The Submissive Sorority Girl

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by Edward Laste

  The Bondage University Series:

  Volume #1

  The Submissive Sorority Girl

  © 2015, Edward Laste

  All Rights Reserved

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  All characters depicted in sexual acts in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

  Return to School

  It was good to be back at school, and even better to be returning debt free. Taking a year to pay off my debts by becoming a bondage model and servant for a rich Master was well worth it. Heck, I made more in the year working for him than I did in the rest of my young life combined.

  Some of my friends had finished school and left to enter the workforce, but enough remained that I felt like I’d never even left. I even got back into my sorority and was able to claim my old room without any arguments.

  Everything was pretty good, except for one small problem; I found myself both extremely bored and extremely horny. My last year had been a sexual eye opener for me. Hardly a day went by when I didn’t have at least one orgasm, usually in combination with some delightful bondage.

  I found myself using the parting gifts from my old Master and employer at every available chance. Those gifts being some high quality restraints and some of the best vibrators on the planet. I slept in self-bondage at least two or three nights a week, absolutely hating it when I couldn’t for one reason or another.

  One night I screwed up and took the wrong keys to bed with me and was unable to free myself in the morning. I thought I’d die out of embarrassment when I was discovered by my sorority sisters, and teased that they might keep me like that for a few days.

  They freed me after taking a few pictures, but rather than spreading word of my kinky hobby around campus, they had something totally different in mind. It changed all of our lives forever, and boredom ceased to exist.

  Apparently I wasn’t the only one with an interest in bondage, and as a group, they wanted to learn all I could teach them. I could hardly wait.


  “So you really gave yourself over to a real Master?” Darla asked, her face flushed and her eyes like saucers. “What was it like?”

  “It was pretty fucking weird at first,” I admitted. “His other girls would wander around half naked most of the time, and when they did wear something, it was usually designed to keep them restrained.”

  “Did he make you have sex with him?”

  “No, at least not until I indicated I was both willing and actually wanting it. After that he’d occasionally play with me, but most of his attention was focused on his ‘special’ girls. They were the true submissives and would instantly do anything he asked.”

  “That kind of lifestyle sounds so damn hot, I’m wet just imagining myself in your place.”

  “Why settle for just imagining it? If you want to really know, come to my room in five minutes, naked and willing to submit to my control.”

  She looked stunned and simply sat there as I went up to my room. I thought it would be even odds if she had the nerve to join me like I asked, but I hoped she would. I was more than a little excited about trying to be on top for once; it might even be better than my self-bondage sessions.

  I didn’t have the range of supplies my old Master did, but there was enough stuff I could make do with. I had my set of leather cuffs for wrists and ankles, ball gag and ring gag, two vibrators, two different sizes of butt plugs, and several pieces of rope.

  I also had some stuff I could jury-rig into service, like my silk scarves or the belt from my bathrobe. I put everything out on the bed so she’d have an idea of what she was really getting into… if she showed up to go through with it.

  I shouldn’t have doubted. She showed up near the end of my five minute time limit, but she did show, and after shucking her robe, stood there naked and flushed. I had her sit on the bed while I described the items I’d be using, went over the ground rules a sub needed to follow, and explained the use of a safe word.

  I gave her one last chance to back out, and when she declined to leave I went into full Domme mode on her.

  “On your knees,” I commanded.

  To her credit she didn’t hesitate for more than a second before complying.

  “Not like that! Knees spread wide, hands behind your back, chest out, and head straight forward.”

  She fixed her posture bit by bit as I rattled off what I expected of her, holding it nicely as I slowly walked behind her. The first thing I grabbed off of the bed was the ball gag. I held it in front of her lips and waited for her to open, but she seemed reluctant.

  I held it there with one hand while my other one went down to her chest. I groped her right breast and massaged it for a moment before taking her nipple in between my thumb and forefinger. I gently rubbed it a few times and then gave it a sudden twist.

  The moment she gasped in surprise and pain, I jammed the ball in her mouth and pulled the strap tight behind her head. I buckled it an extra notch or two tighter as a ‘reward’ for her reluctance. She didn’t seem happy about it, but she didn’t make a move to fight it or call things off so I continued.

  I put the cuffs on her wrists next, locking them on and clipping them together, still behind her back. I always got a chill down my spine whenever my hands were fastened behind my back, and I hoped the helpless feeling felt as sexy for Darla as it did for me.

  I helped her to stand and then sit on the bed so I could put the ankle cuffs on her. She sat as if mesmerized, watching me closely but not moving a muscle as I slowly took away her freedom. After I clipped the D-rings together I had her stand up so she could test her mobility, which wasn’t much.

  She could take either tiny little shuffle steps, or hop like a bunny if she wanted to get anywhere. She was quite the sight when she did the bunny-hop, and her bouncing boobs were the star of the show.

  I had her bounce her way back and forth across the room several times so I could enjoy the view, but regrettably had to stop when she almost lost her footing. Doing a face-plant with your hands bound behind your back wouldn’t be fun.

  I pushed my supplies off to the side and had her lie on the bed while I went to each corner and tied a rope to the bedposts. I also carefully folded one of my scarves and tied it over her eyes; anticipation and surprise would really heighten the sensations she felt. I unclipped her wrists first since I knew it was uncomfortable to lie on bound arms, but didn’t leave them free for long.

  I quickly tied them off to the ropes above her head, not worried yet about stretching her tight. I kissed her on the lips once before heading down her body with a steady trail of gentle kisses. She moaned long and sensuously when I reached her nipples and I couldn’t resist giving them a quick lick and suck before I carried on. They were as hard as rocks from that brief bit of attention.

  I kissed my way down the middle of her stomach on the way to her crotch, but deliberately skipped that area for now. I could smell her arousal well before my nose got close, but knew it would be better for both of us if I waited.

  I gave each toe a little kiss while I unclipped her ankle cuffs and spread her legs wide. As soon as I had both of them firmly tied, I went back around and tightened up all four ropes until she was held in a nice spread eagle; snug, yet not uncomfortably so.

  I’d kissed my way down her left leg, so now I kissed my way up the right one. I paused
as I reached her pussy and held my face just out of range of her thrusting groin. She could feel my hot breath on her moist folds, but I wasn’t ready yet. A whimper made it past the gag when I moved away without giving her any attention where she wanted it most.

  I kissed my way back up to her breasts and gave them some serious attention this time. I could tell she was nearly mad with lust by this point, but to be fair, so was I. I shed my clothes as fast as I could, amazed at how damp my panties had become. In a fit of mischievousness, I pulled them over top of her head and made sure the soaked crotch was located over her nose and mouth.

  I thought she might be embarrassed or even disgusted, but instead I could see her draw extra deep breaths in through her nose. That was the last straw for me; I dove for my favorite vibrator and turned it onto high.

  Just brushing it against my clit was almost enough to make me cum on the spot, and it took a serious act of will to pull it away so I could make sure Darla was just as ready to rumble. I brushed it along top of her labia, but pulled it slightly away when she raised her hips up to try and get better contact with it.

  I held it at the maximum range she could reach when she thrust upwards, positioned so each effort gave her a very brief and fleeting stimulation of her swollen clit. She was very close now, and if I held it in place for more than a few seconds she’d definitely blow.

  I turned on my second vibe and held one each hand, ready to see some fireworks. I pressed the new one hard against her clit at the same moment I pressed the other one against mine, and we both exploded almost instantly into orgasm.

  It was definitely worth the wait. That was so much more satisfying than one of my self-bondage orgasms that I was glad I’d been caught now. I came back to Earth before she did, so I held hers in place until it finished running its course.

  I gave her a minute to catch her breath, rubbing her tits with one hand and mine with the other. I was still incredibly horny and hoped she was too, since I had no plans of stopping now. I climbed on top of her and straddled her left leg, making sure my knee was pressing against her pussy.

  She actually tried humping my knee, and I smiled; oh yeah, baby… she was up for more. After a slight position change, I used my leg to hold her vibe over her pussy, and my vibe next to mine using the top of her leg.

  Now I could lie on top of her and suck her nipples while rubbing mine across her stomach. I turned away just long enough to turn both remotes onto a medium-low speed and give us a nice, gradual climb to the peak.

  We were both so hot and bothered it was near as gradual as I thought it would be, but it didn’t matter; there was no way I was going to slow it down now. She started cumming before I did, but her moans and shudders were enough to send me to the pinnacle of ecstasy a moment later.

  As soon as my orgasm started subsiding I hit full power on both remotes and pressed down on both as hard as I could. She started off shaking her head and mumbling ‘no, no’ through the gag, but I was relentless and kept going. (She didn’t use the safe word, so I didn’t feel guilty.)

  We both had one more screaming climax before I turned the buzzing monsters off and collapsed next to her. Holy shit, that was absolutely incredible, and I couldn’t wait to do it again; being a top might be somewhat addictive.


  It didn’t take long for word of our little session to spread through the house, mostly because I’d cum so noisily, especially the last one. Darla may have been first, but she was far from the last. I began to suspect the other girls worked out a schedule for approaching me, since they came one by one, but never more than one on any given night.

  Some were more submissive than others and earned better rewards, while others seemed let down when the bondage and domination didn’t automatically send them over the moon. Either way, I made sure I got mine and screw the ones who didn’t.

  Darla seemed especially subservient to me and since she was my ‘first’, I had a special spot in my heart for her. I decided to work with her more than any of the other girls and see where it would lead.

  I don’t mean a lifelong lesbian relationship since I was definitely bisexual, and as a point of fact, had just gotten back together with my old boyfriend Roger. Darla was like-minded as well and you’d have to be blind to not see her practically swoon every time Brad walked by.

  No… I had plans for Darla, but those plans included a pair of real nice meat monsters. I just hadn’t told Darla about my plans, and didn’t think I would.

  At least not until it was too late for her to back out, anyway.

  Public Domination

  Darla was coming along nicely as a true submissive, and I tried to make at least a little time for her each day. Crystal and Beth were also looking like they had a natural inclination for the lifestyle, and even wanted to be bound each night while they studied. I wonder how it affected their grades.

  The only one who seemed interested in topping the other girls (other than for a quick romp in the sack) was Donna. She still liked to be tied up once in a while, but she had the soul of a Domme in her and I taught her enough so she could be in charge of our ‘study group’.

  It was perfect timing, since it freed me up to work on my plan with Darla. To be blunt, she was completely chicken shit around boys, and that was the first thing I had to work on. I started off by taking her on walks around campus or in the nearby park, and cuffing her hands and/or feet in an awkward, but safe way.

  My favorite way was with a light jacket on the occasional chilly evenings when it wouldn’t look out of place. I’d cut holes inside the pockets of her jacket so I could cuff her hands together and nobody would notice once it was buttoned up.

  She was so scared the first time I did it I thought she might pee herself, but by the time we got back to the house, she was so excited and horny that she practically jumped me in the front hallway. It appeared that my favorite little submissive had an exhibitionist streak in her.

  Our evening strolls became a part of our daily routine, and if she pleased me enough that day, I’d reward her with some outdoor bondage. The park had enough natural cover that I could tie her up without much risk of discovery, and some of her wildest orgasms happened out there while tied to a tree or staked out spread eagle on the ground.

  If she displeased me I’d make her wear a butterfly vibe under her skirt and I’d torment her with it at random intervals. She’d promise to do anything if I even hinted I might make her cum somewhere like in the middle of a crowded lecture hall.

  If she survived the morning without cumming and made all the right promises, I’d turn it off for most of the afternoon, but immediately take her to the football field so we could watch the boys practice. Both Roger and Brad were on the team, and when I cranked her toy up to full power as we sat in the bleachers while watching the guy she had the hots for… well, let’s just say she quickly learned how to keep her mouth shut when she came.

  I doubt the boys actually figured out she’d cum while watching them, but her flushed face, heaving chest, and sultry look while she enjoyed her afterglow drew more than a few eyes. Even if she had her eye on Brad, I was surprised she didn’t at least take one of them up on their offers of a date.

  Suspicious, I made sure she wore the butterfly often and slowly wore her down. The breakthrough came one day when I tormented her all morning without mercy and kept her on the very edge until lunchtime, when I gave her a brief respite. I made sure we sat down at the table next to where the football team had congregated, and then turned it back on again at the first speed.

  “You seem to be unnaturally shy around boys,” I began. “I have a suspicion why, but I want you to say it.”

  “Wh-what do you mean?”

  I turned it to the second speed before replying.

  “Every time we’re talking to some cute guys, you turn red and clam up. You don’t do it if you’re talking to some nerd about homework or something, only the ones you have the hots for, like Brad. If you have the hots for someone, why not go o
n a date or have a little fun with them?”

  “I… umm… just don’t have time for boys right now. Between you and my schoolwork, I’m constantly tied up… no pun intended.”

  I turned the remote to the third speed.

  “Try again,” I said, smiling as I saw her face turning bright red from the powerful stimulation.”

  “Please,” she begged. “Not here… I’d die if I came here in front of them.”

  I hit the fourth speed.

  “Only one speed left to go, and then I pull out the handcuffs,” I warned, giving my book bag a shake so she could hear the cuffs rattle inside.

  “Ok, please stop… I’ve never been with a boy. There, I said it so please don’t make me cum here.”

  I hit the last speed, but only for a moment to mess with her. I turned it off and helped her to her shaky feet, escorting her to the bathroom. I pushed her into one of the stalls and cuffed her hands behind her back, put the ball gag in her mouth, and turned the vibe back up to full power.

  “I’ve got to have a word with Roger, but don’t worry, I’ll be back before afternoon classes start. Feel free to meet me at lecture hall number two if I forget.”

  Her eyes were wide open when I said that, but only for a moment. I saw them roll up in her head as her long awaited orgasm ran over her like a freight train and she shook with undisguised passion. I left her sitting in the stall with the toy still driving her wild while I set up the next part of my plan with Roger, but I made it as quick as I could.

  Not only did I want to watch over her to make sure nothing happened, but she wasn’t the only one who’d been desperate for some relief. There were two girls cumming in that bathroom for the remainder of lunchtime.

  The First Time

  When we took our next evening stroll, I carried a much larger bag of supplies than usual. She assumed I’d be giving her a nice reward after her lunchtime torment, but she had no idea just how good it would be this time.


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