Agents of Pleasure

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Agents of Pleasure Page 1

by Lacey Thorn

  Table of Contents

  Agents of Pleasure

  Agents of Pleasure Copyright © Lacey Thorne

  Book Description


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four


  About the Author

  Also Available from Resplendence Publishing

  Agents of Pleasure

  A Pleasures Story

  By Lacey Thorn

  Resplendence Publishing


  Gems of Romantic Fiction


  Agents of Pleasure

  Copyright © Lacey Thorn

  Edited by Delaney Sullivan and Jason Huffman

  Cover Art by Les Byerley

  Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  1093 A1A Beach Blvd, #146

  St. Augustine, FL 32080

  Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-789-6

  Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Electronic Release: July 2014

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

  Skye has a secret she’s kept from everyone—three lovers who cross in and out of her life as time permits. Seeing her sisters so happy makes her want more for herself.

  Rance, Sawyer and Jeff have taken turns joining in sex games with Skye. Now all three men are willing to admit they want more. If Skye wants to keep her agents of pleasure, she’s going to have to agree to forever.

  For my readers! Thanks for the love and encouragement! You guys are the very best! Love each and every one of you!

  Love, Lacey

  Chapter One

  Skye was late, and she hated being late for anything. Her sister Deja had already called twice to see what was taking so long. Once a week, Skye and her sisters, Deja and Melda, met for girl time. It was a night to relax and catch up on all that was transpiring. Now that both of her sisters were involved in ménage relationships, they had a lot going on. Skye enjoyed hearing about the mischief Deja got up to with her three doctors. She loved hearing the stories Melda shared about her and her three Marines. She liked it and hated it. The more she heard about how incredible her sisters’ lives were, the more she realized just how empty hers was.

  She worked everyday at a job she loved. That counted for a lot. But at the end of the day, that was all she had. It didn’t help there was no one to blame but herself. She’d had her chance at love—three times—and blown every one of them. Maybe she just wasn’t meant to have it all like her sisters. But she could wish and dream.

  Her first and longest love had been Rance McBride, the boy next door from the time she was in her tween years and living with Mrs. Potts. He’d been the perfect fantasy material for a girl, with his ebony hair and blue eyes. He’d grown into an even more handsome man. She’d given him her virginity and had never regretted it. He was strong yet tender, commanding yet giving, dominant but always sensitive to her needs. He was better than any dream she’d ever had.

  He’d joined the FBI and had introduced Sawyer into her life when they’d finished the academy. Thick waves of blond hair, big blue eyes and a long, lean body that had her panting, Sawyer had swept her off her feet and kept her there. Somehow he’d managed to steal her heart, and she’d found herself falling as hard for him as she had Rance.

  Sex with two men had proven to be epic. She’d been a little uncertain at first—perhaps a little afraid jealousy would rear its ugly head and ruin things. Instead, she’d found a pleasure she’d never known. Then Rance had been transferred, and her heart had broken in two. He’d tried to continue the relationship by writing monthly letters, but it was strained. It was as if he was unable to completely let her go.

  She’d still had Sawyer then, and the sex was incredible but not the same. Then one day, Sawyer had invited over a friend of his named Jeff. Jeff was another FBI agent from the local office. With his black hair and deep brown eyes, he could have passed for Rance’s brother. His personality, however, was uniquely his own. He made her laugh, the rolling-on-the-floor-until-you-have-to-pee kind of laugh. She was right back in a ménage-type relationship, and loving it.

  She’d never spoke to her sisters about it, and she felt a little guilty. Deja had told them everything. As the most adventurous of the three, she always had more to tell, anyway. Melda had never really had anything to share until recently, but still, she was open and honest. Skye was the one who held back. It wasn’t that she didn’t love and trust her sisters, she did. It was more that this was a private part of her life she wasn’t comfortable sharing with anyone but the men involved. Due to their jobs, her time with them was often limited. The last thing she wanted to do was share.

  Then it had all ended, and there was no reason to tell. Sawyer and Jeff had both been relocated to other field offices within weeks of each other. Sawyer had asked her to go with him. Jeff had understood from the start she would never leave. It had worked fine while they were all together. She saw the pain in Jeff’s eyes when he said good-bye to her. Sawyer… Well, Sawyer didn’t understand, or maybe he did but wasn’t willing to just accept it. He’d begged her to give them a real chance, to go with him. He might have anticipated her decision to stay, but she’d had no problem seeing the hurt on his face. He’d informed her she cared more about her sisters and her job than she did about her own happiness. He’d also told her she would regret it someday. Then he’d made love to her, a vivid reminder of just what she was losing. Still, she’d let him walk away.

  Not long after they’d both left, Rance had started coming home every so often to check in on his parents and her. It seemed whenever she turned around, he was there. It was only a matter of time before she slipped back into his bed. She’d hold out as long as she could, then wind up outside the house he kept locally. He’d inevitably appear in the door, silhouetted by the light behind him so she wouldn’t see the knowing look in his eyes as she walked toward him. Then he’d hold out his hand to her, and she’d take it. Every time. Even with the knowledge he would leave again, she went to him.

  Occasionally, Sawyer and Jeff would show up. Sometimes together and sometimes separately. Whenever one of them was around, she’d find herself back in bed with them, heart fully engaged so when they left it was like the first time all over again. She should have learned by that point. Her defenses should be well in place. But not with them. She’d told herself over and over again it was impossible to have feelings for three men at the same time. Now, thanks to her sisters, she knew it was possible. Her head filled with images of having all three of her sexy agents at the same time, all of them completely focused on bringing her pleasure. It had become her ultimate fantasy.

  That led her thoughts to another thing her sisters didn’t know about her, something she refused to share with anyone but the three men she’d loved. Skye had a deep need to surrender control during sex. She liked for her partner to be completely in charge. She wanted to be dominated. Rance had automatically taken charge. Perhaps Sawyer had been swayed by teaming up with Rance, then Jeff from sharing her with Sawyer. Either way, they’d all fit the role of dominant very nicely. They’d commanded, and she easily submitted. Just imagining having all three of them at the same time made her panties damp a
nd her nipples hard with need. She looked forward to their kinky sex play.

  Her life. Her choices.

  She glanced around her office and felt her heart ache. Choices that had led her here, to this office and this desk where she sat alone. It’d been six months since she’d seen or heard from any of her lovers. Rance had sent a letter saying he was involved in something big and would be out of touch. Sawyer had called and left a voicemail saying he was going to be away for a bit and wanted to make sure she knew he was thinking of her. Jeff had called a few times but not left a voicemail for her. Instead, he’d finally sent her a short text message saying he’d be unreachable. She still had it saved on her phone.

  And all three of them had said something else, as well, something she’d secretly hoped for and yet had no idea what to do about. I love you. How could three words hold so much power? All of them had felt the need to tell her they loved her when she had no way of responding even if she’d known how to. Wasn’t it just her luck to be told I love you at the same time she was told they wouldn’t be reachable? Whatever each of them was working on it must be big. She would never risk endangering them by calling. What if they were undercover? Did each of them know the others loved her? She knew they talked, but had they discussed this and her? The real twist was she loved them, too, all of them. But would they be willing to share her for the long term, or did they hope she would choose one of them? She couldn’t. She wouldn’t. Leaving her exactly where she was.

  On a whim, she’d driven past Mrs. Potts’ house a few months ago. She’d just needed to go back, remember when life had been simpler and love had been fresh baked cookies and giggles with her sisters. As complicated as it had seemed at the time, life had been so much easier then. She missed Mrs. Potts. She could really use some of her foster mother’s wisdom right now.

  Her trip down memory lane had led to a chance meeting with Rance’s mom and discovering he’d been shot. Skye’s heart still froze at the thought. His mom said it had been touch and go during surgery, but he’d pulled through and would be coming home to recover. That was three months ago. Everyday she thought about calling him at least a million times. And everyday she stopped herself, uncertainty holding her back.

  I love you. Three simple words. Words with the potential to change her life forever if she’d let them. Words that complicated her life because they’d been given by not just one man but three. There was a time when she’d pressured herself to choose one of them and let the other two go. It wasn’t right to have three men in her heart, much less her bed. But that had been before her sisters’ lives had changed. Now, through them, she was starting to believe there was another choice, one that could include all three men. Rance, Sawyer and Jeff had never once tried to make her choose between them. That had been all her. Maybe they’d wanted to continue sharing her all along, and she’d just been so worried about what everyone else would think to notice that fact.

  The phone rang again, and she picked it up on the first ring. Before she could even get her greeting started, Deja’s voice came through the line.

  “I don’t care what crisis is keeping you at work. Hand it to someone else. Tell them to fuck off. Just get your ass over here in the next thirty minutes, or we’re coming there.”

  Skye almost groaned. The last thing she wanted was girls’ night at the club. She was here enough with work. Besides, she’d never be able to relax and unwind if they met her there, and Deja knew it.

  “I’m leaving now.”

  “You said that an hour ago,” Deja reminded her, and Skye could hear Melda agreeing in the background.

  “Sorry. Something came up I had to take care of.” Then she’d sat there for another half hour thinking, which had gotten her nowhere but late. “Shutting down my computer, locking my files up and heading to the door now,” Skye said as she did just that. “Promise. I’m on my way. Need me to bring another bottle of wine for you two?”

  “Nope, we’re good. Just get here.” Deja hung up before Skye could comment again.

  She thought about doing another quick walk-through. Most of her employees knew she left early on Thursdays. They probably thought she was already gone. But then she might get involved in something else and be held up even longer. She had little doubt Deja would show up along with Melda to get her.

  She shut the door and gave it a tug to make sure the lock engaged before heading down the long carpeted hall toward the back of the club and the exit to the rear lot where she’d parked her car. The music pumped through the hallway, the bass making the walls and floor vibrate with the current song playing. She bent her head down as she rummaged through her purse for the key fob to her car. Upon turning the corner, she stumbled across the very situation she’d feared might happen.

  The new bouncer, hired by her boss as a favor to a friend, was a pain in her ass. She didn’t trust him. In fact, she was absolutely sure he was harassing some of the staff, though none of the girls had come to her about it yet. She hadn’t been sure exactly how far he was taking things until she glanced up and caught him trying to force one of the girls onto her knees in front of him.

  “What the hell is going on here?” she yelled, trying to be heard over the music.

  Neither of them looked her way as they engaged in a struggle all their own.

  “Marcus!” Skye yelled at the bouncer as she dropped her purse and rushed toward them.

  It was like watching something in slow motion. The girl shook her head no as he grabbed her by the hair, jerking her back and saying something that made her flinch, something Skye only caught the tail end of.

  “Fuck you so hard you’re going to scream,” Marcus said.

  “Take your hands off of her,” Skye demanded, finally reaching them.

  Marcus turned and briefly met her gaze. He looked pissed as hell. “This is a private matter,” he grunted out. He threw a look at the woman he held. “Isn’t it?”

  The girl, the same one she’d caught him pinning to the wall once before, whimpered.

  “One word,” Skye informed her, though her gaze stayed on Marcus. “That’s all I need from you, and his ass is out of here. Just tell me he’s threatening you. I promise, he won’t touch you again.”

  “I wouldn’t go making promises you can’t keep,” Marcus grunted.

  “I don’t. If she says yes, you’ll be out of here so quickly your head will spin.”

  “You’re forgetting your place. You didn’t hire me.”

  “But I’ll certainly be the one to fire you.” She glanced at the waitress. “One word,” she urged. “That’s all I need.”

  Skye watched as the younger woman took a deep breath and seemed to find her courage.

  Skye knew she’d won as soon as the girl straightened her shoulders and glared at Marcus. “Yes, he’s been threatening me.”

  “Marcus, you’re fired. I’d say I’m sorry it ended this way, but we both know I’d be lying.”

  “You won’t get away with this, you fucking cunt!” His face reddened, but with his attention fully on her now, the other woman managed to slip away and practically flew down the hall toward the staff lounge.

  “Bring it,” Skye taunted, holding her hands out and flicking her fingers toward herself in invitation.

  She’d been ready for this confrontation almost since the day he’d sauntered in and told her he was the new bouncer. She couldn’t wait to tell her boss she’d been right on this one. She had no doubt he’d back her decision. He might have hired him as a favor, but Marcus had to prove he was worthy of the job. He hadn’t. Instead, the club could be facing a huge sexual harassment charge.

  He lowered his head and charged at her like a bull. It was a wonder he’d survived this far with his level of stupidity. She sidestepped, turned and used his momentum against him to help him kiss the wall. He roared, and both hands came up. As he turned, she could tell by the flow of red his nose had taken the brunt of the hit.

  He swiped his arm across his face, spreading the blood and giv
ing him a macabre look. “You’re going to pay for that, bitch!”

  She just grinned, feeling more alive than she had in a long time. God, a good fight was as satisfying as a good fuck. Her adrenaline was high, and she was more than ready for whatever his next move was. She was completely focused on him. Her quick maneuverability was her greatest asset. If Marcus got his hands on her, he’d do damage just from his size. Fortunately, she’d been trained by one of the best, and stupid hadn’t been in the handbook.

  He roared and came at her again, fist cocked back in preparation to strike. She was set, and ready, then out of nowhere, she was shoved aside as another of her bouncers, Adrian, stepped between them. Two hits and Marcus was down for the count.

  “I wanted to do that,” Skye said with just a touch of sulkiness.

  Adrian laughed. “I taught you to be smart, Skye. Accept help when it’s offered.”

  She sighed and nodded her head. He was right.

  “Want me to pick him up and toss him out?”

  Skye glanced at Marcus then swept her gaze down the hall toward the employee lounge where several of the staff were openly watching. She had to do this right, by the book.

  “No, we’ll hold him for now. I’m calling the police, pressing charges against him.”

  It was what needed to be done, but damn if it didn’t ruin her night. Now she’d have to call Deja and Melda and let them know what was going on. Then she’d have to urge them not to come down to the club. Who knew how long she’d be stuck here dealing with this. Girls’ night was off her agenda for tonight.

  She grabbed her stuff from where she’d dropped it and headed back to her office. Stepping inside, she flipped the light and moved to her desk where the phone sat. She took a deep breath, attempting to calm her heart rate, then dialed the police station. A few minutes later, she hung up and called Adrian to let him know officers were on the way. She should really head down to the bar now. She needed to be there when the cops arrived. But she still had to call her sisters. She leaned back, snatched her cell and opened her contacts. She meant to call Deja, if she didn’t, they’d be arriving soon, as well. But it wasn’t her sister’s number she called. It was another. One that had her breathless before he even answered the phone.


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