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Crown of Death

Page 15

by Keary Taylor

  “Thank you,” I whisper. And he holds me there, captive.

  “I apologize,” he says. He takes one step closer, but no more. “I should have intervened sooner. I-”

  I shake my head. “You stopped a very bad man from doing something very…” my voice cracks just a bit. “Very bad. Thank you.”

  Cyrus’ lips form a thin line. I see all kinds of questions in his eyes. He gives a small nod.

  I walk to my closet. I’m so out of it, I forget to even close the door as I change.

  I throw the clothes in the trash. I don’t ever want to see them again, remember the feel of his hand on the outside of them, see the button he undid.

  I put on a pair of sweats and pull on a tank top.

  Cyrus sits in the chair in the corner when I walk out. I sink onto the bed and stare at the floor.

  “I went to Shylock for the money to finish school,” I explain without him even asking. “I told you that I had enough money to finish one semester after my money was stolen from my car. The bank wouldn’t loan me anything. My parents didn’t have enough. So I asked around, and Shylock’s name came up.”

  I shake my head, thinking how stupid, stupid I had been to go to someone like him. I should have just taken a few semesters off, worked. But I’d been so determined to keep going.

  “He loaned me all the money up front. Set up a payment schedule.” My throat is thick. “It was ambitious; I knew I’d barely be able to keep up with it. But I was desperate, so I agreed. I was keeping up with it by working nights while I was at school. I didn’t get more than a few hours of sleep here and there, but I was making it work.”

  I nod, thinking of those ever-tired days. I was always exhausted. Falling asleep in classes at times. Occasionally falling asleep at work. But somehow I always got away with it.

  “But then in January my dad had an accident,” I say, remembering when my mom had called me. “He’d fallen off a roof he’d been working on. He broke his back.”

  My chest hurts. I grip the neck of my top, clinging to that ache.

  “He wasn’t paralyzed, but he needed surgery, and he was going to have to learn how to walk again.” I picture my dad, getting rolled away to the operating room. “He’s self-employed, so insurance is always a nightmare. He didn’t realize his insurance hadn’t renewed. So suddenly they were slammed with tens of thousands of dollars in bills. They…they were going to lose their house, ‘cause Dad couldn’t work. Mom about had a heart attack from the stress.”

  I squeeze my eyes closed, remembering sitting with Mom at the kitchen counter while she just sobbed. Eshan sat on the other side of her, trying to keep it together, but he didn’t know what to do either.

  “I borrowed another ten thousand from Shylock and paid their mortgage without them knowing,” I continue. “They thought some of the neighbors had helped out. But when I borrowed more, the payments went up and Shylock got a lot more demanding. I started at the mortuary and was making more money, and things were okay for a few months. But then Amelia moved in with her boyfriend and I had all of the rent to cover by myself. And I just…” I suck in a breath. “I couldn’t keep up.”

  “This is what’s been bothering you all week,” Cyrus says, leaning forward, fixing his eyes on me. “That lowlife has been holding this over your head.”

  I nod with my eyes fixed on the ground.

  I hear Cyrus stand and he sits on the bed beside me.

  “I know you’re fiercely independent, Logan,” he says. He sits near, but he does not touch me. “You’re determined to take care of yourself, and everything you’ve done to do so, and help your family, it’s commendable.” He shifts, taking something out of his pocket. He holds out a piece of paper. It has an account number on it, and a card taped to it. “Fredrick got this set up just after we confirmed you are a Royal. You will never have to worry about money again, as a Royal. Of course, it is up to you if you ever wish to use it or not.”

  Tears pool in my eyes as I take the paper. My lip trembles.

  I’m strong. I’m nasty when I want to be. I can sling hurtful words and show anyone who’s boss.

  But right now, I’m just a girl who was nearly assaulted.

  I’m just a girl who is so thankful to the man beside her, but so confused all at the same time.

  So for just this moment I let a little bit of vulnerability show. I lean into Cyrus, and let him cradle me against his chest and hold me as I shake.

  Chapter 16

  The weight off my shoulders is an incredible thing.

  As I get ready for work the next day, I physically feel lighter. I feel like smiling. I feel like going for a walk in the sun. I feel like visiting my family and actually laughing with them.

  I walk down the stairs Friday morning. Cyrus stands at the counter talking to Fredrick in German, their words rough, hurried, with urgency.

  He looks over and catches my eye.

  I feel myself actually blush, a smile blooms on my face.

  And one slowly grows on his face.

  My heart skips a beat and a butterfly does an elaborate backflip in my stomach.

  Oh, this is so complicated.

  “Did you sleep well?” Cyrus asks, turning and leaning against the counter.

  I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear, pulling a chair out at the dining table. “I did. Thanks.”

  Fredrick scurries over and sets a plate down on the table. Scrambled eggs, sliced fruit, and toast.

  I glance up once more as I sit, and find Cyrus watching me with that little smile.

  I sit and even though my stomach is busy acting like a fourteen-year-old girl, I take small bites.

  My phone dings with a text and I pull it out of my back pocket.

  Amelia called. She told me you have a boyfriend?! And that it’s getting super serious!! Why haven’t you told me?? When can I meet him?!?!


  I feel my face flush and I glance up at Cyrus once, but he’s turned back to Fredrick, picking at his own breakfast.

  It’s still really new, I respond. We’re just kind of figuring things out. I don’t know if meeting him now is the time.

  Don’t try to pull that on me, Mom responds. Amelia said you’ve gone and moved in with him! If it’s serious enough to be living together already, it’s serious enough for us to meet him!

  I groan, and immediately realize my mistake. Cyrus looks over.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, and there’s glowing embers in his eyes, ready to tear down the world.

  I sigh and shake my head. “Nothing. Just…real world drama. It’s a little difficult to explain what’s been going on to certain people.”

  Cyrus studies me, as if he can lift the full truth off of my face.

  I’ll think about it, I text Mom back.

  She texts back with a frowning face.

  My good mood from this morning was first thrown by Mom’s prying into what really isn’t the truth, and then further when I get to work.

  Emmanuel and I go to a home to pick up a body. That of a twenty-one-year-old girl who just lost her battle with cancer. The poor parents must have known it was coming. When we arrive they’re just quiet and numb-looking. No tears. No wails of despair. Just emptiness in their eyes as we load their daughter and take her body away to prepare for burial.

  My stomach feels hollow as I prepare her body.

  She’s so young. Only a year older than myself.

  Her short hair is dyed a brilliant mermaid red. Her skin isn’t wrinkled. The only mars to her body are from treatments.

  Sometimes life isn’t fair. Her life was cut too short. She wasn’t given the opportunities she deserved.

  When I walk out of work at five, I feel heavy. Tired.

  So when I pull out my phone as I sit in my car, I actually appreciate the first text I see there.

  I thought you should continue to enjoy your day. I told Mina her services were no longer required.


  I look up and around, and realize
that Mina is, in fact, nowhere to be seen.

  Cyrus is no longer requiring her to follow me at all times.

  With a smile, one I really needed this evening, I open the other messages.


  You promised me a double with you and your new man. I’m calling it in today. No excuses. It’s Friday!

  Another one from some point during the day: I know you must have your hands buried in a dead person, but you better not bag out on me! I mean it, the four of us!

  And the last message, from thirty minutes ago: Meet us at Lanes, seven o’clock, or I will disown you!

  I look at the time. If we’re going to make it, I need to hurry. I still need to shower and change.

  Fine! I quickly text her back. We’ll be there.

  I text Cyrus next. We’re going out tonight. Don’t forget, your name is Collin, and we’re madly in love…

  A moment later, the message shows as read, but he doesn’t respond.


  I toss my phone into the passenger seat and put the car into drive.

  When I get home, it’s quiet. I walk upstairs and hear the sound of the shower shutting off in the room Cyrus has claimed. With a smile, I head into my own room and go straight for the shower.

  I dry my hair and style it into loose curls. My hair is long now, hanging most of the way down my back. I put on olive green shorts, and a white top that flatters my figure. Casual but cute. I top it off with a gold necklace and white sneakers.

  I double check my reflection in the mirror, and smile.

  A girl just needs to feel cute every once in a while.

  Especially when her date, even if it’s fake, is with a true blue king.

  For a moment, the thought overwhelms me.

  I’m a little in awe of myself. Of my audacity.

  I’ve bossed the King around. Spat nasty words in his direction. For part of that I didn’t really know who he was. But once I learned his true identity, I didn’t exactly stop…

  I know I’m not going to change. I’ll still act the same. And I’m still going to smile. Because he takes my acid.

  At six-thirty I step out of my room. Gently, I knock on Cyrus’ door, but there’s no response.

  So, down the stairs I head, getting worried. It’s too silly. I can’t expect a man like Cyrus to play along. He’s powerful and worldwide, and I’m just a twenty-year-old, insignificant girl.

  But, as I descend the stairs, I see him standing there. He’s wearing a pair of well-fitting jeans and a white V-neck t-shirt that highlights his very nice features. And he holds a bouquet of vibrantly blue flowers. Small, trumpet-shaped. Absolutely beautiful.

  “I believe it has at times been customary to bring flowers to the woman you are madly in love with,” Cyrus says with a mischievous smile as I step onto level ground.

  I smile, stopping just before Cyrus and accepting the bouquet. “They’re…” I give a little laugh, feeling silly that I’m blushing. “They’re absolutely beautiful. What kind of flower are they?”

  “Gentiana,” he says and I can feel him studying me. “They commonly grow at home in Austria. I thought maybe you would appreciate them.”

  I smile, my eyes rising to meet Cyrus’. “They’re absolutely beautiful. You didn’t have to do this.” My eyes fall. “I know it isn’t real.”

  I feel his finger under my chin, raising it so I have to look at him. “You deserve them, Logan. Don’t deny me something I wanted to do.”

  My face blushes, but I offer him a smile. “We…we better get going. They’ll be waiting for us.”

  Cyrus nods, extending a hand toward the door that leads to the garage.

  Quickly, I place the flowers in a vase on the table, and head to the car.

  “You think you can handle the traffic?” I tease Cyrus as he takes the keys to that fancy sports car.

  “I believe so,” he says, fixing me with that mirthful look in his eye.

  Donning a pair of sunglasses, because the sun still sits atop the mountains, Cyrus starts the car, and smooth as butter, he backs it out of the garage. Putting it in drive, he peels out, flying down the driveway.

  Maybe it’s the up and down day I’ve had. Maybe it’s because I feel…good tonight. Maybe it’s the man and what I know about him who sits beside me. But I let out a squeal, loosening up.

  A smile. A wide, real, relaxed smile spreads on Cyrus’ own face.

  I guide him through town, and without any jerks, without any accidents, he carefully drives. And just before seven, he parks in the lot. He darts out, only to nearly instantly appear outside my door, which he opens, and extends a hand to pull me to my feet.

  “Madly in love, you said?” Cyrus says as he closes my door and locks the car. “Just how hard do you want me to sell this to your friend?”

  I blush as he hesitates by the car. “Let’s just say she was more than a little shocked to hear I was ‘moving in’ with you. I’ve never…” I hesitate, feeling embarrassed. “I’ve never had a serious relationship. Or any kind of relationship. So to her, this seems like a really, really big deal.”

  He studies me, and I squirm under his intense gaze. But I also feel…open. Exposed in a way that I think I actually like.

  This man, he’s doing something to me.

  “Have you ever been in love, Logan?” he asks.

  His very serious question snares me, startling my eyes to his.

  I don’t answer immediately.

  Even though the answer is an easy one. Simple.

  “I’ve never found a man who didn’t find me too…salty,” I answer honestly. “So, no.”

  He stares at me for another long moment, and I swear, he’s looking for something inside of me. Searching.

  “Let’s sell this,” Cyrus says.

  He holds his hand out. I look down and my heart rate triples.

  I slide my fingers through his, relishing the electricity that rips through my body at the contact.

  Together, we walk through the front doors of the bowling alley.

  It’s loud and smells of greasy food and sweat inside. I search through the crowd, scanning for familiar blonde hair and mile-long legs.

  “Lo!” Amelia waves, flashing a brilliant smile from one of the further lanes.

  I wave, and Cyrus and I head to the counter to pay and get some shoes.

  “Really?” he says, quietly. “The first date I’ve gone on in centuries, and you make me wear shoes worn by hundreds of other people?”

  I chuckle, because I see the smile creeping onto his lips. “I know. It’s disgusting. But even though you wouldn’t guess it from looking at her, Amelia loves bowling. And her boyfriend is like, super good at it.”

  Cyrus gives a mirthful little grimace, but follows me with the shoes toward our lane.

  “There’s my girl!” Amelia squeals as we walk up, hand-in-hand for show. She throws her arms around me, squeezing hard. “I can’t believe how much I’ve missed you and it’s only been a week.”

  “I missed you, too,” I laugh, hugging my best friend. “And don’t blame me, you’re the one who caused this separation.”

  “Actually, I think I’m the one to blame.” Tanner pipes up from behind.

  “Yeah, you are,” I accuse.

  Cyrus steps forward, extending a hand. “Hello, I’m Collin.”

  “Tanner,” he says.

  And it just radiates off of Cyrus. The power. The time. The other worldliness. Because Tanner’s expression is unsure. Intimidated. But he shakes Cyrus’ hand, flashing a hesitant smile.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet more of Logan’s friends.” Cyrus looks back at me, and wraps an arm over my shoulders, hugging me in tight.

  Amelia squeals, her nose scrunching up as she smiles. “You two are just too damn cute, I just can’t stand it! About time you got a man, Logan, so we can do fun things like this together!”

  I blush, but look up at Cyrus.

  And I could swear that was real admiration in his eyes as he loo
ks down at me.

  “Let’s do this!” Tanner declares loudly. “Collin, I hope you’re decent competition, because it’s always a slaughter with these two.”

  “Oh,” Cyrus muses. “I think I’ll be able to keep up.”

  I sit down after my turn, after really embarrassing myself only knocking down two pins. Cyrus stands, reaching for my hand. He lifts it, gently pressing his lips to my knuckles. I feel myself blush—apparently I can’t stop today—and he smiles as he steps up for his turn.

  “Lo, this is incredible,” Amelia says quietly as she watches Cyrus prepare to roll the ball down the lane. Tanner watches him from the side, his arms crossed over his chest, sweat breaking out on his forehead. Cyrus is certainly keeping up. “You two are amazing together. He’s so…intense when he looks at you.”

  I smile, looking at Cyrus as he swings the ball. With perfect form, he sends it rolling down the lane.

  “He’s really something extraordinary,” I say quietly. Though I didn’t mean to say it out loud.

  Amelia sighs. “This is going to be it for you, Lo. I can feel it. I can see it.”

  I laugh, looking over at my friend. “See it?”

  Amelia nods. “You’re glowing,” she says with a dramatic whisper. Because Cyrus turns, his fists raised in triumph. He’s just gotten another strike. He smiles, and I can’t help but smile back.

  “The way you look at him,” Amelia says quietly, looking from Cyrus to me. “It’s obvious how in love you already are.”

  My eyes snap to Amelia’s, my brows narrowing. “What?” My throat is tight and the word comes out too high-pitched.

  She rolls her eyes at me. “I know you’re inexperienced, but come on, Lo. Can’t you tell? You’re completely and totally head-over-heels in love with Collin.”

  Her words send my heart into a tailspin.

  Racing. Thundering. Skipping.

  Frantically, I look toward Cyrus, with his enhanced hearing. But he’s chatting happily with Tanner, who prepares for his turn.

  “That’s a good thing, in case you didn’t realize,” Amelia says, laying a hand on my leg. “You deserve to find someone who’s the match to your incredible self.”


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