The Devil's Eyes

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The Devil's Eyes Page 14

by Jennifer Loren

  “Curiosity, sweetheart, nothing more. I wanted to fuck you. What can I say? You’re a great fuck.” He says trying to look into my eyes but avoiding them somehow.

  “Nick, you are such a liar. But, you know what? Have it your way. Last night was nothing. Good, I’m glad we have a clear understanding now. Now, I can move on with Brady and give him what he has been wanting from me.”

  “Good for you. About time you got it.” Nick says staring at the floor.

  “Oh, I got it! Enjoy your meeting I am going to go shop for something sexy and lacy for my date with Brady tonight. He is so sweet and goes out of his way to make me feel wanted. Why I ever …”

  Nick rushes at me, “Yes, why did you ever? You should have known better. I am not your Prince Charming, Kayla!” Snarling he throws the keys to my car on the table next to me, “If it’s still sitting there when I leave, I am going to blow it up. So, I would take it if I were you.” He leaves me without another word. I chase after him, yelling at him to never come near me again. I want to make him as insane as I feel, so I make sure he understands clearly my intentions with Brady for our date tonight- not that he seems to care. He ignores me meeting with Luke and making jokes to drown me out. They both leave me laughing and dismissing my every attempt to get Nick to talk to me. The frustration only makes me angrier and more determined to rid him of my life.


  It took most of the afternoon to get myself together, but I am determined to see Brady tonight and get Nick as far out of my mind as possible. However, when Brady picks me up he glares at me suspiciously. “So, there were two men brutally attacked less than a block from your restaurant last night.” Brady asked knowingly.

  “Really? That’s terrible.” I said pretending to be interested in what’s outside my window.

  “Uh huh, I don’t suppose you know anything about that, do you?”

  “No. They didn’t know who attacked them?” I asked with a shrug of my shoulders but ignoring his awkward glare.

  “They said a woman who works at the restaurant, coaxed them out of their car and then her and her boyfriend beat them up and stole their money. They are accusing you and Jayzon of it.” I jump to say something but quickly catch myself and turn to stare out the window again. “You got something to say?” He asks and I shake my head in response. “Of course, you don’t. Anyway they suddenly have disappeared. Their neighbors say they up and moved in the middle of the night, they said they do that often. Although I don’t know how they would know that, since they could barely get their names right, or why two men would move and leave everything they own behind.” Brady pauses glancing my way. “Jayzon says he never even saw you last night, is that true?” Taking a deep breath I realize the mess I am in and nod, “Okay, well I guess there is nothing to discuss then.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked to change the subject.

  “I am making you dinner at my place.” He says glancing my way out of the corners of his eyes.

  “Oh …” Tensing up, I walk into his place curling around myself protectively.

  “Dance with me …” Brady asked taking my hand. He begins kissing my neck and I tense up. “I’m not going to hurt you, so relax please. You have had sex before, right?”

  “Once or twice.” I smile as he cradles me closer and kisses me passionately. It all feels so urgent and not at all right. I push away from him and immediately feel guilty when I see his face.

  “Can you give me a moment? Let me freshen up for a second?” I asked following his finger to the direction of the bathroom. The mirror does me no favors as I stare into it hoping to see someone other than myself. You need to do this. He is better for you. He is good for you. Stop dwelling on who isn’t and think about who he is. Taking in a deep breath, I walk out and pass his bedroom. Taking a curious step inside, I look around. It’s certainly better than most men’s bedrooms. Wandering my finger over the pillows on the bed, I fumble through the books on the backboard and pull out one that I know well. I can’t believe a man would read this. He must have had a serious girlfriend at one point. I thumb through the pages and a picture falls out. I pick it up and as the image of the couple become clear, I feel the knife penetrating into my back.

  “I was wondering where you were. Are you getting a head start on me?” Brady said walking up behind me.

  “Who is this?” I asked holding the picture up in front of him.

  He snatches the picture out of my hand, “None of your business.” Brady turns back around with an apologetic expression, “Old girlfriend. I guess I am still sensitive about her, sorry.”

  “I have no doubt that you are, considering what Claire did.” I eye Brady as he takes on a different demeanor. “I thought you were different, but you are no better than any of them. You are just trying to get back at him.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Brady said.

  “I thought Nick had something to do with my sister’s death, so I was checking in with Claire almost every day, hoping to hear something about the case against him. She promised she was going to get him, but she didn’t quite make it. I knew she was engaged but I never knew to whom or I just didn’t care to know. I was so focused on getting Nick that I lost myself in the mission. It is not my fault she let him fuck her the way he did. Nick has a way of getting women to do whatever he wants.”

  “Except for you. You left him. You said no and now he follows you around like a lost puppy dog. I don’t know if that bastard has a heart, but if he does, then you’re breaking it. So, yes, I wanted to help that along.”

  “By dating me? I don’t think that bothers him as much as you think.” I said.

  “Oh it does- but simply dating you was not my ultimate goal.” Brady uncovers a camera and looks back at me. “I had plans to record us and send it to him just like he did with Claire. I won’t apologize for it. I hate him.”

  “And so you hate me? What did I do?” I asked as he tries to maintain his assured stature.

  “You mean besides cheating on me with him.” He eyes me with a sinister glare.

  “I didn’t know that we …”

  “Fuck you.” He said shaking his head at me. “No matter what we are, you’re not exactly an innocent victim. You volunteered yourself up to him, worked for him. Hell, you’re the one that was sleeping with his brother- causing that whole mess. They are both dirty as hell and there is nothing you can say that will convince me you didn’t know. You honestly expect me to believe that you are some sweet innocent thing who is going to come here after you fuck him?” Brady walks around me confidently as I realize my mistake was bigger than I had anticipated. “Hell, you are probably sleeping with Daniels, too. No wonder he freaked out about the flowers. You are something else, Lady. Trying to control the two biggest players in this city.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t know anything about either of them being into anything illegal. Neither of them has ever been arrested for anything or even brought in, that I am aware of.”

  Brady laughs, “Okay I will give you that Daniels has managed to stay out of jail but that dumbass is not nearly as clean as Jayzon. Daniels has left a mess everywhere, blatantly rubbing it in our face that we can’t get to him. Hell, you even pulled your complaint against him.” He eyes me harshly as he grasps his head with a heavy hand. “Ever since you came along, those two have gone toe to toe constantly. I’m not sure when it is going to end but I am sure one of them is going to be dead before it does. Yesterday was interesting. Whatever went down caused Daniel’s to be in a real bad mood all-day. However, Jayzon was out celebrating with his boys so I assume he must have taken a huge upper hand on his brother.” Brady turns to face me with a harsh laugh, “Yet despite everything they have going on, they both have been following you around like crazy men. I have never seen anything like it. We would sit outside the restaurant to watch you and we would get to watch both of them at the same time. I only wish we had been there last night.” He says eyeing me suspic
iously. “You are playing them both- and me for that matter- except I know what you’re doing, so you can stop the act.”

  “Playing them? By working shit hours at a rundown restaurant? By letting Connor punch me in the face? What sense does that make?”

  “Maybe because if you’re not working for either, then they both have something to gain- bragging rights. You’re their prize, Kayla. Hell, keep it up and they will probably kill each other off for you. Then you will have both their operations to run.” Brady said with pride.

  “You know what, Brady, you have pinned up so much frustration and hate for Claire that it has blinded you to everything, or shall I say, anyone else. I can’t believe I let myself care about you. You’re too bitter for anyone to love.” I said grabbing my purse.

  “Where are you going? To find another fool to take advantage of?”

  “Fuck you! You don’t know anything about me!” I yell at him.

  “I know that you are more devious than the two brothers. I suspect we will be after you one day, but maybe you can help change my mind about that. I was looking forward to knowing what makes you so good in bed that you have turned these two into your personal marionettes.” Brady said relaxing into a chair. “We could make that video together. I’m sure it would drive Jayzon crazy enough to come after me. Hell, probably Daniels too and then I can take them both down and leave you with everything. Think about it, a much easier plan and way more rewarding. Not to add- a whole hell of lot more fun for both of us.”

  “Seek help, Brady. You really need it because now you have become worse than the man you hate.” I said before storming out the door to get a cab, directing him to go to the club where I know Nick will be.


  “Exie, where is Nick?” I asked to her sudden shocked expression.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you were on a date with that hot detective?”

  “Where is Nick?” I asked again with a sharp tone.

  “Okay. The over privileged co-eds over there have been battling one another for his attention for the last couple of hours. The winner just followed him into his office.” Exie said shaking her head in disgust.

  “Thanks,” I said as I make my way quickly to the back.

  “Kayla, ummm… Nick is in a meeting right now.” Luke began explaining in his usual sarcastic way.

  “Get out of my way, Luke. I know what kind of meeting he is in right now and I don’t care.” Luke laughs with a nod and kindly steps out of my way. Without even thinking, I barge into his office, interrupting the slut on her knees. “I want to talk to you.”

  “What the fuck? Kayla? I am a little busy right now.” Nick pats the girls head and she continues blowing him, while he smiles at me. “If you want to join us …”

  “I need to talk to you and I am not waiting another second.” I demand.

  “I thought you were busy getting laid by your new boyfriend. Is he here too?”

  “Nick!” He finally looks at me and notices my anguish, “I need to talk to you.” I said beginning to tear up.

  Nick pushes the girl away from him, “Get dressed and get out.” He says to her as he pulls away and puts his pants back in order.

  “But …” The girl starts, but stops when Nick glances at her once. She frustratingly puts her clothes back on. “I will be here for another couple of hours.” She said before huffing in my face and leaving.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” I said.

  “Not a big deal. She wasn’t that good anyway.” He walks towards me and lifts my chin so he can see into my watery eyes. “Did he do something to you?”

  “He was out to get you, Nick.” His confusion is obvious. “You screwed his fiancé, the one that went undercover to try to get information. You remember, you made that video and sent it out to all his friends.” Nick seems surprised that I know about it. “Yes, I know about it. I knew her. She promised to get you for me but she failed. So, because of that, her fiancé thought that it would be fun to return the favor …” Nick’s eyes become hardened and black. “He was ready for me.”

  “You didn’t …” Nick asked caressing my arm. I shake my head. “I’m sorry, if I had known I would have said something to you but at least you figured it out before.”

  “You don’t get it! Every time I try to have something normal, it gets ruined by you. I am paying for all your bad deeds, Nick.”

  “What do you want me to do, Kayla?”

  “Why have you been watching me?” I asked causing his expression to suddenly change.

  Nick turns away from me, “I haven’t.”

  “Yes you have and I want to know why.” I demanded.

  “I can’t help you, sorry.” Nick said making himself a drink.

  “Damn it, Nick! Why won’t you tell me why you feel you have to protect me? Do you feel guilty about Braylin?” I asked as he shakes his head with a smirk. “Then why? Why are you always there? Why do you watch me so closely? Why are you leaving stuffed animals on my door step?” I said as he laughs. “Why do you take me to a place you keep secret from everyone else?”

  “What do you want from me, Kayla? You left me. I can’t protect you and I am not trying to protect you anymore. I certainly can’t keep you from dating every asshole out there that has a grudge against me.” Nick turns towards me with a sarcastic smile, “You’re dreaming, Princess, and as much as I enjoy fucking you, I am not going to go out of my way for you.”

  His coldness is obviously forced and I am quickly losing my will to fight him. “All I want to know is what you want from me.” I plead, pressing my eyes closed tight to fight the tears that begin to trickle down my face.

  Within seconds he has me in his arms and I rest easily against his chest feeling the warmth I have craved since I left him. “I want you to come home with me.” He says cradling me and sighing as he leans his head against mine. “Come home with me, Kayla. I want you … back in my bed, my house … my life.”

  “Why? Why Nick?”

  “I want you, I want to feel you next to me when I sleep. I sleep better … I don’t know.”

  “And Luke? What happened earlier today?”

  “That was … he was wrong. You could have easily told Simone everything tonight but you didn’t, did you?” He asked knowing the answer to the question. “Luke wanted me to kill you.”

  “Why didn’t you?” He ignores my questions with a cringing groan. I push away from him and focus in on his eyes, searching for the understanding I so desperately need. “You know Brady thinks that I am playing you and Connor both. That I am after your money. That somehow I have control over you two and am playing you against each other.” Nick laughs. “He said things have heated up between you two since I have come into the picture. Now, I know I don’t have control over either of you but I wonder if maybe Brady is right. Am I a bragging right?”

  “That’s ridiculous! Connor didn’t care anything about you until …”

  “Until what? Until you did? That’s it, Nick, that’s all I am, is an interest? A hobby for you?” He shakes his head exhaling. “No, then what am I?”

  “Why does it matter? I enjoy being with you! I want you to come home with me now. I want you right now. Hell, I was barely hard with that slut’s mouth around my dick, until you walked into the room. I miss you. Do you need much more than that?”

  “Yes! Yes I do. I deserve more than that.” I take his face in my hands and look straight into his black eyes. “I love you, Nick.” I said to his obvious shock. “I love you and I hate that I do. I am not sure I am ever going to be able to get over it but I can’t live with you knowing that you don’t feel the same way. It hurts way too much.” Taking a deep breath I stand on my toes and reach up to kiss him on the lips. “Good-bye, Nick.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To find a new life.” I replied over my shoulder, knowing better than to look at his face.

  “Kayla! Kayla, come back here.” Nick grabs hold of my arm as I leave his office. “Where are you g
oing to go?”

  “Somewhere where they don’t know you and don’t care who you are, so maybe I can forget you.”

  “Kayla, just … just spend tonight with me.”

  “I keep waiting for you to say it but you won’t. That’s all I want from you.” I plead with him.

  “What? What do you want me to say? That I messed up? That I was a jerk for yelling at you? I was. I didn’t want you to leave in the first place. I listened to Luke telling me that you were going to cause problems. I didn’t like them bringing you in and making you a part of what I do. I wanted you to be separated from that, protected somehow from that part of my life. I’m not sure how I fooled myself into thinking that you could be.”

  “And now you think that it can be different?” I asked knowing that it can’t be.

  “No, but now I know I can trust you.”

  “That’s not what I meant, Nick.” The tears flow rapidly and there is nothing I can do about it. “Good-bye.” I pull my arm away from him and run out the door. I don’t even stop for Exie. I just want to go home and think and pack.

  “Kayla!” Nick yells running out the door after me. “Let me drive you home or at least … Tanner drive you. Please.” I nod and Nick waves over Tanner. “Don’t leave tonight, that’s all I ask. Sleep on it and then talk to me about it tomorrow. Give me a chance to think.” Nick takes my hand and slips my shell ring from the island into my hand. “Please.” His eyes saddened and pleading for the first time I have ever seen. “Please, Kayla.”

  “Okay. Tomorrow then.” I said. He helps me into the car and kisses me gently on the lips holding my head against his with a heavy breath before shutting the door and sending me away.


  My eyes are still swollen as I sit on my bed thinking of him. I can’t believe he had this ring. I assumed he threw it out. I didn’t want to look at it ever again, that’s why I left it. Maybe I do mean something more to him. If he has that other ring ... I don’t think I can wait until tomorrow. I need to see him now. With a feeling of exhilaration, I jump into the shower and make myself up before stepping into an outfit that I am sure he will love. I throw on my coat, grab my shell ring and race out the door, while dialing Nick’s cell. Answer Nick. Answer…..


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