Thorns and Forgiveness : Twisted Legacy Duet

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Thorns and Forgiveness : Twisted Legacy Duet Page 12

by Coralee June

  When Jared pulled away, he looked far too satisfied for my tastes. Vera’s gloss clung to his lips, and her stunned expression twisted into disgust. Thank fuck. If she would have had that adorable dazed look on her face, I probably would have had to murder someone. She used the back of her hand to wipe her mouth and winced.

  Joseph laughed just as I caught up to him, and the sound drew both Jared’s and Vera’s gazes. Her mouth dropped open when she saw Joseph, and I noticed the way she shifted closer to Jared, as if the asshole could actually protect her. Fuck that. He couldn’t do shit. I closed the remaining distance between us just as he greeted them. “I’m surprised to see you here, Vera. How are you, darling?” Joseph noticed a photographer taking photos and licked his lips.

  “I’ve never been better,” Vera answered while looking up at him. Another camera clicked.

  Joseph wiped at his nose and breathed in on a sharp hiss. “We’re still technically family. The ink hasn’t quite dried on the divorce papers. Why don’t you come give daddy a hug?” I felt stuck. I couldn’t risk it all and cause a scene, but I wanted to keep my brother as far away from Vera as possible. He wrapped his hand around her wrist and pulled her in for a hug. His arms caged around her tightly, and she looked like she wanted to recoil from him, but his strong grip wouldn’t let her.

  “Joseph,” I began. “Enough.”

  My brother pulled back and grabbed her chin. “I’m just giving the girl a proper greeting.” Jared, being the fucking coward he was, took a step back. “How’s your mother doing? Last I saw her, she was pretty beaten up about the divorce.” Fucking dick choice of words, motherfucker. Vera caught on to his meaning, too, and stumbled a bit. “You understand though, don’t you? We just weren’t a good fit. I once read that sometimes children of divorce think it’s their fault. I hope you don’t feel that way, Vera. If you ever need to talk about your feelings, my door is always open. We can even have a sleepover if you’d like.” Joseph tilted his head to the side before looking at Jared. “It seems you’ve moved on from my brother.”

  Jared cleared his throat. This was so fucking awkward. I just wanted to take her away from here. “Good to see you again, Mr. Beauregard. You too, Hamilton.” Vera is his goddamn date. Shouldn’t he at least attempt to protect her dignity? Joseph offering to have a fucking sleepover made my blood boil, but Jared was sticking out his hand for Joseph to shake.

  I intercepted and ended up squeezing Jared’s hand so hard I heard his knuckle pop.

  “Great to see you, Jared. Now why don’t you get the fuck out of my sight?”

  Jared’s brows lifted in amusement.

  “Oh, but I was having so much fun,” he countered. Vera let out an exasperated breath as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to him.

  “Let go,” I growled.

  Joseph laughed and flicked at his nose again. “Oh, don’t be so bitter, Hamilton. We can all be adults about this.”

  “Shut up,” I snapped at Joseph. “Don’t you have something you should be doing? This is your event after all.”

  “Our event, brother. Ours. And besides, this is significantly more fun than this stuffy party. Kiss her again, Jared. Maybe Hamilton will go postal and punch you in the jaw. Are you man enough, Hamilton?”

  I took a steadying breath.

  Vera must have grown some confidence, because she finally spoke up.

  “Hamilton doesn’t have to punch people to feel powerful, Joseph. In my experience, only people with little dicks and a superiority complex feel the need to express themselves with violence.”

  The humor drained from Joseph’s face. Jared was pressing his lips into a thin line, forcing his face into a stoic expression, though I imagined he wanted to let out a boyish giggle at her words.

  “Sometimes a situation requires a firm hand, Vera.”

  “What situation requires a man to hit his wife?” she pressed in a lower voice while taking a step closer. I could tell that she was emboldened by the crowd. He couldn’t do anything here, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t retaliate later.

  “I’d be thrilled to enlighten you in a private setting, Vera. Just say when,” Joseph replied, matching her intense stare with a cruel one of his own.

  No. I wouldn’t stand here and let him threaten her. “Why hide, Joseph? If you try to enlighten anyone about anything, I’ll chop your dick off and toss it in the punch bowl over there. I’m not as needlessly violent as the rest of the men in our family, but I won’t stand here and let you threaten Vera, either.”

  Jared shifted from one foot to the other. “This is a little too intense for my tastes. You’re all harshing my high. Vera? Would you like to go back to our hotel room? These charity events are so stuffy.”

  Our hotel room? Like hell she was going back with him. What the fuck? Was she staying with him? No. Nope. No. Absolutely not.

  “I was actually enjoying this little family reunion. I’ll meet up with you later, okay?” she said with a confident smile before turning her attention back to Joseph.

  Jared looked at her, then back at me. “Are you sure?”

  Without blinking, she held Joseph’s stare while replying to her fucking date. “Positive.” Jared didn’t wait to be told twice. With an awkward nod, he scampered off like a poodle.

  I started speaking the second he was gone. “Vera, why don’t we—”

  “Why is Hamilton working for you, Joseph? Are you blackmailing him? Are you threatening him?”

  Joseph laughed. “I’m afraid I have no idea why my brother has a sudden interest in the family business.”

  Vera crossed her arms over her chest. “For some reason, I don’t believe you.”

  I needed to end this conversation now. Where the fuck was Jack? He was supposed to keep Vera far away from all of this shit. That was half of our deal.

  Joseph took a step closer, and I followed suit. I was about to position myself between them like a human shield. “I’m not sure I like what you’re insinuating, Vera.”

  “I’m not sure I like you at all, Joseph,” she snapped back. Long gone was the timid woman that hid from confrontation.

  “Your mother was stubborn, too. Defiant. It was easy to break her.” That was a fucking low blow. I wanted to open my mouth and fight back, but I was stuck. I didn’t plan for this.

  “You like breaking things, don’t you? Does it make you feel like more of a man?”

  Joseph smiled and lowered his voice. “I’d love to show you just how much of a man I am, Vera.”

  “Enough,” I cracked. Both of them turned to look at me. “Joseph, don’t you have donors to impress?” I asked.

  Around us, the entire party seemed oblivious to the estranged conversation we were having. I suppose to any onlookers, we looked like a happy little puzzle, each piece making up a fractured family.

  “I suppose I do. Not nearly as fun as making Vera squirm, though.” Joseph adjusted his bow tie and twisted to look at me. “You ought to know, Hamilton. Be careful with Garner women. They like to trap you with their filth.”

  “You’re unbelievable,” Vera said, her mouth curled in disgust.

  “Careful. Maybe I’ll decide to take your mother back.” That was a legitimate threat. Joseph had no honor or morals. He’d string Lilah along just to piss off Vera.

  “Vera, let’s go.” I grabbed her arm and pulled her over to me, thanking God that she didn’t pull away from my touch.

  “If you find out why my brother is working with my father, please let me know. I’m still trying to figure out what he’s up to,” Joseph called at our backs before spinning around to talk to someone else.

  “Where are you taking me?” Vera asked as I pulled her through the large open doors and toward the valet.


  She wiggled out of my grasp and cursed. “I’m not going home. I came all this way to talk to you and figure out what the fuck is going on. Hamilton. I’m not letting you—”

  “We’re going to my home, Vera.” I
looked around and noticed a couple women whispering and staring at us. “I want to go somewhere we can talk without people hearing, okay?”

  Vera squinted at me, obviously not trusting my words. “You’re going to actually talk to me?”

  “Yes,” I answered hastily. Her eyes sparkled with tears. Shit. I couldn’t handle when she cried. I just wanted to fix this.

  “Why?” she asked.

  Fuck it. I pulled her close and seared my lips to hers. It was the most satisfying kiss of my life. She felt warm in my arms. Like home. Like everything I needed and more. She moaned and deepened the kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her body to mine. If kissing Vera was a job, I’d happily clock hours for the rest of my goddamn life. But we had shit to talk about and things to work through and Joseph to take care of.

  I ended the kiss and stared at her. So fucking what if anyone saw? I couldn’t hide my feelings for this girl even if I tried. Joseph already knew. Jack wasn’t upholding his end of the deal. Why should I have to suffer?

  “Because it’s physically impossible for me to stay away from you, Vera,” I replied. “And because you make it impossible to protect you when you keep showing up. If I can’t push you away, then I’m going to have you at my side.” Her expression was dazed as I pulled her toward the line of limos waiting to take their drunk owners home. We were about to get in the limo when I remembered something. I halted with the door open and looked at my girl. “Text Jared and let him know that it’s my house you’ll be at. It’s my bed you’ll be warming tonight, and if he ever touches you again, then I’ll pin him down and take a lighter to his lips.”

  She swallowed, but she didn’t look scared. If anything, my threat turned her on.

  “Will do,” she whispered.



  Hamilton’s rental house in DC was strikingly different from his home in Connecticut. It was nothing like what I expected. Cold. Everything about it was cold. Marble floors. Sleek lines. Stiff, modern furniture that didn’t look inviting or even comfortable. The open concept plan was spacious but overwhelming all the same. I could see how a person would feel lonely here. The entire house just swallowed you whole.

  Masculine art covered the walls and looked curated by someone trying to make a statement, not by someone who actually knew Hamilton. And the kitchen? It was state of the art but looked barely used. I wondered if I would find leftover takeout in his fridge instead of ingredients for the meals he loved to cook.

  “I’m going to get Little Mama. I’ve had to kennel her because she likes to chew up the baseboards here when I’m gone. I think she’s trying to punish me for leaving.”

  I resisted the urge to tell him that I shared the same feelings as he turned and walked away. I wrapped my arms around myself and steadied my nervous breathing. A door opened, and I recognized the familiar sounds of Little Mama’s whine.

  Soon, she shot down the hallway like a cannon headed straight for me. I didn’t even have time to hike up my dress and crouch to her level before the happy dog was tackling me to the ground. Her sweet excitement almost brought tears to my eyes as I scratched behind her ears and she messed up my makeup with her slobbery tongue. “I missed you too, sweetie.”

  After a few more minutes of excited cuddles, Hamilton pulled her off me and let her outside in the back patio that had a strip of grass.

  I was still sitting on the tile floor and looking around when Hamilton returned. This wasn’t a home. This was a glorified hotel. “I miss your townhouse,” I managed to whisper while dragging my index finger along the floor. Not a single speck of dirt. It was clinical, almost.

  “I miss a lot of things,” he replied before walking closer and holding out his hand to help me up. The moment our fingers touched, a thrill shot down my spine. I’d never felt such a heavy sense of promise and anticipation.

  Tension hung thick in the air, and he asked me if I wanted a drink. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around myself. “This is awkward,” I admitted.

  Hamilton grabbed a water bottle from his massive fridge and took a sip. I eyed the movement of his Adam’s apple with lusty apprehension. “This doesn’t have to be awkward,” Hamilton replied before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

  Pursuing Hamilton and knocking down all his walls had been so exhausting. Up until now, I had forced myself to be strong and brave. I made the effort because I knew he was worth it. I knew that we’d figure it all out in the end.

  But now that we were in the silent privacy of everything that happened, I didn’t know where to start.

  “I hate that you’re working with Joseph. This house, this place, these events, this job—it isn’t you.” I looked at his tux, the handsome cut so severe and sharp. It was like wearing a costume.

  Hamilton circled his kitchen island and grabbed both my hands. As he led me to the living room, I watched the dim lights cast shadows along his face. Slowly, we sat down on his couch, and he pulled my legs over his lap. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier. But you look beautiful,” he whispered.

  I looked down at the dress and grimaced. “I almost had to wear lingerie,” I replied with a sigh.

  I watched his fingers work the heels Jared bought me off my throbbing feet. “And why would you have had to wear that?” he asked in an even tone despite the vein throbbing in his neck.

  “I had to convince Jared to bring me to the event. He wanted to pick out my outfit and charged a kiss.”

  “That dumbass motherfucking cunt whore dinky dick—”

  “Whoa,” I interrupted with a harsh laugh. “Calm down.” Hamilton’s jealousy shouldn’t excite me as much as it did.

  “So he bought this dress?” he asked while rubbing my foot.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “Take it off.” Goose bumps broke out on my skin. “We can talk, but I won’t be able to think straight with you wearing a gown another man bought you. Please?”

  “And what if I don’t?” I asked.

  “Then I’ll tear it from your body with my teeth, Petal.”

  Another shiver rocked through me like a shockwave. Promises, promises.

  The only thing I wanted more than sex with Hamilton was a conversation with him. “Fine,” I replied. It took me a moment to stand up and ease the zipper at my side down. Hamilton watched me with heated eyes, his mouth parted slightly, his hands rubbing up and down the tops of his thighs. The soft fabric fell on the floor, and he gulped. My nude, strapless bra pushed my breasts up, and the lace thong I wore was practically see-through.

  “Fuck, Petal,” he rasped.

  “I’m cold,” I replied with a shiver.

  He opened his arms, and I crawled into his lap, letting Hamilton warm me up. It felt so perfect to be here with him. We still needed to work through shit, but I was here. I was with him. I was his.

  He grabbed a throw blanket and carefully tucked it over us before speaking. “When I first started working with Saint, the only thing that motivated me was revenge,” Hamilton admitted. “We had a common enemy, and I needed his help. I thought there was power in the press. I wanted the world to know how shitty Joseph was, because my own father didn’t believe me.”

  Hamilton started massaging my back. “I know why you worked with Saint,” I replied. Even if it hurt to be used, I still understood Hamilton’s motivations for doing it.

  “Working with Saint was actually really fun. I felt like I had a brother for once. A real brother. I’ve been conditioned to fear family, but for the first time in my life, I was comfortable with someone. It’s really hard to reconcile the fact that my second chance at having a brother was your living, breathing nightmare.”

  My breathing deepened. Hamilton closed his eyes, and I wanted nothing more than to dive into his brain and get a front row seat to what was going through his beautiful mind. “Keep going,” I encouraged him.

  “Then I met you. You were like this precious gift wrapped in thorns. Mine, but also not mine. Too preci
ous for words. I didn’t want to jeopardize you but was afraid to lose my new brotherhood with Saint.”

  I wanted Hamilton to have people in his life that he could count on. Aside from Jess, he seemed to have a very lonely childhood. “I understand,” I whispered. “But what about now? You pushed me away, and then we...”

  “I was just trying to keep you safe. I am finishing what I started. I’m working here to bring Joseph down. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I don’t want you to think that I love revenge more than I l-love you, Petal. It’s more like, I can’t even begin to fully love until I get rid of this cloud hanging over my head.”

  I reached for his cheek and ran the back of my hand down his stubble affectionately. “You don’t have to do this alone. If you would have just been honest with me, we could have talked about all of this and been in it together.”

  Hamilton leaned into my touch. “I already dragged you into my revenge scheme and hurt you. I’m working with Saint again—this time behind the scenes. I can’t trust my father, either. but I’m working with him to figure out what illegal activities Joseph is up to.”

  “Okay. Let’s do this together, then.”

  Hamilton twisted to face me. My heart started racing from his undivided attention. “I don’t think I’m capable of letting you go again, Petal.”

  “Then don’t,” I said.

  Hamilton was on me in an instant. His body pressed me into the couch, his soft lips crashing into mine with greedy intent. I threaded my hands in his hair and lifted my leg. I curled around him and moaned.

  “Don’t leave me again. No more goodbyes, Hamilton.” My whispered plea between kisses stopped him in his tracks.

  “Are you prepared for the level of obsession I feel for you, Petal? You’re all set up at your new school, your new place to live with your professor. And I don’t think I have it in me to be a part-time boyfriend. I don’t think I can half-ass this with you.”


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