The Legendary Mechanic

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by <unknown>

  I lived in a condominium that’s thirty-three floors high. It had four elevators. At the morning peak period, the elevators always automatically went up to the top floor before slowly descending, stopping on almost every floor. Usually, I would watch the morning news while waiting for the elevator, but seconds felt like years at that time. I almost wanted to pry the elevator door open and pull the elevator down.

  Finally, the lift arrived at where I lived, floor fifteen. The door opened, and it was completely filled with people. Usually, when I came across something like this, I would always greet my neighbors inside with a smile and wait for the next lift. However, I completely threw all that aside at that time. I grabbed onto the door and screamed at them, describing what had just happened to me.

  However, I quickly realized no one was looking at me. No one was listening to me. It was as if I did not exist!

  As I was drowning in panic and fear, the people inside noticed that the lift door was not closing, so the person standing by the buttons rapidly pressed on the closing button impatiently. Someone even reached out and tried to slap the door, and that person’s hand just happened to land on my arm.

  Something happened that made me even more horrified—this person’s hand easily passed through my arm like I was just an illusion.

  Before my brain could even react to it, my sight started to ripple, and I saw an illusion. A lady in the lift did not hold on to the communicator in her hand properly, and it dropped onto the floor.

  At this instant, an immense pain erupted in my body. I lost control of my body, fell onto the floor, and started twitching all over. My sight quickly turned blurry, and a powerful sense of drowsiness rushed up to my brain.

  The moment before I passed out, I faintly saw a communicator that was exactly the same as the one I saw in the illusion earlier, and I saw it drop onto the floor inside the lift.

  The next second, I lost consciousness.

  When I woke up again, it was already night, and I was still lying on the floor outside the lift. A sense of overwhelming weakness pervaded my body as if I hadn’t eaten or slept for two whole days.

  The extremely strong sense of hunger seemed to have chased away my fear. I dragged myself back home and ate up almost everything in my fridge, finally regaining some strength. During which, I tried using the metal cutlery and the camera to see my reflection, but everything failed without exception.

  After that, I tried my best and barely calmed down. After multiple tests, I’ve realized that I’m non-existence to everyone, and I can’t touch anyone either. However, I can influence some objects that are not in contact with any form of life.

  Therefore, I tried driving, stealing, creating accidents, and so on. Most of my actions that will have a direct influence on others will be interrupted by me suddenly passing out. However, many of my attempts at stealing worked, and no one noticed. It’s only thanks to that was I able to live till now, or I would’ve starved to death long ago.

  The illusion that causes me to faint happens frequently. I’ve realized that I seem to be able to see a certain period of time into the future, but I can’t activate or deactivate that power. When this power activates, I faint and feel weak after. I’m guessing that the cost of using this power is my stamina.

  I thought of the Mutation Disaster. My body has definitely gone through some kind of terrifying mutation. I’ve lived for about three months in this state. Initially, I was terrified, but then, for some time, I felt happy, and after that, I felt lost and alone. I can’t interact with people in real life, so I tried communicating with people online.

  However, no matter what method I use to leave a message, it all still seems to get ignored by others. I’ve sent messages to my friends, but I never get a reply. No one from my company has even called to ask why I haven’t been going to work. It’s like everyone has lived with the fact that I’ve just simply evaporated. I don’t understand why. Therefore, I’ve written this diary, hoping that someone sees it and comes to help me. My address is Maple County, Ice Forest City, No. 107 Morning Light Street, Block B 1511. I’ll be waiting at home for you.

  Planet Aquamarine Public Announcement Channel, post ‘Help! I’ve disappeared!’

  Views: 0

  One day later, on Floating Dragon Island…

  “No such person has been found?”

  Han Xiao received the search report from Phillip and the various army members, frowning “Master, hum… Not only are there no traces of this person in the surveillance footage, I even crossed referenced the photo with all ID photos of the residents registered in the Aquamarine Federation. Still, no match found.” “We’ve scanned the entire planet using all kinds of vital sign detection devices, including every spot, and we could not find the target either,” the army warrior who was in charge of the field search said. “Is this person really on Planet Aquamarine?”

  Han Xiao tapped on the table, turned to Harrison, and asked, “What do you think?” “Me?” Harrison pointed at himself with surprise and said with some hesitance, “How about we make a search notice?”

  “Alright.” Han Xiao nodded. Initially, he did not know anything about this person in Aesop’s prophecy, so he did not want to alert him. However, since they could not find him now, making it public would not hurt. Anyway, he was right there, so he was not worried about anyone causing any problems.

  He had to see what connection he had with this stranger.

  Chapter 1129. High Dimensional Information Form |

  Four days passed very quickly, but the search notice sent through the Aquamarine Federation’s official news did not receive any response. Either no one saw the target, or the target saw it but decided not to come. There were also no witnesses.

  Left with no choice, Han Xiao could only have his subordinates continue searching. He also used (Bold Explorer) on the portrait Aesop had provided, only to see some images, but he had no idea what they were supposed to represent -a bunch of string crossing cosmic space.

  After another round of searching, spaceships returned to the Floating Dragon’s dock one after another. Many Black Star Army members walked out the hatch unhappily.

  After searching for so many days and still not finding the target, continuously repeating a task that had a ‘result’ long ago would make anyone frustrated and annoyed. The army warriors were not exceptions. Harrison was in the crowd too. Suddenly, he caught sight of Jenny. His heart skipped a beat. He hesitated for a moment, walked over, and found the courage to finally speak with her.

  “Jenny, I’m Harrison. We meet again.”

  Jenny was dealing with a group of financial group investors. Hearing someone call her name, she turned, casually nodded, and said, “It’s you. What is it?”

  A few days ago, Han Xiao and Ames had hosted a small party that all the important officers attended. Han Xiao had introduced Harrison to her back then, but she did not have a very good impression of him. She only remembered that this was a talkative, curious, and immature kid.

  “Ca-can I speak with you?” Harrison stuttered.

  “Now?” Jenny frowned slightly, waved, and said in a displeased tone, “I’m very busy now. Can’t you see I have guests to attend to?”

  Then, she looked away from Harrison and left with the investors. She was distant and cold.

  Harrison opened his mouth but did not dare disturb her more. Dejected, he followed the others and headed to Dragon Emperor’s palace to report to Han Xiao.

  However, when he was about to leave the dock, he suddenly saw that someone was lying on the floor not far away. This person’s clothes were ragged, and Harrison could not see his face. The pedestrians around did not notice him, as if they could not see him.

  “That’s odd. Is that person sleeping on the floor? Why isn’t anyone doing anything about


  Harrison was curious.

  The Black Star Army warrior beside him heard his question and looked over in the direction he was looking. He then said with a confused tone
, “Where?”

  “Right there… can’t you see?” Harrison was stunned.

  The army warriors around all stopped and looked over. They stared in that direction for a few seconds before turning around and looking at Harrison with the same weird expression. “Buddy, better go have your eyes looked at.” Harrison was lost. His overflowing curiosity instantly started burning. He left the crowd and quickly approached the person lying on the floor. He hesitated for a moment before giving this person a light push.

  “Wake up.”

  This person did not react at all as if he had fainted.

  Unable to hold back his curiosity, Harrison turned this person over.

  The instant he saw the look of this person, his eyes widened with shock.

  “You’re saying that… this is the person we’re looking for?”

  Half an hour later, Han Xiao rushed back to the base from the Dragon Emperor’s palace, came to a secret interrogation room, and looked across the table with a strange expression.

  “Yes, I found him on the dock. He seems to have fainted and still hasn’t woken up.” Harrison stood by the side and pointed at the seat on the other side of the table.

  Han Xiao looked at the empty seat with a frown. He then said with a serious tone, “You’re not pulling my leg, are you? There’s no one here.”

  Harrison scratched his head and said with a confused tone, “I don’t understand why either. It seems like I’m the only person who can see him, and no one else can. But I can assure you, he looks exactly the same as the target we’re looking for.”

  “Where did you find him?” Han Xiao wondered. “You might not believe me but…” Harrison shrunk his neck and said, “I picked him up on the streets.”

  Han Xiao was speechless.

  What else can I say?

  If not because Harrison happened to see this person, even if he was standing right in front of me, I would not have seen him.

  No wonder you became an explorer. This is what talent is, able to find good stuff anywhere you go!

  Doubtful, Han Xiao pondered for a moment and sent a message to Aesop and asked him to come over. Then, he told Harrison to describe what this person looked like.

  Harrison took a step forward and looked down at what seemed to be empty space in Han Xiao’s eyes. “He looks very weak. He’s so skinny that there’s basically only skin and bones. His clothes are ragged and torn, and there’s a lot of dust on his body like he hasn’t cleaned himself for many days…”

  Han Xiao told Phillip to draw out the appearance of this person according to Harrison. In comparison, what he described was much thinner than the portrait Aesop provided. One would not even be able to tell they were the same person if the two portraits were not placed side by side.

  Aesop soon arrived. As soon as he entered, he looked at the empty seat, smiled, and said, “You guys are quite efficient to have found him this soon.”

  Han Xiao was frustrated.

  Why am I the only one who can’t see him? How does this even work? If not because he knew Harrison’s personality, he might have thought that these two were working together to trick him. Thinking of that, Han Xiao reached out and waved at the space in front of him. He could not sense that he had touched anything at all.

  “Army Commander, your hand passed through his body…” While Harrison was explaining, he suddenly said with surprise, “Wait, he’s suddenly twitching, like you’re electrocuting him.”

  “Quickly wake him up.”

  Han Xiao pulled his hands back, frowned, and brought up the surveillance footage of the room. He realized that no type of detection device could detect the existence of this person.

  Clearly, he was not simply invisible. It seemed like only some people were able to see and touch this person. What similarities did Aesop and Harrison have? If he really had to say, it seemed like both of them were quite lucky… Could it be that only those whose Luck was high enough could see this guy?

  Then I’d better wash up and go to sleep.

  While he was making guesses, Harrison suddenly yelled, “He’s awake!”

  Han Xiao regained focus and forced himself to talk to the seat. “Tell me who you are.”

  The atmosphere became silent. Han Xiao did not receive a response even after a few seconds, but he did see Harrison and Aesop listening closely to something.

  “Did he speak? Looks like I can’t hear him either.” Han Xiao sighed. “Tell me, what did he say?” Harrison scratched his head and repeated, “He said his name is Rody Anchor, born on Planet Aquamarine…”

  Hearing this, Han Xiao quickly connected to the Aquamarine Federation’s database and did a precise search of documents under this name. However, the result was still that no such person existed.

  “Now this doesn’t make sense at all. Since he’s a resident of Planet Aquamarine, there’s no way there aren’t any documents at all about him. Either they were wiped by some kind of abnormal power, or something is stopping me from finding out his identity. Could it be that anyone who can’t see him won’t be able to find out any information about him in any form? But I can still hear what Harrison is saying about him…”

  Han Xiao searched through his memories. Suddenly, he thought of a special form of existence.

  This situation looked like the traits of a High Dimensional Information Form!

  The explored universe had limited knowledge of the term ‘information form’. Their theories remained unproven and unclear. It was said that any and all individuals carried various forms of information such as height, weight, smell, mass, and so on. These forms of information fused into the conditions that made the individuals detectable.

  ‘High Dimensional Information Form represented a specific form of existence, where physical attributes of something were removed and only the ‘concept’ of this information was left. These ‘concepts’ formed a certain kind of existence, similar to physical life forms, energy life forms, and so on, becoming a new form of existence… Whether it existed or not depended on the observer.

  To those special groups of people who could sense and observe this cluster of information, it would be something that had a physical form and could be touched. However, to those who could not observe it, they could not obtain any information on High Dimensional Information Forms through any channels, as if it did not exist. Like spirits that roamed the world, they would not be able to have any information exchange with each other. There were many names for this phenomenon, such as ‘Information Closure’, ‘Information Isolation’, and ‘Unobservable Entity’.

  At the same time, ‘Information Closure’ was not limited to the senses of life forms. It was also effective on technological and magical methods of observations. This was why some documents that were supposed to exist could not be found.

  This was because, including Virtual Technology, all these detection devices were also carriers of information, tools to obtain and save information. At their roots, they were no different from life forms using their organs to sense the world. ‘Information Closure’ worked on both life forms and these tools… This was also the reason it had the ‘High Dimensional’ prefix.

  However, after those people who could observe High Dimensional Information Forms obtained the information, the information they obtained would become their own information, so they could describe the existence of High Dimensional Information Forms to others. This was the only form of information flow. However, even if others obtained this information, they would still not be able to sense the High Dimensional Information Forms.

  Looks like he’s still not a complete High Dimensional Information Form, or he would not have to consume food…

  His situation feels like he’s only half transformed, causing the information he carries to mutate and his ‘existence’ to be wiped. However, he has yet to completely become a High Dimensional Information Form, which is why he can still interact with some objects… These traits are more similar to him awakening a related Esper Ability but temporarily bei
ng unable to control it.

  Why would a totally normal person suddenly become like this?

  There has to be a cause, and maybe that’s why Aesop saw him in his prophecy!

  Han Xiao tapped the table and said with a deep voice, “Tell him to tell me everything that happened.”

  For now, the only thing he could do was have Harrison and Aesop relay Rody’s situation. Han Xiao understood the situation very quickly and explained what had happened to this person with the Information Form Theory.

  This person’s name was Rody Anchor. He had always lived on Planet Aquamarine. Some time ago, he mutated and gained some traits of a High Dimensional Information Form. He tried to communicate with others in many ways, but everything failed, so he had no choice but to do nothing for a few months.

  A few days ago, he had seen the search notice that the Black Star Army had put up. Overjoyed, he had sent countless messages to the army’s mailbox but never received any replies. He had no choice but to board a spaceship and come to Floating Dragon, hoping to find Han Xiao.

  Every time a life form passed through his Semi High Dimensional Information Form body, he would passively read part of the information of that life form, bringing the illusions that felt like foresight, which led to him fainting. With his current body, if he wanted to do anything to someone, it would be equivalent to him trying to rewrite someone else’s ‘form of existence’ on the information level, interfering with reality using information state disturbance, which required more energy than he could afford. Hence, he would faint halfway every time. It was a self-protection mechanism. Therefore, he dodged all passersby on the way there. However, when he arrived at the Floating Dragon’s dock, even without coming into contact with anyone, he suddenly had foresight visions again, so he passed out. This was how he appeared in Floating Dragon and was coincidentally discovered by Harrison.

  Han Xiao captured the key information and pondered. “He awakened foresight… Maybe his information form mutation came from his sudden ability to see the future?”


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