Shade: A Wolf's Hunger Alpha Shifter Romance

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Shade: A Wolf's Hunger Alpha Shifter Romance Page 9

by A. K. Michaels

  and they have to leave, immediately. Wait, why are you here instead of Ash?” “First, that’s what we thought you’d say. Second, I’m here because Ash and his men are standing guard at Lana’s. He refused to leave those Evans’ guys alone. He doesn’t trust them and sent me to speak to you.” “Right, good thinking.” Shade should’ve known Ash had a reason for not coming himself. His brain was addled with his upcoming mating. Damn. He wasn’t thinking clearly. “I want them gone, Royce. Now. Advise them that they’ll be called when their brother is fit to travel and they can meet our men at the entrance to pick him up. They are not allowed back on our land, under no circumstances. Got it? If they argue then Ash has my permission to use whatever force is necessary.” “Got it,” Royce replied, giving Shade a two-finger salute before bowing to Marissa. “Sorry for interrupting your evening.” When his Beta left, Shade turned to find Marissa’s face white with worry, her hands wringing in front of her, and her voice shaky. “Are you sure everything’s okay?” Shade closed the distance between them in three long strides, gripping her shoulders and staring into her fearful eyes. “Of course it is. Those Evans boys are just a pain in the ass and not too bright. Ash and his men will take care of them easily so don’t worry about them.” “But why are they here? What’s their brother even doing here?” Oh hell. Shade huffed out a long breath. “That’s a short story really. It’s something that happened just before I came looking for you.” “Tell me,” she implored, her eyes full of concern as her head tilted back to look up at him. He could feel her turmoil rolling around inside of her and that hurt him more than he thought possible. Shade sighed, nodding. “Let’s sit down.” He took her hand as they sat on the sofa, her body tense, and her lips a tight line. Shade paused, wondering if he should skim over the facts, but that didn’t sit well with him. He thought the truth was best, even if it was already leaving a sour taste in his mouth. “This isn’t going to sound good, the beginning anyway, and I know I was a complete ass, but I was almost out of my mind with that damn

  Hunger. I didn’t know what was going on and my head was all over the place. Marissa, please try and understand that for me that was very . . . fuck, I can’t describe what it was doing to my head.” Marissa’s fingers squeezed his. “I’ve heard it can be pretty intense.” Shade exhaled, running a hand through his hair. “That’s one word for it. I thought I was going insane. Anyway, after a few days of this Hunger, and trying to feed it, with no luck by the way. I went to The Den and decided to try and feed it another way . . . with a woman.” He stopped as her eyes dropped her voice soft as she mumbled, “I see.” “No, you don’t, because I sure as hell didn’t. I wasn’t thinking, not clearly anyway, and there’s this She-Wolf that’s been after me for months, and I knew she’d be there. Hell, she’s always at the club, and I was right. There she was and we, well, we went to my office and had sex.” Marissa inhaled sharply, her eyes lifting to his with a cocked eyebrow. “In your office?” “Yes, cheap and tacky, I know.” Shade shook his head, miserable he was having to tell her this. “But I

  knew it was wrong straight away, and it didn’t help the Hunger one damn bit. So I told her to leave and that’s when things got ugly. She scratched my face, called me names that I deserved, and threatened me.” “Wait up, what’s her name?” Shade saw her mind working, connecting the dots. Clever girl. “Her name is Trixie Evans.” “Hell, those are her brothers?” “Yes, they are. She told them a cock-and-bull story of me leading her on, saying I was going to mate her just so I could have sex with her, and then throwing her to the curb. All of which is untrue, of course, but her brothers are more brawn than brain. It’s not the first time she’s done this, and I suspect it won’t be the last. Anyway, Royce, Ash, and I had just found out what the Archives said about the cure for the Hunger, and were leaving here to go look for my mate when all three brothers arrived. They wanted my blood, and attacked en-masse without warning. I had to defend myself and one of them was badly hurt, one ended up with a shattered leg, and the other had no injuries whatsoever. He was the one that seemed to understand the position and backed off. Anyway, Lana had to keep one of them here, or he

  would’ve died. Hence the problem we have now.”

  “Shoot, I can understand why you don’t want them here.” Marissa dug her nails into his skin. “But yeah, you were an ass. I guess you get a pass because of the Hunger though. Plus, it’s nothing to do with me, it happened before we met. Can’t say I’m overjoyed at your actions, but again, what’s in the past isn’t my business. I just hope they don’t cause us any more problems.” “They won’t, Ash will make sure of that.” “Good,” Marissa replied, stifling a yawn. “I’m tired, can we go to bed?” Shade groaned. “Hell yeah, but please don’t be offended if my feelings for you are evident.” Her eyes twinkled as she glanced away, a rosy blush on her cheeks. “I’m sure I’ll feel much better tomorrow.” “We’ll see,” Shade replied, praying to the Goddess she was right. His restraint was wearing thin with the need to claim his mate burning like lava deep inside. It was almost as painful as the Hunger, not quite, but it was damn close.

  restless night. Holding Marissa close was a sweet torture that he could endure no longer, so he decided to go for a quick run, then prepare her breakfast. Hoping a hearty meal to start her day would aid her recovery. That was his plan anyway. What he didn’t expect to find on his return from his run was Trixie fucking Evans screaming like a banshee and banging on his door. Shade sped up, anger simmering as he sprang up his steps to grab her, just as his door flew open and Marissa appeared, looking furious. Shade spun Trixie around roughly. “What the fuck are you doing here and how did you get here? You and the rest of your family are banned from my land.” Before she could answer, Marissa stepped

  outside, arms crossed and scowling. “Who are you and why are you acting like a common fishwife?” “Me? Who am I?” Trixie swung back to Marissa, throwing her blonde hair over her shoulders. “More like who the fuck are you? You look like you’re a damn . . .” Shade stepped around Trixie to join his mate. “Shut up. I’m warning you, don’t say another word.” “Answer me.” Marissa snarled. “Who are you and what do you want?” “I’m here to challenge you.” Trixie snarled right back. “Oh, and I’m Trixie, the woman he was fucking right before you arrived. So I have the right to see who my competition is, and I have to say, Shade, she’s no competition at all. Look at her? She’s so . . . dull!” “Trixie?” Marissa glanced at Shade, her eyes glinting angrily. “This is Trixie?” Trixie looked at Shade then Marissa as his mate carried on, smirking. “Oh, hell, Shade. I know what you told me, but for fuck sake. You scraped the bottom of the barrel with this ho. Hey, Trixie, can I ask you something? Just between us girls, do you even bother putting underwear on in the morning? ‘Cause what I’ve heard is that it’s more often than not, down around your ankles. I just wondered why you’d bother.” Trixie’s face grew crimson as anger filled her, rage boiling over. “What did you fucking say? Did you call me a ho? I’ll rip your throat out, you skanky bitch.” “Aww shut your mouth, ho.” Marissa stepped closer, nose to nose with Trixie. “You’re a cheap lay that every Shifter knows about. I’ve heard them talk about you, hell, they trade stories about you like kids trade baseball cards. You have no dignity, no class, and no fucking chance of ever getting your claws anywhere near Shade again. In fact, if you don’t get your cheap ass off my porch right now, I’m going to take you down right here and now. I’ll show you what a real She-Wolf can do.” Trixie’s eyes bulged, a growl erupting from her as her fangs descended. Marissa didn’t seem to blink, or think twice as her hand flew back, fist clenched and punched Trixie hard in the face. The blow was fierce, hurling Trixie up and heaving her off the porch to land on the ground several feet away. Marissa followed, Shade desperate to stop her but knowing he couldn’t interfere, this was the moment his mate showed her worth to his Pack, which was now assembling outside to watch the spectacle. Fuck. Every cell in his body battled to go to her aid. It was the hardest struggle
he’d ever fought but he forced his feet to stay planted where they were, watching the scene unfold before him. His arms crossed, eyes cold, face inscrutable, but his insides churned like a stormy sea as he watched his mate stalk toward a sure-fire fight. Marissa arrived at Trixie as she rose, blood pouring from her nose and mouth. “I told you to leave. Or do you want to carry on? If so then let’s do this properly, in Wolf form.” Trixie’s hand shot forward, grabbing hold of Marissa’s hair and tugging her forward. Marissa’s reflexes were lightning fast, snatching hold of Trixie’s thumb and bending it back hard and fast. The sound of it snapping a loud crack in the silence of the morning as the sun crept over the trees, quickly followed by Trixie’s scream. Marissa shook her head. “Really? Hair pulling? What the hell are you? A Wolf or a fucking kid in the school yard? This is your last chance. You turn on that cheap heel of yours and get the hell off my land or I’m giving you fair warning, I’m transforming and I’ll rip your fucking throat out.”

  Trixie didn’t say anything, but she also didn’t move. Shade held his breath, his blood pumping so fast he felt light-headed, but his mate merely nodded and shit-on-a-fucking-brick, she transformed right then and there. Her pajamas ripped from her body, which Shade was extremely grateful for, if she’d stopped to undress he was sure he would’ve lost it completely, but she didn’t. Marissa simply morphed into her Wolf and tatters of her nightwear clung to her as she stalked toward Trixie, her fangs bared, tail swishing, growling viciously.

  Trixie didn’t seem to know what to do, her head swinging around and only now realizing they had an audience. Her eyes sought Shade but he didn’t even blink, ignoring her as Marissa’s brown beast grew closer. As soon as his mate’s beast was within striking distance, her huge paw swung out, claws raking across Trixie’s thigh, drawing blood and a high-pitched scream that was quickly followed by Trixie backing up.

  “Okay, I’m going, I’m going. Stop it. Leave me alone!”

  Marissa’s Wolf snarled, growled again, and swiped at Trixie once more, although it was more for show this time, her claws a hairs-breadth from their mark as Trixie stumbled backward, crying. His mate’s beast stayed in place, keeping watch on the retreating Trixie for several more moments before her head rose, an ear-splitting howl renting the air. Shade exhaled, his heart slowly returning to normal as Marissa’s Wolf turned around and padded toward him, a distinct swagger in her gait. He managed to hide his grin as she leaped up the steps and wandered inside. Again, he was thankful she didn’t transform in full view of his Pack. As she disappeared, he swiveled around to follow and that’s when his Pack started to whoop, holler, and whistle. They well and truly accepted Marissa as their Alpha She-Wolf. When he closed the door and turned around, she stood naked, her entire body flushed, eyes bright and excited. “Wow, that was . . . exhilarating.” Shade couldn’t stop his eyes travelling up and down her exquisite body, her delectable beauty calling to his beast as the scent of her Wolf still clung to her and hung in the air between them. His Wolf whining piteously with want as she clapped her hands, dancing from foot to foot, which didn’t help Shade whatsoever. Not when it caused her perky breasts to jiggle around, drawing his eyes to her dark nipples which he dreamed of licking. “Shade, are you listening to me?” Shaking his head, he tried to focus. “Of course I am. You were spectacular. My feisty mate taking on that . . . well, I better not say what I think of her. But boy, you were magnificent, darling.” “I know! It was strange because I’m not normally like that, but something just came over me and . . . wham! I saw red and I was ready to claw her eyes out.” Marissa paused, looking thoughtful for a moment. “Actually no, if I’m honest, I wanted to rip her throat out, like really rip it out. My Wolf felt powerful and strong, and, shit, it was great!” Shade kept his feet where they were, knowing if he moved, even an inch that he’d snatch her up and carry her to his bed. “Yes, you were strong, Marissa. You’ve always been strong, baby, you’ve just never been free to be a proper Wolf.” “Well, it freaking rocks!” Marissa whooped,

  running toward him and jumping up into his arms.

  Oh damn, he was a goner the moment her naked body wrapped itself around him, her lips latching onto his in a searing hot kiss. Shade’s hands gripped her firmly to him, one on her tight ass, one wrapping around her body so his fingers caressed the side of her breast. Her soft moans as their tongues lashed together lost as they ran down his throat to join his rumbled growl of lust. Marissa’s legs climbing to drape around his waist, her core grinding against his throbbing manhood as Shade fought to pull back. He was at the edge of his control as he tore his lips from hers, his forehead resting on hers as he caught his breath. “Fuck, Mari, you’re driving me insane. If we don’t stop, I’ll . . .” Marissa shushed him by catching his bottom lip between her teeth, nibbling it playfully before looking up into his eyes. “I don’t want to stop, Shade. What I want is for us to seal our bond. Now, right now, because I feel as if I’m about to crawl right out of my skin with . . . shit, I’m not sure what to call it, but damn, whatever it is it needs attention. Your attention.” Shade didn’t respond. The time for wasteful

  words was over. Right now was the time for action. He nodded, holding her firmly as he rushed upstairs, striding quickly to his room and kicking the door closed behind him. Goddess help anyone who dared interrupt them now, because he’d tear their head from their shoulders without a moment’s thought. No more thinking, no more stalling, no more putting off what he craved more than his next damn breath. He was going to claim his mate and make her his forever. Marissa’s body quivered at his touch, responding to him in ways that had him desperate to sink deep inside her. Shade placed her gently on the bed, her groan of protest making him chuckle. “Soon,” he told her as he undressed, her eyes raking over his chest when he threw his t-shirt to the floor hastily. He kicked his running shoes off and they landed on the other side of the room with a dull thud as he pulled down his joggers, her eyes widening when his erection popped free. That’s when his desired fogged mind cleared to remind him . . . she was a virgin. Shoot. It had been too many years to count since he’d bedded a virgin. Shade wasn’t used to being gentle or mindful of harming his sexual partners. He inhaled

  sharply, conscious of Marissa’s status and the fact that he couldn’t, wouldn’t hurt her in any way. He had to slow this down. Somehow. Goddess knew he had to for Marissa. The scent of her aroused state clogged his nostrils, inflaming his desire and making it difficult for him to concentrate. Shade dug deep, harnessing his inner Alpha strength, calming himself as he joined her on the bed, kneeling between her legs. She reached for him, pleading. “Shade.” “Shush, baby, let me take care of you,” Shade whispered, his hands rough against the soft skin of her inner thighs as he gently pushed them apart. Caressing slowly upward, her head falling back as she moaned, inhaling sharply when his thumb found her nerve center and started to circle it. Shade watched her face, enraptured for a moment before lowering his head to flick his tongue out. Marissa’s body jerked, her back arching off the bed. “Oh god!” He couldn’t stop chuckling briefly before carrying on, dipping one finger inside her wet sheath. Damn, it was tight. So fucking tight he wondered how the hell he’d ever fit inside without tearing her apart.


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