The Devil's Eyes

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The Devil's Eyes Page 16

by Jennifer Loren

  “Wow, that was convincing. I think I will slit my wrists now.” I eye him with a disgusted expression and the fool finally shuts up allowing us to work out the final details of taking Connor down. We are again getting help from his so-called wife who has wanted to leave him for years. At this point, she would rather die than live another second with him. She will get her wish if he ever finds out she is helping us take him down piece by piece.


  Everything goes as planned and I should be on top of the world, but nothing lessons my thoughts of her. I plan on meeting the boys at the club after I stop by Kayla’s one more time. I don’t know why I did, the stop only depresses me more. No one is around and even though my note is missing, she is still not calling me. Tanner gives me a look of sympathy as we head to the club. I desperately crave a drink, something, or anything to take my mind off her.

  “You should go find her.” Tanner said.

  “I can’t do that and don’t you dare ask me why.” I said.

  “You are a stubborn, young fool.” Tanner mumbles.

  “And you are an old fool.”

  “Two of a kind, aren’t we?” Tanner said with his usual trouble-free smile. His blatant attempt to convince me not to make the mistakes he made growing up is ridiculous. Tanner’s problems were more about his drinking not because of some woman that left him. She left him because he was a drunk and if he doesn’t keep up with his AA meetings he will be out of a job too. I haven’t been drunk since I was eighteen … damn, no the last time was with her. I don’t let myself become vulnerable, something Harvey always taught me. Drugs, drinking to excess only make you stupid and vulnerable to your own mistakes. I only felt safe enough to let go when I was away with her. Not that I was nearly as drunk as she was. I was at least sober enough to bribe the priest into marrying us that late at night. As the memories of her laugh and bright eyes cause me to smile, I pull out the ring she gave me and slip it on again while I play with hers. I am still not sure if that paperwork was legal, but it felt perfect at the time. Feeling like a Prince, feeling like her Prince Charming, was the highlight of my time with her.

  The club is busy tonight and the new girl makes herself known to me as soon as I walk in the door. Hard to get she is not and she quickly gets on my nerves. I strongly encourage her to go bother someone else and then I down a couple of drinks to take the edge off. As I sit back and consider leaving so I can feel sorry for myself in the privacy and safety of my own home, I notice Exie inching her way slowly towards me through the bottom of my glass. I am in no mood to talk to her tonight. As hard as I try to ignore her, she continues moving closer. She is obviously intent on speaking with me about something. For her sake, I sure as hell hope it is not about Kayla. Exie inches towards my side and Dwayne takes hold of her before she can open her mouth.

  “Now isn’t a good time,” Dwayne said.

  “But …” Exie said to him.

  “It is not a good time.” He stresses as he tries to drag her away from me.

  Before I can relax, Exie makes a mad dash at me and grabs hold of my arm. “Nick, please! I just want to ask you about Kayla.”

  “I don’t want to talk about her!” I seethe in her direction.

  “Nick, please, at least tell her to call me or let me know somehow that she is okay …” She cries as Dwayne begins to pull her away.

  I hold up my hand to stop him as I stare daggers into her, “What are you talking about? I don’t know where she is.”

  Exie’s face pales, “Her text said she was going to see you.” Exie cries reaching hysterics.

  Taking hold of her, I guide her back to the office and try to calm her down. “When did she send a text, Exie? I haven’t seen her since she left here the other night.”

  “The same night. I didn’t get home until the next afternoon, so I didn’t think anything about it. I wasn’t surprised that she was with you again, but I called her that night to let her know I wouldn’t be coming home. I left a message for her and even sent her a text. I was worried at first that she never called me back, but I just assumed she was too caught up in you. But then …” Exie lifts out her hand and hands me Kayla’s phone. “When I left for work tonight, I heard it beeping in the bushes.”

  Taking Kayla’s phone, I search for her last outgoing call which was to me. “You haven’t heard from her at all?” Exie shakes her head. “She said she was thinking about moving away. Maybe she left this behind to start fresh?”

  Exie expression pains, “No, she wouldn’t leave without saying good-bye and she certainly would not leave everything she owns behind. Even her books are still stacked up neatly on their shelves and her pictures of her sister are still on her nightstand. She wouldn’t leave any of that, Nick.”

  “Go back to work and let me know if you hear anything.” I said.

  “You are going to do something … you are going to look for her right? You have to find her.” She pleads with me gripping my arms as if I am going to run away from her.

  I wrap my arms around her to try to calm her down, “Don’t worry. I am going to do whatever it takes to find her.”

  “What if someone has done something horrible to her?”

  Tensing up, I feel the darkness taking me over, “I will rip their throat out.”



  I only know one person that might have some idea where Kayla is, but as we pull up to the bar even Luke looks nervous. I never thought I would willingly go into this place but I know he is here. Simone is always here. With a deep breath, I force myself through the doors. The place is disgusting and the people aren’t much better by this time of night. He wonders why his fiancé was excited by me. What woman in her right mind would want to come here?

  Suddenly the whole room turns our way and goes silent. “This is insane, Nick, let’s go.” Luke said tugging at my jacket.

  “One second, I know he is in here.” Standing tall and defiant I make my way around the stiff room searching for him. Nearing the back, I finally spot him showing some young women how to throw darts. Darts? Ever heard of dinner and dancing, jackass? I walk up behind him and wait as the girls turn and smile wide at me. Stunned by their sudden disinterest in him, Simone turns with an instant scowl on his face. “Simone.” I acknowledge.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Simone asked while sending the girls away with money. I stop them both and give them each a hundred before sending them back on their way. “So, you’re here to try to outdo me? Make me look bad? Pay me back for your little girlfriend? It’s not like anything happened between us.” He said taking a drink of his beer.

  “I know that. She came to see me after.” I said focusing on him as Luke continues to scan room.

  “Then what’s this visit about?” He asked watching Luke beside me.

  “I want to know if you have seen her since. Has one of your people picked her up again?”

  “One of my people? What are you asking me? Has she made some deal to talk about you and your friends?” Simone asks, tensing up.

  “She doesn’t know anything to talk about, but yes, I want to know if she has been picked up because you think she knows something.”

  “No, she wasn’t to cooperative the first time and we aren’t into wasting our time. So, unless she comes to us then …”

  “But you have been watching her, right?” I asked.

  Nodding reluctantly, “Okay, yes we have kept an eye on her. She is playing both sides.”

  “Both sides of what?” I ask, confused by his statement.

  Simone laughs, “Oh, Jayzon, what makes me happy is that a woman has gotten the best of you. We watched her long enough to realize that you and your brother both have an interest in her.”

  “She has nothing to do with my brother. She didn’t know who he was when she was involved with him. She knows better now.”

  “Really? Then why is it both you and your brother watch her leave work every night and get on the bus? Either one or both of you are w
orried about something she knows. Nonetheless, I think you both are being played by the same woman and are too caught up in her to notice.”

  “Connor was watching Kayla?” I asked feeling the sudden dread sink into my veins.

  “Every night we were there, he was there and you, of course, were always there somewhere.” Luke stares at me out of the corner of his eyes. “Oh, so no one knew you were there? Wow, Jayzon, at least your brother had people with him. I assumed you had people hiding somewhere. If we hadn’t of been there, he could have taken you out easily. You must be out of your mind for her.”

  “Stupid son of a bitch,” Luke mumbles under his breath.

  “I need to know where she is.” I asked ignoring Luke’s grumbling.

  Simone sits back with a contorted expression, “Where she is? You don’t know?” I give him a look and he half smiles, “You ever consider that she is hiding from you? Maybe she wised up.”

  With my worst fears hitting me in the face, “She isn’t hiding and she didn’t run. She’s missing and I need your help looking for her.”

  Simone stands up to look me in the eyes with his jaw dropped, “Excuse me? Did you just ask me to help YOU? Fuck you! Get the hell out of my bar.”

  “If you have been watching her, then your people might know what happened to her. She is in trouble, I know it.” I said.

  “Then get your boys together and find her on your own.” Simone says, dismissing me.

  “If you help us then we can find her that much quicker and possibly before anything happens to her.”

  “There is that word again. Us. I am not helping you do anything. Tell you what, if she turns up, I will tell her that you’re looking for her. Now, get the hell out of here.” He said directing me back to the door.

  As his buddies surround us, Luke becomes anxious. “Nick, come on.” He said tugging at my jacket, pulling me away as I eye Simone.

  “If something happens to her.” I threaten with a tense jaw.

  “If something happens to her, then we are coming to arrest you.” Simone yells.

  Luke pushes me to the car and I fall in fisting my hands trying to push back the anger and frustration. At least now I know she didn’t leave on her own because Simone would have been the first one alerted to her leaving on any plane or bus. Now that I have called his attention to her disappearance, I am positive that he is going to become curious.

  “Dwayne said that no one saw her at the bus stations. Her neighbors said they heard a commotion early in the morning but they didn’t see anything.” Tanner says once we are safely away from the bar.

  “Take me home.” I said sitting back deep into the car seat.

  “Nick, we still have business to take care of,” Luke reminds me.

  “Can you not handle it without me for once?” I snap at him. Calming myself, “I have some work I need to do on my own.”

  “No problem. Stop the car Tanner and let me out here.” Luke snaps getting out of the car and slamming the door shut with force.


  Pacing for hours and making constant calls, I finally receive information about a woman that is being sold at a poker game. I have a terrible feeling about it and send Dwayne out to get more information. When he returns, his expression is telling as he shows me a large envelope. “This is what you asked for but I’m not sure you want to see it. It’s what you expected.” He said.

  “What is it?” Luke jumps up to see as I take the envelope and pull out an invitation and photo. The photo is a picture of Kayla, who is being sold at a high stakes poker game. As my hands begin to shake, I read the invitation and realize I only have hours to decide what I am going to do. “Don’t you dare consider going to that game!” Luke yells at me with a fierce expression.

  “Is this address for the poker game Connor’s clubhouse?” I asked knowing the answer.

  “Yep.” Dwayne said.

  “That fucker is trying to set you up, Nick. He is going down and he knows it. He is using her to get to you. Don’t let him do it, Nick.” Luke said focusing on me as I pace. “She isn’t worth it!”

  “I need to make a call.” I said walking into my study to have some privacy. After my call, I wait- nearly driving Luke to his breaking point as I make my plans carefully.

  By the next morning my answer arrives at my front door. Simone stands humbly in front of me, “I guess you got my message.” I said wondering why they are here without Kayla.

  “I did and we found her.” I stare back at the asshole as he watches me closely taking notes of my reaction. “Tell me what you know about her disappearance.”

  “Is she okay?” I asked ignoring his question.

  “Answer my question,” He insisted.

  “NO! You answer mine.” I yell back.

  He stands up and I hold my ground, fighting every urge to throw him against the wall and beat his disgusting face off. “No, she’s not.” I turn away from him and begin texting Luke to search the hospitals. “She’s dead.” My hands start shaking so violently I drop my phone and have to ball them up into fists to keep from taking out my gun and shooting him. “I don’t think I have to ask this, but just for the fun of it, you didn’t have anything to do with killing her, did you?” If I turn around I may kill him, so I fist even tighter until my knuckles turn bright white. “She was beaten, possibly raped, tortured horribly, drugged, and then dumped into a gutter naked to freeze death. They must have gotten word that we were looking for her.” Out of nowhere, tears form in my eyes and I don’t know if it’s from the anger or the pain that is suddenly ripping me apart. “I don’t think you did it but I know it’s because of you. Your brother did it in retaliation, didn’t he? He wanted to get back at you for something. If you tell us what that is, maybe we can help you avenge her killer by bringing him up on murder charges.”

  Unbelievable. These fuckers must think I am stupid. Give myself up to them so they can screw up trying to get Connor. Hell no, the only justice Connor will get is from me. I remain silent trying to hold on until they finally give up and leave.

  “Do you gentleman have any more questions because it’s obvious we don’t have anything that can help you. If we think of anything, we will be glad to give you a call.” Dwayne said standing between me and them, shielding me from attacking them.

  “This is your last chance to help her, Nick. She loved you and you are just going to stand there like she was nothing? I guess she was wrong about you or maybe I was wrong about her. She was stupid.” I turn around and Dwayne grabs hold of me. With a smile, Simone stands up and walks closer to me, “I guess it is hard to care about a whore. I mean, who hasn’t she been with? Maybe that’s what happened. A John got a little out of hand with her? And a drug addict too?” Dwayne grips me tighter, his size outweighs me by more than a hundred pounds but he’s beginning to give against me. “Oh well, I guess it’s not a huge loss. Another drug addict whore gone from this world? We are all better off.” He waits and his partner finally stands up and nudges him, whispering something. I assume to let him know the line he’s crossing and that my attorneys will eat him up if I do not knock his teeth out first. “Fine, we will go. To be honest, I like her or I guess it is more that I liked her.” I look up at him as he snickers to himself.

  I try to climb over Dwayne, “You son of a bitch!” I scream.

  “Nick, get a hold of yourself or you’re going to end up in jail. He wants you to come at him.” Dwayne said.

  “Okay. Okay, so I checked in with some of our … well … our inside people and yes, Daniels has her. The good news though is that she is still alive.”

  My jaw tenses as the understanding becomes clear. Son of a bitch. “Why did you say she was dead?”

  “Did I? Oh no, I was just joking with you. You can take a joke can’t you, Jayzon?” Simone laughs as he foolishly sends his partner out the door.

  Breathing heavily, I suck it up and refocus. “And I guess you’re here because your so-called inside people won’t do anything to get her out?”
He turns with a solemn expression. “What the fuck kind of …”

  Simone’s expression changes dramatically once his partner is gone. Stepping closer to me, “Calm down, I can’t help you, I wish I could. If I had known what he was up to, I would have kept an eye on her myself but I don’t have control over these people. I am not even supposed to know they exist and I certainly shouldn’t be telling you.”

  “Like I don’t fucking know they exist!”

  “Will you give me a second?” He yells back at me. “They are expecting to try to get her out once she is sold so they don’t have to give up any of their inside people. But I know as well as you do there is no way they will find her again once she is bought. So while I can’t help you get her out before that happens, what I can give you is a list of names.”

  “Names? That’s helpful.” I say sarcastically.

  “Maybe, maybe not. But these are the names of all his men with their backgrounds, addresses, and everything we have on them. Maybe you can talk to a few of them and see if they can help you get her out. I am sure for a price one of them will find a way.” He hands me the list. “This is the best I can do for now. All I ask is you don’t make me regret giving you this. If there are suddenly a slew of bodies popping up, then I am coming after you.”

  “If it works out the way I want, then I will find a way to repay you properly.” I said making a silent agreement with him.

  “By the way, I’m sorry. Not for you, but for her. I was angry after I found out she went back to you and I said some horrible things to her. I was … well, I could see how someone could fall for her easily. Just make sure you get her out safely before you do anything stupid.” I nod. “And this conversation never happened.” Simone sighs and walks out the door. I call in Luke with Dwayne and begin to make our plans to which Luke reluctantly agrees. Connor is gambling that Kayla can be used to destroy me and I am gambling that I won’t get us both killed before I can destroy Connor.


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