After The Fall

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After The Fall Page 10

by Ariadne Wayne

“That Colton kid gives me the creeps,” he said.

  “He’s getting to know us as we’re getting to know him and his mother,” I said, “give him a chance.”

  Alex moved behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as I bent to change Aaron’s nappy.

  “I just don’t like the way he’s looking at you. Clearly he finds you hot,” he said.

  I laughed as I finished what I was doing and stood up. “Then he has good taste? I don’t know Alex. I think you’re reading way too much into it. We’ve all only just met.”

  His bottom lip jutted out and I laughed at his pout. “I still don’t like it,” he said.

  “Well if you’re a good boy then maybe I’ll show you later how much it doesn’t matter,” I said, “can you grab Aaron while I sort out this rubbish?”

  He grinned as he picked Aaron up and hugged him. “I guess you’re right and I’m being paranoid,” he said, “I can’t help it. Being in love with the most gorgeous girl on the planet makes me paranoid.”

  “Sweet talker,” I said and kissed him before going to find the rubbish bin.

  Maryanne was standing at the stove and I peered over her shoulder. It looked like pot roast with all the trimmings. “That all looks fantastic,” I said to her.

  “Thank you,” she said, “I have been a bit nervous about this evening, but I am so glad that Alex and his father have reconciled.”

  “I’m sure we have you to thank for that. I notice that Mr Mercer is much more relaxed around you than I have ever seen him.”

  She smiled. “I would like to think so but the truth is that he was thinking about it before I came into the picture. Some part of me thinks it was the love he realised you and Alex had that inspired him to come looking. I have so much to be grateful for, finding this love with him again and just maybe I have you to thank for it.”

  I knew I was grinning. If that was in any way true then Damian had accepted me as his daughter in law. I still worried that he was paying us lip service to get Alex back in his life but Maryanne made it sound as if he really was happy for us. I hoped that was the case.

  Colton came in and looked past me at what his mother was doing. Remembering Alex’s words I felt one eyebrow raise. He was clearly far more interested in the food than he was me. “How long Mom?” he asked.

  “Soon sweetheart, I know you’re hungry but not too much longer.”

  I got the feeling he would say more if I wasn’t there but instead he shrugged and turned back towards the other room.

  “Colton is seventeen. He’s a good boy and has taken all this news well but sometimes I think he’s struggling a bit,” Maryanne said, “though I really do think being able to get to know you and Alex will help. If you ever need a babysitter he is good with children.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I said. Rejoining my husband on the couch I hugged him while watching our son play on the floor with his grandfather.

  “You know Dad, if I took photos of you right now I’m sure I could make a fortune selling them to the media. You’re so hard-assed and now you’re on the floor playing with the baby.”

  Damian laughed. “Maybe it’s time to not be so hard-assed as you put it. It is nice to feel like a family for the first time in a very long while.”

  Dinner was lovely. Maryanne really could cook and Damian joked he would be fat in next to no time. Dessert was amazing too and we all left the table stuffed with food and wanting to sleep. Damian and Alex volunteered to stack the dishwasher and Maryanne, Colton and I settled back into the living room where Aaron was fighting sleep.

  I got him ready for bed and we sat quietly in the corner as I breastfed him to sleep. It wasn’t hard as it had been such a big day for him and I stroked his head as he drifted off. “You have such a lovely baby,” Maryanne said.

  “Thank you. He is my pride and joy,” I said, “he did well today, normally he’s fast asleep by now.”

  “Well he’s very well behaved,” she said, “and I can’t believe how happy he is. Always smiling and such a resemblance to his father. I can’t get over it.”

  Alex sat down beside me, eyeing Colton who was watching us. “Should we get going and get him properly to bed?” he asked.

  “I think that would be a good idea,” I said.

  We said our good nights and went downstairs where Alex’s car was waiting. His dad had bought it for him a few days before and it was nice having the freedom. Not that I had driven far yet, I had a lot to get used to living here.

  Aaron slept in his car seat while we drove. It wasn’t too far and he was sound asleep by the time we got to the other end of our journey. Alex lifted him gently out of the car and up we went in the elevator to our apartment. We hadn’t been here that long but it was nice to be home and away from the scrutiny of the new members of the family.

  “Maryanne is lovely,” I said, “I think she will be really good for your father.”

  “So do I,” Alex said, “that Colton kid still has some weird vibe about him but I guess we’ll get used to him.”

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him. “Forget that. Let’s go to bed.”

  He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “That Mrs Mercer sounds like a good idea. It’s so early though, what on earth are we going to do?”

  “I am sure you can think of a few things,” I said with a laugh.

  His kisses set me on fire as they had done from the start. My heart, soul and body belonged to this man and I knew we were the perfect match.

  “Let’s go to bed now,” I whispered.

  “That’s exactly what I was thinking,” Alex said, “now I’ve had the entree in the living room, I want to have my full course. And I plan on eating very slowly, savouring every taste.”

  I grinned. “You are incorrigible Alex Mercer,” I said.

  “And crazy about my wife,” he said.


  The Wedding

  The first sign of trouble was the day Alex went back to work.

  His father wanted to teach him a lesson. Instead of the executive job Alex had before, his father had dropped him down the ladder and wanted him to prove himself again. I know it disappointed him, especially as his father had come to accept our marriage and we were all one big happy family.

  “It’ll take some time,” I said, consoling him. “Your dad will see you’re still good at your job and dedicated and he’ll put you back where you belong.”

  “I know,” he said, “it does mean though that right now Lisa has more authority than I do. I haven’t seen her yet but I have no doubt she’s still bitter about what happened. She’s that kind of person.”

  “Well my love, you’ll just have to keep your head down and work through whatever happens. Remember Alex, your dad loves you and if she causes trouble I am sure he’ll step in.”

  He smiled. “You’re right. I’m probably worrying about nothing. Dad’s wedding is this weekend and then he will be on honeymoon for six weeks so he won’t be around but it’s not that long a time.”

  I had this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that Damian had put Alex in a worse position than he could ever have imagined. It wasn’t anything I could fix though so we would have to wait it out and see what happened. Alex was so determined to put his professional relationship with his father back together that nothing would stand in his way.

  It was less than a week to the wedding. Damian hadn’t wanted to wait any longer and I had the feeling that us being there was the final piece of the puzzle for him. Alex stood at his side as Colton gave the bride away and I watched with Aaron on my lap. They had only invited a handful of friends which unfortunately included Lisa and her parents. I got more than my fair share of dirty looks but it was easy to ignore. There was nothing they could do to upset the wonderful occasion.

  Damian was nervous and I had hugged him before the wedding. “I am so glad you and Alex are here for today,” he said.

  “I’m glad too,” I said, “and I am very happy for you and
Maryanne. She seems really nice.”

  He grinned. “She is what I’ve needed all these years Natalie. It will take some getting used to but I feel like we can all really be a family now.”

  “That’s how I feel too,” I said.

  I left Damian with Alex and took Aaron back out to where the guests were being seated. Making my way down the aisle, I passed Lisa and her parents several rows back from the front. It took everything in me to look straight ahead at where I was going and not turn to poke my tongue at them. If looks could kill I would have been dead ten times over.

  Sitting in the front row, I looked around. Nearly all the seats were full and in the next few minutes Damian and Alex would come out and stand, with Maryanne and Colton coming out shortly afterwards. I smiled at the thought of my wedding day with Alex. It had been intimate, smaller than this and I had Rebecca by my side with Troy being best man. Dad had given me away and we had sworn to always love and cherish each other.

  When they appeared, Alex was looking at me and I knew he was thinking the same. That day that was so special to us it brought tears to my eyes just thinking about it. I laughed, thinking that here I was crying and the wedding hadn’t even begun.

  It had been an impulse, something we hadn’t really thought through looking back but everything had been so perfect. Even with our unexpected pregnancy that had brought us so much joy. Aaron fidgeted on my lap and I hugged him tight until he protested.

  Alex and Damian finally got to the front and Alex took my hand in his and squeezed it, a gesture not missed by anyone. It was clear to everyone that Damian’s son had returned with the woman he had run away with and clearly adored her.

  I completely forgot about Lisa and her parents and pulled my husband’s arm until I could kiss his lips and he nuzzled my nose with his as Aaron reached for his dad excitedly.

  That’s how the wedding went. My boy right up the front with his father, watching his grandfather marrying the woman he loved. I thought I could feel my heart swelling with pride, watching my men together and I thought how much I’d like us to renew our wedding vows. We had our New Zealand wedding, maybe we could have an American one too.

  I thought too of Damian and Maryanne, apart for so long but as in love now as they had been all those years ago. Glancing across at Colton, he was watching his mother intently. How his life must have changed, coming from their small town to the big city. I wondered if he felt as overwhelmed as I did at times.

  When they had exchanged vows and the paperwork was done, Alex reached for me again and I stood by his side while the guests began to come up to congratulate Damian and Maryanne. He wrapped one arm around my waist, holding Aaron in the other and he kissed my neck while we waited for them to be ready to go inside and onto the wedding reception.

  “It’s been a good day,” he said, “Dad looks so happy.”

  “As does Maryanne. I’m so happy for them Alex. I hope everything goes well for them.”

  “So do I,” he said, “I think they will be fine. After all the time they were separated I doubt anything could pull them apart. It’s how I feel about you so I can’t even imagine what it was like for them, after six months apart nothing was going to keep me from you once I knew you felt the same way.”

  I kissed him and wiped his face where my lipstick had rubbed on his skin. “I can’t imagine life without you either. Now how about we head inside and get seated.”

  “Sounds like a good idea. They shouldn’t take too much longer and I know Mr Aaron is getting bored.”

  We made our way inside and sat at the top table, complete with a high chair for Aaron. He had recently started sitting up for himself and eating solids so he was pleased as punch to be sitting at the table with all the grownups and babbled to himself excitedly as he waited for food.

  “Aaron is certainly enjoying himself,” said Damian with a laugh.

  “Very much so,” I said, “I’ll be ready for the crash afterwards though, all this excitement will wear him out.”

  The speeches started, they kept it brief but I watched Damian talk about how happy he was to have all his family around him and mentioned Aaron and I by name. He really was making the effort to include us, despite what had happened in the past.

  I looked up at the other tables and my eyes met Lisa’s. Still pissed I could see from the look she was giving me. I wondered if she still had aspirations towards my husband or if she just wanted to get me back somehow. Either way she was screwed. Alex and I were happily married and there was nothing she could do to hurt me. So I smiled at her and her face contorted as she visibly struggled to respond politely.

  Aaron made a noise and I looked at him, my baby had handful of mashed potato that he was gleefully pushing into his mouth and I laughed at him as he grinned. Today had been great and I looked forward to many more days like it with my new family.

  After eating, Aaron fell asleep and surprisingly Colton offered to keep an eye on him. We had come prepared and brought a portable cot with us so we found a quiet spot to put it and he sat beside him. I felt sorry for him, he had volunteered because there was no one his age at the wedding and while everyone else began to dance he stayed with my boy. He had his phone to keep him busy and I could see him playing games.

  “That was nice of him to offer,” I said to Alex. He had pulled me onto the dance floor and held me close. We hadn’t danced together much so it was proving to be an interesting experience. At least we didn’t stand on each other’s toes.

  “I still don’t like him much,” Alex said.

  “Well you’ll just have to take it one day at a time and see how it goes. I think he’s harmless. He would probably get on great with Sean, he’s into all those electronic gadgets.”

  Alex grinned. “We should bring him over sometime, your parents too. I bet Dad would like to meet them and I think he would hit it off with your dad.”

  “I think so too,” I said, “I can see Mum and Maryanne getting along as well.”

  He kissed me tenderly, lingering on my lips before saying, “this is why we’re perfect together Natalie, everything matches.”

  The next kiss was a little deeper, a little longer and I rested my head on his chest while we danced as one.

  I saw Lisa heading my way as soon as he excused himself to go to the bathroom. Without thinking I rolled my eyes as she approached and she scowled when she saw it.

  “Lisa. I hope you’re enjoying yourself,” I said loudly just so everyone around me could hear how nice I was being to her.

  She waited until she got close enough to murmur. “Nothing’s changed, you’re still that whore of a waitress that Alex made the mistake of fucking and getting pregnant.”

  I laughed. “Call it a guess but I don’t think maths is your strong point. That or you have no idea how much he loves me.”

  She started to say something else but Damian approached us and I knew from his face he was concerned about the conversation. “Natalie, care to dance with your old father in law?”

  “I would love to,” I said and let him take my hand as we moved away from her.

  “It would pay to steer clear of Lisa,” he said, “she didn’t take what happened well. I would have quietly moved her out of the company but things had progressed too far and I was contractually obligated. If she does harass you though, please tell me as if I have to pay her to leave I will.”

  For some stupid reason in that moment I actually felt sorry for her. “She shouldn’t end up out of a job because of me. I will quite happily keep my distance, as long as she stays away from me we’ll be fine.”

  “I was an idiot I have to confess. Alex told me how he felt about you but I kept pushing him for what I thought was best for the business.”

  “Water under the bridge,” I said, “now Mr Mercer, don’t you think you should dance with your bride?”

  He grinned. “That would be a very good idea, besides I can see your husband returning and I wouldn’t want him to think anything was going on.”

>   I laughed and out of the corner of my eye I could see Lisa skulking around. Maybe if I wished hard enough she would just disappear.

  “Everything all right Dad?” Alex asked.

  “Just enjoying a small dance with my lovely daughter in law,” he said, kissing me on the cheek. “I’ll return her now to where she belongs.”

  “I was thinking we might head home,” said Alex, “we really need to get Aaron home to his own bed. and I think we could do with some sleep.”

  Damian nodded. “I completely understand, we’ll see you in the morning anyway before we leave.”

  At home, in bed Alex wrapped his arms around with me. “Today went well, I’m so happy for your father,” I said.

  “Yes, and I was pleased to see there were no dramas with Lisa being there.”

  “We did have words,” I said.

  I felt him stiffen behind me and not in a good way. “Words?”

  “She still thinks of me as a whore and basically told me you married me because I was pregnant,” I said.

  He pulled my arm, rolling me onto my back and looked at me. “We both know that’s not true and so does everyone else who matters. I don’t know how she explains me running back to you or the large gap between us being together the first time and Aaron being born.”

  “I think she thinks if she says it enough people will believe her,” I said, “anyway, I don’t care what she thinks. I have what I need.”


  The First Week

  Almost as soon as Damian and Maryanne disappeared on their honeymoon the trouble started. Lisa in her more senior role at the company became more and more demanding and Alex all of a sudden was working longer and longer hours.

  I asked him to contact his father. They were on a cruise but there were still satellite communications. Stubborn, he refused to even try.

  “I need to prove to him that I can work through whatever gets thrown at me Nat, it’s only six weeks. How hard can it be?” he said.

  By the end of the first week he was already like a zombie and collapsed on Friday night after working around 80 hours. Apart from it being an insane schedule, he had been used to the casual work back home and it was a shock to the system.


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