Thomas Aquinas, Explorer of the galaxy (Thomas Aquinas series)

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Thomas Aquinas, Explorer of the galaxy (Thomas Aquinas series) Page 2

by Rico, J. Luis

  “In the moment, our universe came into being out of nothing. Mathematical absurdity that that is… Why would there only be one universe created? In fact, there are an almost infinite number of Universes created at the same moment in parallel dimensions. The mathematical proofs of their creation are difficult. Although, we can see them after a fashion. Matter and energy from the closest parallel Universes to ours interacts with ours. After a fashion. It is measurable. We see it today.”

  “The impact of gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces, and electromagnetic power can be seen causing impact across parallel Universes, if you know where to look for it. It is hard to measure. It is hard to see. These forces can influence our universe across adjacent universe pairs through the impact of the lost subatomic particles from our early universe.”

  “Remember that every subatomic particle excepting one in every 10 to the 10th was destroyed by interaction with other subatomic particles in the early expansionary and relativistic universe? Those subatomic particles were forced into the mathematical divide by zero states of being collapsed, and they no longer exist. They ceased to exist in our universe, but forced the creation of others. Other Bubble Universes created by the mathematical uncertainty of subatomic destruction in our own early expansionary froth of subatomic particles.”

  “All, but one out of every ten to the tenth subatomic particles, are sent into the metaphoric wind and exits our universe. One can surmise, but almost certainly never prove, that the number of parallel Universes is this same number. That the act of the universe being, just being, created the conditions to spring this many parallel Universes into being. One can also surmise, but almost certainly never prove, that our entire universe may have been created by the destruction of an incredibly small subatomic particle in the early expansionary period and destruction of matter in a separate universe from ours.”

  “Quantum Entanglement survives.”

  “A pair, or group, of particles that are bound in such a way that they may not be independently described. To measure one is to measure the other. To influence one is to influence the other. When one of the four forces interact with a bound particle, the bound pair(s) react. Whether in this universe or another. Quantum entanglement in the early universe inflationary period leads rapidly to entangled pairs, which led to pairs in multiple Universes during the great annihilation of particles. Spooky action at a distance is what Albert Einstein called Quantum Entanglement. Indeed.”

  Brother Lewis laps the classroom one more time. The metronome of his tassel carefully timing his steps.

  “Indeed. Spooky action at a distance across universe boundaries. This is dark energy. We can measure it and see its influence around us. Dark energy makes up the majority of the matter in our universe. Well, really, it doesn’t. Dark matter exists through quantum entangled pairs and groups in our universe. And their impact can be observed across the Universes boundary by the impact they have on the mass of our Universe through influencing their entangled pair(s).”

  “Most of the matter that influences our expanding universe comes from adjacent Universes though paired quantum entanglement. Mass outside our universe exerts force through entanglement on subatomic parts in our universe. And vice versa.”

  “To put it in layman’s terms. If I shake a quantum entangled subatomic particle in our universe, its pair will shake in one or more other Universes. There are some interesting byproducts of entanglement. Imagine if one entangled member is consumed and destroyed by a black hole. The other pairs simply vanish. They cannot exist in a universe without their entangled pair. We will discuss this in great detail in coming day’s students.”

  “Entangled particles have many interesting characteristics that have practical value. They may be created in a lab today. You will do this soon in your labs. Practical uses for entangled pairs have revolutionized all aspects of modern life.”

  “They allow us to transfer information across unimaginable distances instantaneously. This makes modern interstellar communications possible.

  With a single quantum entangled communicator, the Pope can say Mass and be heard by all 40 billion Catholics in the explored galaxy. The entangled pairs in the radios used by the faithful make use of an ancient packet switching and routing technology invented for the archaic DARPANET and earth INTERNET to route voice traffic, and other data, from entangled radio to entangled radio instantaneously.”

  “From entangled radio to entangled radio, the packets of information traverse the universe… Well, at least our one particular corner of this spiral arm of our galaxy.”

  “Although the numbers of directly paired radios are low, passing on communications from one to an adjacent entangled radio is trivial. In this manner, The Pontiff can direct the spiritual growth of the Catholics. All Catholics. Everywhere. And we can share modern technology and entertainment. News programs and serial thriller television shows reach all of humankind. Phone voice and video calls and emails may be sent to the far corners of the parts of the Milky Way galaxy we call home.”

  “The communicators in the Father Damien system, more than 1,200 light years distant from us, near the next clockwise spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy, react instantaneously when the Pontiff speaks. And this is repeated on every known world that knows Christ Almighty through the grace of God.”

  Brother Lewis returns to the lectern. He drinks deeply from his bottle. The Introduction to Modern Space Time Physics class is his favorite. Although the subject matter is introductory, and the students are all in their freshman or sophomore year, teaching the big picture concepts of space and time and space travel, and how humanity is exploring and populating the known parts of the galaxy is exciting. Student love the class. He loves teaching it.

  “Quantum entangled pairs are the gift of God Almighty. Left in the earliest moments of creation for our use, to spread the word of God through the Milky Way galaxy and, eventually, the next galaxy. The universe is dense with entanglement.”

  “We may never be able to wave to the far side of the universe. Our visible light photons will never arrive. But through the providence of God and the ingenuity of man, we can speak to them as though they are in this room. Communicators coupled to these quantum entangled pairs transmit audio and video as well as complex Internet Protocol traffic. Regardless of distance.”

  “In the first moments of creation, God left other gifts to mankind. Back at ten to the minus 6 along with the creation of quintillions of black holes the resulting tears in space time led to clues to our modern propulsion systems. How did the universe inflate to five light years across in such a short time? Modern physics can now adequately describe it. Imagine the lack of space itself to “push back” if you will, against the growth, the inflation rather, is the reason. If there is no space, no time as we know it, then travel across that distance is instantaneous. For lack of a better way of explaining it, there is no distance to cross. The 5 light years size is almost arbitrary. It could have been 5 meters. It could have been five trillion light years. The distance does not matter. The concept of a distance is only needed to describe the time it takes to move from point to point in the universe we can observe. In the early inflationary universe, distance doesn’t matter.”

  Brother Lewis removes his glasses and places them on a student’s desk. They are archaic. Vision correction is trivial. He could have his vision corrected this afternoon if he wished. Many in the class marvel at his dependence on the ancient devices. Some Franciscans like Brother Lewis tend towards the archaic in their earthly endeavors.

  “Vacuum Drive. You all know the term and can sprout the textbook definition I am sure. A drive that creates a vacuum before it and forces a positive pressure behind it. Similar concepts have powered mankind for thousands of years. Ancient sails created overpressure at the leading edges of their primitive cloth sails using wind as a force. This difference in leading and trailing wing pressure drove mankind across the ancient earth’s seas in a glorious age of discovery long ago.”
/>   “Modern vacuum drives use the Alcubierre metric principle. Creating a vacuum in front of the craft. A vacuum in space time. And a positive pressure of space time longing to fill the vacuum behind the craft. This is a ripple or a rip rather, in the fabric of space time. Modern physicists often call it a bubble as well. Something only before seen during the earliest moments of the universe. But through the grace of God and the ingenuity of man, we can duplicate this on a smaller and more practical scale, through the use of captured black holes and relativistic speeds.”

  “Imagine this thought experiment. We travel at a relativistic fraction of the speed of light through the use of modern antimatter ionic plasma drives. Or even a solar wind sail powered by a robust set of stars. Or a highly efficient nuclear fire ion drive. Or even pulsed nuclear blasts against an expansion and ablation plate. Or the destruction of matter-anti-matter pairs, or a chemical ion stream. We drive high acceleration and we may approach half the speed of light in an acceptable amount of time. Say we dedicate eight or ten years to this. Or a slow push of a solar sail over a more leisurely forty or fifty years.”

  “So, we are in a kilometer long ship. Pushing a small black hole in front of us with carefully crafted Hawking radiation containment fields. This is an amazing engineering feat if you think of it. Any sudden loss of control of the black hole, especially while the ship is accelerating could spell doom. It is one of the most carefully orchestrated engineering dances in the universe. The captured black hole is pushed ahead of the starship by continuous overlapping Hawking radiation fields. Overlapping fields. Carefully engineered to maintain the event horizon of the black hole within a tolerance of quintillionths of a meter.”

  “These same fields control the forward momentum and pressure on the black hole that is transmitted from the acceleration of the ship itself. These fields prevent it from moving out of the ship's path. It is trapped. Perfectly trapped. These same fields have to be strong enough to hold the black hole even as it consumes matter or energy and it creates its own Hawking radiation fields. The entire front half of a modern starship is made up on containment field machinery and supporting systems. The study of Hawking radiation and its use to control black holes is, perhaps, the most advanced field of study here at the University.”

  “Now we have to trigger a sudden movement in the black hole. Exactly the kind of thing we have sought to prevent as we reach our relativistic speed. The black hole is keeping time with us and moving at .35C as well, just in front of the ship. Hawking fields are lowered. Carefully. The black hole and the ship are both moving freely and relativistically. The black hole less than a kilometer in front of the ship. We will force the relativistic black hole to move suddenly now. Massively. Massive sudden relativistic movement. More than relativistic. Inflationary movement. The exact kind of inflationary movement that dominated our universe up until ten to the minus 6. Movement that exceeds the speed of light.”

  “Significant amounts of exotic matter are needed. Whether it is antimatter corralled into a magnetic trap or exotic matter created on the spot via controlled supercollider annihilations. We drop this exotic matter in the path of the black hole. Not into the black hole mind you. The path. The black hole that is moving ahead of us at relativistic speeds. The black hole that is sweeping all the starry subatomic particles out of the way for us conveniently enough. It also catches any stray atoms or, Lord forbid, any stray rocks in the interstellar medium.”

  “This black hole of ours is already distorting space and time around it. That’s kind of what they do. We are literally riding the inside crest of a black hole gravity wave of space time as we cruise at .35C. The exotic matter we propel towards the black hole causes the black hole itself, and the fabric of space time to maneuver. The black hole resists the presence of the exotic matter. It cannot deal with the anti-spins of the subatomic particles. It cannot gorge itself on the strange, new diet. It moves. It dodges the bullet if you will. It dodges the mathematical absurdity of the antimatter at a relativistic speed. Actually, it exceeds relativistic speeds. That’s the whole point of the operation.”

  Brother Lewis is wearing his glasses again. And rubbing the bridge of his nose.

  “It is rather a series of antimatter bullets fired at the black hole event horizon. A series of at least five normally. They frame the black hole event horizon. One above and one below. One of each left and right side. One to the front. Leaving the black hole with only one way to move. Back the way it came. It will be forced into moving into a new position in space time. Mathematically forced into movement by a mathematical oddity. A situation that the modern 13.8 billion-year-old universe hasn’t seen since creation.”

  “Black holes dodging exotic matter bullets. Sounds crazy enough, doesn’t it? We literally place a small robot ship ahead of the black hole. Then comes the black hole. Then, the manned ship. The robot ship shoots the relativistic exotic matter bullets at the path of the black hole, specifically, at the leading edge of the event horizon. The black hole is cornered. . These bullets are launched at the black hole at a significant fraction of the speed of light itself. .35C or greater. Tremendous energies are used.”

  “The incoming .35C exotic matter comes down the throat of the event horizon of the advancing .35C black hole forces a divide by zero space time conundrum. The black hole cannot move towards the top of the horizon and is forced into the bottom quarter by the arrival of the antimatter bullets framing and forcing its hand. The exact type of situation only before seen during the expansion of the early universe when matter was destroying almost all the other matter and relativistic speeds were the norm.”

  “The .35C black hole moves suddenly to avoid the mathematical trap that is laid for it. The .35C antimatter combines with the approaching black hole and forces an immediate change of direction and speed. For a net .7C speed for a brief moment in time. Like massive high energy billiard balls, the black hole is smacked into a mathematical absurdity. Ripples in the space time, in the gravity waves, around the black hole are compressed and exceed the speed of light in their reflection and the abrupt maneuver. It is visually, but not mathematically, mind you, similar to watching overlapping ripples in a pond. The black hole moves suddenly down and backward. A vacuum is created where the structure of space time cannot remain stable. A bubble of non-universe is created and then rapidly fails and closes itself. The bubble is created by the ripples of space time influence that the black hole exerts.”

  “The starship enters the bubble at .35C before it can close.”

  “Space and time are forced for a brief moment to cease to exist in the small period of time and small period of intersection at the moment of near impact with the event horizon. The moment that the space time gravity wave force ripples interact with each other at greater than relativistic speed. The moment the black hole moves suddenly.

  This moment is brief. The target of opportunity is small. The consequences for missing either the exact right time or exact right space can be severe. Very, very complicated math is involved as you can imagine. An entire Department here at the University is dedicated to space time gravity wave compression ripple theory. Thousands of papers have been written. We do not fully understand the underlying math. Hopefully, someone in this room will fill in our knowledge in the coming years.” Several students smile and chuckle lightly.

  “A crewed ship is lost on average once out of every 103 jumps.”

  “Every crewed ship that travels via Alcubierre method uses the modern Hawking systems. Not drives, since we are describing a system of robots, exotic matter, and black holes and controlled Hawking radiation fields for propulsion”

  “Every crewed ship takes the chance they will miss the exact time or the exact space for ship entry and be destroyed by the black hole they travel with. Or be turned into plasma if the space time ripple bubble closes on the ship before they can fully enter.”

  “The moment the black hole reacts to the relativistic exotic matter, the counter event horizon spin math fai
ls. The universe loses texture and then loses itself for a moment, causing a rent in the space time, from the black hole space time gravity wave ripples moving at greater than relativistic speed propagating outwards, all so a black hole can avoid relativistic contact with antimatter!” Brother Lewis raises his arms and his voice for his last bit. He smiles and chuckles.

  “God showed us the way in the early inflationary universe. And via the ingenuity of man, we have recreated the conditions. Obviously, for only a brief moment in space and time. But still, we recreated the conditions for a manned ship to exit the universe.”

  “Obviously the ship itself will continue to exist. It is enclosed in a mathematical bubble of the universe – an expression of this universe. It exits the universe in the gap of space and time we have created by greater than relativistic gravity waves. A bubble that longs to rejoin the parent universe. This is obviously difficult to maintain, and difficult to manage, and difficult to predict at times. It is fraught with danger. A mechanical breakdown of any critical ship's systems will spell the doom of the crew at this point. Any system needed to break back into the parent universe. If any of these systems are compromised, the crew is doomed to eternity in between Bubble Universes in a mathematical divide by zero loop. Doomed is not strong enough of a word.”


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