Tiger's Heart

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Tiger's Heart Page 22

by Aisling Juanjuan Shen

  The Ericsson mobile phone was no bigger than my palm, and as I held it tightly in my hand and walked briskly in the enchanting afternoon sun, I felt like I had truly joined the ranks of the wealthy. In 1997, very few people could afford a mobile phone, especially the newest and smallest Ericsson model. It would have cost an ordinary person in China five or six months’ salary.

  But as soon as I walked into Ah Mei’s store, my brief selfglorification was shattered by what greeted my eyes—rows of delicate lace bras, silk panties, and thongs displayed on wooden shelves and exquisite wool suits and pants hanging in open compartments as classical music flowed out of a central speaker system. Staring at my reflection in the shiny marble floor, I hoped nobody would notice my worn-out cotton blouse and linen skirt.

  Ah Mei, a short, round thirtyish woman wearing heavy makeup, greeted me warmly. I realized that Song must have told her I’d be visiting. I chuckled nervously in response and then sat in a chair and watched her run around the store picking out things for me.

  Following her instructions, I grabbed the pile of lingerie and clothes she had chosen and hurried into the fitting room. I shrugged off my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn’t bear to look at my ordinary face and rough skin for more than a few seconds, and I quickly moved my eyes away. Staring at the pile of lace and silk on the chair, I was at a loss for what to do. I almost felt that the blossoming lace at the edges of the bras, as delicate and thin as butterfly wings, would bite me.

  “Are you all right?” Ah Mei’s voice asked, and before I could reply, the door swung open and she was standing behind me.

  “God! Are you still wearing your grandmother’s panties?” Bending down to where I had left my clothes on the floor, she exclaimed, “Look at this. It’s almost rotten.”

  She picked up my bra with the tips of her polished nails and hastily threw it into the garbage can in the corner. I wrapped my arms over my chest and moved to the shadowy part of the fitting room, extremely embarrassed.

  “Come here. Try this on. It’s called a push-up bra, the newest model. It makes your boobs look incredible. Every girl in the city has one of these.” She grabbed a bra from the pile and dangled it in front of me. I was too shy to take it from her, so she pulled my arms apart herself and looped the straps over my shoulders.

  “God. Your skin is rough like a chicken’s. You need to go to a beauty salon. Look at mine, smooth like a baby’s. Touch it, touch it.” She chattered and scolded me interminably, all the while forcing me to try on different clothes. Occasionally she would grab my hand and make me rub the skin on her arm. I would giggle awkwardly in response.

  An hour later, all my old clothes were in the garbage can, and, in addition to the new clothes I was wearing, Ah Mei threw in two suits, two skirts, and two bras.

  “Here you go. Now you look like a city girl.” She handed me the bag containing the clothes.

  It was more than three thousand yuan for all this. I couldn’t possibly afford it.

  Ah Mei dismissed my worries. “Just take it. Song opened this store for me. This little money is just like a dinner to him.”

  I looked at Ah Mei’s heavily made-up eyes and blood-red lips and simply smiled. I wasn’t sure how I felt about this short, curvy woman who couldn’t even speak good Mandarin—jealous, admiring, or hateful? She might not have even finished elementary school, but she was the boss of a fancy clothing store in downtown Xiamen, and she never had to worry about her next meal. All because she had agreed to be Song’s mistress.

  Her cell phone rang. “Come over here right now,” I heard Song command. She closed the shop in a hurry, and we went back to the apartment together.

  As soon as Ah Mei sat on the couch, Song pushed her down, stuck his hand under the V-neck collar of her silk blouse, and started to run it all over her skin. She rubbed his watermelon stomach, writhed in his arms, and giggled obscenely. “Oh, my dear Boss Song, I love your big stomach. It makes you look so mighty.”

  Song glanced at me with a victorious smile. He sucked her lips and said proudly, “Of course. Every girl loves a big boss stomach. The bigger your stomach is, the richer you are.”

  With arms entwined around each other, they tumbled into Song’s bedroom and dropped to the bed with a thump. Without closing the door, they started to moan and groan loudly. I went to my room feeling disgusted, as if I had eaten too much lard.

  Thank god, the new company had signed its first deal. At least I would be getting something in return for being around these ridiculous people. Song was a fool for showing off his wealth and his mistress. He was trying to goad me into sleeping with him again, but instead I was more repulsed than ever. I just wished the machines had been shipped already. Once the containers arrived at the dock and were cleared by Customs, I would get the upper hand. Song would realize how much he needed me to stay so he could keep making money, and I’d have Xiao Yi for company. I missed her, the only female friend I had made in the South.

  It took the ship forever to arrive at the Xiamen Port. Finally, forty days after we had set up the new company, the first load of machines was cleared through Customs and brought to the warehouse, the location of which was still kept secret from me. Xiao Yi arrived the very next day, after I had assured her that everything had gone smoothly. I gave her a big hug at the airport. She was still skinny and pale and looked at everything suspiciously. Song kept his promise and gave her five thousand yuan.

  The next day, Xiao Yi and I took a taxi to Zhong Shan, the famous shopping street downtown, which was crowded with department stores and brand-name boutiques. In the evening we returned home with many shopping bags. We shut our bedroom door and tried on every piece of clothing and all the cosmetics. When Xiao Yi shook her bony butt in her new miniskirt in front of the mirror, I couldn’t help but laugh. I felt so happy, as if I were in a dream. Everything seemed unreal. I pinched my leg with my fingers and told myself that yes, indeed, we had made it, and things were only going to get better.

  “Xiao Yi, go ask Song to buy an Ericsson mobile phone for you. He bought one for me, and he should buy one for you too.” I knew Song would be upset that I had told Xiao Yi this, but I was so glad to have a friend at my side. For me, that was far more important than making Song happy.

  I was right not to trust Song. Weeks went by after the first load of KOKETT machines was transported to his home town, from where he said they would be sold to the many knitting companies there; but every time we asked him about the sales, he waved his hand impatiently and told us that the market was not doing well lately, and he hadn’t sold the machines yet. Xiao Yi and I had no way of tracking the sales in his home town, which was a few hours away. Gradually Song began spending most days there and only coming to the Xiamen office once in a while, when there were good offers from the foreign dealers. Xiao Yi and I began to realize that he wasn’t going to keep his promise of sharing ten percent of the profits with us.

  We didn’t dare utter a word to Song about it, but we both realized how naïve we had been to trust him in the first place. After all, he was a cunning businessman, and we were just two young girls wanting a step up in life. We knew nothing about his sales network, and there was no way we could know how much profit he was making or whether he had even sold the machines.

  Sure enough, one day Song told us casually that he had successfully sold the machines but at such a low price that he had barely made any money, and of course there was no profit to share with us. Xiao Yi and I looked at Song’s lying face with anger and disappointment filling our eyes, but in the end we merely lowered our heads.

  We could have left, but at that point we couldn’t summon up the will. Although we had been deceived by our boss, we were making five thousand yuan a month, living in a beautiful city near the ocean, and sharing a big, comfortable apartment where we enjoyed Old Two’s daily Shanghai cooking. Life was good for us.

  Besides, by that time Xiao Yi and I were hooked on one thing—the Internet.

br />   “IN THE SOUTH I heard about this new World Wide Web thing, very cool. We should connect our computer to the Internet,” Xiao Yi suggested to me one day.

  So one slow afternoon, we went to China Telecom and registered for an account. The same day, a technician came to our apartment. He typed in “www.yahoo.com” and immediately text and pictures of all kinds popped up on the screen. “This is a very popular search site, created by a Chinese guy who went to Stanford. You girls should look at it.”

  Xiao Yi and I inspected the Web site from top to bottom, as if getting a load of a new neighbor. We had no idea what to do next. Xiao Yi tried moving around the mouse while clicking the button, and, boom, suddenly a new page came up with a big flashing headline: Yahoo! Personals.

  “Look, you can post a personal ad here and become friends with the people in America,” Xiao Yi said excitedly.

  “Really?” I moved closer.

  I ran my eyes over the words and pictures on the screen. “I would love to have an American friend to practice my English with,” I told Xiao Yi. “My English professor in college told us that America is very rich, like a paradise. Even the moon in America is rounder than the one in China, and it’s so clean there that you can walk for three days and your boots will still be so shiny that you can lick them with your tongue.”

  Enraptured by this new mysterious world we had just discovered, Xiao Yi and I crammed together in front of the screen for hours. We stayed up late at night to compose our personal ads. When Xiao Yi had finished hers, I took over the keyboard, and after rubbing my sleepy eyes and hitting the backspace key hundreds of times, I was finally satisfied with mine. After hitting the send key, I sat back, thinking of what I had come up with:

  Hi, my name is Caroline, a twenty-three-year-old Chinese girl living in Xiamen, China. What am I looking for? I don’t know. My birth animal is tiger in China, so I am a fierce tiger most time, but once a while I am a rabbit, only with the right person. I am active, optimistic, energetic and healthy. I used to be a teacher, now I am a translator in this beautiful seaside city, and if you ever have a chance to come here I would be glad to take you around. Thanks, looking forward to knowing you.

  It had been surprisingly difficult to choose an English name for myself. As life had become more stable in Xiamen, I had started to read again, particularly books in English. Drawing inspiration from these books, I had contemplated the name Violetta for a while, as in Violetta in La Traviata, but in the end I had settled on Caroline, the name of the governess in Mary Martha Sherwood’s novel Caroline Mordaunt. I told myself, I shouldn’t think of myself as a prostitute like Violetta any more. From then on, I would be a normal, decent girl, like a governess.

  The next morning, after eating my usual bowl of congee, I sat at the computer and clicked open my mailbox. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Dear Caroline, you have 57 messages,” it said. Xiao Yi and I were astonished. Yesterday we had just been two ordinary girls known by practically nobody, but today we were connected with dozens of people living in the faraway land of America.

  “What should we do now?” Xiao Yi sounded excited.

  “We should reply to everyone. Otherwise people would be disappointed.” I felt like every single person who had replied to my ad had already become a friend who I ought to be as nice to as I could. But soon my head started to swim from the continuous responding, and the screen become blurry.

  Two weeks later, my fingers ached from the typing, but the mail kept pouring into my inbox. The number of messages had reached 381. I pushed the keyboard away and turned to Xiao Yi. “I am dead. I can’t write to everyone. I have to be selective.”

  She nodded feebly. “Yeah. Who knows if these people are sincere and expecting us to write back? Some of them might write to everyone on Yahoo.”

  I agreed and rested my head on my shoulder. Yet the smile on my face just wouldn’t go away. I decided to share my secret with Xiao Yi.

  I looked around the room, made sure Old Two wasn’t nearby, and whispered, “I think I’m in love with this guy Steven.”

  Xiao Yi leaned in. “Who is he?”

  With a face glowing with joy, I shyly told her about my new love. “He’s a consultant living in California, an MBA. He’s so sweet. He writes long letters to me every day. God, nobody has ever said such sweet words to me. When I read his letters and poems, I feel so sweet and lucky. And he’s so handsome. He has a personal Web site, and I saw his picture. Blond hair, blue eyes. He looks so different from Chinese men, so noble, like the aristocrats in English novels.”

  Xiao Yi frowned. “You’ve only known him for two weeks. How could you be in love with him already?”

  “I don’t know. His long, sweet letters, his romantic poems, they make my heart beat faster. He’s told me everything, his life, his children. In today’s letter he even asked whether I thought getting married was a good idea. I know this sounds crazy, but why would he spend so much time writing such long letters—just to impress me? I’m just an ordinary, ugly girl half a world away.”

  “Get married? This sounds like a movie. He doesn’t even know you.” Xiao Yi rolled her eyes.

  “He said he would come see me,” I insisted. “He’s leaving for a vacation in Singapore next month, and he said he would try to come to China.”

  “Are you serious?” Xiao Yi asked. “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. I’m very attracted to him, I think.”

  “God, you’re crazy. How old is he?”

  “Uh . . . a little old. Forty-three. Divorced, with three daughters and a mean ex-wife. He said he had never met a girl as nice as me.” I watched Xiao Yi intently, worried that she would shake her head and tell me that he was too old for me.

  Xiao Yi just blinked her small eyes and looked at me as if I was from another planet. “I think you should be careful about him.”

  “His ex-wife cheated on him and then took away their daughters. He’s innocent.”

  “How do you know he’s telling the truth?”

  “I believe him. He called me yesterday, from America! I can tell from his voice that he is a truthful person. It sounds so sincere, so soulful.” Steven’s deep, tender voice came to my mind as if he was still murmuring to me on the phone. “Oh, dear Caroline, I wish you were here right now. Then we could hold each other in front of the fireplace,” he had whispered to me affectionately, and his words had coursed through me like a stream of hard liquor. American men were so bold in expressing their emotions. I found myself longing for a different kind of love, now that my life was different than it had been in the past.

  The New Year of 1998 soon arrived. Winter in Xiamen was warm, with the temperature in the sixties almost every day. While enjoying the pleasant weather and my new life, I anxiously awaited Steven’s arrival in China. He called me from the Sheraton Hotel in Singapore. “I wish you were here, lying by the pool in the sun with me. It would be so nice,” he whispered gently. “Dear Caroline, I think I am in love with you.” I thrilled at the sound of his crisp, virile voice. I imagined this dashing MBA graduate, who made so much money every year, standing right in front of me, his masculine body dripping with water from the pool, promising to take me to America and love me forever.

  I had never met Steven, but I felt drunk with love for him. Steven made my dream of America grow wildly. Every Chinese wanted to go to America, a land of dreams where there were more opportunities and everyone could own his own car. So many Chinese had gone to America to study and never returned. So many Chinese girls worked in every possible way to get to America. If others could do it, I could too, I thought.

  But Steven wasn’t my knight in shining armor, as I bitterly concluded a week later when he called me from the Singapore airport and told me he couldn’t find an opportunity to come to China. Listening to him explaining apologetically, I began to see reality. “But dear Caroline, please don’t be disappointed. I am planning a trip to Xiamen in March, and I want to take you with me. Could you please find out if
you can come to America with me, my darling?” His voice was as enticing as ever, but it didn’t work its usual magic. I took the Trésor perfume he had sent me from its translucent Lancôme box, drew the brown triangular bottle to my nose, and sniffled greedily. It smelled like vanilla and chocolate. I didn’t understand why he would send such a beautiful gift all the way from America if he was just playing with me. Despite having gone through so many men in my life, I still felt like an impotent child when dealing with them and their inexplicable behavior.

  With the daily exchange of E-mails with Steven, the days went by quickly, and soon it was February, the time for the Lunar Spring Festival, the Chinese Christmas when every family gathers together for lavish dinners and fireworks for days. Xiao Yi and I were granted a six-day vacation by Song, but we weren’t allowed to leave until the day before the Lunar New Year since it was not a holiday for our foreign suppliers.

  Since the company had been founded, we had purchased hundreds of machines from overseas, yet Xiao Yi and I had never seen them with our own eyes and had no idea whether or not they had actually been sold. Frustrated and anxious, we remained distant and cold with Song and Old Two.

  Song showed up in the apartment two days before Xiao Yi and I were leaving for our own home towns. He sat in his leather chair, rubbed his stomach, and sighed deeply. “It’s so difficult to make a living nowadays. The market is down right now. God damn it, I haven’t made much money at all selling those machines.” Xiao Yi and I didn’t buy a word he was saying. Song continued, “Xiao Yi, Ah-Juan, to be honest, I am not even sure if we can continue this business next year. Old Two and I will see how it is going once the holiday is over, and then we will call you and let you know whether you should come back.”

  I saw Xiao Yi’s face become taut. She raised her head high and hissed, “Boss Song, you cannot just fire us like this. I gave up my good job in Zhongsan to come here.”


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