Dirty Secret: A Bad Boy Romance (Bluefield Bad Boys Book 3)

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Dirty Secret: A Bad Boy Romance (Bluefield Bad Boys Book 3) Page 9

by Tess Oliver

  I picked up the phone and read Aubrey’s text. “We’ve got egg sandwiches over here. But you’ve got to come to our cabin. I’m not a delivery service.”

  My appetite was shit, but my empty stomach was turning in on itself. I walked into the shower and let the warm water run over my head, trying to decide just how I was going to deal with the ache in my chest. I’d left myself open to this and probably deserved to feel like shit. It wasn’t as if I was going to end up with someone like Lenix.

  I shut off the water, dried off and got dressed.

  I pressed my arm against the hollow growl in my gut. I was just hungry enough to put up with Megan and Wyatt for a few minutes.

  I stepped outside. A light haze still hovered over the sand, but the sun was warming things up fast.

  I stopped and stared down along the line of nice houses that were perched like colorful teeth along the coast. I didn’t even know which house she was staying at. Even if I did, it wasn’t like I could walk up to the door and ask for her. I was sure that her manager and bodyguard knew nothing about me, other than that I was the sketchy looking stranger sitting next to her on the plane. I had to push her from my mind and not dwell too much on seeing her again. Otherwise, this vacation was going to be even worse.

  I knocked. Aubrey motioned me inside and pointed to the bag of food on the counter. “Did you have a nice night?” she asked with a fake grin.

  “Best damn night I’ve had in a long time.”

  She put up her hand. “No details. Please.”

  I marched to the bag of food and pulled out the sandwich.

  “Sure you don’t want to go to the aquarium with us?” Aubrey shot me a pleading look. She was stuck spending a day out with Megan and Wyatt.

  I looked at her over my egg sandwich. “Me, Wyatt and shark tanks? I don’t think that would end well. I’m going to head out to the beach, close my eyes and sleep until my stomach tells me it needs food.”

  Megan came out from the bedroom with Wyatt in tow. He was one of those dudes who liked to be shiny and spiffed up, no matter what the activity. From what I could tell, he was avoiding eye contact with me, which was definitely in his best interest.

  Megan walked into the kitchen to put her coffee cup in the sink without looking at me. Then she turned around and gave me a disapproving scowl that could easily have rivaled our dad’s. “And exactly who was the skanky girl you took to your room last night?”

  “If you don’t know who she is, then how the fuck do you know she’s skanky?”

  Wyatt cleared his throat. I looked over at him.

  “Sorry, not getting involved.” He put up his extra clean hands. I wondered if he’d ever felt the grit of the earth beneath his fingernails. I somehow doubted it. “It’s just I’d never use that kind of language in front of my sisters.”

  I raised a brow at Megan, trying to decide if I should mention to her boyfriend that, in the right situation, her language could be just as salty as mine. She shot me a squirmy ‘don’t you dare’ look.

  I glanced at each of my sisters. “Meg, Aubrey, I apologize for saying fuck.”

  Aubrey turned her face to hide a smile.

  Megan grunted in anger and grabbed her purse off the chair. “Let’s go before it gets too crowded.” She stopped and sneered at me. “And please don’t invite just anyone into our room. I don’t need to come back and find that my stuff has been stolen.”

  “That’s why I’ve got my own room.” I looked pointedly at Aubrey. “Have fun.”

  I finished the sandwich and walked back to my room. It was lonely and not nearly as inviting without Lenix standing in the middle of it.

  “Shit.” I sat on the bed and thought about the night before. How the hell was I going to just leave California without ever seeing her again? My phone buzzed. I picked it up, figuring Aubrey was already tearing her hair out with Megan and Wyatt. It was a phone number I’d never seen before.

  “I saw your phone on the nightstand and memorized your number. Hope that’s not too stalker like.”

  My heart raced ahead as I stared down at the text. “Baby, you can stalk me all you want.”

  “Ooh, I like that. Send me a picture.”

  “Of what?” I typed back. We were only texting, but my pulse was pounding with the thought of touching her again.

  “Of the lamp on your nightstand, of course. I want to get one just like it. I think you know what picture I want and you’d better be shirtless in it, buddy. I’ve got my creepy stalker reputation to maintain.”

  I decided texting wasn’t enough. I needed to hear her voice, the voice that could make me hard just thinking about it. I dialed and it rang.

  “Uh, I don’t see the picture yet,” she said.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be sending me the picture? And just like you said, shirtless or else.”

  “Nope. I started this. I’m the one that stole your number off your phone without you knowing. So send that picture and soon. I’m getting all hot just thinking about it.”

  I sat back on the bed with a smile. “Is that right? Hot? Where exactly?”

  “Well, remember where you had your tongue pressed last night? That sweet spot between my legs? That’s where.” She spoke softly into the phone adding in just enough long, sensual breaths to make my cock grow solid.

  “Damn, you’re killing me, Pixie. Can you sneak out again? I want you here with me. I can help with that hot spot.”

  “I’m a prisoner in my tower today. But the first opportunity I get, I’m heading down to your end of the beach. Might not be until the middle of the night. So don’t forget about me up here in my jail cell. And send me that damn picture. It’ll help get me through the day. Bye.”

  I held the phone on my palm. It figured that I’d finally found the woman of my dreams and she was as steady and as sure a thing as a wisp of smoke. Just like a magical pixie, at the end of the week, she’d be flying away. I’d never see her again and I’d spend the rest of my life wondering if I’d just imagined the whole damn thing.

  I reached back and pulled off my shirt. Even if this was all just a sexy illusion, a really hot dream, I wanted to be a part of it. I could deal with the disappointment at the end of it. For now I didn’t want to miss one minute with Lenix. I held up the phone and took a picture but decided it wasn’t enough. I stood up, unbuttoned my shorts and dropped them so I was standing in just my underwear. I stretched out my arm to get a taller shot and took the picture. Then I sent them both to Lenix.

  Her text came right back. “Yep, that works. That really works.”

  “Glad I could help.”

  I pulled on my shorts and my shirt, while waiting like an anxious fucking teenager for the girl I was crushing on to text back. I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. By the time I got back, there was a text on my phone.

  “Look what you made me do, you bad boy.” A picture followed. It was a close up of her hand inside of her panties.

  I called her.

  Her soft, sexy giggle came through the phone.

  “Even your giggle is fucking irresistible. After that picture, I might just buy some rope and a grappling hook and rescue you from that damn tower. How am I supposed to get through the day with that image on my phone?”

  “That was my whole motive. I don’t want you to get through the day without going completely fucking mad thinking about me.”

  “Goal accomplished. I’m going to have to spend the next four hours in a cold shower just to not go crazy. Fuck, Pixie, can’t you figure out a way to get out of that house?”

  “I’ll see what I can do, but no promises. Till we meet again, my hot coal miner.” She hung up, and I scrolled back to the erotic picture again. Yep, cold showers for the rest of the damn day.

  Chapter 17


  I’d sheltered myself in the back corner of the balcony, burrowed deep in my hooded sweatshirt and sunglasses. A gaggle of paparazzi, with their nosy ass cameras had been milling about down on the beac
h all afternoon but had finally gotten bored enough to leave. Especially after Axel had gone down to literally draw a line in the sand for them to stay behind. Aside from the texts and conversations with Dawson, it had been the most entertaining part of the day.

  The reporters, or whatever you call people who lurked around celebrities waiting for some scandal to break, had gone as pale white as the sand on the beach when Axel had stomped off the porch toward them. One nervous guy fell back on his ass in alarm, dropping his camera in the sand. Axel was polite enough to yank him to his feet. Although, I was pretty sure the guy had peed his pants when Axel lowered his giant hand to him. Then my clever thinking bodyguard had taken his giant, shovel-sized foot and drawn a deep trench in the sand in front of the reporters. He told them not to cross it. From the angle he’d left them at, it would have been impossible for them to get a picture of anyone sitting on the balcony.

  Nevertheless, I decided to stay tucked into the farthest corner, pretending to be interested in my book, but really just hoping for another text from Dawson. His last text had mentioned that he was going down to the water to body surf. His sisters had gone off for the day, and he was alone. That made sitting by myself on the balcony, wishing I lived a regular life, that much harder.

  Duff stepped out on the balcony. “Brick, Rex and I are going to watch that zombie flick. Why don’t you come down and watch it with us. Graham ordered pizzas. And he’s mixing up some margaritas.”

  I lifted the book. “Nope, I’m really into this story. I’ve got to keep reading to see what happens.”

  “Is that right? Then why is it every time I’ve seen you this morning, you’ve been staring at that phone like someone is going to pop out of it any second.”

  “That’s your vivid imagination. Now leave me alone. And stop watching me, you weirdo.” I waved him away. Duff rolled his eyes and walked inside.

  I looked down at my phone, thus proving Duff right. At first, it seemed Dawson would just be a diversion, something to keep me from going mad with boredom. But now, I was like a nervous, anxious woman waiting around the phone to see if the hot guy she met at the bar would call her. I wanted to see him again. That was certain and solid in my head.

  With most of the men I dated, it took only a few dates to know that the guy wasn’t worth wasting much of my precious spare time with. That happened more often than not. But I found myself spending the entire morning planning out how I’d find time to be with Dawson.

  My phone buzzed and I grabbed it.

  “Which beach house are you in?” Dawson texted.

  “The one with the gray stonework and the big back porch.”

  There was a long pause. I got to my feet and walked to the railing on the balcony. There were the usual people meandering along the path walking dogs or skating. But the sand was mostly empty.

  I lifted my gaze toward the final ridge of sand that blocked the first few feet of water. A tall, dark figure walked up over the ridge. I knew it was Dawson just by the way he carried himself with his impossibly broad shoulders and that unflinching, badass swagger. He stood there and stared straight up at the balcony.

  I pushed my hood off to reveal my most easy to recognize feature, my red hair. Although, I had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn’t necessary.

  The phone rang and I pulled it from my pocket.

  “I’m walking up there, so if your bodyguard shoots me on my journey to that back porch, I just wanted to let you know that you are absolutely worth dying for.”

  “Holy shit, sweetie, you sure know exactly what to say to win my heart. Axel’s in his food zone with a pizza. I think you’re safe for a quick visit. I’ll meet you on the porch.” I raced back inside and flew down the steps but slowed my pace near the bottom, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. I was close to getting out unnoticed until Graham came from the kitchen with two margaritas. “Len, you’re just in time. The movie just started, and you haven’t missed any brains being eaten yet. But hurry. Axel is sucking down those pizza slices fast.”

  “No thanks. The balcony was too hot, so I’m going to sit on the porch for awhile.”

  He stopped and looked pointedly at my sweatshirt.

  I zipped it up. “I’m wearing it so no one sees me, and that’s why the balcony was too hot. Or should I just strut around on the porch without it?”

  He shook his head. “No, never mind. Just stay close to the house. I’m sure those reporters will be back later, snooping around, trying to figure out just what the hell is going on with you.”

  “Well, there’s not much to see. So as far as I’m concerned, they can sit out there all damn day,” I said casually to throw him off any scent that I was up to something. It seemed to work because he headed into the television room with his drinks and never looked back.

  I shot out onto the porch just as Dawson put his foot on the first step. He was wearing wet swim trunks, and his hair was slicked back. We froze, as if stuck in time for a brief moment.

  “Didn’t know it was possible, but you look even better wet, coal miner.”

  He closed the gap between us with three long strides. I jump into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Our mouths crashed together for a kiss we’d both been thinking about all day.

  I pulled my mouth away long enough to taste the salt on my lips. “Hmm, you taste like a delicious sea salt potato chip.”

  “Yeah? Then I hope you’re hungry.”

  He carried me to the railing on the porch and perched my bottom on top of it for support. I clung to him with my legs and arms, wanting nothing more than to keep him between my legs forever. He kissed me roughly, hungrily, as his hands reached between us and unzipped my sweatshirt.

  I tightened my legs to pull him closer. My pussy rubbed against the bulge in his wet bathing suit as his mouth moved down over the swell of my breasts, peaking above the top of my tank top.

  He held me with one hand to keep me from slipping backward off the porch. Of course, with the way I was holding him tightly with my legs there was little chance of it.

  I reached under the waistband of his trunks. The fabric was cold and wet but his cock felt hot in my hand as I curled my fingers around it.

  “God, baby, I’ve been thinking about fucking you all damn day. That freezing ocean didn’t do a thing to help me cool off.” He groaned as my hand slid along his thick, hard erection.

  He stared down at my hand in his bathing suit and moved his free hand between us. He slipped his fingers under the leg of my shorts and pushed aside the crotch of my panties.

  His mouth came back hard over mine as his fingers pushed inside of me.

  “You’re so fucking wet with sweet honey, Pixie, that just feeling you is going to make me come on your hand.” I moved my hand faster, and he finger fucked me as I gripped him with my legs.

  “Please, Dawson, just take me away with you. Take me away from all this where we can just fuck all day and night and never have to talk to another soul.”

  He rocked his hips, and I moved my hand over him, fast and firm. Slick moisture dripped from the fleshy tip. I badly wanted to taste him. His fingers plunged deeper into me, and I cried out, my voice echoing around the porch as he brought me to orgasm.

  I kept a steady pace on his cock. His head lulled back as his eyes drifted shut. He rocked in rhythm with my hand. He gripped me against him, his muscles growing hard and tense as his hot seed dripped along my hand.

  We had no time to recover. Heavy footsteps plodded through the house.

  He opened his eyes. “Either there’s an elephant in your house, or that big bodyguard heard you cry out. By the way—that was fucking hot. Any way we can record that sound?” He knew Axel was headed toward us, a notion that would send any sane man running from the porch like his ass was on fire. But Dawson stayed tight between my legs.

  I kissed him and hopped down from the railing. “You’d better go before he gets out here. He’s kind of dangerous when he’s pissed.”r />
  “Told you, you are worth dying for.” He kissed me again.

  “Yes, but if he kills you right now, who will I sneak out to see tonight? I was kind of looking forward to a repeat of last night.” I pulled his hand and led him toward the steps.

  Axel’s footsteps were loud and right at the back door.

  Dawson turned around on the first step and kissed me once more, even as the back door flew open and Axel’s heavy feet pounded the porch. “Later, Pixie,” Dawson said quietly. He flashed a smile over my shoulder at Axel, spun around and ran. Axel ran after him with big plodding steps, but Dawson was way too fast.

  Axel leaned down and rested his hands on his thighs to catch his breath. I zipped up my sweatshirt and turned to go inside.

  “Lenix.” Axel’s booming voice rolled up to the porch from the beach. “Who the hell was that?” He trudged back to the steps. “Is that the same guy you sat next to on the plane?”

  “Dawson?” I asked with an innocent blink of my lashes. “Yes, that’s him. He’s a friend. Isn’t he dreamy?”

  “Fuck, Lennie, what are you trying to do to me?” He reached the top step and finally caught his breath.

  I walked over and smiled up at him. “He’s just a friend. He’s gone, so no more worries. Go inside and eat your pizza and watch your zombies. I’m going up to my room where I will be safe and sound for the rest of the afternoon.”

  Chapter 18


  I was on vacation with my sisters, and somehow, I was almost managing to spend less time with them than when there was half a country separating us. One big reason was Wyatt, and another was that we’d just naturally grown apart. Megan and Aubrey had always been close, and I’d always been close with Andi. We’d stayed in those two separate teams our whole lives. But when it came to my sisters, I would do anything to protect them, and they all knew that. There was no question about it. So, when Aubrey came to me after the trip to the aquarium, I knew something was bothering her.


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