Taken Outback (The Dusty Rider Series Book 1)

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Taken Outback (The Dusty Rider Series Book 1) Page 12

by Stella Knights

  We head towards a single horse, saddled and ready to go. Aiden says, “I got him ready while you were getting dressed. You sure you’re okay riding with me?”

  I nod without saying a word.

  He ambles up to the horse and pats its forehead while whispering sweetly to it. He looks at me while still stroking its nose. “My horse, Dusty, is like another brother to me. I’ve had him for years and he means the world to me.” He feeds the horse a piece of carrot, smiling at the animal. “I really missed him the last few years.”

  Listening to Aiden tell me about his love for his horse, makes me realise there are depths to this man I didn’t know existed. “He’s beautiful, Aiden.”

  “I was lucky enough to be there when he was born. We’ve been through a lot together.” He reaches up and scratches Dusty’s ears, much to his delight.

  Aiden leans in and places his face to the horse’s forehead. There is just something so appealing about a man and his connection to an animal. It’s a gentleness or kindness that most would not see in a stockman unless they really take the time to get to know them.

  Maybe it’s those rugged looks that conceal this side of a stockman to all others.

  He is rubbing the side and withers of Dusty, when the thought hits me that I will have to hold on to Aiden while riding the horse. I have not touched another man since being married. I have always been faithful even if I really didn’t want to be.

  Aiden gets onto Dusty and reaches his hand out to take mine in his. Without giving it a second thought, I grab his hand and let him pull me onto the horse.

  I guess that’s one way to shut up the deliberation going on inside my head.

  He looks at me while I hold my breath, finding myself closer to him than I’ve ever been. The intensity of his gaze almost makes me dizzy for a moment.

  He moves his hand up, brushes a lock of my hair off my face and tucks it behind my ear, while adjusting the Akubra I have on my head.

  I swallow the lump that has built in my throat. With our eyes still locked together, I realise I want to touch this man and I want him to touch me. I’m not sure if it’s the heat from the sun, or the heat between our bodies, that is burning through me.

  I grab his hand and hold it against my cheek. He leans in close and our noses make contact, but he doesn’t kiss me. A bead of sweat rolls down his cheek tempting me to wipe it away, but I’m too nervous to move. He’s close enough that I could put my lips against his and finally taste his sweetness.

  Breaking our gaze, Aiden asks, “You ready?”

  Nodding my head, my stomach knots from both nervousness and the intense attraction I am feeling.

  Aiden turns around and the horse starts to move. Immediately, he turns back and looks at me. “You might want to hold on or you’ll fall off.” I realise that this answers any struggle I have with touching him.

  I do as he says and tightly grab onto him so I don’t fall off. “I’m ready,” I say, breathless.

  The horse lurches forward, forcing me to grab around Aiden’s waist even tighter. I am both turned on and terrified I will fall off.

  The wind flows through my hair and across my cheeks as we ride across the paddocks towards the fence line. Adrenaline flows through my veins as I get used to the thrill of riding a horse.

  Feeling the animal’s movements beneath me, while my body presses up against Aiden, excites me more than I thought was possible. I feel more free in this moment than I have in years.

  Maybe this is why stockmen are happy to still use horses.

  We ride like this for about an hour as the heat grows between us with each moment that passes. The excitement of the ride makes me forget I’m here against my will.

  We come to a stop near a shady patch of trees. I see a few head of Hereford cattle lazing around as Aiden takes my hand and helps me down off Dusty.

  His hand slides free of mine as he asks, “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” Except for the fire inside me that I need you to put out, of course.

  I watch as Aiden looks over the cattle. I have no idea why he is examining them or what he’s actually doing. However, I can tell whatever it is, it’s second nature to him. He’s tender, yet commanding and confident with everything he does out here. It’s hard to believe he once thought he should do something else other than being a stockman.

  After a little while, Aiden says he’s finished and we can ride back home.

  The thought of getting back on that horse with him brings on instant butterflies in my stomach. I love any excuse to be pressed up against him. But I also want to feel that freedom and exhilarating breeze through my hair as the horse carries us away.

  Pointing up at the surrounding trees, he shows me a pair of kookaburras silently scrutinising us. As we gallop off towards home, we hear them give their distinctive chuckle.

  Halfway through our ride, Aiden points out across a paddock to show me a mob of kangaroos. Being from the city, it is a novelty to see these brown furry animals as their pointed ears twirl in our direction, making sure we don’t come any closer.

  I never knew there could be so many of them just hopping around out here. I wonder if they frighten the livestock or anything.

  Aiden says, “I guess you wouldn’t see that sort of thing back in the city.”

  I laugh. “No, not at all. I can’t believe how many there are.”

  “Yeah, it’s a bit of a constant fight for survival between the farmers and kangaroos. We have to keep them from eating our crops and all the good grass. If we don’t, then either the cattle or the consumer will go hungry.”

  As we ride away from the kangaroos, I realise all I know about rural Australian life is what some documentary or newscaster reported. I’m quickly figuring out that what I’ve been told may not be the whole story, much like how a file at work did not tell me the whole story about Aiden and who he really is. This man sitting next to me is so much more than I imagined and has shown me nothing but warmth and comfort since I got here. Beneath those steely eyes and well-defined physique, I sense a soul worth getting to know.

  WE EVENTUALLY ARRIVE back at the homestead. It’s disappointing to dismount because I could have easily kept riding, pressed against Aiden, while the wind blows through my hair.

  Getting off the horse, he says, “I’ve some work to do after lunch, but if you want, you can have a swim in the pool.”

  He is always talking about what I might want, but I wonder what he wants.

  “Can I help with making lunch?”

  “No, I want to take care of you.” He looks at me with a serious expression as though he won’t allow me to go against his wishes.

  We walk inside, and he takes his shirt off to cool down. He stretches it up above his head and I cannot help but be mesmerised by his defined upper body glistening under the sun.

  Oh my! I’m not sure how much of this heat I can take without begging him to cool me off.

  After lunch, Aiden heads back out on the horse. As he rides off, he tips his Akubra at me in a way that makes my stomach flutter.

  “I’ll be back in a little while, Holly. Help yourself to whatever you need.”

  I nod and wave goodbye. I’m alone in this house for the first time and I can’t help but be a bit curious, so I walk around and explore.

  There’s isn’t much in any of the rooms, but that’s to be expected since the family had only recently acquired the property. In the kitchen, the pantry is well stocked with food. In contrast, there’s nothing in any of the drawers except for cooking utensils, manuals or remote controls for various appliances. I don’t find a phone, but I do see a charger for a mobile one, so I’m guessing Aiden must have it with him.

  If I found a phone would I use it?

  As the hours pass, I’m growing more relaxed in this predicament.

  Would it really be that bad to try out this new life for a little while? After all, who would miss me in that miserable existence I was living in Brisbane?

  The library is
filled with books, but no photos. I notice a laptop on top of a large wooden desk. I open it but of course, it’s password protected. I try to open the desk drawers to no avail even though I expected they’d be locked. There is no way for me to contact anyone in the outside world to let them know I’m all right. If I wanted to.

  I go upstairs to the room Aiden sleeps in. I open the door but for some reason, I don’t go inside. I’m not sure I want to invade his privacy, or maybe I don’t want to find something that could make me look at him differently.

  Standing by the door, I realise that just over a week ago I was dreaming of being with this man. Now, I’m here living with him, even if it is under different circumstances than I imagined.

  I do want this man. I want him in every way possible.

  But how could this work? Is it wrong if I allow myself to enjoy being with someone that has taken me against my will?

  Still standing in his doorway, I feel a cool, wet nose brush against my leg. I look down and find one of the kelpies. Bending down, I give her a pat on the head.

  She licks my leg as I move to give her a scratch behind the ears.

  Such a cutie with her reddish, chocolate coloured coat.

  I’m not sure if she’s allowed in the house, so I try to take her outside, though she seems to want to stick by me. At the open back door, I crouch back down to give her a quick back rub as she lies at my feet.

  Looking upward, I scan the uninterrupted pastures and cloudless azure sky before noticing the pool. I decide to go for a swim and enjoy that I am not at work.

  Maybe a swim will help me relax.

  Entering the cool water, I lay back and float under the shining sun. I close my eyes and let the tension ease from my mind, finally stopping the exhausting questions going through my overactive brain. My breathing slows as the rays touch my skin, bathing me in warmth.

  For a moment, I let myself imagine the water lapping around me being replaced with Aiden’s hands. Those muscled arms embracing me, caressing me, heating my flesh up to melting point. I exhale as I drift through the water, letting go of my boundaries, allowing my heart to propel me forward towards Aiden.

  It’s all right to want him, Holly.


  A FEW HOURS pass but Aiden hasn’t returned. Waiting patiently, I pick a book off the library shelves to read on the veranda. Grabbing something by Hemingway, I’m surprised to see how many classics are interspersed with more recent novels.

  Sitting down on the veranda brings up the memory of my dream from not too long ago. I woke up that morning wanting Aiden, but still lying next to Tom. I know I want to make love to Aiden, but the thought of being married makes me wince.

  Can I break the vows I took? Does any of that matter if Tom has been an absent husband? Besides, he was possibly already breaking our vows, even if I don’t have proof.

  I’ve always been a person to follow my head and if I’m honest with myself, it has not worked out well. Tom and I lost the fire somewhere along the way.

  Maybe this vacation from my life is exactly what I need.

  It would be nice to be someone different for a while and maybe Aiden has given me the chance to do this. He may have given me the greatest gift in the world without realising it.

  Life and freedom. Even if this is only temporary, it’s more than I’ve had in a long time.

  I could be anyone I want for him. I could even be just myself.

  A refreshing breeze blows against my arms. I notice the sun is starting to fall towards the horizon. In the distance, I see a man silhouetted in a dusty haze riding a horse hard and fast towards home.

  Entranced, I stare as Aidan gets closer and closer, commanding the animal beneath him. His shirt is off and wrapped around his waist, fluttering in the wind. The sight makes my stomach fill with butterflies and the only colours I see are radiating from this body in motion coming towards me.

  He frees the horse into a nearby grassy paddock, then dusts himself off, creating a momentary ochre cloud around him. Aiden’s body glistens in the sun as he tips his head back, taking off his Akubra and gazing out towards the horizon.

  His swagger towards the house emanates self-assurance. He notices me sitting up on the veranda and flashes me that soul-soothing smile. The closer he gets, the more I realise that regardless of our situation, my insides crave his embrace. I want to lose myself to him completely.

  He plants himself in front of me and proffers a cut native flower. “I thought you might like this.”

  I take the flower and breathe in its sweet fragrance. “Thanks, Aiden. It’s lovely.”

  Tilting his head, his lips curl in satisfaction. “Want to join me for a swim before dinner?”

  Not wanting to appear too eager, I coolly say, “Sure. Can I get you a drink or anything first?”

  His eyes flash with pleasure at my acceptance. “Just you will be fine.” He picks at imaginary dust on his Akubra nervously.

  I go and change into the black bikini, suddenly feeling self-conscious about how I may look.

  Am I ready to let him see me this exposed?

  As I walk down towards the pool, I wonder if I can really do this. I know my heart and body are screaming ‘yes’. Now, if I could just get my head to shut up and stop over-analysing everything.

  Remember, follow your heart, Holly.

  The sun has dipped below the horizon and I find Aiden is already in the water.

  As I walk towards the pool, I notice his clothes are piled haphazardly next to the steps entering the water. He has stripped down to his underwear. My pulse quickens from the thought of one thin layer of material separating me from seeing all of him.

  His grin widens as he licks his lips. “I see you found the bikini okay.”

  My voice cracks as I speak because I sense his gaze on my exposed body. “I actually went for a swim earlier.”

  He nods and smiles back in approval. “Good. I wanted you to have a chance to relax while I was working.”

  “Yeah, though I’m not sure what to do with myself around here. I’ve always worked and kept busy.”

  “Think of this as being on holiday.” He gazes at me, pleading with his eyes as if he wants me to agree that him taking me here is a good thing. “Let me take care of you, Holly. I don’t want you doing anything unless you want to. And I don’t expect anything in return.”

  I nod, though I think I will need something to occupy my time here.

  Is it possible that there are men out there who are happy to do for their women and not expect anything other than love in return?

  I step slowly down into the crystalline water and sit on one of the lower steps where I can watch Aiden’s every move.

  He swims a little closer, floating in the water while telling me about his day. But I’m not hearing a word he says. I’m more focused on his body and the fact that he’s so close to me. I’m being blinded by the sinewy curves of his muscles that ebb and flow in ways I’ve not seen on a man in a long time.

  Don’t forget to breathe, Holly.

  He dips below the water and swims closer towards me. As he breaks back through the surface, he flirtatiously shakes his head back, flipping his wet hair off his brow. “Tell me what you think of this place.”

  My voice cracks as I speak. “It’s lovely out here.”

  “Just lovely?” He cocks his head to one side, tilting his chin downwards as he looks up at me, playing coy.

  Out of nervousness, I try to make a joke. “I guess, it’s not bad.”

  “Not bad?” He laughs, shaking his head as he sinks below the surface and swims even closer towards me. His deltoids flex as he pushes them through the water, sending ripples across the pool in all directions, as well as through my insides.

  As he surfaces again, he stands with the water just above his waist, exposing his upper body. He’s only a few feet away. Drops of water run down his chest, weaving their way through his well-defined abs. The sight is mesmerising, causing my insides to tighten in bo
th nerves and anticipation.

  I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat. “I’m just kidding around. It’s stunning out here. I had no idea this is what it’s like in the bush. I mean, the views are just magical.”

  His lips curl up in satisfaction. “It’s pretty spectacular. But, so is the view of you.”

  Looking down, I try to hide the flush of colour crossing my cheeks.

  “You are not used to taking a compliment, are you?” Luckily, he saves me from having to answer by changing the subject. “Tell me about growing up in Texas.”

  “I’m not sure there is much to tell. I grew up in Houston. My dad worked in oil and we spent a lot of time at the country club playing golf and tennis.”

  “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

  “I have an older brother and a younger sister.”

  “So, you were the blessed middle child who can do no wrong?” He smiles as he mocks me.

  “I don’t know if I would call it a blessing.” Pursing my lips, I lower my chin while keeping my gaze on Aiden.

  “Well, in my family, once we were older, the middle child never got in trouble. Anything that went wrong was always my fault and sometimes my oldest brother’s as well. The irony is that he was the one always up to no good, breaking stuff or scheming up crazy things. But my parents never saw it.”

  “I learned at a young age not to test the boundaries set by my parents. They were pretty strict. Being a girl in Texas meant I was expected to act and be a certain sort of way dictated by society.” I lift my brows and sigh while staring into the surrounding water.

  “You said your dad worked in oil?” Aiden wades his arms through the water as he lays back to float.

  I cannot help but stare at his muscles flexing in rhythm with his movements. My insides tighten and I hold my breath.

  Breathe, Holly.

  “Yeah, he was an executive for one of the big companies.”

  Nodding his head, he lets out a small laugh as he stands back upright. “Ah, so you come from money as well.”

  I shake my head while watching his pecs go taut from the breeze wafting against his wet skin.


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