Myadd: Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #6

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Myadd: Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #6 Page 1

by Sue Mercury

  Myadd: Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #6

  Intergalactic Dating Agency

  Sue Mercury


  About this book

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Also in the Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides series

  Also by Sue Mercury

  About Sue Mercury

  The Intergalactic Dating Agency

  Copyright © 2020 by Sue Mercury

  Myadd: Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #6 (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

  All rights reserved

  No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Sue Mercury. All names, brands, characters, and settings are purely from the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to real people, real brands, and real locations is a coincidence. Contact: [email protected]

  Editing by Celeste Jones

  Cover design by Croco Designs

  Published in the United States of America

  Sue Mercury, Sue Lyndon

  About this book

  The huge alien warrior wants to keep her forever.

  Pregnant and alone, Sienna feels she has no choice but to sign up for Vaxxlian Mail Order Brides. She’ll have to marry a complete stranger, but she’s desperate to provide a real future for her unborn child. When she meets Myadd, she experiences the first glimmer of hope in ages. The huge muscular alien is sexy as hell and sets her pulse racing whenever he comes near. He promises he’ll always protect her, but how will he react when he learns she’s carrying another man’s baby?

  Myadd is a skilled warrior in need of a human female. Once the mail order bride service finds him a match, he immediately travels to Earth to meet Sienna, and Star God, she’s perfect—kind and sweet and beautiful. Everything he ever hoped for in a mate. Though she’s initially shy and nervous around him, she soon blossoms under his careful attentions, and a boundless passion ignites between them. But there’s a chance they’ll never make it off Earth. Sienna’s been keeping secrets, and powerful forces don’t want her to leave.

  Chapter 1

  Lightning flashed in the distance, prompting Sienna to walk faster. She kept her head down and moved through the street, hoping no one would notice her. Or worse—recognize and possibly try to stop her.

  As she passed the corner bar, she caught a reflection of her profile in the window, which helped ease her worries about being recognized, if only a little.

  Her newly cropped hair, dyed black for good measure, was a far cry from her trademark long blonde waves.

  I’m not that girl anymore. I’m nobody.

  She clutched the bag of groceries to her chest and breathed a sigh of relief when her apartment building came into view. Her stomach rumbled and she held the bag tighter, praying no one tried to grab it. People were becoming more and more desperate and robberies were a common occurrence in this part of the city.

  A group of men across the street turned to look at her, and her stomach promptly flipped. One of them made kissing noises at her and grabbed his crotch. His friends broke into bawdy laughter.

  They started walking in her direction just as she reached her building. Her heart racing, she shifted her groceries into one arm, typed in the entry code, and hurried inside. The door locked with a loud click as it closed behind her.

  Not for the first time, she said a silent prayer of thanks for this extra security measure the landlord provided his tenants. She’d been lucky to find a vacant room in this building when she’d found herself stranded in Houston two months ago, alone and desperate for a safe place to stay.

  She moved further into the entryway and fought back a shudder when she heard fists banging on the door behind her. They can’t follow me inside. I’m safe. For now. She inhaled a few deep breaths and tried to will herself to stop shaking.

  The elevator was out of order, so she hurried up the seven flights of stairs to her small but tidy room. She locked the door behind her, making sure to secure the deadbolt. Even though the entrance to the apartment building was always kept locked, she could never be too careful.

  After setting her grocery bag on the counter, she returned to the door and propped a chair under the handle, a trick Skylar, her neighbor who lived down the hall, taught her would help stop intruders.

  Well, she had no illusions it might stop someone who was determined to get inside, but it might slow them down a bit. Give her enough time to grab a weapon. Or hide. Or scream for help.

  During the time she’d lived here, there had been one break in, when a group of armed men had breached the building and robbed several of the first and second floor tenants. While it had only happened once and the criminals never came near the seventh floor, the incident still gave her quite the scare.

  If lowly criminals could get in, so could the people I’m hiding from.

  With shaking hands, she grabbed the bottle of prenatal vitamins from the grocery bag—her most extravagant purchase—opened it and took one. She pressed a hand to her stomach, wondering if the baby she was carrying was healthy. She tried to eat right and take vitamins every day, but sometimes she ran short on nutritious food and vitamins, as the shelves at the local grocery stores weren’t always well-stocked.

  Exhausted from the trip outside the relative safety of her apartment, she hurried to put her groceries away and fix something to eat. The sooner she ate, the sooner she could prop her feet up and spend the rest of the day relaxing. Or try ing to relax, anyway. More often than not, she had a difficult time clearing her mind enough to sleep at night.

  After eating a sandwich and half a can of tomato soup—she’d save the other half for dinner—she sank down on her sofa and closed her eyes. Though she’d been home—if this could even be called a home—for over half an hour, her heart continued racing and she still felt jittery. Trips out of the building always made her nervous.

  Will it ever get better?

  She placed a hand on her stomach. What would happen when the baby was born? She couldn’t risk going to a hospital, but the idea of giving birth at home, all alone, terrified her to no end. Then there was her financial situation. She would have to get a job soon. Her money was quickly running out.

  Hopeless. Lost. Alone.

  In hiding.

  Her situation was precarious, and she didn’t know where to turn. She opened her eyes and blinked rapidly, trying to hold the tears back. She decided to turn on the television in hopes of distracting herself. She grabbed the remote and channel surfed for a few minutes.

  The news was more frightening than ever. Riots, war, disease, and environmental disasters. In Houston, the murder rate was four times as high as it was this time last year. The news reporter then commented that the president had ordered two thousand additional troops to the city, who would arrive within the week to help restore order.

  Sienna had her doubts that any semblance of order would ever be restored, here in Houston or in other parts of the country. Or t
he world, for that matter.

  The entire planet was falling apart and there was no escape. She was on the run from people who would likely hurt her if they found her, yet she couldn’t leave this city and try to find another place to hide. All roads in and out of Houston had been blocked since she’d found herself stranded here two months ago.

  Panic surged within her. How could she bring a baby into a world that was so messed up?

  Please, God. Please, help me. Please help my child.

  Give us a way to escape and a safe place to go, a place where we can live in peace.

  She stroked her stomach and turned the channel, still blinking back tears. She needed a miracle. Even if she managed to find a job before her money ran out, she had to also stay hidden. She envisioned what would happen to her, and her baby, if Alien Combat, the shady interstellar entertainment company she’d once worked for, found her. Or even her ex—the father of the child she so desperately wished to protect. She wasn’t certain which scenario would be worse and she wrapped her arms around herself as a cold shudder overcame her.

  “Ladies, are you lonely? Are you tired of waking up to more frightening news every day? Would you like to live on a beautiful and safe planet with a mate who will cherish and protect you? I bet I have your attention now, and I would like to tell you about a new interstellar dating service called Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides.”

  Sienna sat up and stared at the screen. What the hell kind of commercial was this? She saw numerous pictures of hunky, shirtless alien males flash on the television, as well as images of picturesque landscapes that definitely weren’t taken on Earth. Well, the commercial certainly had her attention. Eventually, the screen returned to the human woman who’d been speaking earlier.

  “My name is Blaire and I signed up for Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides because I was lonely, and I no longer felt safe on Earth. The dating service matched me with a handsome Vaxxlian warrior named Kazzik, and he came to Earth to get me. We were strangers when we first mated, but during the last six months we have fallen deeply in love. All the human women I’ve met on New Vaxx are happy in their mating unions.”

  Sienna moved closer to the television and listened as Blaire gushed about the benefits of becoming a mail order bride to a Vaxxlian, absorbing every word and drinking in each gorgeous image of the planet that flashed on the screen. She also couldn’t help but admire the sexy Vaxxlian males whose pictures were displayed.

  “Worried about whether or not planet New Vaxx is really safe?” The screen showed the woman named Blaire standing in front of a blue-green planet. She snapped her fingers and a translucent shimmer appeared around the world. “New Vaxx is now surrounded by a protective shield that’ll keep all danger out. The tragedy that occurred on Vaxxlia will never happen again,” Blaire said, frowning for a moment as she referenced the time Irrcons destroyed planet Vaxxlia, along with most Vaxxlian females and even more horrifically, their children as well. The majority of Vaxxlian warriors had been off planet at the time, fighting the Irrcons in another sector of space entirely.

  Blaire continued talking about New Vaxx and the screen showed the streets of a beautiful city known as Starrzia, the main settlement on the planet the Vaxxlians now called home. Sienna had never seen anything like it.

  How had she never heard of this dating service before? She’d heard of Vaxxlians, of course, and she knew a little bit about them, but she hadn’t known they were coming to Earth in search of single human females.

  At the end of the commercial, the website address of the mail order bride service was displayed on the screen. On impulse, she grabbed a pen and paper from the coffee table and wrote it down. She stared at the website address jotted hastily on the scrap of paper, a sense of disbelief tinged with hope waving through her.

  Could this be her ticket to safety?

  She placed a hand on her stomach. At twelve weeks, she wasn’t showing yet. If she signed up for Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides today, she could find herself matched with an alien male soon, before it was obvious she was pregnant. Within days or even hours, if the commercial was to be believed. Talk about a rushed wedding.

  A knock on her door startled a gasp from her. She cautiously rose from the couch and approached the door. A glance through the peephole showed it was Skylar from down the hall. Sienna breathed a sigh of relief, moved the chair aside and unlatched the deadbolt, and opened the door.

  “Good afternoon,” Skylar said, holding up a plate of brownies. “I saw those assholes catcalling you in the street and thought you could use some cheering up.” She pushed the plate into Sienna’s hands. “I-I was keeping watch out the window to make sure you got home okay,” she added.

  The sweet warm aroma of the fresh baked brownies made Sienna’s mouth water, and she quickly stepped back and gestured for Skylar to come inside. “Thank you so much,” she said, touched by her new friend’s thoughtfulness. “Want to come in for some coffee?”

  “You have coffee? I haven’t been able to find any in weeks.” Skylar breezed inside and Sienna’s mood instantly lightened. No matter what was going on in the world, Skylar always seemed to be happy and her optimism was often contagious. She was also the nicest person Sienna had met in a long time.

  “Well, it’s decaf,” Sienna said as she closed the door and fixed the deadbolt back into place.

  “That’s okay. We can pretend it’s the real stuff.” Skylar glanced over her shoulder, paused, and then turned to place the chair back under the doorknob. “Just in case. I’ve only lived here a month longer than you and I haven’t met all the tenants in this building yet. Some of them might be weirdos.”

  “Thanks,” Sienna said. “You go have a seat and I’ll put the coffee on.”

  Several minutes later, the two women sat on the couch, eating extra fudgy brownies and sipping decaf coffee. The television was still on and the Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides commercial started playing again.

  Skylar sighed. “Wow. Their planet looks perfect and Vaxxlian warriors are said to be gentle giants.”

  “Really?” Sienna asked, trying not to sound too eager. “Gentle giants? They look like they could be brutes.” Though she was seriously considering signing up for the mail order bride service—her life and the life of her child might very well depend on escaping Earth and remaining hidden from those who were seeking her—the huge size of the Vaxxlian warriors unnerved her a bit.

  What if she signed up for the service and her matched mate had a temper? Large as they were, she wouldn’t stand a chance. No human woman would.

  “Oh, I watched a documentary about them last week. They are deadly in battle, of course, but they treat their mates very well and they usually strive to have large families.”

  Could it be true? Sienna gulped hard and peered at her friend. “Um, are you sure? I mean, aren’t they demanding and gruff?”

  A slight smile touched Skylar’s lips. “Well, they are said to be very protective of their mates. One human woman from the documentary made a passing comment that her Vaxxlian mate always wanted to know where she was at all hours of the day. Some women might find that sort of behavior suffocating, but honestly, I wouldn’t mind. Not when I consider the alternative,” she said with a gesture toward the window.

  “Maybe… maybe one day you could sign up for Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides,” Sienna said. “After you find your sister.”

  Skylar smiled. “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” she said, her eyes twinkling as she leaned closer. “I entertain wild fantasies about finally finding my sister and then the both of us signing up for the mail order bride service, leaving Earth with our new Vaxxlian mates, and spending the rest of our lives on New Vaxx, happily raising families and visiting each other often.” A rare sadness abruptly entered her gaze, but she quickly blinked it away and shot Sienna a smile. “Hey, it could happen. I’m not giving up hope yet.”

  “Have you heard anything from the investigator you hired?”

  “Nothing new. Macy�
��s trail went cold at the border. I know she tried to cross over into Canada, but the investigator still isn’t sure if she turned around or actually made it across. I’d like to think she made it and she’s living happily up there under a very good alias and that’s making it difficult to find her.”

  “I hope you hear some good news soon,” Sienna said, reaching for Skylar’s hand and giving it a quick squeeze.

  “Thanks. Me too. I can’t believe people want to kill us just because of who our father was,” Skylar said with a shake of her head. “It’s unreal. Neither of us were involved in politics and our father is dead now. I guess his enemies are that determined to make an example of us.” She drew in a deep breath and met Sienna’s gaze. “Thanks for being such a good friend. You’re the only one in this city who knows my real name.”

  Sienna blinked against a sudden burn in her eyes. “Well, you’re the only one who knows my real name. Us runaways need to stick together, right?”

  The troubled gleam faded from Skylar’s eyes and she started to look like her usual chipper self, her blue eyes sparkling as she grinned. She tucked an errant strand of blonde hair behind her ears. Her hair was so similar to Sienna’s natural hair that sometimes Sienna felt as though she were looking into a mirror when she hung out with Skylar, especially considering their similar circumstances in life—they were both in hiding, both desperate to stay alive.


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