Dragon Star (A Shifter Football League Novel)

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Dragon Star (A Shifter Football League Novel) Page 3

by Aurora Reid

  “Why are you with that prick?”

  Cass returned a grimace.

  “That prick is your team mate.”

  “Which means I really know he's a prick.” Nico smiled at her and watched as her cheeks heated up and she rocked back, trying to escape his questioning.

  “We're not here to talk about me. We're here for you. To get you better. And Jae isn't that bad. He's just protective.”

  Nico pushed closer. “I don't believe it.”

  Cass wagged her finger. “You're deflecting.” She took a step closer now and pushed her bust up high. Nico's throat tightened.

  If she was going to throw her body around like that, her intimidation schemes would work. They would work very well.

  “I've worked with a lot of clients before, mister. So when you try to make this about me, right away I know someone is trying to take the easy way out. Are we here for you or are we here for me? I'm here to help you. I want to see you succeed. Shall we get started?”

  “Sure,” he gulped. “Touchy subject, huh?” Before she could respond, he added, “What do you have in mind?”

  “I want to order some tests,” she started, but he stopped her there.

  “No tests I said.”

  Cass threw her hands on her hips—those gracious, curvy hips that he wanted to sink his fingers into.

  “Are you going to work with me on this? I need to know what the problem is. I can't do that unless I test you for a disease. Shifters get them you know that stop their healing. It's more common than you'd think.”

  “I don't have any diseases.”

  “You're not going to make this easy on me, are you? Can you help me out a little? I did come all the way to the middle of nowhere in the dead of winter.”

  “Fine, I'll do whatever you want, but I don't want to see a doctor and I don't want to do the tests.”

  “We'll do them here if you want.”

  Nico hated doctors and hospitals. He didn't trust them. Not the human ones, anyway. And why would he trust shifter run hospitals? Most shifters hated dragons. A shifter star quarterback? That could really make them jealous.

  And needles...fuck, he hated needles, too. He’d take a bullet before a needle. It all seemed very unnatural.

  Cass would not back down.

  “I'll do it here.” Then he pointed toward the east wing. “Shall we check out my training rooms? You'll be happy you came then.”

  And later you’ll be happy you came too. All over my cock.

  Oh, shut up Nico.

  Once they were in his gym, she marveled at the rows of equipment, the enormous sized weights that were made specifically for shifters. Giant steel chains hung from the ceiling and the walls to increase resistance.

  “Feel free to use it as you'd like. Like everything else in here.” Except for that one room.

  He propped open another door. She clapped her hands and bounced as Nico appreciated her jiggle.

  But he didn't like the way she looked at him next. This massage room would be nice later, but right now, he expected Cass would be pushing him out of his comfort zone.

  He had only just met her, but she was an expert at doing just that.


  She pushed him to keep going long after he had given up.

  Watching him struggle, the spittle flying from his lips, every muscle in his body pumping and the sweat dripping from his brow, Cass knew they wouldn't need to order the test. This seemed one hundred percent mental.

  Nico had been a star on the field. He had been the toughest quarterback, a true ironman who had never missed a game. Even when he'd torn his Achilles, he'd stayed in the game and tried to finish it. The fans thought he was failing, not knowing he'd been injured until after the game when they heard the news reports.

  There was a fire in him, a deep seated anger. The anger wasn't surprising. The other dragon she met had been pretty angry as well.

  “I'm done,” he said. Then he pushed his crutches over and dropped to the mat. “And I really hope you’re not a dominatrix. It’s starting to look like you’re getting off to this.”

  She ignored him. “You did well.”

  The compliment did nothing to change his demeanor. But Cass meant it. He’d managed to walk on his injured foot.

  “Let's do some stretching and some massage now,” she said quickly, because she didn't want to get hung up on the images that raced through her mind.

  They'd be getting even closer. It was already like a field of pulsating energy emanated from him. Her sensitivity had been turned past eleven ever since they'd met.

  “And here, you're going to need these, unless you want to walk.”

  Nico grunted, but took the crutches. He swung back up and followed her inside, his back hunched.

  Why was he so down? To Cass, he had everything. He had a beautiful home, success beyond her wildest dreams...

  They went through the stretching. Cass watched as he flexed those lean muscles and then released. She blocked those unprofessional thoughts from her mind, instead trying to think of what might be disturbing him.

  Perhaps all dragons are just grumpy like this?

  No, Nico was different, she was sure of it. She couldn't paint him with the same brush as Jae. That wouldn't be fair.

  After they were done with the stretching, she cleared her throat, which had gotten very tight all of a sudden, along with the rest of her body.

  “You can get undressed and into the towel. I'll be back—”

  “Wait, might as well get used to seeing me naked, since you'll be my trainer for a while.”

  Cass flung her hand up over her eyes. “No, I did not agree to naked.” She kept talking with her eyes blocked. “Did not agree to naked.”

  “I'm kidding. Relax. Go on, it'll only be a second.”

  “Okay,” she breathed out. “And not funny.”

  Although I will be getting very close to you, she thought, massaging parts of you that I might as well see you naked...except for, you know...the most important part.

  She scurried out of the room.

  “All right, come back in,” he called.

  “Coming in,” she warned and pushed open the door to begin the massage.

  Her heart thud against her chest. But she kept it professional with a steady hand and went about her business like she had done so many times before.

  First, she began by oiling up her hands and then spreading the hot oils over his muscular body. She had to admit to liking the way that he felt, rough yet smooth with pulsating power beneath his skin. His muscles were cramped and twitching. As she worked each knot out, she found it relieving.

  All of her worries washed away. Stroking and kneading, she got into a groove.

  They got to the point where he’d need to turn over. She shuffled her legs and took a deep breath. Cass was wet, she’d felt it when her thighs brushed.

  “Flip over now.” She noticed his hesitation.

  Knots twisted in her own back at the thought of their attraction being mutual. That would be even worse.

  Then he might make a move on her. She'd need to do all she could to fight it.

  But...he was a dragon...the only shifter that could defeat another dragon, would be a dragon...

  No. That thought could not enter her mind. He flipped over. She avoided contact with what was between his thighs, keeping her eyes above his shoulders as she worked the tension out. Still, she could see the bulge in her peripheral vision.

  Yikes, I don't even think he's got a hard on.

  His gaze followed her swaying back and forth. It was getting very hot in the room, so she turned on the overhead fans. They whirred as Cass pulled her hair back and went to work. She leaned over him, spreading the oil down his chest all the way to his defined abs.

  This was a good job. A very good job.

  Cass felt like the luckiest girl alive.

  Damnit, Cass, you're the top of your field! What would the other doctors say, the other male doctors, about this indiscret

  They could shove it. She’d always been professional. She still was…she was just enjoying her job more than usual. More people should be happier with their jobs, she reasoned.

  She rounded the table and focused on his legs, her attention narrowing in on his injury once he seemed relaxed enough.

  Back to Nico. Back to her client, and making him healthy. “You seem stressed.”

  “You can tell?” He shrugged his shoulders. When he did, she noticed his towel pop a little, his cock jumping up.

  Whew, the towel stayed on him.

  Sooner or later though, she got the impression that she'd end up seeing the dragon in his pants too. Cass stifled a laugh. Did that breathe fire too? Molten hot lava?

  Focus, Cass, focus. Believe it or not, before Nico, she'd never had that problem, and she’d worked with plenty of buff shifters too.

  “I don't get a lot of visitors here. Surely, you've heard how dragons can keep to themselves.”

  “There's only twelve of you left. Correct?”

  He nodded. “That we know of.”

  Cass carefully maneuvered around the curve of his ankle, stroking the area around the enflamed skin.

  “That's not what I was talking about. Your body isn't healing. You're a shifter. There's something troubling you. I can't help you unless you open up to me.”

  Nico blinked hard. “This isn't open enough for you?” he asked, spreading his arms and pointing at his naked body with only a towel over his cock.

  “I’m not talking about that,” she said, nodding at the bulge. “I’m talking about this, the big one.” Cass pointed to his head.

  “Actually, if we’re talking about size, let me correct you, doc…”

  She huffed. “Deflecting, again?”

  His deflections would get him nowhere with her. They both knew it.

  “All right, fine. I don't want to get better. Because I don't want to play. At least, not for this team...”

  “What?” she spat out. If a reporter caught him saying that, it'd jump right to the top news story of the week, maybe the whole off season.

  He leaned forward, the towel shifting even lower. Nico saved her the embarrassment by grabbing it and keeping it steady.

  “Yeah, why are you surprised? Did you watch the last game I played in?”

  “That was a fluke. Every player has a bad game every once and a while. You'll come back stronger, even better.”

  “I don't want to come back. That's what I'm saying. I know I can play. I know I can bring my team to the championship. But why should I? For the city that turned its back on me?”

  Oh, he did have a point. Images of fans throwing garbage and booing their quarterback as he was taken out of the game were still crisp in Cass' mind, and she didn't have to live through it. Imagine what it was like for Nico.

  “The fans love you. The city loves you. Their passion burns hot or very, very cold.” Kind of like a dragon.

  “They turned their back on me. Hated me. Their true feelings came out that night. They don't care for me. As soon as I screw up once, no, I am injured, they're quick to show how much they hate my kind.”

  “Trust me, the fans would turn that quickly on anybody. All of the greats outside of the shifter league have been booed before too. You're not the first, and you won't be the last.”

  “It's different,” he said, his tone sharper and louder. “Why should I fight to win for people who don't even like me? Who if they had a chance, would put my head on the chopping block?”

  “Then play for a different team.”

  “It doesn't matter. They all hate me. Which is why I should stay here. I'll be better off.”

  Stay where exactly? Cass wanted to ask him what he would do. With his wealth, he could probably do anything. But in the middle of nowhere in Maine, up in the mountains?

  His attitude suddenly shifted to a tender smile. “Let's get something to eat. Dinner is on me.”

  “Oh?” She hadn't wanted to leave the subject. Finally, they were getting to the heart of the matter.

  Finally, she understood why Nico wasn't healing as much as he could. It was a psychological issue; the dragon believed he was hated.

  “I am getting a bit hungry,” she admitted.

  “Dealing with me can be exhausting. Let's get to the fun part now.”

  “Fun? You're calling this dinner fun. Be careful, you’re starting to hype this up…”

  “Oh, I’m not worried.”

  “Oh,” she said curiously, following him out of the training room.

  While Nico prepared dinner—she was shocked at this as she thought he would have a personal chef—Cass unpacked in the spare bedroom upstairs.

  Her room was far away in the expansive mansion from Nico's room, which was down the long hallway and then to the right. It was like living on a different block.

  It looked like she was staying in a royal’s chambers from the 1800s. It had an old air but an elegant one with its Victorian style, finely crafted satinwood, oak, and mahogany. She put away her clothes and then checked her cell phone. There was still a signal. It was faint in the country, on top of this mountain that had been a trek for her car.

  Guess you don't have to worry about icy roads when you can fly. She amused herself, hanging up her outfits in the closet too.

  “If only I could stay here.”

  There was so much space. To anyone else, it might be intimidating. But Cass needed space. Places to explore. She was curious to see the rest of the house and the grounds once they weren’t all covered with snow. There would be a spectacular view of a wide rushing river below the palace.

  Nico gave her enough time to take a shower and get re-dressed. She went to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom and found a modern standing shower with a floor of burnt marble.

  She stepped inside.

  Please, don't make me leave. She laughed. This wasn't a vacation. This was a fairy tale.

  Not a vacation or a fairy tale, she reminded herself, this is work.

  But it sure felt like a vacation as she scrubbed herself down, spinning and walking about, amazed at all the room. She got dressed again, this time into something more formal and sexy, a black dress that hugged her curves.

  While putting her straps back on, she had her back to the mirror. She caught sight of her scarred back.

  Cold tendrils wrapped around her body, stealing her breath.

  “I want you to look at this every day and remember me. Remember you can't run.” Jae held her, dragon claws on her chin as she stared forward, darkness closing in.

  She turned around and grasped the countertop.

  The image of Jae standing in the mirror warped. It was now Nico, standing beside her as she leaned over. Warmth shot through her, curing her of her icy veins like taking a shot of whiskey...

  He dipped his lips to her neck, tilted her chin up to look at her, and kissed her as he pushed himself harder against Cass.

  A knock on the door, and Cass spun around. “Dinner's ready.”

  “Be right there.” She checked herself in the mirror again.

  The dragons were gone. It was only Cass there, looking crazy-eyed.

  She gave herself a tiny slap on the cheek.

  When she answered the door, her scars had left her mind. It was Nico who looked starry-eyed.


  “Oh, you got dressed,” he said. An appreciative smile curved on the edges of his lips. “I hope you enjoy the meal since you're coming dressed in that. I have a lot to live up to, making a meal for such a gorgeous woman.”

  “Thank you,” she said with a slight bow.

  Hot blood rushed through her, it was like she was walking on air. She reminded herself that Nico might only be a gentleman. Since he was so old, possibly hundreds of years old, he lived in a time when things were different and chivalry wasn't dead.

  The aroma of the cooked food overwhelmed her even as they walked down the staircase. She followed him down to the dining room, the pla
tes and silverware all set with the food in the center, a bottle of wine at the ready.

  “I hope you like Merlot. If not, I can get you something else.”

  “I like it really sweet,” she said. But then waved him back and sat down. “I'm more excited for the food. It smells and looks delicious. I won't drink tonight, but thanks for the offer.”

  He smiled and sat down.

  It was stuffed chicken valentino with creamy mozzarella, roasted peppers, and a side of light pasta, which certainly sounded fancy, and looked fancy, too. Cass had to admit with her big family her mom usually didn’t have time to make such elaborate meals. Most of the time it was simple and quick. Some sort of pasta usually. Macaroni and cheese at least three times a week.

  Cass put the chicken on her plate. Then she passed it Nico. Before she could dig in, he told her, “Wait.”

  He lifted up his glass.

  “To both of our success.”

  Cass agreed, beaming at him, and they cheered. She started to eat the delicious food, good feelings and optimism for the future a tantalizing swirl of positive energy around her.

  Once done, she leaned back, completely satisfied.

  “I didn't even need to drink. That left me drunk. That was so good.”

  “I'm glad you like it. Finally, my cooking skills come in handy. Food tastes worse when you’re the only one eating it.”

  “I thought you’d have a private chef.”

  “There might be a lot about me that would surprise you.” With a simmering look, he raised his glass. “There will be plenty of time for us to talk, I suppose. And plenty of time for me to hear your story. I'm willing to bet you've got an interesting one.”

  She shrugged. “Not really.”

  “Oh come on, just being a physical therapist for the Shifter Football League makes you interesting. Even that's a huge deal. But I'm sure I'll find out more about you in time, once I bust my ass enough, right? And stop hobbling around?”

  “You did well today.”

  Not to make him feel bad, she started to talk about herself, about her family back in Idaho. Her brother and sister and the rest of their big family, all her cousins and their parents and all the big parties, how long she expected to talk the first night after the season ended, how her throat would be sore afterwards.


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