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Gonzo (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 7)

Page 26

by Candace Blevins

  “I’ve had fun, and I know the kids have. I’ve liked having you at the house this week, too.”

  “When we look for a permanent solution, there’ll be some sort of soundproofing between us and the kids. Whether it means there’s enough distance between us, or we build it into the walls, that’s priority one for me. I want to be able to come in at two in the morning and get a quickie from you without dragging you across the house.”

  “Did you have the downstairs done with all the fabric on the walls just for me?”

  “I did.”

  She cut her eyes at me, and even if I hadn’t been able to scent it I’d have known my words made her horny again. I leaned sideways and gave her a quick peck on the lips before I grabbed the last potato. “I love how responsive you are.”

  When Aaron and his family arrived, we had the potato salad, baked beans, slaw, and deviled eggs ready and waiting for Aaron and me to grill the steaks outside. The triplets were as excited about the box houses as the twins had been, and they played house, then doctor, then school, then cops and robbers. The boys were the cops first while the girls were the robbers, and then they swapped.

  Aaron brought one bodyguard who stayed out front to watch their vehicle and another who stayed about twenty yards from the triplets. I’d met Jonathan a few times and noted he seemed to be focused on the kids today, where I usually get the impression he’s Sophia’s personal guard. Aaron saw me looking towards him as we worked the grill and he told me, “I figured I’ll be close enough to Sophia, but I didn’t want to force the kids to stay close to us.” He shrugged. “Plus, this has to be one of the safer enclaves around, with so many of the MC close.”

  I grinned. “I’d like to think so, but speaking of security — it looks like I’ll be staying at Connie’s house during the week and some weekends, and we’ll be here a good number of weekends as well. Does she need to schedule a time with whoever she works with at Drake to talk about changes to her security protocol?”

  He nodded. “I was alerted when she reported giving you access and entry codes. Standard protocol would have us tracking you in the same ways we do her and the kids, but I already know you won’t agree to that. You should also know there are infrared sensors downstairs, and cameras that take still images should the sensors pick up any unusual activities. She had us disable the camera in the den a few weeks ago, but the others are still active.”

  Which would explain why she hadn’t wanted to fool around in the kitchen when the kids were playing video games while we cooked. I hadn’t wanted to do anything that required taking our clothes off, but she’d insisted I couldn’t lift her shirt and play with her breasts while we waited for the water to boil. I wondered why she hadn’t just told me, but set it aside until I could talk to her about it in private.

  “I’m not going to okay anything like that in my house.”

  “I figured, but if she’s going to be spending a good deal of time at your house then her company will want us to do a security profile. They’ll pay for all enhancements, but they’re pretty serious about keeping her safe.”

  “She told me she sometimes has a bodyguard, when the company deems there to be a security threat?”

  “If the details of a new drug she’s helped develop get out before the company’s ready then she has someone with her twenty-four/seven, and the kids also have their own security.”

  “I don’t suppose I’ll be able to qualify as security for them?”

  “The company’s worried about one of her loved ones being captured, because she’d probably give away just about any secret to keep those kids safe, and her bosses know it.”

  His look told me I wasn’t going to like what came next, and I filled in for him. “They’ll want me to have a bodyguard, too, if she goes to high alert.”

  He nodded and I just shook my head. It was never going to happen and Aaron knew it without my telling him.

  “I know about the shoes, and I have an idea of where the saferoom is though she hasn’t shown me yet. I know her car and phone are tracked, and I’m betting you’ve put something in the coats she most often wears as an extra layer of protection in the winter.”

  “Also her purse and wallet, the kids’ book bags, lunch boxes, and a few other miscellaneous items. We’ve patched into the preschool and daycare security so we have images of everyone who comes and goes. We handle security for the school she’s trying to get them into next year, and that’ll help us keep them safe.”

  He turned and looked at my house, then returned to checking the steaks. “I know your alarm system is tied into your own control room. Her company isn’t going to like that.”

  “I’m not sure they need to know who handles my security.”

  “Her contract with them says they have a right to see to her security. If the two of you become a permanent arrangement and they can’t step in to set up procedures to keep her safe, she’ll be in danger of losing her job.”

  Which would probably be why she hadn’t told me about the camera in the kitchen.

  Aaron sighed and stepped to the railing to watch the kids a few seconds. “We’ll deal with all of that later. I brought a dozen nerf swords — I’ve been teaching my kids basic swordsmanship and I figured I’d ask if you’d like me to have a little impromptu class in your back yard.”

  “Sounds great. I wouldn’t mind playing around with them a little, either. I’m not too bad with a knife but I’ve never had formal sword training.”

  Chapter 35


  Our company left around six, and I was sad to see them go but also looking forward to sitting down and putting my feet up.

  Not that I’d been up and about the whole time — Sophia and I had sat and watched the men and kids play with swords for what seemed like hours. Aaron had gotten her up at one point to see how she did against Gonzo, and I’d tried not to laugh when she’d managed to best him more often than he got her. Apparently, she’d been training for a while, though, and Gonzo had just had his first lesson.

  Still, watching her with the sword told me she most certainly is not human. I wouldn’t have pegged her for a werewolf, but I suppose the point of all of this is that humans don’t know and can’t see it.

  As they pulled out of the driveway, Gonzo settled the kids in front of the television with the same video games they have at home, and then took me by the hand and walked me to the bathroom. He got the butt plug out from under the cabinet along with some lube, and said, “You know what position comes next. If you don’t want me to tell you and risk being overheard, you need to just do it.”

  I shook my head. “No, not during the day when…”

  “If you want to argue it, I’m game, but you need to be stretched if you want my cock up your—”

  I clapped my hand over his mouth and whispered, “Okay! I’ll do it, but you’re not playing fair!”

  “Never said I would.”

  I glared at him as I pulled my pants and underwear down and leaned over the vanity, but I secretly kind of liked it. If someone had told me a month ago I’d have leaned over so someone could stick something like this up my bottom I’d have laughed and called them crazy, but here I was, doing exactly that.

  He fingered my pussy a few seconds until I wasn’t sure I could hold back my moans any longer, and then he lubed the plug and my ass, worked his fingers in me a little to stretch me, and finally began pushing the heavy glass plug inside me.

  It’d been hard to accept last night, and it was harder today. When I opened my eyes I saw myself in the mirror, but when I closed them I wanted to open them.

  And I couldn’t whine or tell him it was too much — the twins would likely hear whatever I said, and how would I explain the noises I wanted to make?

  When it was finally in, an involuntary moan did make its way out, and Gonzo chuckled as he helped me pull my pants up. “There’ll be a bigger one later. You’ll wear this one at least four hours.”

  He pulled me into his arms and kissed th
e top of my head. “Careful when you sit until you get used to it.”

  The rest of the evening I was so damned horny I couldn’t think straight. When the other kids came out and rode their bikes, the twins wanted to go as well. Gonzo brought chairs for us to sit in, and we joined the other parents who were out making sure the road stayed clear. I’d waited to see if Gonzo would bring them in at a decent hour or let them stay out until the other kids went in last night, and he’d found a nice balance between the two.

  Tonight, though, I think he knew I’d had enough by eight-thirty, and he brought us all in, thank goodness.

  Once again, the kids were exhausted and were asleep in no time after the bedtime routine.

  I had no idea why he walked me out to the woods, but he’d handed me his phone so I could see them on his screen, plus I’d be able to hear them through the speaker he’d brought with us. He’d come out of the kitchen with a bag, and when we were about twenty yards inside the forest he walked the bag around a tree and dumped it where I couldn’t see it.

  As he came back into view he said, “You can follow me back there if you want, but I’d rather you didn’t. I’ll just be eating, but humans are usually grossed out.”

  Oh, he was finally going to let me see his wolf.

  “I can understand you,” he told me, “though I won’t be able to answer, obviously. The wolf will sometimes lift his head for yes and growl for no, but he often refuses to answer even yes-or-no questions. He likes you, so he might, but no guarantees.” He kissed my forehead. “The most important thing to remember is he won’t hurt you. You can pet him, you can talk to him, and if you want to sit on the ground he’ll probably cuddle with you a little, but he’ll keep his teeth and paws away from you because of the risk of turning you.” I nodded and he touched my chin to hold it in place. “I’ll go out of sight to turn back to human, and I’ll ask that you don’t follow me for that.”

  He’d only worn his jeans — no shirt and no shoes — so it didn’t take him long to undress, and the next thing I knew he was leaning forward as a man and then morphing into a wolf. When the transition was complete, the wolf shook his head, lifted it to smell all around him, and finally took a few cautious steps toward me, as if he didn’t want to scare me.

  Gonzo’s wolf was more tan than grey, and his beautiful golden eyes had a depth to them I’m pretty sure you don’t see in a normal wolf’s eyes. And he was huge.

  “I’m okay. You’re beautiful. Can I touch you?”

  He walked to within a few steps of me and sat on his haunches, so I closed the distance and slowly reached my hand out to feel his thick fur. It was wiry and coarse, and yet softer than it looked. My fingers spread and delved into his fur and I discovered the undercoat was fluffier and thicker, and I smiled as he leaned into my hand.

  He sniffed me all over, and I got to pet him from head to flanks, and then he walked behind the tree and I heard him eating. He’d said he didn’t want me to see him change back, so I walked to the house to wait for him.

  I was sitting on the bottom deck step when he returned as a man, and he sat beside me without either of us saying anything.

  Finally, I asked, “Why couldn’t I see you change back?”

  “Sometimes the wolf doesn’t want to let go and it takes me a while. It isn’t as smooth as it is going the other way. I don’t usually change back to human in front of my brothers, either.”

  “So, that’s not normal?”

  “I spent too much time as wolf shortly after I was bitten. I had more of a fight than normal to gain control, when I finally decided I needed to. Everything’s okay now, except it takes me longer to battle him to come back.”

  “You wanted to stay the wolf?”

  “Yeah. Things are simpler. My life had fallen apart and it seemed the perfect way to escape the life I didn’t want to remember.”

  My heart broke for him and I stood and sat in his lap facing him, so I could wrap my arms around him. “I’m not sure if I’d survive if anything happened to the twins. I can’t imagine what you’ve had to go through to make it to here, but I’m glad you were strong enough to come through it.”

  He just held me, didn’t say anything for several long moments until he stood and slid me onto his hip. “We cooked four steaks that didn’t get eaten. You want one of them?”

  I shook my head and he said, “I’m going to eat them, then.”

  “Your beard is scruffier.”

  “Yeah. I’d been hiking for months when I was turned. I officially hiked three hundred and ninety-one miles of the Appalachian Trail, though I made a lot of side trips into cities every week or so for an all you can eat buffet and to replenish supplies, so in reality I’d hiked a lot more. I didn’t bother shaving or getting haircuts, so this was how it looked when I was turned.”

  “And that’s how it comes back, every time?”

  He nodded and I sat with him as he fried a pan of bacon and then put the steaks into the bacon grease to heat them up. He’ll eat some foods cooked in a microwave, but looks horrified at the mere thought of putting meat into one.

  I hadn’t been hungry, but smelling the bacon and the steaks made me want food so I got the leftover potato salad out of the refrigerator. We’d made four times more than I thought we’d need, but there wasn’t much left so I was glad Gonzo had known what kind of appetites our guests would have. It appears werewolves can consume a ton of food without gaining weight.

  We cleaned the kitchen together when we finished off our late-night snack, and then he took me by the hand and walked me downstairs, and my heart beat faster with every step towards the magical tent-room he’d had made so we could have sex without the twins hearing us.

  He reached for his belt buckle as we walked into the room and I told him, “Once we get started you get all bossy, so can I maybe learn a little more about how to pleasure you, first?”

  My heart fluttered as he pulled me to him and kissed my forehead, and I wondered at how such a simple act could affect me so.

  “How’s the plug?” he asked as he brushed my hair away from my face. For such a rough man, he can be so gentle it takes my breath away, sometimes.

  “Uncomfortable. I was asleep for most of the time I wore one last night, and being awake and expected to function normally with it in is… it’s been hard this evening.”

  “I know it has, but I knew you could do it if you set your mind to it.”

  “Once I’m stretched, I won’t have to do this anymore, right?”

  He chuckled, “Oh, such wishful thinking. You’ll wear one that won’t keep you stretched and will instead strengthen the muscles — and you’ll wear it just about every minute you aren’t working.” He’d pulled his pants and underwear off as he spoke, and now he threw a cushion off a chair onto the floor. “On your knees if you want to learn to service me.”

  Service him? No, I’d said I wanted to pleasure him. I just stood and stared at him, and he shook his head. “If you don’t want to that’s fine, but you asked me to teach you what I like, and this is it.”

  “I want to learn to pleasure you. I’m not even sure what it means to service someone.”

  “You were imagining me on my back while you licked and sucked on my cock, right?”

  I nodded and he pulled me into his arms again. “I’m a wolf. I do things to others, I don’t let them do things to me. I might enjoy a short blow job like you were imagining, but I can’t get off that way.”

  I pulled out of his arms, resituated the cushion in front of him, and went to my knees.

  “Do what you want for a bit, let’s see what comes natural. As long as you don’t use your teeth it’s hard to fuck up a blow job. There are some things you can do to make them better, but we’ll get to that later. Just play around and see what feels right.”

  I tentatively kissed it, and then remembered how he’d taught me to use my hands, so I worked the base with one hand while I licked the head. It seemed natural to let the head slide into my mouth, and his
long, drawn out groan gave me the confidence to keep going. He let me play and experiment for a while with only one growled instruction — “No teeth. Wrap your lips around them.”

  However, when he was finally ready to give instructions he went straight to that damned bossy voice that makes me want him inside me so bad I ache.

  “Put both hands on the side of my thighs, but only for balance, not to control anything.”

  He waited for me to comply and he wrapped his hand around the base of my skull. “Open up and let me in. Cover your teeth and figure out the right amount of pressure to use as I enter, but I’m going to be doing the moving now. I’ll go slow until we figure out how much you can handle.”

  He pressed in slowly to just the back of my mouth, and pulled out. I’d scarcely thought I could handle this okay when he said, “Nice. I’m going to push farther this time and you’ll want to gag, but if you swallow me as I go back you’ll be able to keep from it.”

  He’d barely touched the soft spot at the back of my throat when I was gagging as if I might puke, and he went to his knees and hugged me once I was okay and breathing almost normally once more. “You did good. When we get ready to work on your gag reflex, we’ll do it first thing in the morning when your stomach’s empty. There’s no rush, though — I’m more interested in being buried in your ass than I am your throat.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say or think as he helped me up, and he kissed my forehead again before touching my chin to ask, “Do you trust me?”

  I nodded and he said, “We’ll get there when you’re ready, and you clearly aren’t yet. There’s no rush, Connie. I can’t wait to teach you all the naughty, wicked ways we can have fun, but you can’t learn everything at once.”

  I nodded and he gave me tiny kisses until I giggled, and then he gave me the kind of feral, raw, untamed kiss that makes me forget my name, and I forgot about everything except what he was doing to me.

  I don’t even know how we made it onto the bed, and I’d never be able to remember all of the positions he put me in. He seemed to know which worked for me and which didn’t, and he left me in the ones I like long enough to give me an orgasm, but quickly switched me out of the uncomfortable ones.


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