Sinners MC

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Sinners MC Page 53

by Bella Jewel

  “Baby,” he murmurs, gripping me and hurling me up and into his chest. He wraps his big arms around me, and nestles his face into my hair. “You are the reason I fuckin’ breathe.”

  I shudder as he stands, lifting me up off the floor. When my feet are steady on the ground, he looks down at me, those beautiful green eyes blazing. “And because of that, you’re goin’ to the doctor whether you like it or not.”

  I don’t argue.

  I don’t need to.

  He’s said everything I need to hear.



  “You said she got beaten walking home?” the nurse says, rubbing a salt water solution over a wound on my head.

  “Yeah,” Jackson grunts. “That’s what I said.”

  The nurse gives him a suspicious look. He’s not wearing his colors right now, because he’s trying to stay un-noticed, but she’s still jumping to conclusions in her own head.

  “I don’t beat her!” he snaps, and her eyes widen.

  Men, they never help themselves. Now she likely thinks he beats me because of his aggressive outburst. I close my eyes and sigh.

  “Can you tell me where the pain has been?” the nurse says, and I open my eyes to see her glaring at Jackson still, even though she directed the question at me.

  “I can’t pin point one area, but it’s down low.”

  “Ok, well, we’ll do an ultrasound to see how far along you are, and if baby has a heartbeat.”

  Jackson’s eyes widen, and I feel my body tremble. Another lady comes in a moment later with a machine, and a long probe. I stare at the probe and rasp, “What’s that for?”

  “At this early stage, we have to use a vaginal insert to see the baby.”

  A what?

  Oh hell no.

  All I can say, is it’s one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life, but then she shows us the screen, and quickly, I forget about it. Everything else seems to blur. I can’t smell the awful clean hospital, or hear the beeping of the machines, or see Jackson’s face. No, I can only see that screen. My entire world stops spinning for a moment.

  “There we are, see that tiny little bean?”

  A tiny blob of white, in a dark circle - that’s all I can see. Somewhere deep down I know that’s life; our life.

  “T-t-that’s my baby?”

  “It sure is, and look at that, a steady heartbeat.”

  She points to the screen again, and I see the tiny pulsing of a tiny heartbeat. It looks bigger than the baby, but it’s there. I make a strangled sound, and press my hand to my mouth. Jackson just sits, his eyes transfixed on the screen, his hands curled into fists.

  “You’re about six weeks along, congratulations. Everything looks fine. The small bit of bleeding could be normal for this early in the pregnancy, or it could be because of the damage your body has received. For now though, baby looks healthy and ok.”

  My baby is ok?

  I feel Jackson’s hand touch my shoulder, but I don’t acknowledge it. I can’t breathe. That tiny little bubble on the mine? Mine? All mine? I can love, and adore, and spoil, and cherish it how I want? How I need? How it needs? My body begins to shake all over. Jackson steps up beside me, running his fingers through my hair.

  “You need to take it easy for a few weeks, just to be sure,” the nurse says.

  I nod, “O-ok.”

  “Once the doctor has checked you out, you can go.”

  We both thank her, and when she’s gone, Jackson turns to me, taking my face in his hands and leaning down so he’s looking deep into my eyes.

  “I fucked up before; I didn’t tell you what I should have. I let fear rule what I should have let my heart rule. I won’t lose another child for half of its life, and I won’t lose a woman I love out of petty, ridiculous fears.”

  “W-w-what are you saying?” I whisper.

  “I’m saying I love you, Serenity. It may not be right, and it may not be logical, but it’s real and it’s mine. I won’t let you go, and I won’t let my child grow up without me. So, you best get used to me being around, because I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I don’t plan to.”

  He grins, brushing his lips across mine. “Good, because I’m never lettin’ you go.”

  God, could this be it?

  Could this be my second chance?

  ~*CHAPTER 21*~


  “He’s gone out of town, and back to his compound...” I say to Cade a week later.

  “Hogan is planning something big, his original plan for getting us on lockdown isn’t going to work, but he’s got something planned, and he obviously needs his turf to do it.”

  “We’re safe out here for now,” I say. “But I don’t know how long that will last. He’s goin’ to come back.”

  “We need a plan; we gotta get rid of him, Jack’s.”

  “He’s right,” Spike says, lighting a cigarette.

  “Yeah, but this time we gotta do it right,” I point out. “If we don’t, we’re fucked. He’s got double our men.”

  “How are we supposed to take out sixty fuckin’ bikers?” Cade grunts.

  I cross my arms across my chest. Fucks me how we’re meant to do that.

  “I know how.”

  I hear the soft, sweet as shit voice coming from the doorway, and turn to see my lady, looking like a pretty little pixie in her pink pajamas and ruffled hair. It’s late at night, and I haven’t been to bed. I figured she’d come looking soon.

  “You listenin’ in to club business, baby?” I say, giving her a small grin.

  She flushes and shakes her head. “No, I was just coming to look for you, and I overheard.”

  “Might as well use her now,” Spike says. “Come in here precious.”

  Serenity walks in, and comes over, stopping in front of me. I spin her around, and pull her onto my lap. She’s light, and warm, and she smells fucking great. I grow hard beneath her ass, and I feel her tense.

  “So?” Cade encourages. “How can we take them all out?”

  “Once a month Hogan has a massive gathering at the compound, all the guys know about it, and they’re all required to attend. Club rules. It’s not for families, it’s just for the guys, and it’s held on the same date so they can all make sure they are there. It’s the best option you have of taking them all out.”

  “You think they’ll do it this month?” I say, tightening my grip around her.

  “They will, because they’re worried. It’s a good way for them to work out a plan. It’s usually when they discuss the major club business.”

  “And when is this little gathering?” Spike asks.

  Serenity lifts my cell off the table, and checks the date, and then she lifts her head. “Two nights from now.”

  “Fuck, is that enough time?” Cade says, crossing his arms across his chest.

  “Depends on what we’re goin’ to do...”

  “Can I make a suggestion?” Serenity whispers.

  “Go for it baby, you know the club.”

  “Well, they all sit inside the far left shed. The one right down the back of the lot. They don’t have security on, but they might this time. I know you tried to blow the compound before, but it went wrong because it wasn’t thought out. The buildings are too scattered. If you did it right, you could easily achieve the result you first went for.”

  “We blow the entire shed?” Spike says, rubbing his jaw.

  “We blow the entire shed,” I say, nodding.

  “We need some serious power,” Cade adds.

  “We can get that,” I murmur. “I got that covered.”

  “How do we get it close enough?” Spike asks.

  “You don’t need to get close enough,” Serenity says. “It’s right down the back, and you can access it from the bush land behind it. If you put something right up against the fence, that had enough power, you would blow it easily.”

  “How do we get that close and place something, without them knowing
?” Cade says, his jaw tight with concern.

  “Janine,” Serenity whispers.

  We all turn to look at her. “Your friend?” I ask.

  “Yeah, her husband thinks she’s visiting family. If she goes back, they won’t suspect her. There’s a massive bin right up against the shed, if she could plant something in there, you could then control it from a good distance away.”

  “It’s a good idea,” Spike says. “If we could get her tippin’ gas around the perimeter too, it would go up even harder.”

  “Too risky,” I say. “I have goods that will easily blow that shed.”

  “It could work,” Cade murmurs. “If we are careful.”

  “We need a backup plan, if for some reason they don’t do the meeting...” I add.

  “We can work something out,” Cade says.

  “Yeah,” Spike grunts.

  “We need to get some stuff and send the girl in tomorrow, if we don’t do it soon, we’re goin’ to end up in trouble,” I say, rubbing my hands up Serenity’s thighs. “But for now, I’m goin’ to bed. Give my guy a call, Cade. Get what we need.”

  “On it boss.”

  I lift Serenity off my lap, and wrap my arms around her, walking us out of the room.

  I can’t think of club business right now.

  No, I am going to fuck my lady tonight.

  Nice and slow.



  They say great minds think alike, well, apparently tonight that is true. As soon as Jackson got me back to our private little space, he began undressing me, slowly, gently, taking his time with each piece of clothing. Now here I am, standing naked before him, watching his lusty, gorgeous green eyes devouring me. He drops his clothes, and then stands, slowly stroking his cock, making everything inside me clench.

  The past week has been hell. I couldn’t have sex, or do anything too crazy just to be sure the baby was ok, but I’m desperate. My pussy clenches as I stare at Jackson, his big hands sliding up and down that stunning length. I bite my bottom lip, unable to take my eyes from him. He steps forward, I step back. “Baby,” he rasps. “No playin’.”

  “I’m not playing,” I whisper, lifting my eyes from his cock to his face. “You just look so...dominant right now.”

  He growls. “That’s because I need to be inside you, and fuck baby, I need it now.”

  “No foreplay then?” I laugh nervously.

  “Oh, darlin’, I’m goin’ to suck your clit until you scream, don’t doubt it.”

  I whimper.

  He begins lowering to his knees, and my entire body prickles. I want him. God, I want him. I take a step towards him, and he grins. “That’s my girl, keep comin’ baby.”

  I do as he asks; I take another step forward until I’m standing up against him. He hisses through his teeth, and then leans down, sliding his tongue up the inside of my thigh. He takes my foot, lifting it and placing my leg over his shoulder. I stumble a little, and my pussy lands right on his mouth. He growls, I cry out, and then his tongue is inside me, licking, suck, tormenting.

  “Jackson, oh god...”

  He sucks my clit into his mouth, rolling it around while his hands grip my ass, massaging it with primal need. He presses my pussy against his face as hard as he can, and his tongue has me screaming and shaking. He groans, tearing his lips from my pussy, and lifting my leg off his shoulder, flipping me around so I land on my hands and knees. Then he grips my hips and lifts them, bringing my pussy back to his mouth. Only this time, it’s from a different angle.

  I know my ass is in his face, but he doesn’t seem to mind. Instead, he thrusts his tongue inside my aching flesh, in and out, in and out, while his finger goes around and starts rubbing my clit furiously. Oh shit. I come so hard my arms collapse and I land face first on the mattress sitting on the floor. Jackson groans, and gently puts me down until my knees touch the ground. Then he’s running his fingers up and down my slick sex, before pressing his cock to my entrance.

  “Need you, baby.”

  “Yes,” I plead.

  He uses his hand to guide his cock into my pussy, and I groan at the feeling of him filling me. It feels like it’s been forever. When he’s deep inside me, he runs his hand down my spine, making me shudder. He pulls back gently, slowly, with a guttural groan, and then he plunges back in. I tighten around him, causing a feral curse to escape his lips.

  “Such a beautiful pussy,” he murmurs, thrusting his hips again. “So fuckin’ perfect around my cock.”

  “Oh god,” I groan. “Say that again.”

  “Cock baby, you fuckin’ know how to work my cock.”

  “Jackson,” I rasp. “More.”

  “My pixie is dirty. She loves it when I tell her how sweet her pussy is wrapped around my cock.”

  I jerk, and bolts of pleasure shoot through me.

  “Spank me,” I beg.

  “Baby,” he groans. “Fuck.”

  “Now, Jackson.”

  With a hiss, he brings his hand down gently over my ass. I clench around his cock, so he does it again. Oh god, the pain, the pleasure, it has my eyes rolling and my body jerking in response. I can feel my own arousal dampening Jackson’s cock, and I don’t care, I don’t want it to stop. He groans deeply, and massages my ass, before bringing his hand down over it again.

  I come.

  Oh, do I come.

  Jackson growls, gripping my hips and thrusting deep and slow, careful not to hurt me. I feel his cock swell, and then I feel him spurting deep inside me, pulse after pulse. His guttural groan fills the small space, and mine joins in until all I can hear are our cries of pleasure. I drop down onto my stomach when my shaking dies down, and Jackson pulls out, flopping down beside me.

  “Shit,” he rasps. “That was hot.”

  I laugh softly. “Yeah, it was...”

  He rolls to his side, placing a hand on my stomach and gently rubbing. “You ok?”

  I nod, meeting his gaze. “Great now.”

  “And baby?”

  “I’m assuming fine.”

  “Tried to go gentle, fuck, it took everything inside me not to pound that sweet cunt.”

  My eyes open in shock. “Jackson! Did you just say cunt?”

  He grins, and winks at me. “You bring out the dirty in me.”

  I giggle. “You’ll have to tame that when the baby comes.”

  He snorts. “Can’t take the biker out of a...biker.”

  I laugh loudly. “I think you mean you can’t take the biker out of a man.”

  He shrugs. “Same difference.”

  I roll my eyes and turn my face, staring up at the ceiling.

  “Is it goin’ to burn?” he says suddenly.

  I turn my face back. “What?”

  “Killin’ your dad?”

  I flinch, and he lifts himself on his elbows. “Is it goin’ to fuck everything we’re creatin’ here?”

  “Do you have any idea what it was like growing up with him?” I say, searching his gaze.

  “No, baby, I don’t.”

  “It was hell. He was abusive, and cruel, and mentally damaging. I hate him; I hate him more than I’ve hated anything in my entire life, as short as it’s been. He deserves everything he gets. He deserves no one’s pity; he’s a cruel, repulsive monster. It will be the best day of my life when he’s killed. I know that sounds sick, but it’s the truth.”

  “You’re nothin’ like him, you know?”

  I nod, smiling weakly. “Yeah, I know. Sometimes, though, I worry parts of me are the same...I mean...I let him push me in here to gather information.”

  “He threatened Ebony and beat the fuck out of you, there wasn’t much choice.”

  I meet his gaze. “There’s always a choice, Jackson. Isn’t that the old saying?”

  He shakes his head, his eyes gentle. “When you have two paths, both that end in pain, there isn’t really a choice. You just have to choose which one you can live with the easiest.”

  I swa
llow, and nod.

  “I’m sorry...for all of it. For what I did. For not listening. For the fact that he’s your father and I have to kill him.”

  “Don’t be sorry for me, be sorry for him. He’s the one who is going to get everything he deserves. You know, I feel a little selfish right now?”

  “Baby, I don’t hate you for what you did...”

  “Not about that. I feel selfish because it’s not me that gets to kill him. Does that make me a sick person?”

  “No,” he says, pulling me into his arms and rolling to his back. “A person can’t do to you, what he did to you, and actually expect to get away with it. The hate you feel, the need to make him pay, it’s normal and there ain’t nothin’ wrong with feeling like that. I’ll make him pay, Serenity. For every hand he ever laid on you. I swear it.”

  “I hate myself, you know?” I whisper. “I hate myself for ever letting him put me in the position of having to lie to you.”

  “Maybe you’re lookin’ at it all wrong,” he says, stroking my hair.

  “How so?”

  “Maybe you should see it like this...if he didn’t put you here, we’d never be doin’ what we’re doin’ right now.”

  “I know that,” I whisper. “But I nearly lost you, Jackson. It nearly wasn’t worth all of this.”

  “I was hurt, couldn’t see past it until I heard you screamin’ on that recorder, and then I saw you in that car, covered in blood, and I knew you weren’t evil. I knew it wasn’t your doing, and that you would never hurt me or my club. I knew that my life without you wasn’t worth livin’. I couldn’t believe I nearly lost that.”

  “It took a lot not to tell you, but I knew from a very early time that I was going to lie to Hogan. It wasn’t easy.”

  “No,” he says. “I don’t imagine it was.”

  “I just want it over; I want to create a life for our baby.”

  “I will end it for you, darlin’. I swear it.”

  I know he will.

  And it scares me.

  What if it ends him, instead?

  ~*CHAPTER 22*~


  “Be careful,” I say, hugging Janine.

  “I’ll be fine. The explosive Jackson gave me is tiny. I can’t believe something so small, is going to do so much damage.”


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