After The Fall

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After The Fall Page 6

by Ariadne Wayne

  I could see behind him people were looking and listening to our conversation and it made me laugh. He had hidden it so well they didn’t have a clue.

  “Well he’s mine and I’m not going to fight you for him,” David said and I laughed. He kissed Roger on the cheek and then leaned over to give me a kiss too. “We should get together for lunch, I’ll be hanging around town for a while. I’ll be back at twelve to pick you up,” he said to me.

  “Sounds great,” I said.

  “Bye Natalie. See you soon,” he said and turned to Roger, “and as for you, I expect you home for dinner tonight. Not studying the night away with this one.”

  “Yes boss,” Roger said with a laugh.

  As soon as he was gone, Roger winked at me. “Problem solved. Now maybe we can all go back to work.”

  It was a few days later when he called me into his office for some news.

  “Mercer Developments have got a new project coming up.”

  My heart started pounding in my chest, what Alex coming back?

  “This time Damian Mercer is coming for the meetings and contract signing.”

  “Alex’s father?” I asked.

  “The one and the same,” he said, “I understand if you don’t want to be in on the meetings.”

  “No. I still have to do my job. Besides I’m curious to see what he’s like,” I said.

  “He has the info for the meeting and he has your name and details for if he needs anything else so if Alex talked about you, he’ll no doubt be curious too.”

  “Well then, let’s see what Mr Damian Mercer is like then,” I said.


  Mr Mercer

  The meeting started and I sat in my place beside Roger, head down and taking notes. The whole time I could feel Damian Mercer looking at me and I felt hot and bothered from the attention. So much so that Roger checked on me during the meeting with a tap on the hand and an “are you OK?” look.

  I nodded. If I could get through the next half hour, I could get through anything.

  Afterwards Mr Mercer stood and motioned for me to go out the door first. I smiled politely and said thank you as I passed but my heart was racing and I felt like I was about to pass out. I didn’t even know why I was so self conscious, for all I knew Alex had said nothing about the fling he’d had while he was here. It wasn’t as if I was at all interesting.

  Memories of Neil Johnson made me feel sick. What if Damian Mercer thought that I was available for something sordid as he had. I knew my relationship with Alex was supposed to be no commitment but I wasn’t a whore and that is how the thought of that made me feel.

  I sat at my desk outside Roger’s office and he went inside with Mr Mercer. He smiled at me reassuringly as he went but it didn’t really help much. I began to compile the notes I had taken and was surprised to discover an hour had passed when the door opened.

  Roger came around behind my desk. “Natalie, Damian would like to have a word with you.”


  “Look, I don’t know what it is about but if you don’t feel comfortable I can say no on your behalf,” he said.

  “I have to confess curiosity is getting the better of me,” I said, “I’m sure he won’t hit on me in your office.”

  He grinned. “I was thinking the same thing though you never know. I’ll be right out here if you need me though and if you’re in there for too long I’ll come looking.”

  I took a deep breath. “Well let’s get this over with.”

  Walking to the door I crossed my fingers and showed him. “Just hoping this isn’t too awful.”

  Damian was sitting on the couch when I entered and he motioned for me to sit with him. I sat at the opposite end of the couch and managed a weak smile for him. The man made me nervous. It was very obvious Alex was his son as they looked quite similar and while his hair was starting to gray he looked similar around the eyes. Right then and there I ached for Alex and it was all I could do to stop myself bursting into tears at the feeling of loss I had.

  “Natalie Sharp,” he said, “I’m assuming the same Natalie Sharp that has left my son moping around like a lovesick puppy.”

  “I don’t know about that but I do know your son,” I said.

  He nodded. “I thought it was too much of a coincidence to find someone with the same name matching the description Alex had of you. Did he get you this job?”

  I stared at him. “No, I got it myself. I’m not sure why you would think Alex had anything to do with it.”

  “Because I think my son would have done anything for you while he was here. It’s good to know you got it on your own merits. Roger is a great guy. You certainly have the qualifications to go far.”

  I looked at him with a raised eyebrow at that. Clearly he had been checking up on me. “He is a very good employer and I’m learning a lot from him.” I didn’t even know why I was telling him this but it felt like the right thing to do.

  “I suppose you are wondering why I wanted to talk to you,” he said.

  “I have to confess to more than a little curiosity,” I said.

  “Well. I am aware that you and my son enjoyed a brief and fairly intense affair while he was here and I wanted to make sure that was all it was.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “He doesn’t need a gold digger in his life. I have my sights set higher for him. So whatever ideas you might have about hooking him then you can forget them. Though I would also be happy to discuss some type of one off payment to ensure you don’t contact him in any way.”

  My head spun. What on earth did he think I was?

  “I’m not a gold digger Mr Mercer. If he’d been a builder on your project I would have been with him. I care about him a great deal and I don’t want your money,” I said.

  “Hmmm,” he said stroking his chin. “Clearly I need to take another approach. My son is distracted, distant and it’s because of you. I need him clear and focused so I’m asking you to stay away from him. He doesn’t need you to drag him down.”

  “I haven’t heard from him since he left. He’s not a part of my life anymore. And why do you think I would drag him down?”

  “You’re not what he needs and he can do better than some ex waitress whore.”

  “I am no whore,” I hissed, “though it might make you feel better to call me one, that’s the last thing that I am.”

  He smirked. “I know you moved on pretty quickly after Alex. I haven’t told him of course, it would only hurt him. What was that young man’s name? Matt, I think.”

  Now I felt sick. “So you’ve been having me followed? What is it, a private investigator? What sort of person does that?”

  “A father who only wants what is best for his son.”

  “Well then you should also know that I did take Matt home with me in an attempt to get over your son but we didn’t have sex. Not that it’s really any of your business either,” I said.

  “Still, I’m sure it’s nothing you want Alex to know about.”

  Fuck, he had me. Maybe Alex had some feelings for me but if he found out about that, it could kill them altogether. Now I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

  “Mr Mercer. I love your son and I’m sorry you don’t think I’m good enough for him but I am here and Alex is in the US. We’re apart now.”

  He had this odd look on his face and I suspected it was because I had come out with the big L word.

  “Just stay away from him Natalie. I have other plans for him. I’ll tell you one thing though, you did manage to get him to fight hard against the very project he was here to work on. I almost caved on saving that restaurant until I found out about you. There’s nothing I dislike more than someone using my son to get favours from me.”

  “Mr Mercer. With all due respect and I really hope this doesn’t hurt the business you do with Roger but fuck you. It wasn’t like that at all. In fact I thought he hadn’t done anything about the restaurant. Even if he hadn’t I would have still wan
ted to be with him.”

  It was his turn to look uncomfortable now, he had tried to put me on the spot and now he felt the heat.

  “Well it’s nice to hear that you genuinely cared for my son but he won’t be a part of your life again. I hope you understand that, Alex is going places.”

  I looked at him. “Is that all you wanted from me? Can I go now?”

  He nodded and he stood as I did, taking my hand in his to shake. “Look Natalie, I’m sure you’re a nice enough girl. You’re just wrong for my Alex.”

  “That’s your opinion,” I said, turning on my heel and walking out.

  Roger was waiting outside and grabbed my hand as I passed him. “Are you all right Natalie?”

  “I need to go to the bathroom to wipe my eyes and I’ll be fine,” I said.

  When I got to the bathroom I burst into tears. He had made it very clear that he didn’t think I was good enough for his son. When I came out, Roger called me into his office. “It’s all right sweetheart, he’s gone now. What on earth did he say to you?”

  “He doesn’t think I’m good enough for Alex. He asked me if Alex had got me my job here, he has obviously had me investigated and then he offered me money to stay away after calling me a gold digger.”

  “Oh Natalie, I’m so sorry. We both know your hiring had nothing to do with Alex and I’m so sorry as I know how strong your feelings are for him.”

  “There were a couple of things he told me that weren’t that bad though,” I said with a grin.

  “What were they?”

  “He told me Alex fought for John’s restaurant despite me thinking that he hadn’t,” I said.

  “That’s fantastic, I know that upset you a great deal.”

  “It’s not the best part though.”

  “What’s the best part?” he asked.

  I grinned. “Alex loves me.”

  Rebecca was furious when I told her. “He said what? He really called you a gold digging whore?”

  “Yes, but I told him he was wrong. He doesn’t know me properly Becs, he’s done about five minutes research.”

  “It still pisses me off that he has checked into your life. How the hell did he know about Matt.”

  “I don’t know but I told him the truth and that it was not really any of his business. I really need to find a way to clear my head now as I don’t know what to do. Alex misses me and I love him but do I make the next move or do I let it go and try to get over him?”

  She put her arms around me. “I don’t know, just don’t rush into anything though. He’s half a world away, maybe if you two are meant to be together it will just happen.”

  I sighed. “You’re right, besides if I want to go there I’ll have to save the money to travel and that’s going to take a few months.”

  “Look at it as a long term thing. Save your money and if you’re still keen when you’ve got enough then go for it.”

  She was right. It wasn’t as if I could just go running off to him but surely if he loved me he wouldn’t just move on. At least I hoped not.

  In the meantime I started having trouble sleeping. He haunted my nights as I loved him in my dreams only to wake up and find he wasn’t there. Roger noticed how grumpy I had become but I grabbed all the hours I could trying to save money. I didn’t want to drag him into it, the work that came from Damian Mercer’s company was worth a lot of money to him so if I could keep him in the dark he would hopefully not be hurt by my actions.

  Every pay day I looked at what I had managed to save but it never seemed like enough. I wouldn’t give up though, one day Alex and I would be together or at least I would get an answer from him about whether he wanted a future with me or not.

  It was coming up to Christmas and while I was trying to save my money Mum and Dad were pushing me to go and see them for the break. I hated the fact that I resented their pressure when I was usually happy to go and see them. It would use funds now being reserved to get to the States.

  I got the email one afternoon while doing some research for one of Roger’s cases. It was clear it was from Damian Mercer and all it contained was a link and a short note.

  I thought you might want to see this it said.

  Clicking on the link took me to a newspaper site and there it was in colour on the page.

  “It is with great pleasure that Damian Mercer and Joseph and Melinda Carter announce the engagement of Alex and Lisa.”

  There were more words but it was all a blur, and there was the picture. Lisa looked radiant, Alex had a smile on his face but I knew him and I knew it wasn’t genuine.

  “Why didn’t you wait for me,” I whispered. Shit. How was he supposed to know that I was saving to come to him. He had moved on with his life, was it time for me to do the same? Inside my mind was telling me that we had been apart longer than we had ever been together, if he hadn’t contacted me again then maybe I wasn’t what he wanted.

  But my heart knew differently and Damian Mercer had confirmed it. I had to track down Alex, make contact somehow and beg him not to do it, I owed myself that much and if he didn’t want me then he could tell me. “Are you all right Natalie?” came Rogers voice from the doorway.

  “Not really, I need to go home. I don’t feel well,” I said.

  Concern crossed his face. “Of course, I hope you’re feeling better soon. Let me know if you need anything, I can always send David around to take care of you.”

  “That’s so sweet but I think I need to go home and sleep.”

  I was chewing my bottom lip now. I hated lying to Roger and I knew he would probably support me in what I was about to do but I wanted to keep it to myself in case he thought I was nuts.

  When he was gone, I forwarded the email to home, grabbed my bag and went to catch the bus. I had a man to track down and call, even if it was only to hear his voice for the final time.


  The Phone Call

  I raced home, sick with jealousy. How could he consider marrying her? All the time we had been together he’d said what a cold, hard bitch she was and how uninterested he was in her. I knew he thought it was his duty to marry her but I was still shocked he seemed to be going through it. Surely he hadn’t fallen in love.

  The house was silent when I got there. Rebecca must have been out and if the past few nights were any indication she wouldn’t be home which left me alone with the computer, the phone and no one to talk me out of what I was about to do.

  I found the article online again and my heart ached looking at the picture. Alex’s expression was hard to read, he didn’t look happy but he didn’t look exactly miserable either. How did he feel about Lisa?

  The next thing to do was to find a phone number, there had to be one somewhere. I wished I knew how to hack or something as the corporate website told me absolutely nothing.

  My next problem was that I had no idea what his address was and I pored through so many online directories narrowing it down from conversations we’d had until I thought I had the right number.

  Heart pounding in my chest, I called the number. When it began ringing I nearly put the phone down but I couldn’t back out now. Not after all the time I’d spent searching.

  “Hello?” said a very sleepy, confused sounding voice.

  Shit. Mentally I counted in my head. It might be 9pm here but that made it 2am there. Not only had I randomly called someone who might not even be the person I was looking for but it was the middle of the night.

  “Who’s there?”

  The voice sounded a bit more awake now and was definitely Alex. My Alex.

  I burst into tears. “Don’t marry her,” I whispered.

  “What? Who is this? Is that Natalie?”

  “Please don’t marry her,” I said, sobbing now. His voice sounded so good and I wanted him here with me, not a million miles away or however many it really was. Anywhere outside my bedroom was too far away.

  “Natalie, calm down. I gather you’ve seen the engagement announcement.”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “I’m surprised you’re calling me, I thought you never wanted to talk to me again.”

  There were no more words and a lump was forming in my throat. What the hell was I doing? We’d fucked for three months on a no commitment basis and had been apart longer than we’d been together. Why on earth would he care what I thought?

  I disconnected the call, feeling like an idiot. Maybe he’d go back to sleep and think it was a dream. I dragged my sorry butt to bed and buried myself under the covers. If I hid here for a while maybe all these feelings would just go away.

  Rebecca called in sick for me the next morning and I curled up in a ball in my bed, not wanting to face anything like real life. For the first time in my life I felt so useless. If this was what a broken heart felt like then screw relationships.

  I’d split with guys before but usually on my terms and even when it wasn’t I’d not been broken like this. What did Alex Mercer have that no other man in my life did? I’d known ahead of time it was just sex, that’s what we’d agreed to and yet I felt like I had been run over by a steam roller. The thought of him being with anyone else made my heart ache like I had never felt before.

  Then I felt the shame of what I’d done. Who stalks someone down to call them at two in the morning to beg them not to marry someone? I felt ashamed for calling him but didn’t have enough courage to call back and apologise.

  I was still in the same position two days later. Rebecca tried to convince me to go back to work but I couldn’t face the real world, not yet. The rain began to fall and it reminded me of the day I’d met Alex and I began to cry all over again.

  On the third evening I could hear Rebecca and Troy arguing, and I pulled the pillow over my head. Eventually they would stop. About the same time they went into her bedroom. At least then I wouldn’t hear them. “Shut up,” I said to myself. I wasn’t going to go out and talk to them, it was like foreplay as far as they were concerned and if I hadn’t been so miserable I might have been happy for her.

  Light flooded my room as the door flew open and there he was in the doorway. Alex moved towards the bed. “Natalie,” he said softly.


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