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Academy of Vampire Heirs: Dhampirs 101

Page 5

by Ginna Moran

His mouth forms an O.

  “From the shadow dweller outside the city and then some other asshole who ran like a coward when the authorities arrived—Culver something,” I continue.

  “Culver King?”

  I grimace. “Yeah, that’s him. You know him?”

  “Quite well. And the fact that you drank his blood complicates things just a bit. I need to make a note in your paperwork.”

  My brows pinch together. “Is it bad? Am I doomed? The guy totally deserved it.”

  Berkeley remains expressionless, but something shifts in his eyes. The warmth he had for me seconds ago turns cold, aloof almost.

  After another minute of silence passes, he finally says, “I’m sure he did. Mr. King is known to have a temper, but he’s also good at his job in maintaining order and why Blood Life Corp chose him as one of the new region heads and why he’s here at the academy.”

  “Wait, he’s here?” My heart beats wildly, sudden fear pouring through me. If that asshole is here, it can’t be good for me. “Shit. You have to help me. He wanted to perform my final donation. He—”

  A knock sounds on the door, startling me. I snatch the sheet from the cot to pull it around my towel, so I’m not standing in a tiny piece of fabric for whoever stands on the other side. Berkeley shifts his gaze from me and to the door and motions for me to pull the curtain shut to hide me from view.

  “I’m with a patient. Whatever it is you want will have to wait,” Berkeley says, cracking the door open.

  I can’t stop myself from staring through a small gap.

  “The only thing I need is for you to hurry up with my blood source.” The familiar voice cuts through the room, stealing the air from my lungs. It’s Culver. I can’t believe it.

  Anger rushes over me, and I yank the curtain back and glare. “What did you just call me?”

  Culver flashes his fangs at me, his ice blue eyes penetrating me from over Berkeley’s shoulder. “How much longer until she’s released?” He ignores my question and instead talks to Berkeley. There’s nothing more infuriating than being treated like I’m not even here, despite that Culver still hasn’t taken his gaze from me.

  “A couple more minutes. She has quite a few scrapes that need to be tended to. I’ll be done shortly.” Berkeley peers over his shoulder at me. “Maybe you can call the seamstress to bring her something clean to wear.”

  Culver’s lips pull up more. “What she’s wearing is fine.”

  I gawk at him, my mouth falling open. This lunatic can’t be serious. There is no way in hell I’m stepping even a foot out of this curtained area in what I’m wearing.

  Berkeley clenches his fingers at his side, releasing a soft growl. “I will not release her to you unless you bring her something appropriate.”

  Culver glowers, his eyes flashing silver. “Want to bet?”

  Before I can react, Culver shoves Berkeley back, sending him crashing into the wall. I screech and scramble away, looking for anything I can use to protect myself. My fingers lock on a vial of my blood the second Culver closes the space to me. I smash it on his forehead, sending my blood splattering over the both of us.

  He freezes, flaring his nostrils.

  Berkeley hops to his feet and snarls, flying our way.

  I never knew of anyone to survive being between two fighting vampires, especially if I’m the one they’re fighting for.

  I scream and brace for my death.

  Chapter 5


  A HEAVY BODY CRASHES INTO me, knocking me out of the way of Culver and Berkeley. The world spins as Hudson flips me midair to take the brunt of our fall. We slide a foot on the floor, with me on top of him, but he manages to stop us from hitting the wall by stretching up his arm.

  I gasp and clutch onto his shoulders. For the first time, I look at him. And I mean really look at him. His jade green eyes crinkle in the corners with his smirk complementing his messy, chestnut brown hair with streaks of copper as damp as mine like he just got out of the shower. Except he’s dressed...and I realize I’m not. He realizes it too and drops his gaze from my eyes to my boobs pressed into his taut chest. I groan and tilt my head down, trying to figure out exactly how to get to my feet without exposing more than just the tops of my breasts. Stupid tiny towel. Damn sheet.

  “Shit,” a soft voice murmurs.

  I jerk my attention to the door, spotting another familiar and unwanted visitor. Aspen’s light blue eyes rove over me as I lie on Hudson, now frozen and afraid to move. Hudson relaxes under me, obviously not going anywhere either. He’s enjoying this way too much, his smirk widening into a cocky-ass smile. He shares a look with Aspen, and the two of them have a silent conversation with their eyes.

  “The threat is over, love,” Hudson finally says to me. “You can get off me now. Or not. I’m rather quite comfortable.”

  “The only way I’m getting off is if someone gets me some clothes,” I snap, trying to ignore the fact that the longer I remain in place, the more I notice all of Hudson’s muscles beneath me.

  Aspen disappears without a word, leaving me in Hudson’s arms. He keeps his hands planted on the small of my back, and I shift a bit, my nerves and something else—something deep-seated, awakened by his closeness—getting the best of me. His scent engulfs me in a tantalizing sweet wave. I’m nearly certain my blood lust might control me if one of us doesn’t move.

  “Will you please stop squirming,” Hudson says, his voice lowering. “You’re turning what I thought was fun into complete torture considering my brother has annoyingly already claimed you.”

  I frown and meet his gaze again. The second I do, I realize exactly what he’s talking about as his boner flexes against my pelvis. In normal circumstances, I might scramble away. I might even apologize. But right now? My body decides to go crazy, excited that he finds me as attractive as I find him.

  I shift again. “Control yourself.”

  His smile vanishes, his eyes flashing silver. “Stop looking at me like that.”

  “Like what?” Ah, hell. Is he flirting? Am I?

  “Like you hate the idea that someone other than me put a claim on you.”

  Goosebumps prickle over my skin, and we continue to stare at each other. He dares me with his eyes to look away, but I won’t. I’m not afraid of him locking me in a gaze. He couldn’t. Not yet at least.

  Leaning closer, I hover a few inches away from his face, inhaling a breath of his sweet scent. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. And so you know, no one can claim me, especially not that asshole you just called your brother.”

  “Is that so?” he whispers, digging his fingers more firmly into my back.

  “I’ll prove it.”

  I don’t know what comes over me, but I bow forward even more, pressing my weight into him, really feeling the extent of his desire. He tilts his head, his soft lips puckering, his eyes closing in preparation for my kiss.

  A tap on the door jerks my attention away, and I whip my head to see Aspen standing in the doorway with a clothing bag dangling from his fingers. He releases a soft growl, his fangs peeking from beneath his lips. He glowers at Hudson, and Hudson scowls, his fingers tightening around my waist even more. My fear instincts go off like crazy, knocking some good sense into me.

  With one hand, I cover Hudson’s eyes. I push up with my other, scrambling to pull up my towel. I get to my feet and rush toward the small shower like it’ll somehow protect me.

  “My apologies, Ms. Flamme,” Hudson says, now standing with his back to me. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. If you could please get dressed, I’ll escort you to Headmistress Rasmussen.”

  I don’t respond to him and tug the curtain closed, realizing that he’s not leaving the room. Aspen disappeared sometime during my scramble to get myself together, and I can’t stop thinking about what he saw almost happen. How I almost kissed Hudson. And what the hell? Hudson was with Culver when he cornered me in the city. He helped him. How his gorgeous green eyes suddenly made me for
get all those things freaks me the hell out.

  Hugging myself for a moment, I gather my nerve to unzip the dress bag Aspen left for me. I gawk at the simple white button-down top, black pants...and a tie? Tonight was the first time I’ve seen someone wear one—Culver—and it’s also the last thing I want to wear. Along with what appears to be the donor issued uniform are a matching set of lacy undergarments. Neither piece looks suitable for normal wear, but it’s all that’s in the bag. I just hope it was a mistake on Aspen’s part—because it seems like something a guy wouldn’t think about—and not actually part of the uniform.

  “I never thought I’d offer to help someone get dressed, but do you need any? I expect you don’t know how to tie the tie,” Hudson says from the other side of the curtain.

  I finish buttoning my shirt. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not going to wear the tie, are you?” The lightness in his voice combats the sudden intensity that had blossomed between us.


  Pulling the curtain open, I stand before him. He drinks me in from my head to my dirty boots that I put back on, because there is no way I’m walking around barefooted. If I somehow figure out how to escape, I’m not going to find myself on the run without shoes.

  Hudson’s lips tilt in a frown. “I don’t like it. The towel was hotter.”

  This. Guy.

  I whack him on the shoulder. “Don’t expect that shit to happen again.”

  “What if it’s me in the towel? While I technically have a private bathroom, I wouldn’t mind using the coed showers in the donor dorms.”

  Pressing my lips together, I try my best not to react and stroll past him through the open door. I have no idea where I’m going, but I must be heading in the right direction because Hudson falls into step by my side.

  He glances at me in his peripheral vision, managing to focus on the hall in front of us and me at the same time. We pass several doors to rooms identical to the medical exam room they locked me in. From what I gather, I’m in the Human Health Center of the academy. It’s a good sign that none of the rooms are occupied. I half expected to find all the humans here with various injuries. I can’t imagine this place being safe. Not if it is a training school for vampires. From what I know, too many gathered could cause major problems if they’re not all in the same coven.

  Hudson grazes my hand with his, getting me to look at him. “When we reach the lobby, you need to bow your head.”

  I scrunch my nose. “What the hell for?”

  “It’s common practice for the donors training for positions on vampire household staffs,” he says nonchalantly.

  I place my hands on my hips. “But I’m not.”

  His jaw twitches, his green eyes turning away from mine to look ahead of us in the hallway. “Please, just do it. You’ll garner less attention that way. It’s already bad enough that you’re female, claimed by Culver, and previously unregistered. Those things combined make you a target to get messed with. I’m not in the mood to fight for someone I don’t even get to keep.”

  I open my mouth to ask him a target for what, but the second he opens the wooden door to the grand lobby, it would be like me asking the obvious. Dozens of vampires hang out in small clusters around the grand room. Marble floors glitter with flecks of gold that accent the shiny golden light fixtures glowing above various pieces of what I can only assume is back-world art.

  A crystal chandelier scatters fractals of rainbow light across the floor. A couple of different seating areas contain couches and chairs with coffee tables. Vases of different white flowers fragrance the air in such a way that I can’t help inhaling a breath through my nose.

  “Head down, Ms. Flamme,” Hudson says, keeping his voice as low as the others in the room.

  I want so badly to ignore him and strut through the room like I would back at home when dozens of gazes train on me. But there is something far different and worse being under the scrutiny of a bunch of male vampires, with the exception of one female. A room full of soldiers who want to devote their life to me rather than expect me to devote my life to them boosts my confidence. These guys? Their hungry eyes consume every inch of me, making me feel more like food.

  “This area is dedicated to vampire residents only. You can pass through, but do not stop.” Hudson closes the foot of space between us and touches his hand to the small of my back. I can’t help feeling like he’s protecting me. Who knows? Maybe he really is despite his previous comment. But not for my benefit. Probably for his brother’s.

  “Whatever you say,” I mutter under my breath. “I wouldn’t want to stop and socialize anyway...” My voice trails off as I spot three familiar faces sitting together in what seems like a private section of the lobby, partitioned from the rest of the room with a couple of bookshelves.

  Torrance sits straighter in his chair, his nearly black eyes boring into me. Beside him, Aspen leans his elbows on his knees, finding something fascinating on the empty table in front of him. Berkeley’s eyes devour me inch-by-inch. I can’t tell if it’s because he’s trying to find some hidden injury or what, but his sudden attention blooms warmth across my chest and neck.

  “Head down, Fiona,” Hudson says as a reminder, using my first name instead of my last. “You don’t want to attract those assholes’ attention. They would love nothing more than to find out if you taste as good as you smell.”

  I whip my head to look at Hudson, knowing he’s not actually warning me but teasing the three of them. Ignoring his suggestion to drop my gaze, I instead straighten my back and toss my long dark hair over my shoulder. In the dim lighting, it looks black rather than the deep purple Rylie dyed my hair. It took convincing a soldier to sneak into the city, but she managed to give me the gift for my birthday.

  “That’s what I’ve been told, so they can just assume,” I say, smirking. They all make various sounds, including Hudson, and I flick my gaze to look at him. “What about you, Mr. King? Does that work the same for vampires?” I purposely use the name that the guard in the city used on him, knowing it’s customary unless told otherwise.

  “Would you like to find out?” He licks his lips, stretching his mouth into a smile I can’t resist returning.

  “If you’re offering.”

  “Only Mr. King would enjoy acting as the donor he most certainly should have remained.” A blond vampire with shoulder-length hair stops in our way, blocking a direct line toward the exit. “Desperation for the female’s attention looks pitiful on you. No wonder your brother refused to let you stake a claim.”

  Hudson stands straighter. “Fuck off, Mr. Knightly. Your weak attempt to belittle me reveals your own desperation to try to even breathe in the same air as a woman considering I’m certain you’ve never done so.”

  Mr. Knightly raises his arm to strike Hudson. A soft growl sounds from where the guys sit and watch us, causing the asshole to reconsider his actions. He disappears like the coward I knew he would be. I turn my attention to the guys, trying to figure out who did it, but I can’t tell.

  “That was disappointing, love. I thought you’d stand up on my behalf,” Hudson says. “Not even a measly threat to tear Dawson’s throat out.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him. “And risk making you jealous? No way. I fully plan to take you up on your offer to sink my teeth into you.”

  Hudson smiles wider and nudges me to pick up my pace. If I’m in this weird-ass, hellish situation, I might as well have some fun, despite knowing the danger of teasing vampires. It helps that only Culver was truly like the monsters the elders warned me about hundreds of times growing up. Luckily, I still know better than to let my guard down.

  “Careful what you say,” Hudson says.


  His fangs peek out with his smile. “Some take those types of jokes seriously.”

  “Who says I’m joking?”

  He groans under his breath and chooses not to respond. We finally reach another door, one made of glass with a clear view of a ha
llway with a red floor runner, gold-framed paintings, and what appears to be another lobby at the end. Hudson drops his hand from my back, relaxing a bit as we stroll down the hallway to the other lobby.

  A couple of humans, all dressed similarly to me but with the ties, turn their attention from each other. Without Hudson having to say anything, I realize this must be the lobby for humans. It’s far plainer than the vampire lounge with its simple white tiles, cream walls, and a small TV. Uncomfortable looking chairs litter the room haphazardly like people just leave them wherever.

  “Fiona? Oh, thank God.” Rylie’s familiar voice draws my attention to her as she sits alone in the corner of the room.

  I abandon Hudson and rush toward her. We throw our arms around each other. Rylie tenses, her body stiffening as she huffs in pain. Pulling back, I meet her hazel eyes, nearly the same color as Berkeley’s, and frown.

  “I’m sorry. I forgot you were hurt,” I say, easing my hold.

  She blinks the sheen in her eyes away. “I don’t care. Don’t stop hugging me. I was so scared for you. When the health keeper left me here, I assumed you put up too much of a fight. No one would tell me anything.”

  I sigh and rest my head on her shoulder. “I’m fine, really. Nothing more than a bruised as hell ass.”

  She grimaces at me. “You okay?”

  “I’m here, aren’t I? Only a bit mortified about dropping my pants for the hot as hell practitioner.” I cringe at the way my sentence comes out. “He was professional...ish.”

  She blinks a few times and glances behind me to Hudson. I can sense his closeness without having to check for myself that he’s standing in my personal space. “You think that guy is hot?” The look she gives me screams that she finds my admission about finding a vampire attractive to be inconceivable. But she doesn’t understand. I barely do. Something about my dhampir nature can’t help it.

  “Uh, he wasn’t the one who checked out my ass,” I say, blushing once again at my failure to say something that doesn’t sound like an innuendo.

  Hudson clears his throat. “That you know of.”


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