The Devil's Eyes

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The Devil's Eyes Page 11

by Jennifer Loren

  A feeling of eagerness races up my legs but before I can think another thought, I am running through the water and into his arms. “The water is so warm. I can’t believe how good it feels.”

  “So, are you having fun?” He asked.

  “Very much so. Thank you!” I said laying my head against his.

  “Thanks for coming with me.” Nick said holding me tight to his chest and throwing us both into the oncoming wave. We play, kiss, and enjoy each other’s laughter throughout the afternoon. When the sun begins to go down, we climb into the hammock together to enjoy the night.

  “It is so beautiful. I could die here.” I sigh peacefully.

  “No dying. I would miss you.”

  “You would miss me? The woman that tried to kill you?”

  “Yes, I guess you’re kind of cute when you get all murderous on me.” Nick said looking away from me uncomfortably. Rolling over on top of him, I take hold of his hands and push them above his head and lightly twist the hanging rope around each one. “What are you doing?” Without answering, I slip my top off and kiss him. “Mmm, seems good so far.” Rubbing my hands over his muscles, I press my lips to his warm skin and make my way down. When I reach my goal, I pull him out and wrap my lips around the tip of him, enjoying his gasp. Moving further, I go deeper in and hum. He grows rapidly in my mouth and tenses with his moans. I take control of him and work him slowly to the edge and make use of my hands to encourage him further. Nick watches me with a heavy breath before dropping his head back and moaning out loud. “Oh damn … mmm … ewffuc …” Cleaning him up, I crawl over top of him and release his hands. “I am so glad you’re here.” He says pulling me in close. I find a comfortable place on his chest and close my eyes. “Let’s go inside.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because I am going to fuck the hell out of you as soon as I get my strength back.”

  “And how long will that be?” I smile teasing him.

  “How long will it take to get those bikini bottoms off?” I jump off him and run into the house, laughing once I catch sight of him running after me.

  We spend days being lazy and relaxed, Nick assumes I am bored after awhile and volunteers to drive us into town. “I think this is the first time I have seen you without a group of huge men surrounding you. You’re not worried here?” I asked nervously taking in the scenery that is passing by a little too quickly for me.

  “No one knows or cares who I am here. That’s why I come here. I don’t do it often, but when I do, I take a few detours to get here to make sure no one- including Luke- knows where I am at. This is my place to find some peace for a little while.” Nick said.

  “But now I know about it. Why?” I asked as Nick glances at me but ignores my question. I am not sure if he doesn’t want to tell me or if he doesn’t know. Either way, I am having too much fun to ruin it with an argument.

  “There is a great little place down here that we can eat at and then walk to the market.” He suggests as I nod happily and follow him everywhere enjoying the environment but enjoying him holding my hand more. We eat some great food and talk about all the people and crazy animals running around. When we finish, Nick takes me to the market and tells me to pick out whatever I want. He buys me a cute dress but I can't help notice that he seems to be searching for something. When a small jewelry store appears off in the distance, Nick pulls me into it. “Kayla, what do you think of this?” I walk over to him and look at the beautiful emerald and diamond pendant necklace.

  “It’s beautiful.” I say as Nick wraps it around my neck. “Nick, this is very expensive.”

  “Do you like it?” He asked

  “Yes, but I can’t.” I replied as I try to unlatch it from my neck.

  Ignoring me, Nick begins making the guy an offer for the necklace. I take one look at myself in the mirror and for the first time I see my own happiness. One of the workers assumes I am looking at something in the case and rushes over and takes out a diamond ring for me to look at. I put up my hand and shake my head, “Oh no! No, I … no.”

  “You like it right?” He asked me.

  “Yes, it’s very beautiful, but no.” I said while trying to back away.

  “He will buy for you, if you like.”

  I laugh nervously, trying to hurry him up and put it back before Nick sees. “I don’t think so, we aren’t … well, that’s a little beyond what I think he is willing to get for me.”

  “Are you getting greedy over here?” Nick says from behind me, kissing me on the cheek before catching sight of the ring over my shoulder.

  “I just glanced at it. I didn’t ask him to take it out.” I said quickly.

  “We should probably go.” He said and I nod, waving at the man with a nervous smile. I feel uneasy walking out, until Nick takes my hand again and seems unfazed by the event. “I think they are having a fair tonight. Do you want to go back and change for it?”

  “That sounds like fun.”

  I put on my new dress, with my new necklace, and find Nick waiting for me. “You look beautiful.” He said.

  “You look incredible … but I probably shouldn’t tell you that.” I blush as I take in his mouthwatering ensemble and consider my lame remark.

  “Why is that?”

  “I don’t want you to think that I can’t resist you.” I said with a laugh.

  Nick pulls me in close, “Can you?” Kissing me quickly, he leads me out before I even have a chance to answer. The fair is crowded but so much fun. We play games, watch people perform, and dance to the music. We give up trying to keep up with the locals and search for our own little corner to keep it simple. A drink or two in, I feel lightheaded and have to hold onto Nick. Not long after, I realize he is feeling it too. It is not surprising, the drinks are nearly pure alcohol.

  “Nick, I don’t think I can feel my feet.”

  “Me either which is probably a good thing because I think you are stepping all over me.” He laughs.

  “Oh, am I?” I pull away and look down at my feet but the motion instantly makes me dizzy. I look up at Nick and fall into his chest. He pulls my face back up to his and takes hold of my lips. Nick holds me so close and so tight, I can barely kiss him. I have never felt so wonderful and safe in my life. I thought I had that with Daniel, I thought I was in love with him but it is clear now that I was more in love with the idea of him. With Nick however, I feel different somehow, he is … different. Resting in his arms, I lay my head against his shoulder, “I love … you.” I whisper into the wind.


  I can feel the sun beating down on me but I am unsure where I am and I am too scared to open my eyes to find out. I stretch my arm out and immediately feel Nick, so I open my eyes and am surprised to see the house we have been staying in. Nick rolls over wrapping his arm around me. “What’s wrong?” He says with a rugged voice.

  “I don’t remember how we got here.” I said with a roughness of my own.

  “I called for someone to drive us, I think. Most of the night is a blur.” He says as I try to sit up.

  My head immediately pounds, “Oh, my head!” I complain as I slide back into bed and try not to move.

  “They brought us a hangover cure in a cup over there. I tried it, but it was not easy to get down.” Nick said watching me ease slowly to the edge of the bed to reach out for the cup of odd sludge. I look in the cup and nearly faint from the smell. Nick laughs, “Hold your nose and swallow. It’s worth it, I promise.” I do as he says quickly. After I get it down, I lie back down and curl up next to him. “Did I forget to say brush your teeth before you got back into bed with me?” I ease up to look at him. He smiles and kisses me.

  I smack him playfully, “Uh huh, you didn’t brush yours either.” Before I lie back down, I notice a shell ring on my finger. “When did I get this?”

  “Oh, you married some local last night.”

  “I did what!”

  “You are a horrible wife, too. Having sex with another man on your honeymoon nig
ht? That’s not right at all.” He teases.

  “What’s that on your finger?” Nick rolls over, laughing into his pillow. I pull up the side of his pillow as he pushes his hand deeper. “What are you hiding?” I say as I manage to uncover his hand showing a similar ring. “And who did you marry?”

  “You …”

  “But I thought I married a local?” I asked feeling confused.

  “You did. Well, you were set to, I had to bribe the guy to let me have you instead.” I smile and kiss him. “Best five dollars I have ever spent.” My jaw drops open and I smack him hard as he laughs.

  “Real funny. Now how did we really get these?”

  “I don’t know. We were playing and then you decided you had to buy me something and for some reason that something had to be for the both of us, so you bought these. Then, I said I feel like I am married so you forced me to stand on the pier and say: “I might as well”, over and over.”

  I laugh holding my pained head, “I might as well?”

  “Because I refused to say I do.” He laughs playing with my hair.

  “Ah, well, that makes sense.”

  “Doesn’t it?” Nick rolls over top me, taking in my lips one at a time. “You know those rings were only a couple of dollars, I think you owe me the difference for the necklace I bought you.”

  “How about I just bathe us both in the giant Jacuzzi outside?”

  “Mmm. Okay, but you are going to brush your teeth first, right?” Before he can get too far away from me, I throw a pillow at him.

  “You better, as well! I mean … YOU MIGHT AS WELL!” I yell after him, smiling when I hear him laugh.

  Sitting in his lap with the bubbles surrounding us, I massage his muscles, lathering them up, and washing them off before finding another place to clean him. It’s quiet, apart from the waves, the birds, and the sound of our breathing. I take pleasure in the moment, feeling his body, touching him, and feeling his hands on me. I fight my urge to look up into his eyes but my curiosity gets the better of me. He is staring right at me with a crooked smile, sending a wave of exhilaration through my body. I lie against his chest and sigh deeply, wishing for the moment to never end. I hate how I feel about him. I hate being this vulnerable to him. Now I know why Bray fell so hard for him. I hope when he is done with me, I can leave him easier than she.


  Being back at work gives me the opportunity to tell Exie about all the details of my trip, but I would easily forgo that to have stayed alone with Nick. I had to promise to not talk about where we were, not that I even knew for sure. The maze of stops and detours he took before finally getting to some type of civilization would have confused anybody. I am pretty sure of the continent, but that is about it.

  As far as the club, Kyler clearly did not have such an easy time running things while I was gone. There were several fights with the girls. If not for Exie threatening to cut the heels off their shoes, it might have gotten out of hand. My first night back is filled with complaining and exhausting conversations to get Kyler back at ease. Tonight, I am so tired I don’t even consider waiting up for Nick. I am out before my head hits the pillow. After a few hours, my deep sleep is disturbed abruptly by Nick yelling. I put on my robe and walk out to the balcony to see Nick screaming at Luke.

  “What do you want me to do, Nick?” Luke holds his hands out in defense.

  “Who brought that FUCKER?” Nick screams.

  “He’s a friend of Jack’s. Marcus was supposed …” Dawson yells back defensively.

  “Supposed? He was supposed to be? Did no one check him out?” Nick yells again as they move to the other side of the house. Curious, I follow quietly to the back of the house and cower in the dark on the balcony above them.

  “I checked him out myself and he was good.” Dawson said.

  “Well obviously not!” Nick yelled waving his hands and pacing. His normal perfect dress is in disarray. “Where is Jack?”

  “Outside.” Dwayne motioned.

  “Bring him in here.” Nick said. Luke motions to Dwayne and a man soon wanders in slowly ahead of Dwayne. As soon as Nick eyes him, the man drops to his knees with his trembling hands in the air. “You set me up!” Nick yells.

  “I swear, Nick, I didn’t. I don’t know how they found out but I swear it wasn’t me. Marcus swore to me he was …”

  “Shut up!” Nick gives a nod to Luke and Luke takes out his gun.

  “Nick, please! I swear I will take care of it.” Nick jumps back towards the man pulling out his own gun and putting it against the man’s head.

  “Nick!” I yell, shaking and startling everyone. Nick puts his gun away and runs up to me, wrapping his arms around me and nearly carrying me back into the bedroom.

  “Kayla, what are you doing up?”

  “I heard you yelling.” I said backing away from his menacing eyes.

  “How much … how much did you hear?”

  “Not much. I heard you yelling and then I saw you holding a gun to that man’s head. You were going to shoot him.” I said gripping his shirt and craving him to hold me rather than grip me like he is.

  Nick grabs a hold of the back of my neck and pulls me in tight to him, “Go to bed. Put your headphones on and don’t get up until I say so. Do you understand me?” With my entire body shaking uncontrollably and tears fighting their way free down my face, I nod. Nick presses his lips to my cheek, “Everything is going to be fine, I promise. That man is going to help me and I have to make sure he understands that he doesn’t have a choice. That’s all that is going to happen.” After kissing me once again, he lets go of me and watches as I grab my headphones and climb into bed. I can feel his eyes on me as I try to settle my nerves and calm down. With every vibration and every slight noise I think I hear over my music, I cringe thinking it is a gun going off. I fear for Nick, I fear for the man crying for his life to be spared, and I fear for me hearing something that I shouldn’t have. When I feel Nick pull the headphones from my ears and wrap his arms around me, I search over his body to prove to myself he is unharmed. He cradles me to him, playing with my hair, and rubbing my back until I fall asleep.



  Nick has been overtly attentive since the other night: going out of his way to make sure I smile or at least smile at him. It’s not easy. Tonight he got us tickets to the ballet, I have never been but am enjoying it immensely. At intermission, Nick suggests a glass of wine. I agree and walk with him hand in hand to the reception area where he buys us both a glass. “So, are you enjoying it so far?” He asked.

  “Yes, thank you for bringing me. It’s … I don’t know what. I have never seen anything like it before.” I say watching him smile back at me, with the darkness in his eyes faded into the background. “Are you staying with me all-night tonight?”

  “Is that what you want?” I nod in response. “Then I will.” He said as his eyes dart over my shoulder. I sink a little, assuming that he has to be noticing another woman, but he kisses me deeply instead. The display is comforting, but obviously meant for someone else to see. I smile appreciatively at him, but make sure to glance back when we walk back to our seats. Daniel nods in my direction with a scowl as Nick wraps his arm around me and guides us back to our seats. I try to enjoy the show, but it is difficult. I have a terrible feeling that Daniel isn’t going to let it go. During the next intermission, I try to keep Nick with me in what I think is a safe corner. I am positive he knows what I am trying to do but he is being kind enough to oblige.

  “You’re not still seeing him, are you?” Nick asks suddenly.

  “No, not since we … no.” I said, feeling good that it seems to put him at ease.

  “If you’re finished, I will take your glass back.” I hand him my glass, kissing him before he walks away. I begin to feel better about the night but then Daniel heads off Nick. The two meet like two bulls preparing to rage at each other. They speak tensely for several minutes before the clash suddenly ends. At the end of the ballet, Nic
k rushes us home and I assume the night is long over. “Kayla.” Nick said stopping me from going up the stairs. I wait for him to speak again but instead he props me up on a nearby table and latches on to my lips, ripping my panties halfway down my legs.

  I push him off me, “Nick! What are you trying to do to me? It is not my fault. It’s not my fault, Nick. If you can’t get over me being with Daniel, then you need to tell me so we can go our own ways. I haven’t seen Daniel since that night you threw me into your car and I don’t plan to. You can’t treat me like you own me, Nick. If you want to talk to me about it, then talk. Don’t fuck your way into my life.” I head up the stairs to bed and hope he follows but almost an hour passes before he finally comes in to the room.

  Walking to my side of the bed, he fights with himself over the words he wants to say to me. I look up at him and he groans like a child, “I don’t know ... I hate that you were ever with him. It is my fault that you were. I should have ...” Nick sighs looking away. “I want you to want me more, but if you don’t, I won’t stop you from leaving. However, I also won’t stop trying to protect you from him.” Sighing deeply his shoulders sink, “So I guess I am trying to say …” He looks down at me, groaning, “I’m sorry.”

  I reach up and pull him down on top of me, “You are forgiven!” Kissing him passionately, I rip his clothes off his body as fast as I can go but he gets impatient and finishes them off himself. “I do want you more, Nick. I never cared about him the way I care about you. I always felt like something was missing with him. You’re different somehow.” Nick suddenly finds his patient side and romances me with sweet kisses and soft touches before he finds his way inside me, moving his body like he dances to a rhythm that reaches down to my soul.


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