Star Style

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by Sienna Mercer

  Ivy couldn’t believe that the head of a Hollywood studio wanted her to be an actress. Every cell in her vampire body was telling her to flee. This was the exact opposite of how she’d wanted her evening to go.

  Ivy stopped next to the enormous display of brooms that was by the front doors. ‘Look, this really isn’t my scene.’

  ‘Of course it’s not,’ Mr Harker said. ‘That’s exactly why you’re perfect for it. Now, come on!’

  The Blue Tie guy nudged her in the back. ‘You can’t say no to Mr Harker,’ he said.

  Ivy gulped and stepped out into the night. From across the parking lot, she could see flashes of light and hear crowds screaming. It was like a horde of demons ready to swallow her up.

  Olivia was reading the label on the back of a bottle of detergent for delicates, wondering if it would work on chiffon, when she heard, ‘Darling, what a dress!’

  She looked up to see a man in a purple silk suit with an open black shirt underneath. He was clapping his hands together in appreciation at her dress. Olivia remembered him from the set of The Groves. He was Spencer, the flamboyant make-up artist.

  He leaned in closer. ‘Don’t tell anyone I said this, but your dress beats Jessica’s in the class category any day.’ Olivia blushed. ‘But what are you doing hiding back here, when they’re calling everyone out for the carpet cues?’

  Olivia turned to show the full hideous stain, holding out the draped folds of the skirt panels for him to see.

  ‘Oh, no, no, no!’ he tutted, backing away in shock.

  ‘Coffee,’ she told him.

  ‘It’s worse, honey,’ he retorted. ‘That is not any coffee. That is a soy latte with . . .’ He sniffed the air. ‘Vanilla syrup.’

  Olivia put the bottle of detergent back on the shelf and plopped down on to the cold floor. ‘I can’t go out there looking like this.’

  ‘You are absolutely right, you can’t!’ He grabbed her hand, pulled her to her feet and dragged her down the cleaning aisle.

  ‘What –?’ Olivia started. It felt like her arm was about to pop out of its socket.

  ‘Trust me,’ Spencer replied as they turned a corner. Olivia had to scoot around a store assistant who was restacking the candy bar section at the end of the aisle.

  He finally stopped in the homewares section and selected a pair of big orange scissors. He slapped a 20 dollar note on the shelf and ripped open the packet.

  ‘Wait, I –’ What was he planning to do with those?

  ‘Sshh!’ he said abruptly.

  ‘But –’ Olivia started.

  ‘Sshh!’ He held up a finger. ‘Your dress is ruined. Nothing will get that stain out. The premiere has started and you are about to miss your red-carpet debut. Let me fix this.’

  Olivia bit her lip as Spencer knelt down and began to cut. The store assistant peered down the aisle at them and Olivia hoped that he wouldn’t try to have them arrested for the scissors.

  She smiled brightly and waved at him.

  The assistant grunted and went back to his CocoLoco bars.

  With what seemed like only six snips, Spencer had removed the stained area of the skirt, leaving a C-shaped curve at Olivia’s right leg. The edge of the curve had been cut into jagged sections, just like teeth marks. It looks like a shark has taken a bite out of my dress! The white chiffon underneath was on show and . . . and . . .

  ‘Well?’ he said.

  ‘I look OK,’ Olivia said, amazed.

  ‘OK?’ Spencer gasped. ‘Honey, this is divine. Everyone will love it.’

  Olivia wasn’t entirely sure but she was so grateful to Spencer for trying to help. ‘You’re right!’ She put on her bravest face. ‘Divine.’ She flashed a smile and pretended the homewares aisle was the red carpet. She strutted down a few steps, paused, turned and strode back with not a single stumble.

  The store assistant was staring again, so she gave him a little wave.

  ‘Great walking, sweetie, but what’s the pose?’ Spencer asked.

  ‘The pose?’ Olivia was focusing on getting the walk right. Now she had to do a pose, too?

  ‘Look,’ Spencer said, grabbing her shoulders and looking her right in the eye. ‘You are going to have to show off this fabulous dress, and you can’t just hope the photographers get a good shot of you – you have to make it happen!’ Spencer did three quick poses in a row: his head over his right shoulder, both hands on his hips with a pout, and one foot kicked up in the air. ‘Which one did you like best?’

  ‘Um . . .’ Olivia was a little overwhelmed.

  ‘You try.’ Spencer commanded.

  Olivia put one hand on her hip, turned to the side and smiled wide.

  ‘Not bad, but turning hides my creation! How about this?’ Spencer put both hands behind his back, in an innocent pose, turned his face to one side and batted his eyelashes.

  ‘If I don’t have to do the eyelashes,’ Olivia said, ‘that works for me.’ She struck the pose and crossed one leg in front of the other.

  ‘Oooh, honey,’ Spencer purred. ‘Perfect. Now get out there and be fierce!’

  ‘Thank you for being wonderful.’ She air-kissed him and then caught herself. The Hollywood way was infectious! Olivia didn’t mind, as long as it didn’t get out of hand.

  Now for the red carpet, Olivia thought. She knew she wouldn’t be there in time to walk down the red carpet with Jackson, but she thought maybe she could find Ivy or Mr Vega lurking around.

  As she rushed past the cash registers she heard someone calling her name.

  ‘Olivia, over here!’ It was her bio-dad, looking every inch the 1940s movie star next to the glamorous Lillian. They had obviously been getting to know each other.

  ‘Oh no!’ Lillian had noticed her dress.

  ‘What happened?’ Mr Vega asked.

  ‘There was a spill.’ Olivia didn’t want to dwell on it. ‘It’s fixed now, and I’m ready to get out there and face the cameras.’ Olivia still thought no one was really going to be paying attention, so as long as she could get inside the cinema and watch the movie, her night would be complete.

  ‘That cut looks really striking,’ Lillian said. ‘I think it actually works.’

  Olivia nodded.

  ‘Well, then,’ Mr Vega said, offering his arm. ‘As your sister seems to have already gone ahead, would you do me the honour of allowing me to escort you?’

  Olivia grinned. ‘I would love to.’

  Lillian beamed with approval. ‘You two look gorgeous. Now get out there and dazzle them! I’ll be right behind you.’

  Olivia’s heart started to pump as her heels clicked across the parking lot towards the Picturedrome. Over the crowds that were surrounding the entrance, all with their backs to her, she could see bright spotlights and flashes. There was a huge cheer and Olivia guessed that it must be because Jackson or Jessica was making their appearance.

  She took a quick glance at her reflection in a window as Mr Vega led her between a van and a sports car. Her diamond choker sparkled under the parking lot lights and her brown curls fluttered gently in the breeze. There wasn’t far to go now until they would be at the end of the carpet, making their appearance.

  Now or never, she thought. The noises got louder and Olivia could hear people shouting out to Jessica to sign autographs.

  ‘We love you, Jessica!’ screamed a brown-haired girl.

  Olivia wasn’t sure whether she was relieved or disappointed to follow Jessica – either way, the crowd wouldn’t be much interested in her. Jessica was in her element, greeting all her fans like they were long-lost friends.

  A young man with a goatee hurried over.

  ‘Olivia Abbott plus one?’ he asked. She nodded. ‘Just a minute. Lillian, you can go whenever you want to.’

  Lillian gave a knowing smile and mock-whispered, ‘That means no one cares when I go!’ She gave a little wave and said, ‘Good luck.’ She headed into the crowd and disappeared.

  ‘I guess this is it,’ Olivia said, but her father’
s gaze was fixed on the retreating silhouette of Lillian.

  ‘What, honey? Oh, yes,’ he said, giving her arm a squeeze. He was watching the crowd again. ‘This is so exciting for you, Olivia. I’m so proud of you for following your dream and getting this part.’ He pulled her into a hug.

  Olivia wished her adoptive parents could have been here, too, but she was only allowed two extra tickets to the red carpet, and they’d gone to Ivy and Mr Vega.

  ‘Thanks,’ she replied. Even though she couldn’t walk down the red carpet with Jackson, she was so happy to be able to do it with her biological dad. She couldn’t believe it had only been a few months since she’d found out who he was.

  ‘Olivia, you’re a go.’ Mr Goatee pushed them towards the red carpet and a team of security guards materialised and stood along the crowd, forming a path.

  This was like the biggest pep rally of her life.

  There were young girls and parents in the crowd, photographers and journalists. There were little strobe lights chasing up and down the sides of the carpet and music from the movie’s soundtrack played from big speakers. The sight of the red carpet laid out in front of her, leading up the steps into the cinema, gave her such a thrill that she didn’t even have to think about putting on her smile.

  This is amazing, Olivia thought.

  ‘You look beautiful,’ Mr Vega whispered. He took the first step on to the carpet and Olivia followed. She relaxed her shoulders and lifted her chin. They were approaching the press area where all the photographers were lined up to catch the arrivals.

  Everyone was staring and Olivia heard one man with a grey moustache ask, ‘Who is that?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ said the woman in a trench coat next to him.

  Olivia caught sight of Sophia, elbowing her way to the front of the crowd of photographers. Sophia gave a little wave and then said to the woman, ‘That is Olivia Abbott, the next big thing.’ She started snapping away furiously with her camera.

  ‘Well, whoever she is, I love that skirt.’ The woman nudged the photographer standing next to her. ‘Get her.’

  Suddenly, all the cameras were flashing.

  ‘Olivia!’ cried the woman. ‘Do a turn!’

  Mr Vega stepped back so that Olivia could have her photo alone. She took a step, turned and then struck the pose that Spencer had shown her.

  ‘EveryWoman magazine wants to know who designed that dress?’ called another lady wearing all black.

  Olivia wasn’t sure what to say. ‘It’s a one-off design by a friend of mine.’

  ‘Nice friend,’ came the envious reply.

  It was going really well. Thanks to Sophia and Spencer, it turned out that people were interested in her after all. It felt like the most exciting moment of her life . . .

  I just wish Jackson was with me, she thought wistfully.

  Chapter Three

  Ivy was lying on the black leather sofa like a corpse. She was wearing her long, fitted black dress with bell sleeves and a black choker and felt like sleeping for a hundred years after yesterday’s fiasco. Thank goodness it was a Sunday – she didn’t have to think about school for hours and hours.

  ‘I never want to see another movie again; let alone be in one,’ she said, remembering the hysteria that bombarded her as she was practically dragged down the red carpet by Amy and Mr Harker last night. Cameras flashing, all those people staring.

  ‘Well,’ replied Brendan, who was lying the opposite way, top to tail. ‘I hope you mean after this one.’ Brendan and Olivia were over at Ivy’s to watch The Parent Trap. ‘Because I want to see the end.’

  ‘Ha ha,’ Ivy said. The movie was paused because they were waiting for Olivia to come back from a phone call with Jackson downstairs in Ivy’s bedroom.

  ‘Seriously, though,’ Brendan said, pushing his curly black hair out of his eyes. He had on a T-shirt that said Mad World. ‘It should be pretty easy to avoid being in a movie.’

  Ivy sighed. ‘Not if you have the Hounds of Hell after you.’ When Brendan raised an eyebrow Ivy explained, ‘Amy Teller and the head of the studio that made The Groves have decided I’m the next big thing.’

  ‘You?’ Brendan said, sitting bolt upright.

  ‘Thanks,’ Ivy replied drily and closed her eyes. ‘You don’t have to be so surprised. But, as it happens, I agree with you. It seems the only reason I’m “it” is because I don’t want to be.’

  ‘That doesn’t make much sense.’ Brendan wedged himself up on to the sofa, sitting with his legs hanging over hers. Even though they had been dating for almost the whole school year now, it still made Ivy’s heart race a little when he got this close.

  ‘Because I was so super-casual at the premiere, Mr Harker has decided to put me in a movie,’ Ivy explained. She reached over to the dark glass coffee table to grab her Strawberry HemoGlobules drink. ‘I couldn’t stop them dragging me down the carpet and they were whispering plans for the next movie over the top of my head.’

  At the premiere, Ivy had told Amy that under no circumstances would she be interested in any of this acting-career nonsense. She would rather be trapped in a room with Charlotte Brown for all eternity than have a single moment of people staring at her, but Amy had just replied with an infuriating, ‘No one says no to Mr Harker.’

  Ivy sighed and flopped her head on to Brendan’s shoulder. ‘Olivia is the actress in the family, and I’m the one who likes lurking in the shadows,’ she said.

  ‘As long as you don’t mind my company in the dark,’ Brendan suggested.

  Ivy smiled back and wriggled around to give him a hug. ‘Most definitely not.’

  ‘OK, you two lovebats, break it up!’ Olivia was climbing the stairs from Ivy’s basement bedroom. Even without her custom-made pink dress, Olivia still looked gorgeous in a lavender knitted sweater with a flower burst at one shoulder.

  Ivy poked her tongue out. ‘Just because your boyfriend is busy on national television, it doesn’t mean you have to keep me away from mine.’

  Olivia looked deflated and Ivy realised her sister might be feeling a little upset about the whole not-going-public last night. ‘I shouldn’t have said that,’ Ivy apologised, unhooking herself from Brendan. ‘I was just teasing.’

  ‘No, no,’ Olivia said. ‘I’m just being sensitive.’

  ‘It won’t always be like this,’ Ivy said, getting up to put her arm around Olivia. ‘He was so angry not to be able to walk with you.’

  Olivia nodded. ‘I know. He wouldn’t stop saying that on the phone just now.’ She sniffled and Ivy wanted to kick herself. Today was supposed to be about cheering Olivia up, not reminding her of her troubles. ‘There’s a post-premiere party tonight, and I’m going to see him there.’

  ‘How about we watch the rest of the singalong?’ Brendan suggested, to Ivy’s relief. ‘Not that I know the words or anything.’

  ‘I already saw you mouthing along,’ Ivy said, plopping back down on the couch.

  Olivia snuggled down in the single black armchair and Ivy was about to un-pause the movie when the pipe-organ doorbell rang.

  The three of them looked at each other. Ivy wasn’t expecting anyone else to join them. Sophia was still taking photographs for VAMP magazine, and Camilla Edmunson, Olivia’s best friend, was visiting her aunt for the weekend.

  ‘Could one of you get that?’ called Mr Vega from the kitchen. ‘I’ll be right there!’

  Ivy hurried to the huge oak door and pulled it open slightly, wondering if it might be a cleaning-product salesperson.

  Instead, it was Lillian, looking casual-fabulous in a black turtleneck, jeans and brown ankle boots. She was carrying a foil-covered tray. ‘Dessert!’ she said and Ivy stepped back to let her into the wood-panelled entryway.

  ‘Hi, Lillian!’ Ivy said. ‘Nice to see you again.’

  ‘Thanks,’ she said, and waved at Olivia and Brendan, who were staring from their seats. ‘It’s nice to see this house. I can tell I’m going to get good advice from your father.’

>   ‘Definitely,’ Ivy agreed. ‘But what are you doing here?’

  ‘Your dad wanted to go over some decorating ideas . . . Oh, I love that movie!’ Lillian declared, having caught sight of the TV screen. ‘Let’s get together, yeah, yeah, yeah,’ she sang.

  Ivy smiled and then laughed out loud when her dad came hurrying out of the kitchen. He was wiping his hands on the pink floral print apron that someone had given him as a joke when he had almost moved away from Franklin Grove.

  ‘Lillian,’ he said, a little breathless. ‘Thanks so much for coming.’

  She handed over her tray. ‘As promised.’

  Mr Vega beamed and it struck Ivy that he seemed a lot more excited than usual to have a lunch guest. ‘Double dark chocolate cookies,’ he said, peeking under the foil. The most amazing chocolate smell filled the air and Ivy had to admit that Lillian’s dessert did seem worth getting excited for.

  ‘Lunch is almost ready,’ Mr Vega said. ‘Ivy, will you take all our guests into the dining room?’

  Ivy was surprised. She had been expecting finger foods at the kitchen counter, not a sitdown meal. ‘Uh, sure. You heard him, layabouts,’ she said to Olivia and Brendan, who were still lounging in front of the TV. ‘Right this way,’ she said to Lillian, with a little bow.

  As they walked through the entryway, past the suit of armour, Lillian said, ‘So, girls, how did you like last night?’

  ‘It wasn’t exactly my scene,’ Ivy replied. ‘But I think Olivia could get used to it.’

  Olivia grinned. ‘I wonder if there were any good photos of me.’

  As they reached the dining room, Ivy saw that the candles were lit down the long oak table. Mr Vega was definitely out to impress. After all, it wasn’t every day that a Hollywood director came to lunch.

  Just as they sat down, the doorbell chimed again.

  ‘I’ll go,’ Ivy volunteered, wondering who else her dad had invited over.

  When she swung open the door, Sophia hurtled inside like a whirlwind. ‘We did it! We did it!’ she yelled.


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