A Stranger's Touch

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A Stranger's Touch Page 8

by Beth D. Carter

  She knew how to give a blowjob because most of the time that’s what she’d given Morgan. It was a trade-off from not wanting penetrative sex. But this was the first time she actually wanted to take a cock into her mouth to give her partner pleasure. She palmed the shaft and Gordon moaned as she rubbed the bulging vein that disappeared under the mushroom head where she lapped up the drops of white fluid that dripped from the hole. He was a large man, so as she eased her mouth over then down, she had to go slowly.

  “God, that feels good,” he muttered.

  The blowjob was more exploratory as she learned what gave him pleasure. She pushed his legs apart so she could settle more between this thighs, sucking and licking as she explored his body. Everything she did to him he gave a moan so she took that as a sign he liked it, which made her want to do more. She slipped past his balls and touched the soft area behind it, and he almost shot off the bed.

  “What the fuck?” he panted.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, the opposite.”

  She ran her finger over the spot again and he shuddered. Deciding to see how far the sensitivity went, she lifted his balls and licked the area between his scrotum and his anus.

  “Oh my God. I’ve never … fuck!”

  She continued to lick, even sucking a little on the soft skin, until he grabbed hold of his cock and began to tug.

  “Oh hell, this is going to make me come,” he said, and with obvious reluctance, he pulled back. She looked up at him through her lashes. Turning him on had turned her on big time. “How did you know about that spot?”

  “I didn’t,” she said. “I just wanted to turn you on.”

  “You did. I can’t believe how sensitive that area is.”

  “I guess I found your sweet spot too.”

  He grinned and kissed her quickly before reaching over to the nightstand to open the drawer and grab a condom. Through half-open eyes she watched him don the rubber.

  She expected him to roll her over so he could take control, but much to her surprise, he took hold of one of her thighs and rested it over his hip so she straddled him.

  “Ride me,” he murmured.

  She sat astride his legs and thrust her breasts out, toward his mouth, and he eagerly accepted the invitation. His lips and teeth took over the delicious torment, sucking on each nipple until they stood raw and turgid. His body was big, all hard muscles over smooth skin. His cock jutted between her thighs like a steel rod. She reached behind her to grasp it, then raised up and positioned him at her entrance.

  Excitement gripped her as she sank down and held still for a moment to allow herself to adjust to his girth. Gordon settled his hands on her hips and they stayed like that for a long moment.

  “God, you feel good,” he said.

  Needing to move, she rocked her hips. “So do you.”

  He collected her hair in one hand and yanked her head back at the same time as he thrust upward. They both let out a gasp. His cock filled her, igniting every nerve with pleasure and all she knew was how incredible it felt to be with him. His balls slapped against her ass as he moved her faster and in turn, she gripped her pussy walls around him so tightly there was a sucking sound as he pulled in and out.

  He reached up and pinched her nipples, twisting them, and her climax hit her with the force of a freight train. As good as it had been before, this time was lightening. Red hot and all consuming.

  “Aubrey,” he gasped just as his body surged and went taut. He shuddered after a moment then relaxed back down and pulled her sweaty body down on top of him. She could feel both their hearts beating frantically. “Good lord, woman. You almost killed me.”

  “I thought the first time was a fluke. Is it always like that?”

  He put his finger under her chin so she was forced to look at him. “No. This is special.”

  Aubrey smiled and laid her head back down on his chest. She didn’t want the moment to end, but eventually Gordon reached down and took the condom off, tying and dropping it into the trash can next to the bed. Then they laid on the bed, on their sides to look at one another.

  “What are you doing tomorrow?” he asked.

  “A whole lot of nothing,” she said.

  “Then spend Sunday with me.”

  “All right.”

  It was so easy to agree with him, especially since she didn’t want to leave. She pushed down the thought that she was falling for the man, because that would be breaking the rules and the practical side reminded her that love had no part in their so-called relationship.

  Chapter Eleven

  The smell of coffee invaded Aubrey’s dreams and she opened her eyes. Gordon was gone from the bed, but as soon as she sat up the sizzle of bacon lured her from the warm blankets. She hastily pulled on her wrinkled clothes before following the scent of breakfast. Her tummy rumbled expectantly and her mouth watered with the thought of food.

  The house wasn’t overly large, decorated much like his office, with bold lines in white and grey. More of his architecture accomplishments hung on the walls, but they were scattered with smaller photos of people and old-world towns.

  “Breakfast is ready,” he said, startling her from behind.

  Aubrey gasped and turned, a hand covering her startled heart. “Oh!”

  “Sorry,” Gordon said. He grinned and held up a plate of bacon. “Forgive me?”

  She walked over and took a few strips. “Bribing me with food, I see. It’s working.”

  “My master plan is falling into place. Come on, I’ve got the table all set.”

  She followed him into the kitchen and saw a table situated near a bank of windows overlooking the sprawling Hollywood Hills. Several dishes were laid out, steam rising from the freshly cooked food. He held out a chair for her and she sat, flattered by his gentlemanly behavior. He sat across from her and started dishing up the meal.

  “What a beautiful view,” she said.

  “It’s one of the reasons I bought this house,” he replied. “It was rundown, needed a lot of upgrades, so I got it for a good price. Only two bedrooms, but I don’t need much. I spend more time at work then I do here.”

  “I think it’s perfect.”

  “Me too. Coffee?”

  She nodded and held up her mug. He filled it and she proceeded to add sugar and creamer. They ate for a few minutes, and Aubrey couldn’t remember a time when she enjoyed a meal more.

  “So I was thinking,” Gordon said, setting his silverware down. “Let’s have some fun today.”

  “Okay, I’m game.”

  He leaned closer. “Do you trust me?”

  She cocked her head. “With what?”

  “With you having fun.”

  “Something tells me you mean more than just normal everyday fun.”

  Gordon winked. “Let’s clean up and we’ll head out.”

  Together they put the dishes in the washer and cleaned up the kitchen. She didn’t mention that she was still wearing the clothes from yesterday but made a mental note to carry an overnight bag with her if Gordon ever invited her out again.

  It didn’t take her long to figure out where he was taking her as he turned onto the drive up to Universal Studios Theme Park. Different parking structures had different names and he flashed a badge at the pay booth before rolling into the Frankenstein building, going all the way to the top where not many vehicles sat.

  “I’ve never been here,” she said as she exited his SUV.

  “You’re kidding.”

  She shook her head. “Never had a reason to. Morgan wasn’t into this sort of entertainment.”

  He held out his hand and she laced her fingers through his. “Then I’m glad I’m the one who brought you here. Let’s not talk about him anymore.”

  The parking structure led them to the front gates where they stood for only minutes until they bought tickets and got through the gates. The massive throng of people gathered in front of a fountain made it initially difficult to maneuver through, but once
past the front entrance, the park opened up and split into two different streets. The day passed with lots of snacks, drinks, and the occasional ride. Spending hours in line waiting for a ride didn’t sound like much fun, but Gordon had a way of keeping her laughing so the time passed quickly.

  A few hours later, when she was properly exhausted from walking so much, he escorted her to the CityWalk. Gordon seemed to have a destination in mind because he bypassed all the shops and restaurants to head to a large area at the end of the Walk. A bold sign proclaimed “Free Fly,” and a wide cylindrical tube had a person in a blue jumpsuit flying inside, propelled upward by a fast-moving huge fan at the bottom behind a grate. They walked up to the viewing spot to watch the man moving up and down inside the tube, doing tricks like spinning and acrobatic flips.

  “Come on,” Gordon said, and tugged on her hand.

  “Come where?”

  He pointed to the tube. “I’ve booked us a half hour each inside the cyclone.”

  She blinked. “Wait. What?”

  “We’re going to fly.”

  He tugged her hand again but she dragged her feet. “We’re going to fly?”

  “Yep.” He pulled her along since she wasn’t walking. “This is going to be fun.”

  “That wasn’t the adjective I was thinking of.”

  They entered a trailer where many blue jumpsuits hung on pegs and helmets were available in all sizes. Several televisions played videos showing various people inside the free-flying tube. In a separate area sat another couple suited up, listening to a young man who went over rules.

  “Gordon, I don’t know—”

  He took both her hands and she looked up at him, ready to bolt from the trailer.

  “Are you scared?”

  “Yes,” she replied.


  “Because … well, because.”

  “Aubrey, you said you wanted to be different. To find the woman you were meant to be.”

  “I’m pretty sure I wasn’t meant to be a skydiver.”

  “But what if you were? What if this fear is preventing you from discovering part of your missing self?”

  Aubrey glanced at the television monitors and saw the happiness and excitement on the fliers’ faces. Had they been scared too?

  “What’s your fear?”

  She blinked and looked back up at him. “What?”

  “What is your fear? Are you scared of heights?”


  “Then what is it?”

  That made her pause and think. “I think … I’m scared because what if … what if I mess up again?”

  Everything that had happened up to that point was boiled down into that last word. Again. What if she picked the wrong man again for the wrong reason? Her relationship with Gordon had started out unconventional, and what if it was doomed to fail?

  “What happens if you mess up?”

  She looked out of the trailer window to the cylindrical tube. The flier easily landed on his feet and the crowd clapped.

  “I don’t know,” she answered truthfully.

  Gordon leaned down and kissed her softly on the mouth. “I’m right here and I won’t let you fall.”

  He squeezed her hands. Aubrey didn’t know if he’d let her walk away if she said no, but then she didn’t know if she wanted to say no anymore.

  She took a deep breath. “Okay.”

  He smiled and led her forward to the registration desk where a Free Fly specialist waited. The next twenty minutes were spent signing waivers, getting dressed in a blue jumpsuit, and watching a short safety video. The entire time Aubrey kept asking herself what the hell she was doing, but excitement began to override the doubts.

  As they stepped outside, walking through the inner chamber that would lead them into the tube, Aubrey’s stomach flip-flopped a dozen times until she thought she’d puke. Gordon volunteered to go first, and she stayed in the chamber as she watched him and the instructor enter the tube. Almost immediately the fan began to spin, starting slow but quickly gaining in speed, until the force of the wind lifted Gordon off his feet. The instructor was with him, not getting in his way, but nearby just in case. It didn’t take Gordon long, however, to get a handle on how to move inside the current. The entire time Aubrey watched, the fear began to melt away. By the time Gordon was done with his fly, she was actually looking forward to her turn.

  The instructor waved her inside with his hand and Aubrey stepped into the tube. This was a different world for her, taking such a dare. Not that she feared any danger. It was easy to remind herself that hundreds of people had done this very thing. She took a deep breath, nodded at the instructor, and then the fan clicked on.

  In a matter of seconds she felt herself rising, and that was a scary movement because it wasn’t natural. Panic settled in for a second and she blindly lunged to the instructor, who captured her arms to steady her frenzied jerking. The speed of the wind increased, projecting her higher, until she was flying. Hovering somewhere in the middle of the tube, she let herself adjust to the sensation of being suspended in air. Little by little she eased her death grip on the instructor, until she was confident enough to let go. The fan stayed consistent so she didn’t do any sudden drops, and for that she was thankful. Although flipping or doing any kind of fancy moves wasn’t even on her radar, Aubrey simply enjoyed the moment.

  The only sound she heard inside her helmet was the rushing of the air. Her mind cleared. Her breathing calmed. She could see far out of the tube, across the CityWalk, at all the people walking around. It dawned on her in that moment, that she was happy. Terrified yes, unsure perhaps, but the ride in the Free Fly suddenly meant more than a simple way to experience parachuting without jumping from a plane. It gave her a moment to realize that her life wasn’t meant to live inside a box doubting herself. She was bound to make mistakes and wrong choices, but she also had the chance to change everything. Leaving Morgan had been one of the best decisions of her life. His voice no longer nagged in her head, reminding her of stuff he didn’t like or approve of. Instead, it was her own voice now that told her she had value. And as an added bonus, she had Gordon waiting for her at the bottom as her cheerleader.

  The instructor gave her the signal they were going to descend, and little by little the fan slowed down, bringing Aubrey gently back down to earth. She left the tube and entered the waiting chamber where Gordon hugged her tightly.

  “I’m proud of you, babe,” he said.

  “Thank you for bringing me here,” she replied. “Maybe I was meant to be a skydiver.”

  “Wanna jump out of a plane now?”

  “No fucking way.”


  Aubrey lay on her side, too wired to sleep, and stared at Gordon as he slumbered. She couldn’t get the day out of her mind—the free-falling sensation or the clarity she’d obtained from clearing away the clutter that had built up in her mind. She’d been so focused on leaving Morgan that when it happened, her brain had gone a bit haywire.

  Leaving the shell of her former self behind had opened a new doorway, and she was determined to only go after what made her happy.

  Giving up on trying to rest, she quietly rose from the bed and left Gordon to his dreams as she headed into the living room. The photographs drew her and she went to each one, letting the moonlight streaming through the large window be her guiding light. She recognized many of the buildings, and knowing Gordon was responsible for helping to restore the dignity of each historical place made her proud of him. Several small pictures were scattered on top of shelves, showing a younger Gordon at various places like Angkor Watt and The Great Pyramids of the Giza Plateau. A drawing table rested against the wall, with various blueprints resting on the top. She pulled a stool closer and perused the projects he had lined up, one in particular catching her eye.

  It was plans for a Chinese religious temple, but the lines were a little off, and she wondered if it was supposed to be representative of Buddhism or Taoism. The differences of t
he two religions lay in their principles on beliefs like reincarnation, society, and even the universe in general, but many people, mainly Westerners, didn’t see a fundamental diversity in their building structures. It had been a topic she had found interesting so she had studied it in depth for her last year in school. She had planned on doing her final project on outlining the structural differences between the two religions.

  Grabbing some drawing paper, she began to sketch out a different vision than what Gordon had started, adding subtle changes. She drew until a yawn hit her and weariness dragged her eyes down. Putting down her graphite pencil, Aubrey stood and stretched, yawning again. She moved to the couch and sat down, knowing she should get to bed. The softness of the cushions beckoned her and she laid back, promising to move in a few seconds.

  A soft kiss on the lips roused her awake and she opened her eyes to see Gordon leaning over her, his suit and tie already in place. Startled, she sat up straight, wincing a little at the crick in her neck.

  “I didn’t mean to sleep out here,” she mumbled, placing a hand over her mouth.

  “Why are you doing that?”

  “Morning breath.”

  He grinned and held up her drawing. “You did this?”

  “Yes,” she replied. “I wasn’t sure if you were going with Buddhism or Taoism. It’s just doodling.”

  “It’s not just doodling,” he said. “This is really good, babe.”

  She smiled. “Thanks.”

  “I know you want to finish your degree. Maybe when you graduate you can help me.”

  She cocked her head. “How?”

  “Well, I’ve known for a while now that Jason doesn’t want to be an architect,” he said with a sigh. “I kept hoping if I pushed him and showed him how lucrative it is he’d become interested.”

  “He’s not you.”

  He flashed her a smile and held up her drawing. “This was what I was hoping Jason would do. Restoration is important to me and I can see the history in your art. I think we could make a good team doing something we both love.”

  “I was quite envious of your photographs. I’d love to see some of those wonders of the world.” She glanced at the clock. “I guess you better get me home so I can change my clothes and get a ride with Merryl.”


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