In the Wolf's Tower

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In the Wolf's Tower Page 4

by Marie Medina

  He settled his body against a rock and laid his head down. A new thought was growing in his mind. His plans for revenge had been spoiled, but maybe, just maybe, his best revenge would be finding happiness with the child of the one who had destroyed his.

  Chapter Four

  Josette woke up feeling refreshed. She’d slept very well, and she hoped Marrok had as well. She hadn’t heard him howl at all. Was that because of her? She smiled at the thought. She blinked and rubbed her eyes, thinking how different everything looked today. As soon as he’d touched her, she’d expected her virginity was as good as gone. But he hadn’t claimed her. He’d only given her pleasure. He obviously valued her virginity more than she did at this point. Though she was still a little nervous, she had decided she would be more than willing when the time came.

  Marrok might not be a charming prince, but she’d never wanted to be with that kind of man anyway. She didn’t have a reputation to protect anymore either. She smiled to herself. Of all the things people might be whispering back at court, she doubted romance would be among them. She bathed and dressed quickly so she’d be ready when he unlocked her door. Or would he like finding her still in bed? She shook her head and laughed at herself as she combed her hair out. There was no reason to be so eager or to make a fool of herself just because a man had touched her.

  And made her have her very first orgasm. She had touched herself briefly as she bathed, but then she’d stopped, feeling a little uncertain. She smoothed her dress and went back down the ladder. If their relationship continued along the same lines, would she stay in the tower? Would he want her in his room, in his bed? Did he ever sleep in his bed? He had to sleep sometime, didn’t he?

  She heard the tumblers turning loudly as the door unlocked, and she moved toward the stairs. He met her halfway up and offered his arm.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  “Good morning.”

  “Did you sleep well?”

  She nodded. “Very well, but I’m sure you guessed as much.”

  “Any interesting dreams?”

  She faced him as they entered the kitchen. “Not a single one.”

  “We’ll see what we can do about that.”

  She stoked the fire in the oven and then began plucking the chicken. “Perhaps later. Right now I have work to do.”

  He watched her for a long time, and when she remained silent he chuckled. As he passed behind her, he said, “Come outside when you’re done. I have something to show you.”

  “All right. I will.” She didn’t turn until he was outside. “I’ll bet I know what it is,” she whispered to herself.

  She finished with the chicken and shoved it into the oven. She looked around for Rumpelstiltskin, but he was nowhere to be seen. She went outside and found Marrok sitting outside the door.

  “Well, what is it?”

  “Come with me.” He led her past the stables and toward the woods. Did he want to have sex out there? He did say he wasn’t in the habit of deflowering women in sitting rooms, but how was the forest any better?

  “Where are we going?” She tried to slow him down so she could look around. The trees and plants were beautiful, and she saw lots of plants and flowers she’d never seen before.

  “I found something last night. I want to show you.” He stopped and actually sniffed the air around them before pulling her deeper under the canopy of trees.


  He turned and cast her a mysterious smile. “You thought I meant to ravage you in the woods?”


  He pulled her close. “You only need say the word, but I’d much rather be in a bed when that happens.”

  She loved the feel of his body pressed against hers, but she only nodded and said, “I’ll let you know then.”

  He laughed and kissed her hand before pulling her along. “I thought I would absolutely hate you. That’s why I put you in the tower.”

  “You did? Why?”

  “So I could keep you locked away if you annoyed me.”

  “You could have sent me back. Or killed me.”

  He stopped again and rounded on her. “You believe I could do that so easily?”

  She could see the hurt in his eyes along with a hint of anger. “I…no, I was just talking. Rambling. I do that.”

  “Were you?”


  He nodded, though he released her hand and his pleasant mood did not return. He searched her eyes. “I would never do that. Never.”

  “I’m sorry, Marrok.”

  “It’s probably best for you to think of me that way, actually. You might be safer keeping your distance.” He began walking again.

  She hurried to catch up with him. “What did you want to show me?”

  He kept walking and then pulled her down behind a log. He pointed. She followed his finger and saw a rabbit in the distance. It went down into a burrow, and then it popped up again. Then she noticed something else moving. She squinted and saw baby rabbits hopping around too.

  She smiled and laughed. “They’re precious! You found them last night? While you were changed?”

  He busied himself adjusting his cuffs. “Yes.”

  And he hadn’t hurt them. She felt horrible. “You wouldn’t even harm those tiny creatures when you were a wolf, and here I am accusing you of being capable of murder.”

  He smiled, but it looked forced to her. “You were just rambling.”

  She touched his hand. “I’m sorry. Thank you for showing me.” She leaned forward and kissed him. He remained still as her lips brushed his. She licked her lips and pressed them to his again, and this time he responded. He took her by the shoulders and parted her lips with his tongue. He explored her mouth so thoroughly she wanted him to explore other parts of her, but then he pulled away.

  “You’d best get back. Wouldn’t want Rumpelstiltskin angry with us.” He rose and started walking further into the woods. “A delivery should arrive this morning. I would prefer it if you didn’t let him see you.”

  “Okay. I’ll be careful.” She watched him walking away. Why did it matter? Everyone in the kingdom probably knew. Or was she thinking too much of herself? Maybe she wasn’t good enough to gossip about. She shrugged and began walking back.

  She felt confused about what had just happened. He’d obviously shown her the rabbits to please her, so why was he leaving her and tramping off into the woods? Why kiss her like that and then pull away? She wondered if their relationship would always be this confusing and complicated. She didn’t see why it had to be. She was there of her own free will, and she wasn’t exactly rejecting his advances. Tonight? Maybe not. Tomorrow?

  She heard a rustle and saw Rumpelstiltskin bound out of a bush. He fell into step beside her. “Good morning, sir. How are you?”

  He looked up at her but didn’t meow. He simply trotted along beside her. She laughed, assuming all he cared about was her preparing his breakfast.

  * * * *

  “Holy hell, who are you?”

  Josette cursed silently and turned to see a very handsome man placing two bags in a wooden box outside the fence.

  “Hello, I’m—” She stopped herself, a plan forming in her mind. “Marrok’s wife.” She walked forward and extended her hand.

  He jumped away from her. “What? But you’re dead!”

  She went all the way to the fence and extended her hand as far as she could. “His new wife. Josette.”

  The man still looked scared, but he came forward and shook her hand. “Hello. I’m Philip.” He looked around as if he expected Marrok to come around the corner any moment. “You’re married to him?”

  She nodded, happy her plan seemed to be working. “Yes.” He didn’t like people being afraid of him, but if he had a wife who appeared both normal and happy? They might all fear him a lot less in time if this man kept reporting that a young woman was not only safe in his castle but happy and willingly joined to him for life. The tiny stretching of the truth might
annoy him, but surely he’d get over it. Rumors of a wife had to be better than rumors of a captive princess.

  “He lets you roam around alone?”

  “Of course.”

  “You don’t want to run away?”

  “We’re married. Why would I run away from him?”

  The man looked completely confounded. “I must be dreaming.”

  “You aren’t. I promise.”

  He attempted a smile, but he still looked nervous. “You love him?” he asked quietly.

  Well, no, but anything’s possible. She smiled at him. “Of course I do!”

  “It’s okay for me to talk to you?”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?” Marrok had said he didn’t want the man to see her, but it seemed best to talk to him once he had. Otherwise, she had no way of knowing what he might say after he left.

  “I wouldn’t want to anger him.”

  “It’ll be fine. I’ll speak to him if he’s upset.”

  He looked her up and down and laughed. He extended his hand to her this time, and when she offered hers he kissed it. “You are a brave lady, and I salute you!”

  She laughed. “Why, thank you, but I’m really not—” She stopped talking when his hand tightened around hers like a vice. Then she heard the growling.

  The man jerked his hand back and jumped onto his horse, racing away. She turned and saw an enormous wolf standing behind her. He was almost as large a Marrok was as a man, and he continued to growl at her with his fangs bared.

  Did he recognize her? Why was he a wolf now? She had to make him understand.

  “Marrok, it’s not his fault. I didn’t know he would be here. I came around the corner, and there he was!”

  He continued to growl, circling her. She stood perfectly still, her heart pounding.

  “Marrok, please, I’m sorry,” she said softly.

  He pounced on her from behind, and she screamed, but no sound came out as he’d completely knocked the wind out of her. He was so heavy she couldn’t breathe. He growled in her ear, and she’d never been so scared in all her life. Then he sniffed her hair and threw his head back to howl.

  She tried to say his name, but she couldn’t. He backed off of her, but she stayed still. She finally lifted her head after seeing him run off into the woods. She rolled onto her back and tried to catch her breath, hot tears flowing down her cheeks. Why was he so angry? What would he do when he came back?

  * * * *

  Marrok ran as fast as he could. He wanted to taste Philip’s blood. He wanted to rip Josette’s clothes off and claim her as his own. His mate. She hadn’t been able to resist the temptation of charming the very first man she saw. Why had he thought she was different? Now that she knew her own power and how she could enslave a man to her will she craved that feeling. And why not? A woman as beautiful as she was could have a dozen men at her feet. Why would she want him now that she knew that? He howled.

  Why had he brought her here? Why had he allowed himself to feel hope simply because she was witty and intelligent? His lust and need grew as he raced to the stream. He stood on the banks howling to ease his pain. If he went back now, he’d likely kill her. He had to calm himself. He only needed to make her see that she was his. He would not harm her, but she would not disobey him again once he was done with her. Tonight she would learn that his castle had one master and would never again have a deceitful, whoring mistress.

  * * * *

  Josette paced, both worried and frightened. Marrok had been howling all day long. When would he return? It was almost ten. Should she go to her room? Would he return to lock her in, or would she lay awake all night fearing his return in wolf form? She stroked Rumpelstiltskin when he jumped on the table. He kept looking at her as if she were mad. He flicked his gaze up at her as he cleaned his paws.

  “I wish you could talk. Why is he so angry?”

  “If you have to ask, you need to be taught a lesson even more than I thought.”

  She jumped at the cold, harsh tone of his voice. “Then tell me. I’m sorry he saw me, but it seemed worse to walk away without saying a word and let him go spread rumors around the village.”

  He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her from the room. He yanked open the tower door and dragged her up the stairs. Was he going to lock her in for longer than usual?

  “Marrok. Tell me what I did wrong.”

  He hurled her onto the bed and pinned her there. “You threw yourself at the first man you saw.” He pulled away and began rummaging through the drawers of one of the desks.

  “What? I did not! I saw him and introduced myself to him. I told him—” She shut her mouth. Now was probably the worst time to tell him what she’d said.

  He turned to her with two lengths of rope in his hands. He jerked her to him and pressed her onto the bed facedown. She was too stunned to stop him, and then she realized he was tying her to the bedposts.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in a shaky voice.

  “Tying you down.”


  He pushed her hair out of the way so she could see him and he could press his lips to her ear. “You need to learn who is master here. I was a fool to let you weaken me the way you did.”

  Weaken him? What was he talking about? “I don’t understand.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “You’re going to be even angrier.”

  “I’ll get it out of you one way or another.”

  What did he mean by that? “I thought I was helping. You said it bothers you that everyone fears you. So I told him I was your wife. I smiled and laughed and acted like I was the happiest, luckiest girl in the world.”

  “And you thought he would believe you?”

  “He did believe me! But then you scared the hell out of him.”

  “Well, my girl, there will still be rumors enough. The Wolf has a new bride, they’ll all say. She’s beautiful, so he’ll surely be cuckolded again in no time!”

  He undid his belt and jerked it off. He was going to rape her? He’d kissed her so sweetly that morning, and now this? She began to tremble as she tugged at the ropes and squeezed her eyes shut.

  He laughed. “You won’t get free, my dear.” He lifted her dress and tore her underwear away. The roar that came from his throat made her whimper in fright. Then he cracked the belt in his hands.

  She opened her eyes. “You’re going to beat me?” Why had she assumed rape would be his only form of punishment?

  He rested the leather against her backside and let it caress her. “I’m going to spank you.”


  “You heard me. You have to learn to obey me.”

  “I will! I promise!”

  “I’ve been thinking about this all day, and you won’t deny me!”

  “Please, Marrok, please!”

  He let his hand rest against her bare bottom, and then he threw the belt onto the bed. Had he changed his mind? Would he untie her?

  “Marrok, I—”

  Her words caught in her throat as he slapped his hand against her ass.

  “Mmmm. I think I’ll enjoy this more.” He slapped her again, harder than before, and her skin burned under his hand. He massaged her cheek for a moment, and then brought two blows down on the other cheek.

  “I’m not a murderer. Or a rapist.” He struck her again. “That’s what you thought, isn’t it? You thought I would punish you by raping you, didn’t you?”

  She remained silent, and he struck again.

  “Answer me!”

  “Yes! You tied me down and put me in this position. What else could I expect?”

  “I expected you to trust me.”

  “Trust a man who’d just tied me down? How dare you! You expected me to trust you while in this position, bound and exposed? You did not trust me to stand five feet from another man and have a conversation!”

  He let his hand come down on her bottom four times.

  “Nothing happened! You’re a jealous fool!”
r />   He let his hand come down on her over and over again. She gripped the ropes with her hands, but she didn’t struggle anymore. She might not be able to sit for a week, but somehow she didn’t care. A moan escaped her lips before she could stop it.

  He stopped, and she could hear his heavy breathing. She moved her legs and felt something wet. Her sex was dripping with moisture, and when she clenched herself a very pleasing sensation rippled through her.

  “Perhaps I am a fool,” he said, letting his fingers trail over her bottom. “Especially for staying in this room right now.”

  She turned her head to try to look at him. “Don’t you dare leave me like this!”

  One finger traveled down her wet slit, and she gasped. Two of his fingers circled around her swollen nub, and she felt the bliss in every inch of her body. He stroked her slit, up and down, for a long time. Leaning over, pressing his hot body against hers, he kissed her shoulder. The gentleness of the gesture surprised her.

  “Damn you if you don’t become more enthralling by the minute.” He nipped at her neck. “You enjoyed that. You’re primed and ready. You need to be filled.”

  She tried to ignore the ache between her legs. “Not like this. Please.”

  He growled. “You’d try to patience of a saint.” He planted more soft, heated kisses over her flesh. “Very well, but I can’t leave you in this kind of need.”

  After sliding both of his fingers into her, he drew in a breath, and then let it out in a soft groan of pleasure.

  The sound excited her, and she couldn’t speak as he explored her. His long fingers went deep, and he began to rub them in a circle. She tightened her grip on the ropes.

  “Is that the spot, my dear?” he whispered in her ear. “Or do you need more?” He lowered himself to his knees, and she could feel his hot breath on her. His fingers twisted inside of her, and she cried out when his mouth locked onto her clitoris. The combined sensations sent her soaring, and she writhed on the bed.

  She came, and the pleasure took her to new heights. She moaned as she enjoyed the release, but his mouth didn’t let up. Pleasure mixed with pain, as it had when he’d spanked her, and she tried to wiggle away. He pushed his fingers as deep as he could and took her clitoris between his teeth. Her body jerked with the force of another orgasm, and she screamed his name. He removed his fingers and spread her sex, licking her repeatedly.


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