After The Fall

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After The Fall Page 2

by Ariadne Wayne

  “I’m sure I will.” He held my gaze for a moment before winking at me. My heart skipped a beat as I took a peek at him over my shoulder while taking the menus back.

  “Who is that?” asked one of the other waitresses when I went back to the kitchen. “He’s still watching you.”

  “Just someone I met the other day, didn’t expect to run into him here of all places.”

  I handed in the order and went back out to take some more orders. Alex’s eyes were on me the whole time, I felt them on me as I moved around my area though I was too afraid to look in his direction.

  One of the other girls had delivered their drinks and met me back at the kitchen where I was collecting the food order. “That guy has got a thing for you, he just asked me when you finish work for the night.”

  I laughed. “I doubt he has a thing for me, but thanks for letting me know. I hope you didn’t tell him.”

  She snorted. “Of course I didn’t. I may have dropped a big hint but I didn’t just say it outright.”

  I rolled my eyes and took the food to the table. The brunette leaned on Alex’s arm but he paid no attention and appeared distracted. As I placed the food down, I smiled at both of them. “Enjoy.”

  “I’m sure we will,” he said. He smiled his dazzling smile at me and I grinned back, it was too hard to resist. He might have been distracted sitting with her but his full attention was on me. Maybe he did have a thing for me.

  It was too late for the dirty look the brunette shot at me to bother me as I turned to walk away. He was still watching me and as I neared the kitchen again I turned to see him again. He grinned and I couldn’t help returning it, I thought my chest would explode at that moment but somehow I got through.

  When it came time to clear the table I walked over with my best smile on my face. So he was interested but what part did the brunette play in all of this? If I’d been on a date and my date had ignored me for the waitress, I’d be pissed. I had no doubt that was exactly the way she was feeling judging from her face.

  “That was just awful,” she said, “the salad was limp and tasteless.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I said, “but you seem to have eaten the whole thing so I can’t check.”

  “You will just have to take my word for it.”

  “The food was fine Lisa. Stop being difficult,” said Alex, “in fact Natalie, your recommendation was superb.”

  I leaned over to take the plates, feeling the heat of her glare and as I pulled my hand back it knocked her drink into her lap.

  “You little bitch, you did that on purpose,” she said.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said, “I’m afraid I knocked it, I’ll just get you something to clean it up with.”

  I turned towards the kitchen to get some paper towels for her. To be perfectly honest I wasn’t completely sure if it was an accident or not. She was still ranting and as I turned to go back to the table she screamed. “We’re going to knock down this godforsaken building and I hope it puts you out of a job.”

  Alex turned to her. “Be quiet Lisa, that’s not appropriate.”

  “She spilled the drink on me on purpose.”

  “And you have just made a complete idiot of yourself, not to mention an enemy of all these people.”

  I looked at him. “Is it true?”

  “What?” he asked.

  “What she said, is it true? Is it you involved in the new development?” I asked, praying he would say no and not ruin any dream of something developing between us.

  “Natalie I…”

  “Of course it’s true,” Lisa said, “we came here because Alex said this place had a good reputation and we wanted to try the food before it closed. Shame the service is so appallingly bad.”

  “I think you had both better leave,” came John’s voice from behind me.

  “Natalie, I’m so sorry. I’ll come back to talk to you after you’ve finished your shift.” Alex said.

  “Don’t bother,” I said, turning on my heel and walking away from the whole mess. When I got out the back I burst into tears and sat in a chair in the staff room rocking backwards and forwards.

  John appeared and put his arms around me. “We have to talk to the other staff now Natalie, I don’t know what that was between you and that man but the cat is out of the bag now.”

  I sighed. “I know, maybe we just pull people out a couple at a time rather than a whole staff meeting.”

  So we did and together we all went through the loss of John’s restaurant and our jobs. Most of the staff were students so they would be able to find some other part time work somewhere. It would hit me the hardest now having graduated as I’d have to get a move on finding a real job. The worst part would be the John’s loss and the community losing him.

  I was so distracted by the time I finished I didn’t notice him waiting for me as I walked out and turned the corner for home. The short walk meant I didn’t bother catching the bus even though walking at night wasn’t really the best idea.

  “Natalie,” he called out and I turned to see Alex walking towards me.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  He caught up with me and as he grew closer I saw how upset he was from the look in his eyes. “I’m sorry for what happened. Lisa had no right to act like that.”

  “Why on earth would you hang out with someone like that? At least she told me what you were really up to.”

  “Please,” he grabbed hold of my hand, “it’s not quite like that. She’s a colleague, and I had no idea I’d run into you. I’m so glad to see you again Natalie, I really was quite worried when you left my place earlier.”

  “You’re knocking down my workplace and leaving me out of work.” I pulled my hand away. “Why should I even talk to you?”

  “Because you feel the same as I do, I can see it on your face.”

  “That was before I found out what a rat you are.”

  He grinned. “Natalie I’ll try my best to save this place. I swear, just don’t walk away from me.”

  “What do you want from me Alex?” I asked, not sure if I wanted the answer.

  “I want you,” he said.

  I stared at him. “I don’t do this sort of thing,” I said.

  “What sort of thing?”


  “Maybe I don’t want to date,” he said, “I’m only here for 3 months so anything I started wouldn’t be long term.” He paused and scratched it head. It was obvious he had more to say but didn’t know how to say it. “Natalie, there’s just something about you. You do something to me I can’t even begin to explain.”

  “Wow,” I said, “Not only are you going to leave me without a job but you’re also treating me like a whore. This isn’t helping the creepiness factor either.”

  “No, not like a whore and I apologise if I scared you. All I wanted to do was help. You’re gorgeous Natalie and I want to get to know you better. I’ll talk to my father about saving this place. I swear.”

  “Why would you do anything like that for me?” I asked, “you don’t even know me.”

  “I’d like to know you,” he said, “besides when I saw the look on your face and on all the others around I guessed that the business isn’t reopening elsewhere. I don’t want to put people out of work Natalie.”

  I had never wanted anything so much in my life. I swear just him talking made me libido go mental. All this time of being celibate and barely dating, it was only my self control stopping me from just jumping him and ripping his clothes off. Didn’t help that he was saying all the right things.

  “Fine,” I said.

  “Fine what?”

  Right there in the car park in that moment I didn’t care. I didn’t care that I had only met him once before. I didn’t care I didn’t know anything about him. I didn’t even care that he was one of those horrible bastards about to rip down my workplace and make me unemployed.

  For three years I had not been interested in dating, not even been interested in finding one
night stands. This man was going to fuck me and clear away the cobwebs so to speak.

  “You said you want me?”


  “How much?”

  “Very much.”

  “Have you got a car nearby?” I asked.

  I swear his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets as he worked out what I was suggesting.

  “It’s in the carpark,” he said, pointing in the direction of his car.

  “Then I suggest we go there now.”

  He led me to the car, it was one of those big wanky four wheel drives. The ones with the big seats and more than wide enough for me to lie down on. Tinted windows too. I was almost panting with desire. The thought of that man and what I was sure he could do to me made my pussy throb.

  I’d had sex before but never had an orgasm, even my own fingers couldn’t bring me off. My previous experiences had always been inexperienced fumbles though so I had always wondered if it was technique more than anything else. I didn’t know if he would help me with that but my body had never reacted to anyone like this before.

  I pulled open the door and crawled across the back seat knowing full well he could see up my skirt. “Are you sure you want to do this Natalie? We’d be much more comfortable at my place or yours in a bed.”

  His answer was my panties hitting him in the face and he grinned as he climbed inside the car and shut the door behind him. “I have no idea why as I haven’t been with a guy in forever but I’ve decided I want you to fuck me and do a good job of it. Got any condoms?”

  “We’re fine for those, I just…” he paused before finding the words to continue. “This is a pretty big thing to do and we don’t really know each other.”

  “And yet you’re the one who said you wanted me first, what are you waiting for? No commitment right?”

  “No commitment.”

  I pulled my t-shirt over my head and unhooked my bra, watching his eyes nearly pop out of his head again as I gave him an eye full.

  “Come here then.”

  He moved over top of me and kissed me, his tongue dancing with mine in frenzied play before he kissed my breasts and sucked each nipple. “You’re so sexy Natalie, and this is so fucking uncomfortable.”

  I laughed. “Maybe if you survive through this round we can go back to my place for round two.”

  “I had better be on my best behaviour then,” he said with a grin.

  “Don’t you dare.” His hard on pressed against my leg as he lay on me, burying his face between my tits as his hand reached down under my skirt.

  “Damn you are wet woman,” he said as he began to stroke my clit and I shuddered at his touch.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve been fucked,” I said.

  His fingers pressed with increased intensity and I bit my bottom lip. “Alex,” I said, “I’ve never come before.”

  His eyes widened. “Seriously? Shit, we’ll have to sort that out.”

  I laughed. “Good luck with that.”

  He gently pinched my clit before continuing to rub it, moving slightly to my right to get a better angle as his tongue found one of my nipples. He flicked it over the nipple before biting down gently on it.

  A warm buzz passed over me as I pushed myself up to meet his fingers. “Come for me Natalie,” he whispered as his fingers grew more frantic. He licked the gap between my breasts and I gasped as he switched attention to the other breast repeating his performance from the first one.

  My climax built as the warm buzz became a wave that washed over me. This was the furthest I had ever got as far as an orgasm went and I was torn between wanting this wonderful sensation to stay and finding out what the end result would be.

  In the end I had no choice as my stomach muscles clenched and my lower half spasmed in pleasure. I panted at the effort while Alex kissed my neck and then my face. “Are you happy, my lady?” he said, that cheeky grin all over his face.

  “Bastard.” I said.

  He laughed, moving over me and I heard as he sorted out the protection before pushing in to me. “My turn,” he said.

  He kissed me, while beginning to thrust. “You feel so good,” he said.

  “So do you,” I said. I held onto the door handle as he moved his hips to push further into me and placing the soles of my feet on the seat, I pushed back.

  “Holy shit Natalie,” he said.

  He groaned when he came and pulled me close to him. I was only just noticing how chilly the air was and I shivered in his arms. “You’re cold,” he said.

  “Well I am nearly naked while you’re still almost fully clothed,” I said with a laugh.

  “Are you up for round two?” he asked.

  “You bet,” I said, “but first, clothes and then my place. It’s closer and I’m cold.”

  To tell the truth I would have just curled up and gone to sleep in the afterglow of what we had just done but there was a time and a place for that and if I stayed where I was much longer there was a good chance I would cramp from the cold. Or end up with pneumonia.


  The affair continues

  Rebecca could barely believe her eyes when I walked in the door, Alex in tow. I smiled at her and walked straight through the living room and into the bedroom. “Natalie?”

  “Rebecca, this is Alex. Alex, this is Rebecca,” I said as I passed her.

  “Hi,” she waved.

  “Hi,” he waved back.

  He went into the bedroom and I looked back at her. “Apologies in advance for any noise but as you know I’ve heard you and Troy so many times.”

  She laughed. “I know you have and it’s all good with me if you’re happy but I have one question.”

  “Better make it quick.”

  “Is that Alex as in creepy Alex?”

  “Yes,” I said and closed the bedroom door. He was already undressing and getting ready to climb into my bed.

  “Creepy Alex?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said, “shut up and get into bed.”

  He laughed. “I assume you’re talking about me carrying you into my house.”

  “Of course, what else would we be talking about?”

  I slid between the sheets having stripped off and he pulled me into his arms. “I thought it was rather romantic but I can see how you would think it was creepy.”

  “The whole thing was just crazy but that doesn’t matter now. Are you going to fuck me again or what?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” he said with a grin, “at least we’re comfortable and warm here.”

  He kissed me and his hand slid down my body, until it reached between my legs again stroking that part of me that wanted so desperately to be touched by him.

  That warm feeling started to come over me and I barely heard him talking to me. “Natalie, look at me,” he murmured. I looked into his eyes as the tingling began to grow. “I want to see your eyes when you come,” he said, “I want to see how it makes you feel.”

  All I wanted to do was to close my eyes and lose myself to the feeling but stubbornly I kept them open. I could see the excitement growing on his face as that warm feeling grew and I cried out as those waves hit me again and my body became reduced to a quivering mess.

  When it was done he held me in his arms. “You’re so beautiful Natalie,” he said, “I love being able to do that to you.”

  “I can’t believe I’ve found someone who can do that to me. It’s just amazing,” I said with a grin.

  He moved between my legs again and I thought he was about to enter me but instead he trailed his tongue down between my breasts, and over my stomach. Alex kept going until he hit that spot so recently touched by his hands and gently licked my clit, still so sensitive after coming.

  I closed my eyes as his tongue did its work, his gentle touch driving me crazy. I wanted more but I didn’t know what but somehow he knew exactly what I needed. Slowly I felt my body react to him and before I knew it I exploded with a yell and he laughed as he clea
ned up the mess I’d made.

  “That was some reaction,” he said.

  If I could have tied him to the bed and kept him there I would have. When he pushed his rock hard cock into me I sighed and let go to the feeling of being filled by him. We were perfect together.

  When we slept, he pulled me into his arms and spooned me. He was quite a bit taller than me and muscular and my body was a nice fit to his. I grinned at the thought of having him sleeping in my bed. He wasn’t just going to take off after sex but we had also agreed to no commitment. Maybe somehow we would find a balance.

  I woke to him kissing my neck. “Natalie,” he whispered and I realised he was hard again as I felt him pressing into my back.

  “Doesn’t that ever stop?” I asked.

  “Not around you apparently,” he said with a laugh, biting gently on my earlobe. His fingers traced their way down to my pussy and he continued to kiss and suck gently on my neck while I gasped for air.

  “Are you OK?” he asked.

  “That just feels incredible,” I said.

  “We were meant to be Natalie,” he said. His fingers pushed into me and gently fucked me before he parted my legs and pushed into me from behind.

  “You’re so hard,” I cried out.

  “It’s you who does this to me,” he said and began to move his hips in time with mine. His hand made its way up to my breast and he went back to kissing my neck. I could quite happily wake up like this every morning I thought to myself but I couldn’t get attached. No commitment, remember?

  Afterwards he held me and I traced my finger over his face, wanting to commit everything to memory while I could. He laughed and kissed my fingers.

  “So has it been a while since you’ve had sex?” he asked.

  I laughed. “You could say that. I’ve been a good girl while I’ve been studying. I didn’t plan on finding someone to sleep with though, it really was a spur of the moment kind of thing.”

  “For me too, I felt bad about what Lisa did and I wanted to apologise. I hope this is somewhat better than an apology?”

  “Definitely,” I said and he kissed me again. I closed my eyes and let myself go. It had been a long time since I had felt so relaxed.


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