by Bella Jewel
“I think lying is your best option right now, regardless.”
I hear Hogan’s booming voice, and I tense. I feel my throat tighten, and I lean over, gripping Janine’s arms and leaning in to whisper, “Take care of yourself, but promise me you’ll take extra care of Ebony. Watch that little girl, just promise you’ll watch her.”
Janine’s eyes grow suspicious, and I’d so desperately love to tell her that Hogan is using her, but it would only end badly for all of us. I don’t know what Hogan would do if I caused that kind of drama. “What’s going on?” she whispers. “Is Eb’s in danger?”
“Serenity, get your fuckin’ ass here!”
“Just take care of her please. I love you.”
She nods, eyes wide, and then turns and rushes off. I turn slowly, to see Hogan storming towards me, his eyes wild with rage and something’s probably drugs. Hogan and the club run a lot of drugs. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s off his rocker on something.
“Where the fuck have you been?” he bellows.
I shake my head in confusion. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I said I’d be back, and here I am.”
When he reaches me, his hand lashes out and he grips my arm so tightly I wince.
“I told you to be here two hours ago!”
He didn’t, but I’m not going to argue.
“I’m sorry, it’s not easy to get out.”
“They suspicious?” he snarls.
“No, but they are getting suspicious about how I’m continually coming back hurt.”
He lets me go, and for a moment, I whisper a sweet thank you to whoever let that line actually work. I didn’t know if it would, but by the look on his face, it’s making sense in his brain-dead skull. He clenches his fists, and his grey eyes narrow. “What have you got for me?”
“I have security information, and their next ride.”
“Spill it, now,” he barks.
I feed him a string of lies about the security system, guards, and when their next ride is. I know I’m sending him on a wild goose chase, because I know he’ll follow them for information. It’s a risk, but I don’t know what else I can do. I have to protect Jackson, but at the same time I have to protect Ebony. This is the only way I can do both. For now anyway.
“You find out where Spike and Jackson are going to be.”
“Why Spike?” I whisper.
“Spike’s the fucker who ordered that attack!” he snarls.
“Then why are you going after Jackson?” I blurt.
He lashes out, gripping my throat. I gasp, and begin squirming desperately. “Because Jackson was part of it. I want both them fuckin’ clubs down. I sent you to Jackson, because Spike’s club is merging with his, and he’s going to be the one that runs it. Plus, he’s a fucking pussy. I knew he’d fall for your little bullshit act.”
He’s so wrong. So wrong.
Jackson is not a pussy.
Hogan drops me, and I land on the floor with a gasp. I reach up, going for my throat and rubbing it frantically. I take a few deep breaths, trying to fill my lungs as much as possible. Hogan reaches down, gripping my shoulder and hurling me up. So much for not sending me back hurt. He shoves me against a wall, pressing his fingers into my skin and causing a strangled, pained gurgle to leave my throat.
“You find out who is stayin’ behind and who is goin’ for that ride. I want to know where Jackson and Spike are. I want to know when they plan on bein’ together, and I want to know how I can get in to kill the fuckers. I want the information in the next two weeks. You got me?”
“Do you want that fuckin’ kid dead?” he hisses, lifting me off the wall, and slamming me backwards.
“I understand, I will do it,” I whisper.
“Good, get the fuck outta my club.”
I stumble forwards when he lets me go, and I hobble out of the club. I pass a few of the members, who grin at me and reach out. Slapping their hands away, I hurry towards the front gates. My head is spinning, my throat burns, and my heart aches. I don’t know how to escape this one. I feel like I’m trapped no matter what I do right now. Someone is going to get hurt. It doesn’t matter how I play it out. How do I choose who to hurt? I can’t, I can’t do it. I could warn Janine away, but if Hogan found out, he’d likely hunt her down and make it worse. Besides, she can’t just escape her husband, and her husband is tied closely with Hogan.
There’s no escape for her.
Jackson is the only option I have. I have to tell him. I have to crush him and break his heart. I have to betray him and make everything we shared seem like it was nothing but a big joke. He’s the only chance I have of keeping everyone safe. Jackson is smart enough to outsmart Hogan, and he’s good enough to end him and keep Janine and Ebony safe. But telling Jackson means I lose him. And if I lose him, I lose a part of myself.
Because he’s all I have left.
~*CHAPTER 13*~
JACKSON - 10 days later
“Someone is running drugs through town?” I say, lighting a cigarette and dropping my ass into my office chair.
Cade leans against the desk. “Yeah, it’s gotten worse. Someone is supplying them, I’ve been keeping a track on what’s going down in this town, and lately it’s on the increase.”
“You sure about this?”
He nods. “Fuckin’ certain boss, someone is gettin’ some serious shipments in and sellin’ them for profit.”
“You able to find out anything?” I ask.
“Nah, I’m goin’ to send a guy in, see what we get.”
“I’ll make some calls, I don’t want anyone comin’ in and fuckin’ around with what we’ve created here,” I say, feeling my chest tighten in anger.
We might be a biker group, but we’ve always made sure whatever we get ourselves involved in, doesn’t impact the town in any way. So far, we’ve managed to keep it that way, and have had no problems. Drugs are something my club doesn’t run, it’s our number one rule, so if someone is in town running them, I want to know who it is. More often than not, when a drug increase happens, it’s from a larger group and not just some drop kick teenagers looking for a quick buck.
“You think it’s a problem?” I ask, standing up and crushing out the cigarette. I can’t even put it to my lips right now.
“It could be, if it gets out of control. More than that, if the people selling them are a problem, it could put us in a situation.”
“Right, well you organize one of the boys to go in and see what he can find out. I’m going to make some calls, see what we come up with. It would have to be a large group, if the numbers you say are correct.”
“And a large group would have to be camping out somewhere.”
I nod. “Check all the large warehouses, compounds, sheds, anything like that. See if they’ve been rented, and if so, by who.”
“On it,” he says, digging his cell phone out of his pocket and walking out.
I sigh and drop my head back into the chair. I love what I do. I love my guys. I love my club. Sometimes though, it gets so fucking draining. Like there’s just no escape for anyone. I close my eyes and let out a loud grumble, fuck, I’m tired. That’ll teach me for stayin’ up most nights with a woman who refuses to let me get any sleep. Or maybe it is the other way around. Either way, it is fuckin’ sweet.
“You look hard at work.”
I recognize the voice and lift my head to see Kayla standing at the door, grinning over at me.
“Yeah, you know me, always busy.”
She walks in, closing the door behind her, before heading over to my desk. I look up at her, noticing the way her breasts are popping out of her top. It does little for the imagination.
“You haven’t seen me in the past few weeks, I’ve missed you big boy.”
Fuck. Why do girls think it is sexy to call a man ‘big boy’?
“I’ve been flat,” I say, watching as she slides her ass onto my desk and shuffles over until
she’s sitting in front of me. She spreads her legs, giving me an eyeful of a shaved, bare pussy.
A few weeks ago, I would have dropped down and put my mouth on her. Now, I want to shove her legs closed and tell her to get the fuck out. I’m not a pig, though, so I’ll be gentle about it.
“I got work to do, I need quiet to do that,” I say, staring up at her.
She pouts. “Jackson, it’s not like you to say no to pussy.”
I snort. “Well, there’s a first time for everything.”
She drops her bottom lip, and lifts my hand. I try to pull it out without hurting her, which results in her falling onto my lap.
“Kayla,” I warn as she grinds herself on my hips.
“Come on Jackson, I’m horny.”
“I’m busy.”
I hear the sound of my door creaking, and I look over Kayla’s shoulder just to see Serenity rushing off.
I realize the position Kayla is in, her bare ass facing the door for the world to see. I lift Kayla and toss her off, before shoving myself out of the chair.
“For the minute, I’m taken. You know the rules when it comes to potential Old Ladies.”
She looks hurt, but I don’t have time to care. I walk towards the door and shove it open, stepping out. I look left and right, but I can’t see Serenity. Growling, I walk to the bar and I find Addison wiping glasses.
“Where’s Serenity?”
She shrugs. “I have no idea, she was coming to give you a drink.”
“Yeah, well, she might have seen Kayla in my office.”
Her mouth drops open.
Here goes.
“Dad! Oh my god! Why would you do that to her?”
I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. “I didn’t do anything, I was telling her to go, just looked bad. Where is she?”
“I don’t know, she has no car so she couldn’t have gone far. Try the storage closet. I did tell her to grab some alcohol on the way back from giving you that drink.”
I nod, and walk down the hall and to the left until I reach the large room, that’s far bigger than a closet. I open the door, and sure enough, Serenity is sitting on an old, wooden stool, just staring at the floor. Fuck. My heart aches as I walk over, kneeling in front of her. She doesn’t put her eyes on me.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” she whispers, her voice hoarse.
“It was nothin’, darlin’.”
She finally lifts her eyes, and shit, they’re all red and glassy. My heart thumps harder. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” she whispers. “What you do is your business.”
“Maybe so, but this time I am makin’ it yours. It was nothin’. I was tellin’ her to go and she was all over me, I was trying to get her off my lap when you walked in.”
“I don’t expect anything from you, Jackson. I didn’t expect that it would be anything more than sex between us.”
I flinch, and my jaw tightens. “It’s fuckin’ far more than sex to me, pixie.”
She opens her mouth, and then closes it, dragging her lip between her teeth. I take the moment to lean forward, cupping her face in my hands. Fuck, I care about her. In such a short time, she’s managed to creep into my heart and each day she’s here, she’s gettin’ in further.
“If I didn’t have so much to do, I’d spread your beautiful thighs and lick you until you’re screaming...” I rasp, running my thumb over her bottom lip.
“Why don’t you?”
I hiss, and lean forward, pressing my lips to hers. She whimpers, opening her lips and letting me in. Her tongue is sweet, and she tastes sweet like she’s been eating chocolate. My dick twitches, and I deepen the kiss until she’s panting and clinging to me. Fuck, if I didn’t have to go to church, I’d have her over this fuckin’ stool in a second.
“I’d love to continue this,” I growl. “But I gotta go to church.”
She nods, her eyes alive with lust. “Later then?”
“You fuckin’ know it. I’ll come home after seven, you be there...”
She nods again. I stand and turn, using every ounce of strength in my body to walk away from her. When I get to the door, I turn and meet her eyes, “Oh, and baby, don’t wear any panties.”
I leave the room to her wide eyes and pink cheeks.
Addison invites me out to the bar after work, and I know I am meant to meet Jackson. I don’t want to disappoint Addi, so I decide I’ll go for a few drinks. Jackson doesn’t finish until late anyway. I stack the last of the glasses on the counter, and then head down to his office to let him know. I get to the door, and knock gently. He’s been in there all afternoon, busy no doubt. He yells out yeah, so I carefully open the door. When he sees me, a smile forms on his face. I can’t help smiling back; he just gets that kind of reaction out of me.
“Hey, I just wanted to come and let you know I’m going for a drink with Addi, but I’ll be home later.”
He lifts a hand, and crooks a finger at me, encouraging me over. I go, walking slowly and stopping at his desk. He spins his chair around, and pulls me down onto his lap. My back presses into his chest, and he nuzzles the side of my neck, breathing deeply and wrapping his arms around me. He’s warm, and he smells amazing. I close my eyes, and drop my head back onto his shoulder.
“You gonna behave at that bar?” he murmurs into my neck.
“You know I will,” I whisper. “It’s just a drink with your daughter.”
“My daughter can be a rebel.”
I chuckle. “Yeah, I know.”
“You know,” he murmurs, running his hand down my belly and then down over my skirt, “This is mine?”
“I know,” I whimper lightly.
“And the only fingers that go inside this sweet pussy,” he rasps, sliding his fingers under my skirt and slipping them inside my panties, “Are mine?”
“Yes,” I moan.
He slips a finger between my folds, to find my clit. I whimper and press myself further back against him. He slides his fingers up and down, gently teasing, before he inserts two fingers inside me. I groan and spread my legs wider as he begins pulling his fingers gently in and out of my wet, aching pussy.
“So fuckin’ sweet, no matter how many times I have it.”
“More” I rasp.
He uses his thumb to rub my clit, while his fingers thrust in and out. I feel him stretch his other hand around, to take over the rubbing of my clit, as he gently lowers his fingers, removing one from my pussy and stretching it down to stroke my ass as well. My entire body tenses.
“You’ve never been touched here, never been fucked here. I want to fuck you here baby, I need to fuck you here.”
“God,” I groan as he uses my own arousal to lubricate the small entrance. “Yes.”
He slides one of his fingers gently inside, while the other one continues sliding in and out of my pussy. I whimper as an odd feeling of fullness travels through my body, and I squirm to accommodate it. He’s gentle, using small, easy strokes, while his other hand rubs my clit in a perfect, circular motion. I’m building higher, even with everything filled, even with the slight pain in my bottom. It’s there, building.
“I want to come,” I cry. “Jackson...”
“Come then, baby,” he growls into my ear.
I do, with one final rub of my clit, and one final push inside my body with his fingers, I come. The sensation is out of this world, I can feel myself tightening around both of his fingers, I can feel my clit pulsing. The release is powerful, and my strangled screams are not muffled. I have no doubt the entire club just heard me. Jackson groans, and slides his fingers from my body, before gently putting my skirt down and turning me around on his lap.
“If I wasn’t so busy,” he rasps, thrusting his hips upwards for me to feel his cock. “I would fuck you baby, hard.”
nbsp; “I want you to,” I whimper. “Please Jackson; I need you to fuck me now.”
He makes a pained, groaning sound before lifting me gently and unbuckling his jeans. He jerks them down just enough to release his cock, and then he quickly opens his drawer for a condom. He rolls it down his impressive length, and then he pulls my panties aside before sinking me down onto him. I open my mouth, and a throaty groan leaves it. He hisses, and uses his hands to guide my hips.
“Fuck, just fuck,” he groans. “You’re so fuckin’ sweet on my cock, so fuckin’ sweet.”
I close my eyes, and drop my head back as he begins using his hands to lift me up and down. The sensation of him filling me is overwhelming, and I find myself whimpering his name desperately. I lift my head, to watch his arms bunching and straining as he uses them to lift me up and down. God he’s impressive, for a man his age, he’s so fucking ripped it makes my saliva glands go bat shit crazy, threatening to cause a drool explosion. I can’t get enough of him. He’s divine.
“Goin’ to be quick,” he rasps, thrusting me up harder. “God, come for me Serenity.”
I don’t want to come, not today. My body is spent, and my eyes are heavy with pleasure and lust as I watch him, really paying attention to the moment he comes. His head drops back, his jaw tightens, and those divine eyes almost cloud over as he opens his mouth and a ragged groan escapes it. My body trembles in response, and I place my hands on his chest, feeling his muscles spasm beneath my palms. Beautiful.
When his breathing calms, he focuses on my face, reaching out to stroke a damp piece of hair from my cheek. “You didn’t come.”
“I didn’t need to,” I smile. “I loved watching you come.”
“Well, remind me I owe you later.”
I shake my head, sliding off his lap and straightening myself up. “You don’t owe me anything. I’ll see you later, ok?”
He winks at me. “Later, darlin’.”
I walk out of his office, running my fingers through my hair to make sure it’s not too bad. When I step into the bar, Addison is standing next to it, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. I glance around the bar, and all the guys are grinning at me. Well shit. They all heard.
“Nice to know the old fella still knows how to make a girl scream like that,” Muff chuckles, standing from a group of guys, and walking over.