighting that conditioning took me a few moments, but when I finally managed it I saw he was right as I went from uncomfortable stretching to good stretching, and I moaned as his fingers kept coming in — so wrong and yet I didn’t want him to stop.

  “That’s it. There’s a learning curve before you can properly accept a cock up your ass, but you’re going to do just fine.”

  His crude words once again fanned the flames of my arousal, and this time my hand reached for my clit before I even realized it.

  “Mmmm, I like that you’re so horny you want to play with yourself, but I’m in charge of your orgasms right now, so put your hand back where it was.”

  I wanted to argue with him, but I was also afraid he’d stop giving me the wonderful sensations his fingers were bestowing in my pussy and ass, so I took my hand away.

  “Good girl.”

  If he hadn’t added a finger in my pussy as he said it, I’d have protested being called a good girl, but as he pushed me closer to an orgasm I was grateful I’d been good enough to get another finger.

  When I thought I was millimeters away from yet another orgasm he pulled the hand at my pussy away, and the fingers in my ass stilled. I heard a condom wrapper and wondered how he managed to do it one handed, but I wasn’t willing to move out of position enough to turn around and look.

  A few seconds later his cock was entering my pussy again and his fingers were still in my ass, though they weren’t moving.

  My hands grabbed the sheet as my back arched more to give him better access, and I groaned as I realized he hadn’t been joking about how sore I was going to be.

  It was a good hurt, though, and I wanted him to pound me again. Instead, he went in and held, his fingers came out of my asshole, and I heard him opening the lube again.

  Both of his hands touched my bottom, fingers fanned out to the side, and I gasped once again as one thumb, and then the other went into my asshole.

  He held his thumbs inside my bottom without moving them as he went out and back in my pussy with his cock, and all I could do was moan, yelp, and beg for him to give me more as he gradually picked up speed.

  With so much going on there’s no way for me to break down the order of events. I know he pounded me harder than I’d imagined I could take, and he spread his thumbs apart at random intervals, or moved them in and out separately, one going out as the other went in, so one was always inside and I didn’t know whether I was coming or going.

  I’d read that men last longer the second time, and I know I was raw from the friction of his cock moving and thrusting in my pussy for so long, but the pain just made me want him more and more. Each orgasm seemed more intense than the last until he finally came with me and the world tumbled into blackness as my senses were so overwhelmed I could no longer process them all.

  Chapter 31


  You know it was good when you fuck her unconscious.

  I knew she was okay — her scent told me she was exhausted but oh-so-happy, and completely relaxed, so I only had to hold her and wait for her brain to catch up. I changed both hands to clean them, rolled her to her back and put a pillow under her knees, and then stretched out beside her with my head propped on my hand to watch her.

  Fuck, but she was beautiful with smeared makeup and wild sexy hair.

  And I was going to have to buy some butt plugs and then show up at her house a few times a week and make her wear them through dinner, and maybe through the night if she did okay with them.

  I wasn’t sure what we’d tell the twins when we went upstairs alone for me to insert them, and I knew we’d have to be quiet and not say what we were doing or they’d hear, but we’d figure that out later because it was going to happen.

  Connie’s eyes fluttered open and I said, “Welcome back.”

  “I passed out?”

  “Something like that, but nothing to worry about — your last orgasm was a doozy.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I think they all were. The last was something way beyond doozy.”

  I kissed her forehead and she said, “I need to use the restroom.”

  “Take your time standing up. If you’re shaky I’ll walk with you.”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  She realized how shaky she was as she stood, but I could smell her regaining control of her body. She’s run marathons so it was no surprise she figured it out. Still I went to the refrigerator and retrieved the fruit tray, and had it on the bed munching strawberries when she returned.

  She came back wearing one of the thick hotel robes, and kissed my cheek as she sat beside me. “Thanks for putting everything together the way you did. It was perfect.”

  I popped a kiwi ball into her mouth and warned, “Just so you know, you’re not always going to get this treatment for dates, but I wanted tonight to be special.”

  “I don’t want to hide this from the twins, but I worry what it might do to them emotionally if we decide this isn’t going to work out between us.”

  “We’ll figure that out tomorrow over breakfast,” I told her. “Tonight, it’s just us and the rest of the world doesn’t exist.”

  * * *


  I awakened in Gonzo’s arms the next morning and luxuriated in the way he held me in his sleep. I wished I dared turn around so I could watch him sleep, but I knew he’d awaken at my smallest move.

  As memories of the night before assailed me, I wondered if I could create a drug to help women who have trouble orgasming. What if their problem was their mind wandering, and they didn’t have a Gonzo who was good enough to keep them focused? Could I formulate a drug that would keep the sexual center of their brain engaged once it was stimulated? Or, perhaps there was another reason some women have trouble reaching orgasm, and it might only help a small percentage. I ran through the possible studies I’d need to put together to figure it out, and made a mental note to send the proposal to our research team.

  I sighed as I realized no matter how much I loved the warmth and safety of Gonzo’s arms, I had to pee and my bladder wasn’t going to take ‘later’ for an answer any longer.

  Gonzo awakened and insisted on a quick kiss before he let me go, and I realized just how sore I was as I made my way to the bathroom. I’d expected to be tender from being stretched open, but I hadn’t counted on the friction wearing the first couple of layers of skin away. Or, that’s the way it felt, anyway.

  But I didn’t know anything about being sore until I peed, and I found out exactly how raw I was. It took my breath away and I clamped down and stopped midstream, but then had to force myself to finish up because there was no way to avoid it.

  I wi
ped oh-so-gingerly, and then realized I’d left my robe on a chair near the bed. I figured Gonzo wasn’t going to wear the one set aside for him, so I put it on before coming out of the bathroom.

  Gonzo was looking over the room service menu, and he asked, “Do you want to have breakfast delivered here, or would you rather get ready and go downstairs?”

  “I was hoping for morning sex but I’m afraid there’s no way.”

  He grinned. “I know. We overdid it last night but you’ll get used to me. I’m sorry you’re hurting, but I don’t regret getting you this way.”

  I shook my head at him with a grin. “You wanted to stop after the first round — I’m the one who pushed you to the second, and you warned me I was going to be sore.”

  He waved a menu at me and I said, “I take it you’re hungry, which means ordering it up here will probably be fastest.” I looked over the menu and told him I wanted country ham, fried eggs, biscuits and gravy, and a side of grits.

  He wrinkled his nose at the grits. “Damn, but you’re Southern through and through when it comes to food.”

  I grabbed my bag and headed for the bathroom again. “I’ll get a shower while you’re ordering.”

  * * *


  The room service people put a tablecloth on the table in our room and set it all formal before they arranged the food. I’d put jeans on but was still shirtless, and Connie came out of the bathroom in jeans and a cute little t-shirt that plunged low so I could see the top of her cleavage.

  Her outfit made me want to put a leather jacket and riding boots on her, sit her on the back of my bike, and take off for parts unknown.

  I reminded myself it would all happen in good time as I tipped the wait staff and closed the door behind them.

  We ate in silence a few moments — I was starving and the wolf needed food, and based on the fact I’d ordered enough food for three people, I’m sure she’d figured it out.

  When I set the first empty plate aside and pulled the second to me, she said, “Everything’s changed for me. If you tell me last night was just another night of sex for you and nothing special, I’ll deal with it, but I really hope that wasn’t the case.”

  How could she even think… shit. We were back to Sandy again.

  I shook my head and stared at my plate while I figured out what to say. The thought of giving my heart to a woman again scared the fuck out of me, but the thought of losing this women broke my heart, which meant I was already too far gone to back out now. With a sigh, I realized I was ready to jump in with both feet. She belonged to me, it was only fair I gave myself to her, too.

  “We have a lot to figure out, and we have to form a plan so we present this to the twins the right way, but as far as I’m concerned, you’re mine now. If you didn’t have a house I’d move you into mine, but we both own houses so we’ll have to figure some shit out.” She wasn’t arguing, so I gave her the rest of it. “I’m prepared to tell you I won’t fuck anyone but you, and you have to know this means I’ll expect us to be in the same bed at night when I’m not working.”

  She put her fork down, leaned back, and considered me a few seconds. “I hadn’t expected all that. I worry it sounds too good to be true, and I also worry you’re just getting close to me so you can spend more time with the twins.”

  The wolf growled before I could stop him and I saw her shrink back, but I didn’t care. “If I wanted to spend more time with my kids and I didn’t want you in my life and theirs, you’d have been served papers by now saying I wanted full custody. If you have no better opinion of me than to think I’d lie about feelings I haven’t dared feel in over a fucking decade then maybe I was wrong about you.”

  I grabbed my plate and fork as I stood, and didn’t even glance at her as I walked to the window and ate standing.

  I heard her stand and I said, “No, stay over there. Sometimes I don’t trust myself not to lash out.”

  “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. This is new to me and I just worry it’s been too easy. Maybe it’s supposed to be easy when you find the right person, but I’m falling in love with you and I guess I just need reassurance the feeling is mutual.”

  “I’m having the twins’ last names changed to mine when I have my name added to the birth certificates. Sam will take care of having their social security accounts updated, but either you or I will have to change the paperwork at their school and daycare. I figure the year’s almost finished at preschool so we won’t bother them with it, but their registration for kindergarten will have to be fixed.”

  * * *


  He was beyond pissed and I had a feeling he was trying to pick an argument. I wasn’t happy about their names changing, but I understood it so I merely said, “Okay, we’ll figure it out.”

  He kept eating and I said, “I’ve told you I’m sorry — is there something I should do to apologize to the wolf? Did I hurt you both?”

  Finally, he turned around and my heart sank as I saw the closed, guarded look on his face.

  “You told me the twins are in gymnastics, but I never see them doing somersaults or handstands against the wall.”

  “They got so carried away with practicing what they’d learned in class, I worried for their safety. When Declan did a handstand and landed sideways on a table and bruised some ribs, I forbid them from doing anything from class at home again. We don’t have the cushions or the padded floors, and we have furniture they can hurt themselves on.”

  “I want to either take them and stay and watch, or go with you when you take them.”

  I hesitated because I worried about how their peer group might treat them if they — and their parents — knew the twins’ dad was a biker. However, as soon as the thought went through my mind I realized how Gonzo would view it, so I nodded and told him, “We can all go together the first time, and if you want to take them without me once I’ve introduced you, let me know.”

  I’m not sure how he knew, but somehow I’m positive he had an idea why I’d hesitated because the next thing he asked was something I’d been dreading, and had hoped to keep from him.

  “I’m assuming there’ll be some sort of graduation ceremony from preschool?”

  I had to say something, now, because he needed to understand how his presence could affect their future. “The people who decide which children are accepted into the school I’m trying to get them into next year will be there, and we receive notice two days later. Everyone knows they make their final decisions based on end-of-year preschool grades as well as which kids get their attention in a positive way during the ceremony.”

  “You’re afraid my presence will hurt their chances.”

  “I know what kind of person you are. I know who you are on the inside, but they’re only going to see your rough exterior and will think the worst. It isn’t fair, but you have to know it’s how society works.”

  He nodded. “I’m coming to their graduation. I hope you’ll trust I’ll do right by my kids since I know this is important to their future.”

  I really had no choice but to nod my head. If he’d set his mind to coming there’d be no way to keep him from it. I couldn’t imagine him shaving, cutting his hair, and wearing a suit — but I figured I should let him know what the other fathers would be wearing. “You’ve let me know when to dress down and when it’s okay to dress up if I want, so I’ll return the favor and tell you the other fathers will be in suit and ties, and will all have professional haircuts.” I held my hand up to stop him before he spoke. “I’m not telling you what to wear, I’m just letting you know what to expect.”

  “Thanks for the heads up.” He walked back to the table, pushed the remaining food on his current plate into the center of his next plate, and pulled it in front of him as he took his seat.

  I sat back down as well, and after we’d both eaten a few bites without conversation, I said, “I like my house. How attached are you to your house?”

  “I think the question is whether you
’re so attached to your house you wouldn’t want me to come in and change some rooms so they fit my personality as well.”

  My first response was shock that he’d want to change anything, but as soon as I thought it, I realized he was right.

  “I’m attached to the kitchen and dining room, but I wouldn’t mind you completely redoing the den. I don’t think I’d want the foyer changed, but would be open to suggestions. The other rooms… I’d be okay with you making small changes, bringing your things in to put on shelves or whatever.”

  “So, you’re pretty attached.”

  “I think I might be more attached to you.”

  “I’ve done a lot of work in my yard and I’d hate to leave it. Also, only MC members can own houses on our street, and we own the land around us so we can expand out to other streets. There’s safety and brotherhood, being around and close to each other. I’ll miss that, and the kids will miss out on being able to play with other kids like them in the street without worry of being hit by a car.” He shrugged. “I’m willing to move in with you on a temporary basis until we figure it out. It’s the kids’ home and we shouldn’t give them too many changes at once, but I have a feeling our answer might be to sell both of our houses and start out new in a house that’s ours from the get-go.”

  As much as I’d hate to leave my house, I had a feeling he might be right.

  Chapter 32


  We walked in the front door holding hands as if we’d been doing it all along. Angelica noticed, but the twins didn’t seem to as they came running to us — Chloe to me and Declan to Connie, and then they switched.

  We’d talked until time to check out, and while we’d gotten a lot resolved, there was still much to figure out. Still, we had a short-term plan and I was happy with where we were now.

  “We were good!” Chloe practically shouted.


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