by Dan Gillis
The Second War of the Order; Northern Fields
Aeredia: The commonly accepted name for the world.
Aerluin: A feminine being of immense power. She originated from outside of the world in the heavens and is now bound within the world. She is considered benevolent but not omniscient. She communicates in a variety of ways at times to people in Aeredia. Her power emanates from her indiscriminately and interacts with substances and creatures within the world in unique ways. Known also as the Dark Lady, Mother.
Ahtol: A being of immense power that exists within the core of Aeredia. Considered to be evil and malign and seeking to be free from the prison of the world. Ahtol’s physical form consists of viscous shadows that meld and flow like water.
Ashori and Ashori-tar: (Also known as Weavers) A living soul in Aeredia who has established a knowledge of and connection to Aerluin's power. Each of these souls can access a portion of this power. This portion or refraction typically has a certain flavour, such as the power to understand or heal living patterns or the power to manipulate one of the four elements. The soul rarely accesses more than a single refraction of power in his or her lifetime. (See Root for specific detail.)
The ability to refine and shape the raw power is a lifelong pursuit for an Ashori. Governments and cadres use Ashori in various roles. These individuals are not common and are generally feared and respected throughout the land.
Ashori-tar are those who are untrained but have the capacity to interact with the Root in lesser degrees. They often adopt titles such as magi, sorcerer, alchemist, necromancer or witch if they actively utilize their limited potential.
Recorded refractions designated by Ashori title:
Alacritor: Life and pattern
Nexor (Defiler): Death and entropy
Ignitor: Fire and consumption
Teralor: Earth and delving
Imbertor: Water and movement
Categor: Storm and obfuscation
Cerephor: Mind and void
Ingenor: Spirit perception and Seer
Rumoured refractions used by Ashori-tar
Alchemy: Pattern transmutation
Keenling: Heightened Root sensitivity (sight, smell, sound etc.)
Shaman: Ritualist and Blood-rites
Primal/Nature: Symbiosis with certain flora and fauna
Blackrill: Any contained water system that has been altered through specific conditions and contact with the Root. Blackrill is the rarest of the four elements to experience change. Due to the fluidic nature of the element, any temporary contact with the Root is diffused and rendered inert. Also, due to seasonal changes, Blackrill cycles from mist and steam to liquid states. Only a system of water that remains liquid within a specific area can be changed. These have included standing bodies of water (lakes, pools), fountains, underground reservoirs and others. When ingested Blackrill fuses with the form of whomever has taken it in. Each source is different in what benefits or changes it affords. (See also Lunar Calendar for the seasonal reference)
Broken Halls: The remains of the holdings of the Order of the Open Hand. Located in the great forest of Southern Mehnin, it has remained largely untouched since the siege which broke the Order. The Broken Halls are watched over by a variety of guardians who are closely attuned to the Root. The atmosphere within the Halls is brooding and melancholy. This is mainly due to the remains of the original occupants which lay mouldering within. The internal structures remain generally intact with the outer walls having suffered the brunt of the devastation.
Cadre: A group of people who bond together to form a political and military block. They have similar professions, talents, abilities, skills and ideologies. Cadre members are typically bound by oaths of fealty. The cadres can compete for the One Seat in each province of Kenhar. Apart from vying for political power, under Kenhar law they are expected to keep the peace and promote local laws that will bring order and stability to their region.
Character Symbology and Pronunciation:
/ = World - used as a default symbol when the story follows a point of view other than those below.
/ = Firah [Fē-rŭh]
/ = Zyr [Zēr]
/ = Tohm [Tōm]
/ = Shien [Shē-ĕn]
/ = Nuril [Nū-rĭl]
= Tey’ur [Tār]
Pronunciation of Other Unique Names
Alay’sh [Ŭh-lā-sh]
H’vail [H-vāl]
Kor’rynn [Kōr-rĭn]
Niive [Nēv]
Shai’ur [Shī-r]
Toryn [Tōrĭn]
Tur’ym [Tūr-ĭm]
Darkwood: Any woody plant that has been altered through specific conditions and contact with the Root. Such interactions are rare and extend the typical lifespan and durability of the tree and its wood. Unlike its stone kin, Darkwood can be harvested and used to construct apparatuses, frames, and other forms. One such structure that exists is found in Terlan, which services a storied gladiatorial arena, of which the Darkwood is the center focus. The connection to living things is somewhat more ethereal or spiritual. The exact nature and trigger of Darkwood properties is difficult to understand and unpredictable. (See also Lunar Calendar for the seasonal reference)
Deepstone (Bloodstone): Any rock, stone or precious element that has been altered through specific conditions and contact with the Root. Deepstone formations are rare. A connection between a Root sensitive and the Deepstone occurs when blood is transferred. Blood sharing is a form of attunement and can cause a specific effect to occur based upon the unique properties of the stone and the ability of the user. (See also Lunar Calendar for the seasonal reference)
Defilers: An Ashori who has used the Root to commit forbidden acts. The aspect of the Root known as Nexism is one that has lured many Ashori to the strange path. Nexism allows an Ashori to manipulate and alter once-living patterns. (Note: This does not apply to material that was originally formed in a non-living structure such as stone or water.) The Order of the Open Hand would ban any practice of the art and prosecute sternly any Ashori found weaving it. This sentiment was adopted in local governments as well. The practice of policing forced the Defilers underground in order to advance themselves in the dark art.
Dorgyn Circles: A gladiatorial game organized at Terlan in Jandor Province. This competition serves many purposes: a test of skills, sport for gambling, resolving political disputes, serving debts owed and others. The challenge is centered on an elaborate Darkwood structure which is comprised of several spinning rings at various elevations. Hazards and fatalities are commonplace in the competition.
Dryke: A migratory creature that is reptilian in nature. Migration patterns take the creatures through parts of Kenhar before leaving the country for many moon cycles. Drykes are generally considered to be non-sentient. One province in Kenhar is named after this creature for their constant presence and aggression toward the locals.
For-: Previous week, always accompanied by a day of the week. Example: For-Mena
Gnarel: A bestial nomadic race that moves through the lands of Kenhar. The Gnarel are honour driven and respect strength. They bear heavy hides with long manes. They walk as bipeds and can use simple technologies. The males bear horns (skull bone protrusions) of impressive size and variety. Gnarel tend to plunder as need dictates, but not for sport.
Grey Watch: A cadre formed in central-southern Mehnin with the purpose of supplanting the most powerful rival cadres for control of the One Seat. Their closest rival is the White Guard who assume responsibility of maintaining peace and order in South Mehnin.
The Grey Watch specialize in long-range tactics in melee and artillery. Trebuchets, catapults, and longbows are employed at range. Grey Rangers are an elite unit that are exceptionally accurate and dedicated to their craft. Spear formations are a standard unit for every engagement. The Greys have been known to employ mercenary forces for quick growth and rapid strikes. There are rumours that they ally with the enigmatic Wilders which has never been substant
Hyrlacian: A race of once-sentient creatures whose home was found in the province of Sym. The Hyrlac colonies were closely attuned to the Root through potent Rifts which were maintained by Sages. Their race benefited physically from infusion with the Root; including longevity and physical prowess.
One unique aspect of their culture was the diversity of genetic roles. The Hyrlacian population would change based on the needs of the colonies. Several forms have been recorded: such as the Warrior caste, Sage caste, and the Spiner caste.
Hyrlacian Sages were able to manipulate the Root and Rifts and perform intricate weaves to accomplish a variety of tasks, including transport and infusion of Root energy into recipients.
Hyrlacians had a distinctive non-verbal form of communication as they genetically have no organ that manipulates sound.
At one time, their civilization thrived under a structured society and lawful governance. With the start of the Symian-Hyrlacian wars, the culture quickly devolved with the destruction of their Rifts. The Hyrlacs became savage and incapable of intelligent communication. Many devolved Hyrlacs still roam the north, as fierce and deadly as the most potent predator.
Jazyn: A non-sentient creature which is sensitive to the flows from Aerluin. Any manipulation of the Root can be detected by them like a scent which can dissipate over time. The Jazyn are rarely seen and guarded carefully due to their small population and slow reproduction. Most citizens have never seen one but are aware of them.
Jyril: Junior member of a Tetsu.
Kenhar: A country found in Aeredia. It is ruled by a king who shares power with ruling cadres who vie for power among their peers. The country is broken down into provinces where a local council represents the King’s authority in enforcing accepted laws. Local laws can be modified to suit the ruling cadre’s needs but cannot supersede basic laws enacted by the ruling king.
The capital province of Kenhar is Syrion. Other provinces include: Jandor, Mehnin, Leil, Dryke, Rhylos, Khayl, and Sym.
Khyvla: The capital and largest city in the province of Mehnin.
Kota: Protective martial gear worn on the hands.
Lenhir: A small provincial town located in the foothills of South Mehnin. It is nestled next to large peaks to the east which is the edge of the Kenharian holdings. The town provides typical services of a smaller community which are accessed by the local citizenry and travellers along the migratory route heading north into Dryke.
Llian: A being of immense power that exists outside Aeredia, sometimes called the Heavenly One. She was charged with the care of the world along with her younger sister Aerluin. Together they kept a protective weave of power moving about the world, promoting its movement and stability. She grew careless and longed for other places and neglected her song of binding. The chaotic powers within Aeredia lashed out and pulled Aerluin into the world. Llian now dwells beyond the moon which circles Aeredia. Due to her separation from the world, she can do little to impact the affairs and elements.
Lliankor: A curse first used to reference Llian’s wayward lapse and the accompanying frustration of the user.
Lunar Calendar: The measure of time is based upon an ancient Lunar calendar which is attuned to the seasons.
A cycle has 100 years.
Designated by ‘C’
Each year has 4 seasons:
Blackrill (Spring)
Bloodstone (Summer)
Darkwood (Autumn)
Shadowveil (Winter)
Each season has 3 moons cycles
Designated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Each moon cycle has 4 phases
Designated by New, Waxing, Full, Waning
Each moon phase has 7 days
Luin, Teli, Tera, Celi, Mena, Solari, Llian
An additional moon cycle between Blackrill and Bloodstone is called the Festive Moon Cycle.
The moon phases within the Festive Moon Cycle are Festive Moon Phases. Each is dedicated to the four enhanced elements:
Bloodstone Festival
Darkwood Festival
Shadowveil Festival
Blackrill Festival
This equates to a 364 day year. One day is added to the end of the Festive Cycle to moderate the seasonal discrepancy. This is usually designated a sacred and peaceful holiday through all the land. It is known as The Day of Unity. Aeredian scholars have noted that the moon does not fall out of phase from the extra day and attribute this to the Omnipotents who created the world.
Cycles are recorded and usually connected directly to the ruling monarchs and the dynasty that follows. The passage of time under each dynasty is recorded and kept for purpose of time passed upon the land; however, every new ruling dynasty resets the Cycle to '1'.
An example of a recorded date goes as such:
C6-51, 3rd Shadowveil waxing Moon, Llian.
Hence C6-51 refers to the 51st year of the sixth century of the present dynasty’s rule. Shadowveil (as with all the seasons) is broken into three moon cycles. The cycle is the complete change from a new moon waxing to full and waning back to new. In this example, the third Shadowveil cycle moon is nearly full as Llian is the last day of the week. On the next day, it would be full and in the middle of moon cycle.
Banners have been created to graphically represent the calendar dates. Black banners represent the present, white banners the past. Each banner contains the various components as follows:
Mehnin: A province located in the Southern lands of Kenhar. The capital of Mehnin is Khyvla.
Menil-Bees: A particular breed of bee known for its unusual aggressiveness and protective instincts.
Mihyl: Senior member of a Tetsu
The One Seat: In the province of Mehnin, this political designation is granted to the leader of the ruling cadre. The position gives certain powers to enact laws which function within the boundaries of the laws established by the Kenharian Monarchy. Cadres or guilds are able to vie for the position of the One Seat through conflict (provided the conflict does not impact upon the safety or well-being of the unaligned populace).
The position of One Seat was originally created for the purpose of appeasing the cadres. Primarily, this would divert them from taking political actions, forming political blocks, organizing coups and other disruptive measures. The cadres would also be inclined to cull each other which has served to keep their power structures in check.
The Order of the Open Hand: The organization formed to train those attuned to Aerluin’s Root. The Order was comprised of strict rules of governance and discipline. The Order was broken and only ruins remain (Broken Halls) along with a handful of Ashori who survived the massacre.
Ranks within the Order: Servant-Initiate-Seeker-Convert-Master.
Each Master was responsible for the exploration of a refraction of the Root. In addition, each was delegated to a responsibility within the Order to maintain its day-to-day affairs. In the case of the Order as it stood just before the Breaking, the following Masters and corresponding duties are as follows:
Greil - Cerephor: Master of Arcane Lore, Mind and Void
Deni - Ingenor: Master of Tactics, Spirit and Perception
Tam - Categor: Master of Diplomatics, Energy and Obfuscation
Alastor - Ignitor: Master of Enigma, Fire and Consumption
Meryn - Imbertor: Master of Deep, Dark, and Rift
Syf - Teralor: Master of Historia, Earth and Delving
Zyr - Alacritor: Master of the House, Life and Preservation (briefly filled the vacancy caused by Aragil’s death in the First War)
Tey’ur: Master of Arms
The Servant: Keeper of the Scepter of Power, Steward of Nexism
Pattern: The combination of all Aerluin’s threads throughout the world. The formation of the pattern is always changing and never static.
Racur: A fortress-mountain located in the southern-most region of Mehnin. It is self-sufficient and exists outside the rule of law in Kenhar. Invasions from Racur upon the lands of Kenhar and countries to the south are
a common occurrence. Many attempts have been made, with varying success, to eradicate the threat of this mountain.
Reykal: An insult of extreme offense uttered by the lower classes. Intended as a much stronger and deeper form of ‘idiot’. Wars have been known to have begun over improper (or untimely) use of the word.
Rift: The binding of pure Root that flows into a contained, stable and potent nucleus. The intensity of the Root is felt and seen by sensitives and non-sensitives. The size and location of the Rift can vary. It is generally understood that they form over standing pools of water (which can lead to Blackrill sources). Rifts occur naturally through the chaotic windings of Root threads within the world; however, these events are extremely rare. Some cultures and races have a distinct connection to the Rifts (see Hyrlacian). Certain Root sensitives are able to construct Rifts through an intricate series of movements that weave the threads of the Root together. Such actions are extremely hazardous and unpredictable and generally forbidden due to the significant risk that can come from failure.
Root (or Deep Root): The actual bands of power that twist and vibrate through the lands of Aeredia. The Root generally exists within the land with a few exceptions in parts of the world. The Root exists as a pure energy form that spreads outward from Aerluin as bands or threads. Aerluin cannot control the direction or potency of this effect; it simply exists. No one can guess the number of threads that pulse through the land at any time. These bands are constantly in motion and rarely remain in fixed places. In certain conditions the Root can manipulate the substances it comes into contact with. This can include people, animals, plants, rocks, wood and water. When two bands happen to cross they tend to latch into a focal point and amplify their effects upon nearby substances. If the hold is strong the weaves will wind upon themselves and form a Rift. The Rift can only form in certain conditions, and if those are not present, the threads will typically unwind and resume their solitary journeys.