Drawing the Devil

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Drawing the Devil Page 16

by Jon Keys

  Dustin locked his body, digging his foot into the bull’s thick hide. His thighs burned with exertion when he caught a break. Diablo paused for a heartbeat, and Dustin lurched back into his seat. A smile crept across his face as the eight-second buzzer sounded and the crowd thundered with applause.

  Triumph flooded him. Loosening his grip on the rope, he used the animal’s next jump to launch himself. His arc carried him through the air to land lightly on his feet, pumping his arms at the raucous crowd.

  Relief flooded Shane, and his legs felt like jelly by the time the buzzer sounded. He could appreciate Dustin’s bravado-filled dismount. He was thrilled as Dustin basked in the glory of his ride, but motion drew his eye to the side. Diablo had apparently decided Dustin didn’t need to bask in the glow.

  Shane screamed, “Incoming!” and launched toward Diablo. He caught a flurry of movement in his peripheral vision. Damn! Be Dustin hauling ass to the fence. Please!

  The bull paused, his brindled hide twitching, as he swung his blunt horns from side to side. His snort sounded across the arena as he considered Shane and then launched a jet of dust into the air with his hoof. An instant later, Shane was dismissed, and the bull spun toward Dustin.

  Shane’s stomach knotted at the sight of the massive animal speeding toward Dustin. The fence became the ultimate goal for one enraged bull, two bullfighters and one bull rider who was running like a rabbit.

  Shane’s heart plummeted; Dustin wouldn’t reach the fence in time. Dammit! You’re not going to get Dustin. Shane launched himself in a repeat of his maneuver from months before. But the gods of the arena didn’t grant him favor this time.

  As Shane launched himself over Diablo, the bull swung his head violently. His forearm-thick horn connected with Shane’s jaw, and a thousand stars exploded in Shane’s vision. The world reeled away as he fell, never knowing when he hit the ground.

  “OhmyGod, ohmyGod, ohmyGod. Shane, wake up. Wake up. Please.”

  Shane slowly cracked open his eyes to the bright light. A quick glance told him he was with the medics. A second look revealed an EMT bustling around the room while a second flashed a light in his eyes. Dustin hadn’t stopped his chant. Shane ran his tongue over dry lips.

  “Dustin. Hush,” he said.

  His brief statement caused everyone to do the same thing—converge on him. One of the medics forced Dustin away while the other pushed, prodded and shined lights into every opening in Shane’s head. But after a litany of questions, she rocked back and patted Shane’s forearm.

  “Looks like you’re going to be fine, but since you were out so long, I’d recommend an X-ray.”

  Shane sat up, testing each muscle and joint until he agreed, no serious damage. “Everything’s okay. I have to go back.”

  The medic shook her head. “I can’t stop you. You damn rodeo idiots.”

  Shane signed the paperwork stuck in front of him as Dustin clung to his side. He handed everything back to the EMT and looked at Dustin. “There’re only a couple more riders. I’m not hurt, just a headache. I’ll be fine.”

  “You sure? I heard what she said. Don’t be stupid. It scared the shit out of me when you didn’t wake right up.”

  “Come on, help me up. You can stand on the sidelines and worry about me for a change.” He leaned closer to whisper to Dustin, “I think you earned that reward we talked about too.”

  Confused for a few seconds, Dustin beamed at Shane. “Yeah, and you make damn sure I get it.”

  Shane lay in the hot tub with Dustin against his chest. The hot swirling water worked miracles on his sore muscles. After the finals ended, Dustin had splurged and rented a room with a Jacuzzi. They both were taking full advantage of all the perks of the high-end hotel.

  “I could get used to this.”

  “Hmm.” Dustin turned and touched his lips to Shane’s. “Yeah, I could too. Makes me feel pretty lazy.”

  Shane caressed Dustin’s torso. The heat of his desire for Dustin was far greater than the heat of the water. He hesitated, not wanting another argument, especially when their relationship was working again. But he decided it was like pulling out a sandbur—the quicker the better.

  Their eyes met. “Are you pissed off about not winning?” Shane asked.

  Dustin considered and then shrugged. “Well, I’m not thrilled. I wanted to win, and I did ride that damn Diablo today. But a bunch of people want to sponsor me now. So, no more living out of your tiny little trailer. I’ll try again next year. Apparently, they’re all fuckin’ amazed that I got as far as this when I’m only twenty-one.” Dustin studied Shane. “Are you disappointed? Your bad-ass bull-rider boyfriend didn’t win.”

  “You placed in the top few riders almost every round, won a couple and came out with the second-highest earnings your first time at the finals. I’m proud as hell of you!”

  Dustin beamed and leaned against Shane’s chest, pressing their lips together. “Good. I’d never want to disappoint you.”

  Shane wrapped his hand around the back of Dustin’s neck and pulled them together for a heated kiss. They separated with a soft pop. “Never gonna happen.”

  They floated blissfully in the hot water, touching gently as the warmth soaked the aches of the day away. Shane sat up and ran his hand over Dustin’s body. Looking into his sparkling blue eyes, he felt lucky to have found the love of his life. I’m sure I haven’t finished dealing with all my crap. With Dustin here, everything will be fine. He seems to always be able to snap me out of my moodiness. He kissed the edge of Dustin’s ear, then whispered, “I ordered us some snacks while you showered. Let’s see if they got it right.”

  Dustin nodded, climbed out of the tub and grabbed a towel to dry himself. Shane followed closely, enjoying the sight of Dustin’s nude body within touching distance. He saw the crystalline drops that studded Dustin’s shoulders, and toweled him off. Dustin sighed when Shane ran the towel over his butt. He spread his legs and grabbed the side of the tub when the cloth ran along the inside of his thighs. Dustin’s heat-stretched nut sac rubbed against the plush towel, and Shane wrapped the cloth around them, drying the sensitive skin.

  Dustin’s erection tucked tight against his stomach when he took the towel from Shane. “My turn. Turn around.”

  Shane winked, eager to feel Dustin’s touch. The soft towel skated over his shoulders as Dustin blotted the moisture. He swiped between Shane’s ass cheeks. Dustin slid his hands around Shane’s waist and cupped his package.

  “Food. Food first,” Shane said.

  “All I need is your sausage,” Dustin teased.

  “Yeah, but not very fill— Well, you can’t actually eat— Oh shut up!”

  Dustin walked toward the room-service cart. As he moved past, Shane yanked the towel from Dustin’s trim waist. “Oh no, mister. You’re the one who likes to be naked all the time.”

  Soft laughter drifted back as Dustin shook his ass. “Works for me. Come on, I’m hungry. What did you get us?”

  “Lift off the big cover.”

  Dustin lifted his eyebrows and then uncovered the largest dish.

  “Fuck yes! Strawberries and chocolate. I love strawberries and chocolate.” He wrapped Shane in a tight hug. “You remembered!”

  Shane gave him a gentle kiss. “Give it a try. The guy said they were ‘fabulous’.”

  Dustin grabbed one of the golf-ball-size strawberries by its long stem, ran it through the chocolate sauce and lifted it to his mouth. Dustin bit into the flesh of the ripe berry. He chewed quickly, his tongue darting out to catch a drop on his lip. A second bite finished off the massive fruit, and Dustin licked his fingers clean. His face radiated happiness. “Oh hell, that’s good shit. Here. Try one!”

  Dustin dredged another berry across the thick sauce and lifted it to Shane’s lips. The aroma of chocolate, mixed with Dustin’s fresh clean musk, sent tingles into Shane’s system.
His teeth pierced the ripe berry, and sweet flavors flooded his mouth. The rich chocolate mixed quickly with the fruit and swept through Shane’s senses. As the flavors subsided, he realized Dustin’s palm had a pool of chocolate in its center.

  Cupping Dustin’s hand in his, Shane ran his tongue over Dustin’s palm for a taste of the sweet sauce. He focused on the Dustin-infused bits of chocolate until a low mewling came from him. Dustin panted softly, his cock pumping out strands of precome. Shane ran his finger through the sauce and smeared it over Dustin’s hard nipple. He dove in to lick the small erect point.

  “Ah, fuck! That’s good.”

  Shane smeared Dustin’s other nipple with sauce, then cleaned it with his tongue and lips. Dustin shook with each pass. His moans of appreciation rapidly increased in volume. Shane threw Dustin across his shoulder and carried him to bed. He slapped Dustin’s bare ass, then tossed him to the mattress. Dustin pushed himself up to stare at Shane.

  “So. You’re in charge tonight. What’d you have planned?” Shane asked.

  Dustin leered. “More chocolate licking.”

  Shane grabbed the container of chocolate and crawled between Dustin’s legs. Never taking his eyes from Dustin, he again trailed a finger through the rich sauce. Once it was covered in dark deliciousness, he spread a line on the underside of Dustin’s rock-hard cock. His tongue danced along its length until Dustin arched his body in pleasure. Smearing more chocolate around the deep red crown, Shane popped it into his mouth like a sucker. When he repeatedly dragged his tongue over Dustin’s slit, a pair of hands suddenly restrained him.

  “Stop! I’m gonna shoot, and I don’t want to yet.”

  Shane ran his fingers over Dustin’s balls, then tugged on them. “What do you want, then?”

  Dustin lifted himself to his elbows. “My turn.” He took the chocolate from Shane and crawled until their crotches pressed against each other, their wet, hard lengths sliding together. His eyelids fluttered shut as Shane reveled in the ecstatic feelings that washed over him.

  The scent of chocolate flooded his senses. His eyes snapped open as Dustin traced his sauce-covered finger over Shane’s lips, where he kissed and worked his tongue carefully until he’d recovered every drop. Then, to Shane’s shock, the chocolate-coated finger traced the scar down his face. He started to protest, and then realized the feelings Dustin brought out were anything but unpleasant. With each swipe of Dustin’s tongue, Shane’s feelings about the scar twisted and transformed. His mind came to understand that the mark was just a part of him, not the thing that defined his life. The exact thing Dustin had been trying to tell him since summer.

  When Dustin loaded another finger, Shane intercepted it and guided the coated digit to his mouth. He nursed the chocolate from the finger, then began licking and nipping at it like a small cock. Dustin ran his finger over Shane’s teeth. Dustin leaned in and kissed Shane, grabbing his lip between his teeth before releasing it and sitting back with a smile.

  “Ever fucked anyone wearing chaps?” Dustin asked.

  Shane propped himself on his elbows. “Seriously? You wanna try it?”

  Dustin ground against Shane’s cock with small circles of his ass. “Yeah. It sounds hot.” Dustin paused, suddenly doubtful. “Is that okay?”

  “The hottest dude I’ve ever seen wants me to fuck him with his riding chaps on, and is it okay? Oh, fuck yes!”

  Dustin jumped from the bed and to the small pile of clothes where his chaps lay. He quickly buckled on the custom-made leather. Shane ran his tongue over his lips at the sight of Dustin’s pale skin highlighted against the chaps. Dustin moved his round butt past Shane, and the scent of leather wafted over him, combining with Dustin’s spicy scent into a powerful aphrodisiac. The sight of Dustin’s hard cock jutting from the hand-tooled leather made Shane’s cock slap against his stomach.

  Dustin tugged at the fringe on his chaps. Every nerve in Shane’s body lit on fire for the man standing in front of him. “Holy shit. You’re smokin’ hot!”

  Dustin reached down and slowly stroked his cock. “Oh yeah? You think you’d like to tap this?”

  “Damn, babe. You have me ready to come just from looking at you.” Shane picked up the bottle of lube, but Dustin had a peculiar expression on his face.

  “What?” Shane asked.


  Shane realized Dustin wanted to try something new. “Spit it out. I bet I’ll like it.”

  “I thought. Maybe. You’d like to watch?” Dustin made a vague motion at the lube.

  Shane shuffled through the words, taking some time to understand the offer. His mouth crept into a leer, and he tossed the bottle to Dustin. “Fuck yeah! I’d love to watch.”

  Dustin grinned from ear to ear and skittered across the bed. He leaned against the headboard and spread his legs. Shane lay across the foot of the bed, teasing his cock and balls, ready to enjoy the show. Dustin popped open the lube and squeezed a blob onto the tips of his fingers. He lowered them between his legs and smeared the gel up and down his crack. After the cleft of his ass was covered, he eased his middle finger inside.

  “Oh fuck. That’s nice. What do you think?” Dustin asked.

  Shane rubbed precome over the head of his cock, forcing himself to stop before he lost it. “Oh God, Dustin. You look so fuckin’ hot.”

  Dustin added another finger with a gasp. Burying them in his ass, Dustin sighed. “Oh man, a little burn now. But I need to get ready for that curved monster of yours.”

  Shane kissed the inside of Dustin’s knee. “You’re hot as fuck. Don’t get too carried away, though.”

  “Little less porn talk, huh?”

  “Just a touch.”

  Dustin’s eyes closed as he squirmed around his fingers.

  Shane moved closer, the wet sound of Dustin fingering himself a siren’s call. The scent of earth, musk and sex whirled in an intoxicating blend. Dustin’s fingers slid out. He added more lube to his hand and plunged three fingers into his ass. Shane ran his fingers over Dustin’s leather-covered legs, moistening his lips as he stared at Dustin.

  Dustin’s brow furrowed as he froze in place. “I’m kinda tight. It’s been a few days.”

  Shane stroked Dustin’s leg, his fingers toying with the thick fringe of the chaps. “Take your time. We’ve got all night.”

  “I don’t! I plan to get fucked soon.”

  Shane’s answering chuckle was cut short when Dustin’s head dropped back, and he pressed his fingers hard into himself. His breath was shallow and rapid by the time he repeated the performance a few times. Shane reached the edge of orgasm several times and was approaching it again when Dustin moaned out, “Fuck me! Ah shit. Fuck me now.”

  Shane scrambled to comply, grabbing the backs of Dustin’s thighs, lifting them and exposing his entrance. The smell of leather and sex bombarded him and shoved him again to the edge. His hands slid over the chaps as he folded Dustin in half.

  Dustin locked eyes with Shane and he recognized a similar hunger. He gasped as Shane pressed the head of his aching cock against Dustin’s slick hole. He glared at Shane. “Fuck me! Goddammit! Fuck me! Shove it in!”

  Dustin’s cries drove Shane forward. He flexed his ass, pressing himself into Dustin slowly, in spite of his cries for more. Soon his crotch ground against Dustin’s ass. Dustin’s body arced, his hands twisting and rubbing his own nipples. “Shit. So good.”

  Shane rubbed against him, the tight heat sending waves of pleasure through his body. His cock throbbed as Shane fought to hold out. Dustin backed toward him, wanting more. Unable to wait, Shane grabbed the leather chaps and slammed into Dustin.

  “Shit! Oh fuck!” Dustin groaned.

  Shane tried to hit Dustin’s prostate each time he slid inside. Dustin was reduced to inarticulate cries as Shane pounded him unmercifully. Every muscle in Shane’s body drove forward with each thrust. Dust
in’s ass constricted around Shane’s cock, and a guttural moan vibrated the walls.

  “Shit! Coming!”

  Dustin ground against Shane, his body shaking. He shot, covering them with jizz. Dustin shook under Shane as he emptied his balls onto them. The last shot oozed onto Dustin’s stomach, and he sagged against the bed.

  Shane pounded harder, racing toward his climax. Just when Shane thought his euphoria had peaked, a new level of intensive pleasure shot from his nipples. His eyes flew open to see Dustin’s fingers attached like a pair of jumper cables, and the electricity flowing through them would have started a semitruck. Shane pinned Dustin under him and emptied his nuts. The slick tunnel filled with Shane’s come as the wet sounds of amazing sex echoed in the room. His body shivered as the final wave rolled over him.

  “God, I love how you do my butt.”

  “I love you, Dustin.”

  Both men froze. Shock coursed through Shane, but he realized his statement was true. I do love Dustin.

  Dustin’s expression was pure joy. “Took you long enough. And I’m supposed to be the one who can’t focus.”

  Dustin locked his heels behind Shane’s thighs. “Don’t pull out. I want you in me forever.”

  Shane pressed his softening cock inward as the come he’d deposited began to leak out. “I don’t know about forever, but I love holding you after sex.”

  “Wow, you’re just slinging that ‘L’ word around now, aren’t you? I love snuggling too. And I love your come leaking down my crack.”

  Shane chuckled. “You’re a kinky little shit.”

  “Yeah, takes one to know one. Besides, you’re going to help me clean my good chaps. I can’t believe you fucked the come out of me.”

  “I can’t believe how loud you screamed. I’m sure the people next door heard it.”

  “Fuck it. Fuck them. Just cuddle with me and let me enjoy the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  Dustin arrived at Todd’s hotel room just after breakfast to find Todd in his wheelchair, an ornery expression plastered across his face. That meant he had something he could tease Dustin about. Judging from the size of the grin, this was a doozy.


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