Myadd: Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #6

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Myadd: Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #6 Page 10

by Sue Mercury

  Long moments passed in silence. Myadd thought about her child and his heart began to fill with warmth. A baby. She would have a baby soon. Though he’d been shocked at first, he understood her reasons for keeping it a secret. To protect her child, she’d needed to mate with a Vaxxlian. She had wished to secure his protection first.

  “Even if you would have divulged your pregnancy when we first met,” he said slowly, “I would have still mated with you, little human. I swear it. I refuse to believe I spent years dreaming of you without reason. And I will accept your baby as mine, for the child is an extension of you, my sweet mate.” He placed a hand upon her stomach and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  She peered at him, wide-eyed, her lips slightly parted. “Do you truly mean it?”

  “Yes. I swear it on the souls of my ancestors.” He drank in her beauty and silently thanked the Star God that Sienna was finally his and that she was now safe. All those who had tormented her were now dead, most importantly Brett. “The baby is part of you, my sweet mate, and I have waited for you my whole life. I view this child as mine, just as you are mine.”

  He rose to his feet, lifting Sienna with him. Her eyes still wide, she looked him up and down. He stepped back to remove his bloodied shirt and tossed it on the floor. A glance down at his chest showed no visible injury. His strength had almost returned to normal as well. The nanobots could work miracles and he was grateful one of his fellow warriors, a healer named Stax, had developed such lifesaving technology.

  He glanced at Brett’s body and his lips curled in disgust. He picked up the transporter device the human male had apparently used to beam onto the ship. After quickly attaching the device to Brett’s shirt, Myadd pressed a few buttons, programming the device to beam the body directly onto the ice below. He stood back and watched as the man disappeared in a shimmer of light.

  “He’s gone now,” he said, turning to Sienna. “He’ll never hurt you again. You’re safe. I promise.”

  Tears glimmered in her eyes. “Thank you, Myadd. Truly.”

  He grasped her hand. “Come, my mate. We’re leaving now. We’re going home.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Together.”

  Chapter 20

  A light breeze ruffled Sienna’s hair. She peered at the two moons of New Vaxx, a sense of awe filling her. They’d landed on the rooftop of Myadd’s massive home in Starrzia a few minutes ago. Myadd was still on board his Vaxxlian cruiser, however, as he had to send a quick report about the events on Earth to his unit commander. But he’d insisted she disembark the ship and take in the view, rather than wait on the ship with him. Skylar and Sienna stood next to her, occasionally making comments about how picturesque this planet was.

  “We haven’t even seen it during daytime yet, silly,” Macy said after Skylar made yet another comment about the planet’s beauty. “I bet it’s even prettier during the day.”

  “I hardly think it’ll be prettier during the daytime,” Skylar countered. “Just look at the stars! Have you ever seen a night sky so brilliant? I can’t remember the last time I saw a night so clear.”

  Skylar was right. The night was especially clear, without a cloud blocking out the moons or stars. On Earth, there was too much air pollution in most locations, making a glimpse of bright blue sky or a starry night rare.

  Sienna covered a yawn.

  “Still tired?” Skylar asked. “You slept during the trip through the wormhole, didn’t you? We did. We slept like logs.”

  Sienna smiled, recalling her trip through the Eshunna Passage. Myadd had put the ship on autopilot and joined her in bed. She had fallen asleep in his arms, safe and secure while he whispered to her in his native tongue. “Um, yes, I got a few hours of sleep,” she said, holding back a grin when she thought about the activities she had enjoyed after she’d awoken in Myadd’s arms.

  Her face heated at the memory. He’d kissed her thoroughly, taking his time as he undressed her and paid homage to her body. When he’d reached her stomach, he’d placed a dozen soft kisses around her belly button. Her heart warmed as she recalled his gentleness.

  “I’m so happy Myadd accepted your baby,” Skylar said. “What he said about the child being an extension of you is just the sweetest thing.”

  Sienna had briefly filled Skylar in about what had happened after Brett was defeated. She smiled at her friend as relief and happiness flowed through her. Not only was she finally on New Vaxx, but she was mated to a kind Vaxxlian warrior who had vowed to accept her baby as his own. Furthermore, she never had to worry about Alien Combat or Brett bothering her again. After losing the majority of their interstellar vessels, the entertainment company wouldn’t dare come after her now.

  Myadd jogged down the ship’s ramp and headed straight for her. He looked around the roof as he took her hand. “My brothers must still be on Earth, for their vessels are not here, but I am certain they will arrive soon. I know they had no wish to linger on your planet, given the unsafe conditions. The three of us were eager to bring our mates back to New Vaxx as soon as possible.”

  “Brothers? You have brothers?” Macy said, perking up, but her face fell a second later. “Oh wait, you mentioned their mates.” She sighed a bit dramatically.

  “Don’t mind her,” Skylar said. “She was always a bit boy crazy.”

  “Was not.”

  “Was too.”

  Myadd looked between the two sisters, wearing an expression of exasperation. Sienna pulled him down for a kiss and then whispered into his ear, “You might want to set those two up with mates sooner rather than later.”

  He chuckled. “Agreed.” He guided Sienna to a staircase that descended steeply into the large home. “Follow me,” he called over his shoulder to Skylar and Macy. “I will show you to your rooms.”

  After getting the two sisters situated in their rooms, Myadd lifted Sienna in his arms and carried her down a long hallway. She leaned against his chest, thankful that he was fully healed. She’d never known such fear as when he’d taken a knife to the heart.

  “When you smile, a real smile, your eyes light up like the stars,” Myadd said, peering down at her. “It pleases me to see you happy, my sweet mate.”

  She gave a sigh of contentment and snuggled deeper in his embrace. “Thank you, Myadd,” she said, “for everything. I-I’m sorry I was so much trouble. I do hope to be a good mate to you.”

  “You will make a fine mate, Sienna, of that I am certain.” His eyes darkened as he carried her through a doorway. He called out a command in Vaxxlian and the door shut behind them with a faint clicking noise.

  Her breath hitched when his eyes started to glow. She felt a strange vibration inside her and realized Myadd was causing it, his low growl radiating through her. He placed her down upon a large bed that dominated the room.

  “Are you tired?” he asked.

  “No,” she said, feeling breathless as she watched him remove his shirt.

  Before their arrival on New Vaxx, they had both showered and donned clean clothing aboard his ship. As she admired his broad, muscular chest, she reached for the hem of her newly replicated dress. She squirmed on the bed as she tugged the garment over her head.

  His nostrils flared as his gaze roved over her body. He hadn’t replicated undergarments for her, just the dress, and she was now completely naked before him. Warm pulses quaked in her center and she knew he must be able to smell her desire, since his nostrils kept flaring wider and his growls deepened.

  Holding her gaze, he pushed his boots off his feet, then unfastened his pants and removed them entirely. His huge, rigid cock sprang forth, and a thrill went through her as he crawled atop her on the bed.

  He pressed his body to hers as he kissed her. And oh what a kiss. He cupped her face, delved his tongue inside her mouth and vibrated it against hers. Moans emanated from her throat and she couldn’t stop lifting her center in an attempt to coax him inside her. Whenever the tip of his cock dragged through her folds but he didn’t quite push inside, she
whimpered in frustration.

  “Impatient, little human,” Myadd said in a scolding tone. He made a show of shaking his head. “I am trying to kiss you and romance you, but you only want my cock inside you. Is that how it is?”

  She blushed. “One could argue you’ve romanced me enough for one day, Myadd.” She placed a hand upon his heart, right where he’d taken the knife. For her. He’d taken a knife to his heart for her. She peered at him and grew serious. “You saved me, and I’ll never forget that. You saved me and you accepted me, despite my faults and my secrets.”

  He laced his fingers through hers and took his time placing soft kisses to the back of her hand. Then he stroked her hair and leaned closer, until his lips hovered over hers. His eyes glowed brighter. “Perhaps we saved each other.”

  “I like the way that sounds better.” She smiled. “It makes me sound less needy.”

  He chuckled and nuzzled his nose against hers. “Star God, how have we only known one another for just two days? It feels as though I’ve known you my whole life. Everything about you is familiar and right. Your presence is a balm to my soul. It’s true—I need you just as much as you need me.”

  His cock throbbed directly at her entrance, and he gripped her hips and surged inside. Her eyes fluttered shut as pleasure overcame her, her toes curled, and her whole body quivered with delicious sensation. She undulated her hips against his, moving in tune with his rapid thrusts.

  It was a fast, almost violent joining of their bodies and their hearts. He pumped into her quickly, brought her to a devastating release, and then exploded inside her with a ferocious growl. Her heart pounded and she gasped for breath in the aftermath of their lovemaking.

  He withdrew from her center slowly and held her close, spooning her from behind. They joined again five more times during the night, both of them unable to sleep, but also eager to explore one another’s bodies and revel in the newness of their union.

  In the early light of morning, Sienna turned in Myadd’s arms and studied his handsome features. She didn’t think he was sleeping, but his eyes were closed, and she took the opportunity to stare at him openly. His lashes were dark and thick, his jaw square and his cheekbones high. His hair was beautifully dark, and she couldn’t resist the temptation to run a hand through his short wavy locks.

  He opened his eyes and his gaze was more heated than ever. She felt his cock thickening between them, his hard shaft pressing against her stomach.

  “Again?” she asked, shocked by his stamina. Thank goodness for the nanobots, or she would most definitely be sore.

  “Again,” he confirmed with a growl. “I cannot get enough of you, little human.”

  She found herself covering a sudden yawn. A second later, her stomach growled. She gave him a sheepish look. “Very well,” she said. “Again. But only if you make me breakfast afterward and then maybe let me take a little nap.”

  “It’s a deal. Now come here, my sweet mate, and let me kiss you.”


  Six months later…

  Myadd cradled the little human girl in his arms, thankful that she’d been born healthy. Her arrival had come several weeks earlier than the healer had predicted, but Stax had assured them both that the baby girl was healthy. Thank the Star God.

  Pride swelled within him as he gazed at a fatigued-looking Sienna. Sweat beaded on her forehead and her hair was in disarray upon the pillows. A bit longer now, she’d stripped the black dye from her hair and returned to her natural shade of blonde.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Tired and a bit dazed, but happy. Stax says he’s never seen a first baby delivered so quickly. We’re lucky he made it here in time.”

  The baby squirmed in his arms and Myadd rocked her, trying to soothe the child when she gave a sudden, loud keening cry. He pressed a kiss to the child’s forehead, stunned by the depth of his feelings for this little baby he now shared with his mate.

  “I think she’s hungry again,” Sienna said, unbuttoning the front of her nightdress. Myadd placed the baby at her breast and the child immediately began to suckle.

  Myadd sank down on the bed next to the two females he cared about most in the world. He grabbed a glass of water from the bedside table and held it to Sienna’s lips. “You must stay hydrated,” he reminded her. “The healer said so.”

  She accepted a quick drink and thanked him. Once he set the glass aside, he returned his attention to his mate and the little miracle at her breast. What a blessing this child was.

  “Her hair is light, just like yours,” Myadd said. “Remember how I told you that you were my light in the darkness? When I dreamed of you during the war? Now I have another light in my life.”

  A tear rolled down Sienna’s cheek and she sniffled. “Oh, Myadd. You always say the sweetest things, and you have a tendency to do it when I’m already feeling emotional. Seriously, are you trying to make me cry right now?” She laughed through her tears, which he was quick to wipe away with his thumbs.

  “I’m not trying to make you cry, I simply enjoy telling you how I feel about you.” Myadd kissed her forehead, then stroked his fingers through the thick blonde fuzz covering the baby’s head. “Have you thought of a name yet?” he asked.

  “I’ve always liked the name Naomi,” she said.

  “I think it’s a beautiful name,” he replied. “Naomi. Our baby daughter.”

  His eyes locked with Sienna’s and he moved closer, eager to hold her while she nursed their child. He wrapped an arm around her, and she leaned her head against him.

  “As I showed Stax out of the house,” Myadd said, “Skylar and Macy arrived with gifts for the baby, though they did not stay. They wanted me to tell you congratulations and to let them know when you’re up for a visit.”

  “That’s very kind of them. But how did they know I had the baby?”

  “Amie told them on her way to school,” Myadd said, referring to the talkative six-year-old human child who belonged to Belle, his brother Khann’s mate. What a surprise it had been when Khann had arrived on New Vaxx with his mate, who also had a small human daughter. Myadd was a proud uncle though and enjoyed the little girl’s company, even if she did sometimes chatter, often about the most inconsequential topics, until she was blue in the face.

  “Well, if Amie’s on the loose, I’m sure all of Starrzia already knows by now,” Sienna said with a smile.

  “Indeed. Khann and Belle will have their hands full when their baby is born,” Myadd said. Belle was currently with child and due in a few moon cycles.

  “I can’t believe Rachel is pregnant too,” Sienna said, referring to his brother Axall’s mate. “It’s wonderful though, that all our children will grow up with cousins to play with.”

  “I agree,” Myadd said, still stroking a finger through Naomi’s hair. “Look, I think she’s asleep.” The baby’s eyes were shut and she was barely suckling, though her lips remained latched onto Sienna’s nipple.

  “I can’t believe how beautiful she is. Just look at her.” Sienna’s eyes gleamed with love and tenderness. He knew she would be an excellent mother, kind and patient and affectionate, and he was proud to call her his mate.

  Myadd brushed his lips across Sienna’s cheek. “She is very beautiful. Just like her mother, who I happen to love very much.”

  “I love you, too,” she said, “with all my heart.”


  Thank you for reading Myadd!

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  Are you curious about what life will be like for Myadd + Sienna in four years?

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  Want to read Axall and Rachel’s story?

  Click here for Axall

  Want to read Khann and Belle’s story?

  Click here for Khann

  (Yes, Skyla
r and Macy will be getting their own stories. Look for the Vaxxlian Matchmakers series, set to launch in February 2021!)

  Haven’t read Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides Books 1 - 3 yet? You can grab the whole box set here (contains Rozar, Slate, and Thade - another trio of sexy Vaxxlian brothers)

  Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides is a spin-off of Sue Mercury’s popular Vaxxlian Mates series.

  Want to read about how it all started?

  Vaxxlian Mates: The Complete Series is now available everywhere! Click here (includes Alien Protector, Alien Healer, Alien Giant, Alien Brute, and Alien Hunter)

  Want more hot sci-fi romance? Try the Savage Martians series. Start with Royal Alien Mate.

  Keep scrolling to learn more about Sue Mercury (aka Sue Lyndon) and her books —>

  Also in the Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides series

  ROZAR: Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides #1

  The otherworldly stranger is the biggest, fiercest looking alien warrior she's ever seen...and she's already agreed to become his mate.

  Nadia knows if she stays on Earth, her mob boss ex-husband's goons will eventually find her. When the opportunity to become a Vaxxlian Mail Order Bride arises, she can't sign up fast enough. She's soon matched with a huge, fierce-looking alien warrior named Rozar who wants to mate with her upon their very first meeting. Whoa there. Slow down. She's desperate to escape Earth, but she also wants to be sure Rozar is a kind, decent alien before she commits to spending her life with him. She rushed into her first marriage and look what that got her--a one-way ticket into the Witness Protection Program. But the clock is ticking. The ship that brought Rozar to Earth departs in two weeks. Should she take a chance on the handsome otherworldly stranger whose kisses make her melt? Or should she rush back to her hideaway and hope for the best?


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