Dirty, Dark, & Dangerous: A Contemporary Romance Boxset

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Dirty, Dark, & Dangerous: A Contemporary Romance Boxset Page 27

by Luciani, Kristen


  I pull open the door of the library and do a quick check up and down the darkened hallway. Empty. Thank God. My whole body is warm, relaxed, and my pussy is screaming for more. I still can’t believe what I’d just done up there in the stacks. Someone could have come in there and heard me. Hell, my dad could have seen me! Well, that is, if he wasn’t out playing golf. Holy crap, he would have murdered me.

  Oh my God, and my mother? She’d drown herself in a vodka bath if there were any possibility her superficial friends at the club could find out what her daughter had been up to at work.

  Still…it was fucking hot. And I’m so ready to go for Sean. I smile as I push open the door to the ladies’ room. My panties are drenched, and I pull out my phone to send him a quick text letting him know my pussy is still quivering from the aftershocks. Yeah, that’ll get him through the rest of the afternoon. I flick my clit one last time for good measure and jump at the sensation. Still so sensitive…mmm…

  Again, I wish I had my Chubby G.

  I smooth back my hair and wipe away the sticky come from my inner thighs. A quick glance at my watch tells me it’s already four o’clock. Only an hour left, and then Sean and I will fly out of this prison. I lift my skirt in front of the full-length mirror and rub my hands over my ass. It’s smooth and tight, not an ounce of cellulite anywhere. I let out a shuddering breath, my heart racing at the thought of Sean gripping the cheeks and driving his cock deep inside of me. And I didn’t want Chubby G to miss out on the festivities, so I brought him along, too. I want Sean and Chubby fucking me at the same time. My lips curl upward and I let out a gleeful whoop. Thank God this floor is deserted. I step into the hallway and smooth down the front of my skirt.


  I jump about four feet into the air and spin in the direction of the intruding voice. Jesus Christ, what the fuck? “Jake! Oh my God, you scared me!”

  He folds his arms over his massive chest and narrows his blue eyes. I have no idea where he finds the time to hit the gym. As far as I know, he’s here twenty-four by seven, kissing Daddy’s ass, and buried under paperwork. “Didn’t I tell you I wanted to continue our meeting? I told you I’d call, and frankly, I’m tired of getting your voicemail. I didn’t realize you had such a busy schedule on a Friday afternoon. Where have you been?”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t think I’d be gone so long. I was just, um…researching something for Janet in Accounting.” Hardly plausible, but whatever. I know Janet wants to fuck me, so if he tries to catch me in a lie, she’ll go to bat for me. Ha, ha, Jakey poo, you dickhead. I’ll finish your little task, and then I’m out of here!

  Jake clenches his jaw. “Get it done and bring it to me.” With one final glare, he stalks away.

  I let out a shaky breath. Why the hell is he even up here? This place is usually a ghost ship. Half the lights on the floor are off from underuse. It’s so weird how he just appeared out of nowhere. And he’s pissed, more so than usual. I’ve barely spoken to him today, so I’m not sure why he’s so irate with me. My stomach clenches. Oh my God, could he have—?

  No, no way. I was alone up there. I checked before I made that call. Jake is just a prick pain in the ass. A boss on a power trip. Delicious as all hell, but still a motherfucker. Period.

  I linger for a few minutes to make sure Jake gets back to his office before I head back down to my cube. I collapse into my chair and open the folder with a low groan. I fucking hate spreadsheets. Creating this report is a great opportunity, but did he need to slap it on me this afternoon? The market closes in half an hour. He could have waited until Monday. I take a long sip of my diet Coke and open Excel. At ten minutes to five, I’m finally done and suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Today is so fucking over. I hit the Print button and get up to grab the papers from the tray a few cubes down from mine. I bring them back to my desk, staple them, and stuff them back into the manila folder.

  I still have a few minutes to freshen up before Sean shows up to whisk me away from this hellhole. I shut down my computer and gather my things together so I can leave right after dropping off the report. I slurp the rest of my soda and grab the folder when the phone on my desk rings. I roll my eyes. Seriously? What else can hold me up tonight? Doesn’t everyone understand that I have very carnal needs? “This is Jenna,” I answer, my voice dripping with the most artificial sweetness imaginable.

  “Jenna, I’m going to need you stay late tonight. We have a presentation scheduled first thing Monday morning for the research team. The report needs to be ready to go. This is big. We need to get all of the data together, finalize the plans, and start contacting investors as soon as possible. Your analysis is key.”

  No, no, no! Okay, don’t panic. He obviously doesn’t think I was able to get his crap ass work finished on time. “Oh, but I just finished—“

  “I printed out some other reports I want you to review. They may be good contenders for the fund. I need you to pick them up, review them, and incorporate them into your report.”

  I blink fast to keep the angry tears from falling and ruining my eye makeup. I hate that bastard so much. He must know I have plans tonight. I bet he’s been spying on me. There is no other excuse for this ridiculous request. It’s Friday, for chrissakes! I could easily come in at seven on Monday and handle this asinine project then. Argh, I could even come in here tomorrow to get it done! I clench my fists. God, I wish I had some dirt on him. I’d have his ass fired in a hot second, except Daddy thinks the sun rises and sets on it. Dammit! Fuck my life! With trembling fingers, I shoot off a quick text to Sean before stomping into Jake’s office.

  “Close the door.” He doesn’t even look up when I walk in. Why the fuck does he hate me so much?

  I grit my teeth and push the door shut. What an insufferable ass. He was actually somewhat human earlier, what the hell happened? “Look Jake, I’m sure you have places to be, so why don’t you just give me the documents, and I’ll just—“

  He looks up and smiles. But it’s not a nice smile. There’s something more devious behind it, and I get the distinct and uncomfortable impression that evil is lurking behind those eyes. I can’t for the life of me figure out why. I mean, we’re talking about stock performance here, not anything particularly sinister. I squirm under his penetrating stare, wishing he’d just give me the damned folder so I could get the hell out of here and create yet another spreadsheet.

  “Yes, I do, and yes, you will. But before you go, why don’t you take a look? Just to make sure you know exactly what you have to do for me.” He picks up the folder and hands it to me.

  I grab it and flip it open, scanning the first page. Typical legal bullshit we always include in our reports. I page through the printed emails, expecting to see more of the same – company name, stock price, trends, graphs. A strangled cry escapes my throat. Holy fuck. My emails to Sean, naked pictures of me in the ladies’ room, emails telling Sean, in very explicit detail, how I’m going to fuck him…what I’ll be wearing…what toys I’ll be bringing….

  The corners of his lips curl into a nasty smirk. “So, your reaction indicates you’ve arrived at the set of emails we need to review. Frankly, I’m not sure how to account for this time. For example, we don’t have any activity codes that would match the content of the messages. I was hoping you might be able to help me figure out how to report these out to Accounting. You know, since you’re such good buddies with Janet.”

  Holy shit. This cannot be happening. I swallow hard. How could I have been so stupid? Of course, he’s been watching me! He’s resented me every day since I started working at this fucking place! And if he tells my father…oh God, I think he’d have a stroke on the spot. His reputation, all of his hard work…it would all be ruined if word got out. I think this might even be a felony! My body starts to shake. “Jake, I—“

  He pushes back his chair and stands, slowly rounding the desk so he can face me. I feel like he’s going to pounce on me at any given second. “Jenn
a, Jenna. So smart, but yet so stupid. Using company property to give play by plays to your boyfriend about how you finger fuck yourself in the bathroom, how wet he makes you, and how hard you’re going to fuck him?” He shakes his head. “What do you think Daddy would say if he saw these? Think he’d still want you to take over his legacy?”

  My knees buckle and I put my hands out, hoping the desk will break my almost certain fall. Words tumble out of my mouth, squeezing past the sobs. “Jake, please don’t tell him. I’m so sorry for doing that, and I swear it’ll never happen again! It was a huge mistake, and I—“

  His eyes are dark with malice, like he’s been waiting for an opportunity to pull out those offensive pieces of paper and tear my cushy little world to shreds. “Oh, yeah. It was definitely a mistake. But even more unfortunately, it wasn’t the biggest one you’ve made, at least today.”

  Fuck me. Please no, please no…

  When he pulls out his phone and flips it around so I can see myself thrusting against the hand shoved under my skirt, I collapse to the floor in tears. I am a blubbering mess, on the verge of a panic attack, and I have no recourse. He’s always resented what I’ve gotten with barely any effort and even less merit. And now, he’s going to ruin me. My dad might even get brought up on charges for my behavior. I’d put the whole firm in jeopardy, and his business will collapse if this ever leaks. I’ll be kicked out of college, and life as I know it will be over. “J-Jake, I know you hate me, but think of my father. He doesn’t deserve to be punished for my mistakes. And you know this will obliterate his career...his whole life! Please don’t do anything with this. Please. I know we’ve never gotten along, and I understand that you hate me, but don’t take your feelings out on my dad. It will crush him. Fuck, it might kill him! You know he has a heart condition!”

  Narrowed eyes pin me to the spot on the floor, and I’m afraid to move. Shit, I’m afraid to breathe. I am such an idiot! I deserve everything I have coming to me, but how the hell can I protect my dad?

  Jake kneels in front of me, his lips stretched into a tight line. “Telling the truth is the responsible thing to do. If I keep this dirty little secret, it might cost me my own reputation. And if it ever got out? Investors will think long and hard before putting their money in a firm run by liars. Burying this is criminal, Jenna. You sent out those pictures using company property. Sending that shit is a felony. If we’re hacked and those emails are leaked, it’ll destroy us. What about all the people who work here? You put everything at risk because you couldn’t keep your legs closed. And as Chief Operating Officer for this firm, it’s my job to make sure we all keep our noses clean. There is no room here for a whore like you, Jenna.” His face twists into a grimace as my name slips from his lips.

  I swallow the bile rising in my throat. “Please,” I whisper again. “I’ll do anything. Just get rid of it all. We can delete everything, right? The IT guys will know what to do with it. I swear I’ll never—“

  “Oh…but you will.” Jake leans his head closer to mine, his presence making me cower. “Because girls like you always do. You’re a dirty slut, aren’t you?”

  I shook my head furiously. “N-no!”

  “Bullshit,” he hisses. “And based on the evidence, I’d say you’re looking for a rock solid dick shoved into your cunt. Am I right? Or are you just a cock tease?”

  “I-I’m not a tease!”

  Jake smirks. “Tell you what. Why don’t you go back to your cube, tell your boyfriend that you’re working late and to jerk himself off without you. Then, I want you back in here. You say you’re not a tease, so I’m gonna make you prove it. And maybe I’ll keep all of this our little secret.” His face is inches from mine and his words…those filthy words…they make me—

  I yelp as his hand reaches under my skirt and rubs against my damp panties.

  Oh, God, he makes me so wet. I’ve never heard such vulgar language from a guy, and it’s turning me on more than I care to admit. But the evidence tells him everything he wants to know. When he brings his fingers to his nose and inhales deeply, I feel my pussy throb. At that moment, he can hold whatever he wants over my head. A draft of cool air hits my panties, and I shudder from the chill.

  He rises and turns away from me, not bothering to give me a second glance. “Consider my offer. I’ll be waiting. I hope you make the smart choice, for everyone’s sake.”

  I wipe away the tears from under my eyes, praying I don’t look like a complete disaster. I grip the door handle and push open the door, backing out of the office. He never once looks back at me. I jog toward my cube, and my heel gets caught on a bunched up piece of carpet, sending me flying into my desk. I crash into the corner, wincing in pain, but so dizzy with lust, it’s gone as quick as it came. This is the most insane thing I’ve ever considered doing. I grab my phone and stab at the keyboard. Here I am, ready to bend over for the guy who just threatened to ruin my entire existence if I don’t let him screw me. Why am I so turned on by this? Maybe I really am a slut. This behavior seems to scream that out, loud and clear.

  Sean, I’ve got to work late. I’ll text you later when I’m ready to leave.

  I don’t even wait for his reply. My heart is thundering in my chest. Since it’s just five now, the office is desolate. Once the closing bell rings, it’s like a mass exodus. Thankfully. I place a hand over my chest, trying to calm my breathing. Okay, am I really going to do this? I have no guarantee that he’ll destroy the evidence hanging over my head. A few more deep breaths. Who’s to say he’ll keep his mouth shut even if we have sex? I break out into a cold sweat. It’s a risk, but I have to do it. I have to protect my dad…and myself. Sean’s face floats in front of my teary eyes, and my gut clenches. I’m a dirty slut, just like Jake said.

  I put myself into this mess. I have to at least try to get myself out of it. And that means doing what he wants, when he wants, and for how long he wants.

  The tingling sensation is back, and I grit my teeth. This is so fucked up. How can blackmail be so fucking arousing? I’m a sick person.

  I drop my phone back into my handbag and slowly walk back to Jake’s office.

  Again, he doesn’t bother looking up when I enter. “Close the door and lock it.”

  I comply and twist my hands together, waiting, panicking. His deep brown eyes slowly meet mine from across the room.

  “Take off your clothes,” he growls.

  I nod, my teeth chattering. “Okay,” I whisper. A hot flush creeps up the sides of my face and the heat is so intense, I’m actually afraid it will melt off my skin. With trembling fingers, I unbutton my blouse and let it slide off my shoulders to the floor. My nipples are rock hard. They can cut glass, for chrissakes. And Jake can see what he’s doing to my body. Dammit, I hate that he knows. But I hate it more that I’m actually turned on by this whole thing. Sean has never treated me this way. He’s always been really gentle, never testing my limits, never wanting to put me in an uncomfortable position. I’ve always been the one to call the shots, the one making the rules. And I like it.

  At least, I thought I did.

  But today…right now…the tables are completely flipped. Jake is going to take what he wants from me, no holds barred. I’m no longer in control of anything. And it’s hot as fuck.

  Chapter Seven


  I recline in my chair, watching her skimpy clothing fall to the carpet, piece by piece. She unzips the back of her skirt and slides it down her toned thighs, letting it pool at her feet. My cock twitches at the sight of her shifting in her high heels, her tits and her cunt barely covered by a few scraps of red lace. She tugs on a strand of hair, twisting it around her finger, averting her eyes. But my gaze is unwavering. I drink in the sight, committing every detail to memory. I stand and walk toward her. Her arms fly up, covering her tits, and she backs away slightly. I smirk and shrug out of my jacket, flinging it onto a nearby chair. “You’re afraid. That’s good. You should be. Suck my cock, Jenna. Get on your knees and show me what y
ou’ll do to keep me quiet.”

  I can see the sheer terror in her eyes, and I know immediately that I’m fucked. This is what I’ve been fantasizing about ever since she walked into this office for the first time. Spreading those pink lips wide, pushing my cock deep inside of her, fucking her within an inch of her life. The fantasy is about to become my reality. She comes off as a little tease, but I could always see right through her. She wants to be a whore, and I’m going to watch it happen firsthand. Fuck her dipshit boyfriend. Let him rub a few out on his own while I give Jenna the kind of pleasure she can only experience with a real man; a man who knows exactly how to use his cock to drive a woman into orbit; not one who has just graduated from the land of wet dreams.

  She takes a tentative step toward me and bites down on her lower lip. She clenches and unclenches her fists, her breathing erratic. “Save the whole good girl act, Jenna. I know you’ve sucked plenty of dick in your life. And now, you’re gonna suck mine. Hard and fast. And just before you make me come, I’m gonna shove my cock into this pussy.” I loop my fingers into the band of her practically nonexistent panties and shove them to her ankles before plunging three fingers into her wetness. I let out a low groan as she thrusts against my hand. Her pussy is so tight. My cock hardens even more at the thought of filling her with my hot cum. I want to make her scream for me, to beg me to fuck her over and over. This pussy is mine, and I’m about to lay my claim.

  She falls to her knees and glances up at me. Her fingers shake as she fumbles with my belt buckle and zipper. I can see her shoulders tremble, and I wind my fingers into her hair, fisting it gently, forcing her to look up at me.

  Her eyes are filled with terror. Fuck, if this is the only way I can get her to deep throat my dick, I’ll take it. I’ve waited for so long to feel those plump pink lips wrapped around my cock. Yeah, it’s gonna be a very late night, Sean. Don’t wait up.


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