The Legendary Mechanic

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The Legendary Mechanic Page 635

by <unknown>

Enduring the pain, Heber rallied his strength, blasting out a brilliantly thick golden pugilist strike toward the mechanical army swooping down from the sky, and it exploded to form a huge chain reaction, devouring a large number of mechanical soldiers.

  However, after the energy dissipated, it was found that most of the mechanical soldiers had endured it with their psionic shields. While the damage was serious, they could still fight, and even the [Waste Modification] skill could not be forced out.

  The gap… was so wide‽

  Heber was not only envious; he was also furious. He was quite confident before the battle, thinking that it would be an easy victory when dealing with only one of Black Star’s platoons.

  But after fighting for so long, he had done his best, but he had found out that he likely could not even defeat this platoon of Black Star’s!

  How could this be‽

  At the beginning, Heber was able to resist the siege of the mechanical army, but as his injuries and energy consumption increased, his state got worse.

  Han Xiao was different; he grew fiercer the more he fought. Just the talent of converting his energy to HP would ensure that he had sufficient strength to go on. Furthermore, with talents such as [Advanced Strengthened Life], [Battlefield Wisdom], and [One Against The World], the longer he fought, the higher his strength became. With this, the current Heber was being embarrassed more and more, much like a beaten king.

  If this continues, I’ll lose for sure!

  With this in mind, Heber’s eyes turned red. He did not like to fail at anything, especially losing to Black Star in such a manner.


  The next instant, the high-energy response from Heber started to soar in an abnormal manner, and the waves of pugilist flames ripped all the nearby mechanical soldiers into scrap metal.

  “Oh, what ability did he use?”

  Han Xiao gazed at the interface and found a new state appearing in the status bar of Heber: [Polar Channel Flow—Cellular Overdrive].

  He was no stranger to this move. This was a pugilist skill, and some players had learned it in their previous lives. It would force the activation of one’s cellular potential, to maximize the overclocking of all attributes such as HP and strength and temporarily obtain an advanced combat power for a period of several hours to several days.

  However, the sequelae were serious. The moment one used this ability, every upgrade in the future would be permanently seven percent more expensive, and this would stack continuously with each usage without limit!

  This was equivalent to squeezing out one’s future potential in exchange for temporary explosive power!

  Generally speaking, no one would use this trick unless it was a last resort.

  Han Xiao was a little stunned. Is it so difficult to accept losing to me? To even pull out this sort of self-destructive trick…

  But upon seeing Heber’s expression, Han Xiao understood.

  There was only stubbornness and self-esteem of the strong.

  While the Tyrant’s usual style was pretentious and made many criticize him, at this moment, Han Xiao admitted that he was a qualified fighter.

  Indeed, those who can become Beyond Grade As are not easy to deal with. Han Xiao pursed his lips.

  The high energy response of Heber was also discovered by the radars, and everyone began excitedly discussing.

  “What’s this? Did Heber pull out a killing move?”

  “I thought that he could take it no longer. Seems like there’s still a counterattack!”

  Heber burst into flames, directly crossing the 52,000 energy rank limit, and his grade rose to S+. The wounds on his body also rapidly healed.

  As he stared at Han Xiao in anger, his hands clasped together, and a dazzling golden light began to shine in his palm, getting brighter and brighter.

  Seeing this, Han Xiao’s avatar paused in midair.

  “Since you’re so serious, I should stop playing as well.”

  The moment he spoke, the Mechanical Force arced out like a spider’s web, connecting every individual mechanical soldier.

  The next moment, the mechanical soldiers returned like birds to their nests, shooting toward the avatar and reassembling themselves. A huge mechanical structure gradually unfolded.

  The Mechanical Force was akin to the nerves, blood vessels, and veins of this huge body!


  “This… this is…”

  Under the shocked eyes of the spectators, a huge machine assembled itself above Planet Black Tyrant.

  A heavy pressure emanated from this machine, giving everyone the feeling that this was not individual soldiers gathered together but rather… a new, independent individual!

  Heber’s eyes were wide, and under his shock, the pugilist waves undulated like a flickering lightbulb.

  At the same time, Manison, who was viewing on the Federation of Light’s spaceship, looked as though he had been hammered. His eyes wide open, he exclaimed, “This is… a Mechanical Deity‽”

  Chapter 952. Crazy Beating |

  Manison was too familiar with the Mechanical Deity skill. This was also his ultimate skill, and for many years, there was no opponent who could force him to utilize it. Seeing that Han Xiao now also possessed this power, his emotions were set aflare.

  If Manison was still in doubt before, he was now finally certain… Black Star had reached his current realm!

  Incredible… this sort of growth rate…

  Manison’s eyes were full of surprise.

  In terms of age for a Beyond Grade A, Black Star was just too young, to the point of being immature, but how could he break through all common sense, raising his strength in just a few years to complete the accumulation that took other Beyond Grade As hundreds of years?

  Could it really be because of talent?

  Even if one looked from the ancient times till now, there was no one who had such terrible potential. Manison clearly remembered that the last time he sparred with Black Star, the mechanical talent he had displayed was very shameful, even making people doubt if he was a fake Beyond Grade A.

  If it was not talent, then what was the actual reason?

  Manison’s eyes flashed.

  Could it be that… other than the Evolution Cube and Spacetime Amber, Black Star still possessed other Universal Treasures?

  No matter what, this sort of growth rate is too weird. Black Star must have a great secret…

  Thinking about this, Manison suddenly had a strong desire.

  The desire to dissect Black Star and find out the truth.

  Suppressing his impulsive thoughts, Manison eyes flickered as he thought about an important question.

  Since Black Star has grasped the strength of the Mechanical Deity, then… has he discovered the secret of Adeptus Mechanicus?

  The NPC Beyond Grade As did not possess an interface and were unable to understand their own skills, so they had to rely on trial and error instead. As such, not all Divine Throne Mechanics could discover the special effect of [Key of Adeptus Mechanicus].

  If not for the inherited knowledge from the Mechanical Legacy, Manison could not be sure that he would have found out about the bonuses by having Mechanic believers.

  The question now was, had Black Star also discovered this ability?

  If Black Star had discovered this point, he would inevitably become a competitor and an obstacle on his road to a higher realm!

  At this moment, the attention he paid to Black Star in his heart had been raised to the highest level!

  “I need to pay more attention to him…” Manison narrowed his eyes.


  “My God! It’s so big!”

  “I, I actually have the urge to worship it. Is that natural?”

  The image painted by the assembly of the mechanical army was majestic, and it inspired awe in the faces of the countless galactic residents on scene.

  The Mechanical Deity comprised of two million soldiers was naturally huge, and compared to the Tyrant, it was like
the gap between an ant and an elephant.

  Not only was it huge, it also exuded a strong pressure, causing those who looked at it to have an impulse to submit.

  Its shape could be melded based on Han Xiao’s consciousness, and the current Mechanical Deity took the shape of a huge silvery-black mechanical sphere, like an egg.

  Under Han Xiao’s control, a head, arms, and legs protruded from the ‘egg’, and the Mechanical Deity slowly turned into a humanoid structure. Even his facial features were formed on the head, turning it into a gigantic version of Black Star.

  The Composite Mechanical Deity possessed the functions of every single mechanical soldier assembled into it, and they could be used in every corner of its body through the nanoparticles. Furthermore, their effects would reinforce each other.

  For example, if there were a hundred thousand shield generator mechanical soldiers integrated within, then the Mechanical Deity would be able to summon a hundred thousand psionic shields to protect all corners of its body, or it could fuse and overlap them to form a super-durable shield.

  Han Xiao’s physical senses extended to every corner of the Mechanical Deity’s body, and everything could be controlled with a thought, as though this was his original body.

  This feeling isn’t bad at all.

  This was also Han Xiao’s first time utilizing this skill, and the feeling was quite miraculous.

  The Mechanical Deity lowered its head from high above, overlooking the planet and locking onto the extremely tiny Tyrant below.

  Its huge palm rose up before slapping down suddenly like a mountain descending from the heavens.

  The palm broke through the atmosphere of the planet, its edges catching on fire, and its shadow covered a huge area, occupying Heber’s entire version.


  The speed of the palm resulted in a sonic boom, deafening the ears of all who heard it!

  Heber’s expression was grim. He gritted his teeth to ease the shock in his heart. His palms pushed violently into the sky, and the waves of the highly condensed pugilist flames burst out.

  “Star Shattering Mortar!”


  From Heber’s palms as the center, a halo of reddish gold spread out horizontally, and the pugilist flames expanded, turning into a huge beam tens of meters in diameter, moving rapidly toward the palm of the mechanical deity!

  While the strong pugilist flames were akin to atomizing rays, vaporizing everything within their path, compared to the palm, it was like using a toothpick to hit one’s hand.


  A large number of mechanical parts assembled on the palm of the Mechanical Deity, quickly transforming into dense psionic shields. The shields overlapped and interlinked with each other to cover the entire palm, looking like a bubble with a blue gradient.

  The next instant, the reddish gold beam connected with the palm.


  The resulting hurricane swept across the entire area, and on the half of the planet they were battling on, the clouds were blown away, and the crust ruptured!

  The huge explosion expanded, smashing through several of the psionic shields, causing a few parts to melt on the surface of the palm. However, the palm persistently continued to press down, as though it wanted to smash the beam itself!

  Heber continued to increase the output of the pugilist flames, to the point his whole body’s muscles burst apart, causing him to be drenched in blood.

  However, he did not seem to feel the pain. His bloodshot eyes stared at the rapidly expanding Mechanical Deity’s palm in his line of sight. He squeezed out every ounce of energy in his body and further increased the fluctuations released by his palms, as though he wanted to suppress the palm!

  But in reality, the golden beam got shorter as the palm continued its inevitable descent.

  Suddenly, Heber’s vision was only left with blank whiteness.


  The palm smashed straight onto the planet and tunneled into the earth, leaving a palm print on the surface. The explosive energy was also pushed by it into the crust of the planet.

  Everyone only saw a fracture appear, shining brightly with light.

  In the next moment, the crack expanded completely, and a devastating explosion occurred deep within the planet, directly shattering the planet apart!

  In an instant, the appearance of Planet Black Tyrant seemed to have turned into an apple that had been dug out from the inside!

  Furthermore, this shape did not hold for long. Due to the imbalance in its broken core, the planet collapsed in on itself.


  The core of the planet turned into an explosive light cluster, ejecting all the material that made up this planet, shattering the entire planet into pieces!

  This one palm literally destroyed Planet Black Tyrant!

  The shockwave caused by the planetary explosion swept through and affected the crowd watching in the distance.

  “Black… Black Tyrant… exploded!”

  While the galactic residents watching from space were isolated from any sound, it did not prevent their imaginations from filling up the missing spots, and countless people shivered instinctively in front of this terrible scene. Some even peed their pants.

  The explosion also affected the Mechanical Deity, shattering a large area of the psionic shields covering its entire body. Molten traces of melted metal appeared in many places around its body.

  But the next moment, the nanoparticles flowed around the Mechanical Deity, repairing the damage. Due to the loss of material, it shrank in size slightly, but it still towered over everything else.

  Many of the galactic residents swallowed audibly, craning their necks to look for traces of Heber.

  “Where’s the Tyrant?”

  “Could he have been blown to bits?”

  “Probably not. He can use his own fleshly body to smash through a planet, so the explosion of a planet shouldn’t kill him… right?”

  At this time, the battlefield had transformed into a new asteroid belt. Han Xiao swept through the battlefield, but he saw no traces of Heber and glanced toward the interface.

  In the combat information, it showed that Heber had lost a great amount of HP. If not for his [Immunity to True Damage] as well as [Fixed Damage Reduction], this would have directly killed him. However, although his injuries were also very heavy, he still retained his battle strength.

  This seemed to be a simple slap, but in fact, the palm strike contained a lot of different damages mixed in, such as Psionic Impact, the explosive damage of Heber’s own killer move, as well as damage from the shock wave devices equipped on the palm. In addition, this Mechanical Deity had countless output devices, so the Mechanical Force bonuses were amazing, comparable to the damage inflicted by the legendary Galactic Titan race from legends.

  Of course, great power would naturally be accompanied by a huge amount of energy consumption. If not for Han Xiao’s talent allowing him to quickly recover energy, his Mechanical Deity would probably be like Ultraman, each fight only lasting for three minutes.

  Han Xiao was currently looking for traces of the Tyrant when a feeling of pain was transmitted to him through his right arm. A series of explosions occurring from the inside revealed Heber within.

  “Turns out, he took the slap as a chance to send himself inside the arm, wanting to destroy it from the inside out?”

  Han Xiao shook his head.

  The Tyrant’s choice looked to be the best tactic. The majority would think that with the huge bulk of the Mechanical Deity, its weakness would be the internal systems.

  However, this law was not applicable to the Mechanical Deity!


  Surrounded by mechanical parts, Heber was riddled with injuries but was still wreaking havoc within the right arm of the Mechanical Deity, breaking all the structures around him as he rushed deeper into the Mechanical Deity.

  But the inside of the arm suddenly warped, and the separate mechanical soldiers assembled quickly, u
sing the inside of the arm as a battlefield to fight against Heber. They flung themselves without care toward Heber.

  “Scram!” Heber roared in anger, and his body exploded with strength, throwing all the soldiers clinging to him away.

  As he was about to continue charging, his feet suddenly sank, and he found that the mechanical structure suddenly turned into a trap, biting into his fleet and restricting his movements.

  The machinery around him shot out ropes that were made of a nanomaterial that was incredibly tough to restrict the movement of his body.

  Immediately afterward, a variety of mechanical devices popped out, and various crowd control skills were applied, such as electromagnetic chains, gravity fields, and space distortions, which were thrown toward Heber.

  Heber felt like he was stuck in quicksand. Not only did he become disorientated, it became extremely difficult to move.

  Then, cannon muzzles appeared from all directions, aiming and concentrating their fire at Heber.

  The thought of attacking from the inside was good, but entering the body of the Mechanical Deity was as good as sending oneself to the home field of a Mechanic!

  Heber was attacked to the point his world spun, and his fury quickly reached the max. With a furious scream, he ignored the various restrictions, landing his fists deep into the arm of the Mechanical Deity.

  “Star Shaking Fist!”


  The reddish gold beam blasted out, running through the arm of the Mechanical Deity.

  But the attack only reached up to its elbow before a psionic shield blocked the way, and the Star Shaking Fist smashed directly on it.


  With the burst of light and impact, the entire right arm of the Mechanical Deity was shattered!

  Heber was also thrown out, and as he spun around in the universe, he saw this scene, and his spirits were revived.

  But before he could feel any excitement, the broken right arm suddenly disintegrated and turned back into the individual mechanical soldiers. Chains of Mechanical Force shot forth from the broken stump of the right arm, connecting to the soldiers like a spider web, and pulled them back.

  The next instant, the scattered soldiers rejoined the original body, and the Mechanical Deity was whole once again!


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