Tania (Scarlet Empires Book 2)

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Tania (Scarlet Empires Book 2) Page 5

by Daniela Jackson

  “What is beer?”

  “It’s similar to the piwosa the poorest of Zaria drink.”

  “Piwosa is horrible. Stinky and bitter. My father sometimes drinks it, but I prefer his wine.”

  “No, it’s good. I like it. You just need to get used to it.”


  I rise on my tiptoes and plant a kiss on his neck. He shivers at my touch. A fucking good feeling. I slip my hand under his jeans and stroke his erection.

  Wuylir’s eyes roll back as his face sharpens.

  Yes, we can have fun now and try beer later.

  I free his hard cock and lower to my knees, taking him into my mouth. His shaft pulses so I know he’s on the brink. He strokes my hair and drives his cock deep into my mouth, making me gag.

  “Good,” he rasps. “So good.”

  I bob my head on his shaft, making him growl. The muscles on his thighs become taut, as his breath turns heavy.

  He hooks me under my arms, turns me and moves me towards the table, grabbing a jar with something white and solid inside. We bend over the top as I hear a click and Wuylir lowers my tights and panties. He spreads some thick substance around my tight hole. I shiver in anticipation. My body craves for his cock to fill my tight hole. Wuylir pushes his finger in and stretches me. I moan as my pussy clenches around nothing.

  Wuylir pulls his finger out and then drives his cock into my tight hole, balls deep. I whimper at the pain. It’s like a knife is slicing me. Like a real fire is raging inside me. Wuylir grips the back of my neck and holds me in place as his cock slips in and out. There’s pain until there’s pleasure. Our fingers lace, as he fucks me harder, and every stroke of his cock makes me rise higher and higher.

  I tremble violently, screaming my satisfaction, and he comes just after me, moaning his orgasm.

  “I love you so much Tania.”


  I fuck her twice a day. Everything is like a hot impatience, like bliss—her smile, her touch, her twitters. We cook together. We sleep together. We kiss all the time.

  It’s been a month and a half since I brought her here. I’ve been waiting patiently for her permission to claim her virginity, but she’s adamant.

  I’m a mad man. My mind is focused only on getting inside her cunt.

  Her tight and hot ass is good enough. Tania is getting used to my cock inside her tight channel. I’ve had her bent over the table, on all fours, with her hands against the wall. I’m dreaming of putting my baby into her womb though. I want to make her mine. Only mine. I want a family. Kids are part of that need.

  We’re sauntering along the beach.

  “Can I ask you something?” Tania says.


  “My family… I mean my mom would feel so much better if she could live on Earth. Zaria is not good for her health at all.”

  “The castle is big enough. But—“

  She throws her arms around my neck and brings my lips down to hers. “You’re so sweet. I love you.”

  My glance meets hers. Her eyes have those mischievous yellow flickers I’m gonna love for eternity.

  “Can we go and bring them all to your castle now? Please, Wuylir, I can’t wait to have them all in here.”

  “As you wish.”

  “Love you. Love you, you big naughty god.”

  Right. That’s not the plan, but my wife wants her family around her so I can’t refuse her. I don’t want to refuse her anything. I want to fuck her properly at last. I can’t stop thinking about driving my cock into her virgin cunt.

  I take her back to the castle. Then we use the portal in the library, and we find ourselves in front of Nassara.


  At first, I think Wuylir has made a mistake. Chaos is surrounding me, but then all the familiar details emerge from it. Nassara is burning, the thick streaks of smoke causing me to bend with a coughing fit.

  “What is happening?” I rasp.

  My eyes sting. My lungs sting. I choke and retch.

  “I don’t know.” Wuylir grips my arm, nervousness in his voice.

  Two figures emerge from the wall of smoke, and I recognise them as my sister, Isabella, and Arnau. Isabella’s eyes meet mine, and she freezes with her hands raised as though she wants to catch something.

  “Tania,” she gasps. Her eyes travel to Wuylir. “You… You… murderer. Kidnapper.” She raises her hands even higher as though she wants to claw Wuylir’s eyes out.

  Arnau braces her chest with his arms and immobilises her. “Isabella, don’t.”

  She pulls herself together in an instant as though Arnau’s voice has control, authority over her. He’s always been a good influence on her, and Isabella has always had loads of respect for him.

  “I’m fine, Isabella,” I say. “Wuylir is my husband, and I love him. You don’t need to kill him. He’s family.”

  “He…” Isabella gasps. “He’s one of them.”

  “He is not,” I say. “He’s on our side, believe me.”

  Her eyes flutter, and she nods. We never lie to each other. We trust each other.

  I see my mother and father moving towards us. The smoke slithers around them like snakes. My mother is holding a baby against her chest whilst my other sister, Maya, and Arnau’s son, Tancred, are following my father.

  “What is happening?” I ask. “Nassara—“

  “We have to go,” my father says, his tone commanding.

  “I need to destroy the portal panel in the abbey,” Wuylir says. “If they find it, they’ll be able to track you.”

  “We have to go, Wuylir,” my father says. “They are after you too. There’s no time for any fucking portals or anything else.”

  “No,” Wuylir protests. “The portal has your genetic data so you all can travel with me. I need to destroy it. Or they’ll find you.”

  “They’re gonna kill you if they catch you,” my father says.

  “I suspect they could do something worse to me,” Wuylir says. “I’ll join you where exactly?” He steps back.

  “In Arnau’s homeland,” my father says. “This is the safest place on the Continent to seek refuge in.”

  “I’ll find it,” Wuylir says and bows his head at my father.

  “Tania, we have to go,” Isabella says as she extends her arm towards me and waves her hand.

  I step back and grab my husband’s hand the moment he touches the broche on his chest. A blue mist envelops us.

  “Tania, I’ll fucking smack your ass,” Wuylir growls, anger and dread mixing in his voice.

  I sway. My mind whirls. Smoke invades my nostrils and irritates my lungs. I can see all shades of suffocating greyness. A strong hand clasps mine.

  “We have to hurry,” Wuylir says and drags me forward.

  The smoke is so dense that I can’t see anything. We enter what seems to be a room, and I watch my husband’s blurry frame moving around what seems to be a desk. A coughing fit claws at me, and I bend, almost spitting my lungs out. A sharp sound whips my ears, and I realise Wuylir is breaking something. Small items clatter against the floor and more bangs follow. The smoke thins and forms a delicate wall against the doorway. Wuylir grabs my hand.

  “Done,” he says. “We have to go. And we have to hurry.”

  Something is wrong.

  The hairs on my back rise.

  My heart stops beating.

  Five figures pop out of the wall of smoke. Ice covers my heart and squeezes it to the point of excruciating pain. They’re five gods. Five enemies.

  “Don’t you fucking dare touch her,” Wuylir rumbles and he throws himself at them.

  Something jabs my thigh. I feel dizzy. Wuylir’s desperate growl fills my ears, and I fall down into nauseating darkness.

  Chapter 7


  I wake up as my mind spins out of control. The motherfuckers drugged me.

  I sit up abruptly, accompanied by a clinking sound, and I black out for a split second. Dread fills my veins—I can’t sense
Tania around me.

  I’m gonna kill them all.

  I yank my right hand, but a force yanks it back. Something digs into my wrist. My eyes travel to my hand and I see a cuff around my wrist. I check my other wrist, and it’s cuffed too. My eyes roam over my surroundings. I’m in the abbey’s dungeons, chained to the wall. A metal door with a thin strip that exudes a dim light is the only interruption to the glassy blackness of my cell. It is as though I’m inside a ball.

  I’m fucked. Tania is in danger.

  The door swishes open, and a slim female figure walks in.

  My eyes meet hers. I can’t breathe for an instant. Then rage fills me. I want to kill.

  “You bitch,” I say. “You fucking bitch.”

  Fyslene smirks at me. “Always so rude. I hate rude men, you know. I like well-mannered men with soft hands.”

  I yank my wrist, but the chain immobilises me. “I fucking killed you, bitch. Why are you not dead? You should be dead.”

  “You can’t kill me, you silly little boy,” Fyslene says with amusement. “Not with a little sword.” She makes a dramatic movement like she’s putting a dagger into her own heart, and she laughs. “I’m one of the Councillors. The Fourth One to be precise. I can’t be killed. I’m balance. I’m law. You can’t kill balance.” She leans against the wall. “We saw rebellious traits in your aura so we decided to teach you a lesson.” She shakes her head and flashes me a smile of pity. “You think I was in love with you? I wasn’t. I’m repulsed by you. I’m repulsed by your peasant kin even more.”

  “I don’t give a fuck, Fyslene.”

  “I was designated to that assignment,” she continues, her voice sharper, kind of hysterical. “This was a job, Wuylir. And you did what we had predicted that you’d do. We don’t kill our own kind so you were given your lesson.” She glares at me. “But you and your family never learn.” She moves closer to me and squats down. “You know who your little human is? You know why you bonded with her? I had a son with a human. He was her ancestor on her mother’s side. In certain ways she’s very similar to me, so I don’t blame you.”

  “She’s not such a stupid bitch as you are.”

  She rises to her feet, sweeps her leg and kicks my face with her black leather boot. Stars twirl in my head as blood gushes from my broken nose.

  Fyslene moves back and rubs her palms against her thighs. She has a pair of expensive jeans on. “We choose the specimens for the breeding across the universe very carefully and Tania has our genes. They’re very diluted but still ours. Such a shame we have to eliminate her.”

  I yank myself forward, but the chains yank me back. “I’ll fucking kill you, bitch. You hear me? You. Are. Dead.”

  “You silly little boy. Sweet dreams. I’m going to slit Tania’s throat. And it’s gonna be a true pleasure.”

  She leaves the cell and slams the door shut. The sound is still banging against my brain as I start thinking feverishly. I try to yank my wrists out of the cuffs. I rise to my feet and try to tear the chains off the wall.

  Every cell of my body dies in agony. Yet I’m still alive. And Tania will be dead soon. Fyslene has no mercy, no conscience.

  I yank my hands again, trying to wiggle them out of the cuffs, but the violit is holding me tight. Slowing me down. Stripping me of my powers. I let out a loud growl of desperation. Then I sit down and wind the chain around my neck.

  So be it. I’m going to find her in another dimension.

  Maybe I’ll be reborn as a human and we’ll find each other to live our human life. Maybe…

  I tighten the noose around my neck. Redness covers my vision.

  A rumble comes to my ears and the floor quakes under my body. Another rumble. The sound of many footsteps comes to my ears along with the sound of human voices.

  The door of the cell creaks open. My eyes rise. I see Isabella sneak in through the red fog in front of my eyes.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” she asks.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Isabella?”

  “I’m saving your ass.”

  “Tania,” I rasp.

  She moves closer to me and kneels down. A laserantis dagger swings in her hand. “Arnau is getting her out of here.” She looks at me and rolls her eyes. “You were trying to…?”

  “No.” I clear my throat, taking the chain off.

  “You’re such a romantic, Wuylir. Wow. Who would think?”


  She is trying to cut the chain with the dagger, but the streak of laserantis is far too thin to do it in one go.

  “How did you manage to get in the dungeons?” I ask.

  “We have allies, you know. Others like you. She looks at me, fierceness and pride burning in her eyes. “Seven of them. Their leader calls himself Prometheus.”

  “Prometheus?” I explode.

  “Yes. He says we’re gonna take over Zaria. One day when we’re strong enough.”

  She continues to cut the chain, a tiny scratch at a time. Two more figures stride into the cell, and I recognise them as Tania and Arnau.

  My wife has bruises on her face and her lower lip is swollen. She sniffles and clings to me.

  Arnau kneels down beside Isabella. “Give it to me.”

  “I can do this,” Isabella growls.

  “Give it to me.” Arnau tears the dagger away from her hand.

  And fuck me. That man knows what he’s doing. I’ve seen him a few times with Vahan. He’s quiet, but deadly. He’s honest.

  “We immobilised them with the violit chains as Prometheus advised us,” he says. “But there’s not much time.” He looks at me. “Prometheus is gonna take us to his hide-out. All of us. We’ll be killing them slowly, one by one, from the shadows.”

  “You can’t kill them as far as I know,” I say in a gruff voice.

  “You can,” Arnau says. “If you have zlovtinas.”

  Fyslene was right. Gods are imprinted to protect one another. They never question the Council’s orders. Only the rebels of my kin ask questions. Only the rebels can shove a sword into another god’s chest apparently. I was so broken after what happened in the Arena that I hid the memories of it deep into my brain. I never thought about it until Tania appeared in my life.

  I heard some myths about zlovtinas, but I thought they were just myths.

  “This metal is extremely rare,” I say.

  “Yes, but Prometheus has found the whole sea of it,” Arnau says. “We’ll free Zaria.”

  Tania kisses my cheek. “I was so scared about you.”

  “Everything is fine, sweetheart,” I say.

  The chain splits into two and the loose end clatters against the floor. Arnau moves to the side and starts working on the other one.

  I’m free in what feels like five minutes. Tania and Arnau support me as I rise to my feet and we exit the cell.

  I see blood splattered on the walls and a decapitated corpse. It’s a god. Tania shudders against me as we pass the head. The dark corridor leads us to the stairs. We climb them and enter the hall. I see three gods and one goddess, Vahan holding Arnau’s son in his arms, his wife with their baby boy against her chest, and Maya—their youngest daughter. A god with a silver beard grins at me.

  “You must be my great great great grandson,” he says.

  “You must be Prometheus,” I say, joy and relief tumbling inside my chest.

  His grin widens, and he nods at me. “I’ve kept an eye on you, Wuylir. I knew you’d be one of us. It is time for you to join us.”

  The goddess tilts her head to us. “Hurry.”

  Arnau pulls me towards the double ornate door and we walk out. I see another corpse lying on the cobblestones. My eyes travel to a massive figure. Ice fills my veins as I stop abruptly.

  “Fuck,” I growl.

  I’ve never seen the Fallen. They don’t interact with the gods—we’re lower beings to them.

  Prometheus stands a step away from me and bows at the angel.

  “We’re ready to go, Samae
l,” Prometheus says.

  Samael’s black wings flap and the wind from them blows in my face. Tania curls up into my chest.


  My eyes flick over Samael’s black shimmery wings, and I feel like I’m facing a hurricane. Ruthlessness radiates from him. My mother passes him like she’s scared that even glancing at him could kill her. He leans against his sword that shines golden and blue. His wings fold. His long black hair waves against his naked chest. He’s wearing a pair of jeans and boots.

  He looks ancient and young at the same time—the ultimate authority, the ultimate power, the universe personified.

  My mother with the baby, my father, Tancred and Maya disappear behind the main gate as Samael raises his sword and rotates it in his hand. The muscles on his chest bulge under his glowing white skin.

  He leaps towards a goddess. She’s kneeling in the corner of the courtyard. I recognise her as Fyslene.

  She came to my cell and introduced herself to me. She slapped me across the cheek. She said Wuylir didn’t love me. Bitch.

  I love my husband more than anything and he loves me. He’s my me’zzy. Our bond was written in another dimension. I know this now. We’ll always be together. We’ll always find each other.

  The sword in Samael’s hand swishes and Fyslene’s head falls off her neck. I feel Wuylir’s body stiffen for a moment. Then he exhales as if with relief.

  Every molecule of my body shudders. Something cold squeezes my heart.

  “Move,” Samael growls.

  Prometheus salutes him and juts his chin out towards us.

  “Clean up this shit, Prometheus,” Samael says.

  “As always,” Prometheus says.

  “I’m gonna clean up the shit our offspring made,” Samael says.

  “Kadmiel is a good leader,” Prometheus says. “He’ll sort it out.”

  Samael’s dark eyes flicker like he wants to kill. “He’d be a better leader if he thought with his brain not with his dick. It’s always about a pretty cunt.”

  Prometheus erupts into laughter. “His little wife is really pretty.”

  Samael growls. “And has the tightest cunt in the universe apparently.” He looks at Wuylir. “I said move.” His eyes slide over me. “Always a pretty cunt.”

  We pull forward, my legs spongy. My heart hammers in my chest. We walk out of the abbey, and I see a spaceship. Twenty people are queuing to enter it. My family is standing at the end of the queue. A god with a black beard is guiding everyone with firm sweeps of his hand.


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