The Devil's Eyes

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The Devil's Eyes Page 20

by Jennifer Loren


  We have been driving all-day it seems like. I didn’t know what to pack since Nick said it didn’t matter and that we could buy whatever we might need when we got there. I’m trying to be calm and patient, knowing Nick is enjoying watching me become unglued, so I sit quietly playing with my fingers until Tanner stops the car. I jump up at once and look out the window while Nick gets out of the car. I don’t recognize anything, not that I can see much since it’s so dark. About the only thing I can make out are trees. Nick opens my door and smirks at my questioning expression. This is nothing like I thought it might be. “The woods? You brought me camping or something? I know it was something you said you always wanted to try, but I was hoping you meant for a boy’s weekend or something.”

  He holds his hand out to me laughing. “Come with me please.”

  “Why? Where are we going? Our … tent? Maybe a cave?”

  “Kayla, please.” Nick said taking my hand. He walks me over to the edge of a lake. “Look over there.” He said pointing to the other side of the lake. I search hard, squinting until my eyes are about to pop out of my head.

  “I don’t …” Suddenly, fireworks shoot up above the tree tops, lighting up the sky. “Nick! It is … it’s … so beautiful. How did you know that they would …” I turn and see him on one knee, holding out my diamond ring.

  Gasping, I hold my mouth as he smiles. “Run away with me tonight, Kayla, and marry me- legally this time.”

  Nick planned everything perfectly. We say our vows to each other quietly among the mountains. At the end, he carries me off to a cabin all to ourselves. We barely make time to eat and we never bother getting dressed. The cabin is stocked full of food and I learn that Nick can cook, pancakes, and only pancakes. Our last night of the honeymoon, I lie naked on top of Nick’s nude body staring at the stars through the windows while Nick plays with my hair and I hum against his chest. There is nothing in the world I want more right now.

  When we return home, Nick carries me through our front door as we both laugh. I think nothing about our onlookers as we enter. Luke and Dwayne wait for Nick in his office coming out to watch us gleefully make our way to our room. He makes love to me again in our bed, where I fall asleep in such bliss that I am surprised by the nightmares that creep into my sweet dreams. I wake up startled, searching for Nick who hasn’t come to bed yet. On edge I get up to search for him tiptoeing towards the light from his office, hoping he is alone. When I round the corner however, I find him with Luke.

  “Have you lost your DAMN mind?” Luke yells at him.

  “What is your problem now?” Nick yells back.

  “My problem is you getting your head all messed up with a fucking whore!”

  Nick jumps out of his chair and the two meet face-to-face. “She is my wife now and you better get used to it.”

  “You are going to choose her over me?” Luke asked.

  “Why do I have to choose? You’re my best friend and she is my wife.”

  “She is causing you to make stupid mistakes. She is going to cause us to lose everything. We have worked too hard, Nick. Don’t let her ruin that!”

  “How is she ruining anything? You have a woman you’re seeing.”

  “A woman, then I will have another. I don’t let myself get lost in some relationship. Remember, Nick? Remember when you said those words to me? You were right then and I am right now- you know it. Cut her loose, Nick. You need to cut her loose, I know it’s hard but clearly the only way to get her out of your system is to kill her. If you need me to do it for you …” Luke reaches for his gun.

  Nick turns abruptly and wraps his hand around Luke’s neck, “You touch her and I will kill you.” I back away quietly and run upstairs to bed. No matter how hard I try, I can’t get my hands to stop shaking or my mind off what I saw. Before I go to sleep, I get up and grab the knife Nick gave to me and lie down placing it under my pillow. I fall lightly to sleep and easily wake when Nick comes into the room. “Did I wake you?” Nick said. “What’s wrong?” He asked noticing my distress.

  “Nothing. You scared me is all.”

  Nick looks down and holds up my hand that grips my knife, “I see that. You might better get some sleep tonight, Princess. You’re a little on edge.”

  “You kind of had me preoccupied the last week.” I said still trembling.

  “I will leave you alone tonight.” He smiles sitting down on the bed next to me, easing his hand around to the center of my back. “I have some business I need to take care of while you get some sleep.” He starts to get up but I leap back into his arms with desperation causing Nick to stiffen.

  Once I realize there is no hiding my emotions, I pull myself back, still gripping him with clenched fists. “Nick, stay with me. Please stay with me.”

  “What happened, baby?” He asked.

  “I had a bad dream.” I said as Nick rubs my back.

  “Do you want to tell me about it?” He asked as I shake my head. Nick only waits a few seconds more before he rolls into the bed with me. “Go to sleep. I won’t leave, I promise.” He says kissing me and holding me tight, “I love you, Kayla.”

  Over the next few days I try to find a way to talk to Nick about Luke but no words seem to be the right ones. I pay acute attention to Luke whenever he comes around and, though he seems a bit strained around me, he reacts no differently to me than he always has. I begin to think that it is me that is on edge and maybe I was overly tired that night. Maybe … maybe I misunderstood the argument I overheard.



  My day begins with a warm kiss, wandering hands and a whispering desire. Not a bad way to start a day. Nick has a way of knowing how to start a day off flawlessly. If I could only have kept him in bed with me, it would be a much better day. Instead, I have to get ready to meet Jesse for lunch. She called me early today asking if we could talk. I accept only because she says she wants my help with Joseph and not to talk about how awful our night was at the party. Jesse was so excited that she said she will come and get me. It seems odd for her to come all this way when we could meet halfway between her place and mine. However, Jesse barely gives me a chance to say another word before she hangs up and tells me she will see me soon. When she arrives, I am ready to go but she is hell-bent on exploring, asking me to show her around while she wanders deep into my home, as if she is looking for something. Setting my bag aside, I graciously show her around the house and then lead her right back out the front door to her car. She comments on my home with forced appreciation. Our lunch together is light since Jesse’s issues are no more than how does she continue accepting all the gifts Joseph is offering, continuing in detail about the expense and quality of each one. Her rambling continues for more than an hour about her new treasures. “So, you two like each other. That’s great.” I said trying to move along and hopefully escape this lunch with my lunch.

  “Yes, it is. I’m sorry about Nick. He sure was moody. I bet you have to put up with a lot from him.” She said taking notice of my ring that I have been good so far at hiding. “What’s this? Did you marry him?” She asked.

  “I did.” I said watching her reaction carefully.

  “Wow, that’s wonderful and it looks like a decent ring too. I can only imagine what you had to do to get him to do that.” She said shaking her head.

  “Nothing as bad as Rico," I said with a laugh which was only funny to me. Jesse ignores my humor and goes right into all the great things she has going for her until my nausea becomes too much for me. “Umm, Jesse, do you mind if we head back? I am not feeling real well.” I interrupt her.

  Stunned, she smiles happily, “Sure, sweetie, no problem. Do you need me to stop to get you anything? Should we get you some medicine or something?”

  “No, I think I will be fine if I lie down for a little while.” She nods and thankfully takes me straight home. Jesse helps me get to bed and makes me a cold pack for my head before she leaves. Her unexpected caring ways make me feel a lit
tle better about her, but I still make sure Luke shows her the way out. When I open my eyes, the sun is no longer shining at the edges of my shades and the clock shows the time much later than I would have ever intended on sleeping. Pushing my blanket aside, I get up and go downstairs to see if Nick is home. Nearing his office, I see his light on and I hear voices, neither of which is his. Within a footstep of his door, I hear Jesse giggling. I walk in quickly and see her on the sofa with Luke, nearly in his lap. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought Nick was home.” I said looking awkwardly away.

  “He was here, not sure where he went. Do you need him?” Luke said minus his usual sarcastic attitude. I glance his way with a questioning look as he pains an expression silently to me. “Jesse said you weren’t feeling well. Are you sure you should be out of bed?” He said. I roll my eyes and sigh walking out with a nod. I fear opening my mouth after seeing this display, I may get sick all over them. I hope, for their sake, they don’t have sex on Nick’s sofa. I don’t even want to think about the words that will come out of his mouth. As it turned out, I didn’t have to wait long. Nick enters the office and all I hear is screaming. I wait for some time upstairs, cringing as he walks through the door.

  “Are you okay?” I asked to his surprisingly calm demeanor.

  “Yes, why?”

  “You’re not angry about Jesse and Luke?” I tentatively asked.

  “I was angry about them screwing in my office but they are going to buy me some new furniture and Jesse is going to do some work for me. So, now, I am in a good mood.” Nick said, folding his clothes as he undresses.

  “Work for you? Jesse is going to work for you? Doing what?” I ask following him around the room.

  “She is in good with Joseph so she is going to help me keep tabs on him.”

  “She is going to screw Joseph and Luke. That sounds like a good idea to you?”

  Nick cups my face in his hand and smiles, “It’s not a big deal. Besides, from what she says, Joseph has trouble doing anyone since his heart issues. Apparently, he is not allowed to take his little blue pills until he is cleared from his doctor.”

  “So what does she do for him then?”

  “I don’t know and I don’t care. As long she feeds me the information that I need, I will keep paying her. Although, maybe she should be paying me for Luke. Not sure her information is going to be as good as what she is getting.” He laughs but I am not amused. “Oh, what now?”

  “I don’t like her working for you.”

  “She is your friend, isn’t she?”

  “A friend? Maybe, but she is not Exie. She is not someone I would trust to be working for my husband.”

  Nick smiles, “I will make sure Luke deals with her. He will enjoy that anyway. But you have to trust me that I will handle her without trying to fuck her.” He waits as I struggle to smile back at him. “Besides, it is only you that I love.”

  I run and jump into his arms, “Okay, baby. Now greet me like a husband is supposed to do when he arrives home.” I said, earning the greeting I have been waiting for.


  With classes starting back today, I run out of the house in haste after oversleeping. Having to run into class and take a seat near Jesse. “You don’t look so well. Are you still feeling ill?” Jesse asked, feeling my face.

  “I am tired for some reason. I think I must be coming down with something, I need to get some vitamins, get in a run, or something to boost my energy level.” I said trying to suck it up and get through the day of classes.

  Over the next week, I struggle even harder to get up and make it to class. With an upcoming exam for my economics class of which I have barely paid any attention, I begin to get nervous, so I ask Jesse and the others if they are interested in studying together. Thankfully, they are more than willing, however, Jesse suggests studying at my house which isn’t something I had even considered. “Is that a problem, Kayla?”

  “I don’t think so, but I am not sure what Nick has planned for the night. He may …”

  “Oh well, don’t worry about it, I talked to him earlier and he is going to be busy working tonight anyway. So see you at your place around seven?” Jesse smiles, walking away before I have a chance to say anything.

  Nick is out when my friends arrive. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to reach him to tell him that they are here, only being able to leave him a message that I hope he gets. Sitting around our dining room table, I study my notes as I feel Scott leaning over in my direction and looking down my shirt. I am too tired to deal with him tonight. Choosing to ignore him, I continue, answering some of Kari’s questions, before I notice Nick standing in the doorway.

  “Hi, Nick!” Jesse says with a bright smile.

  “Hi, baby,” I said getting up and kissing him. “You did get my message, didn’t you?” I asked noticing his stern expression.

  “I did. It’s no problem.” He said, kissing me on the cheek. “Who is the geek trying to look down your shirt?” He whispered in my ear as he wraps his arm around my waist.

  “Nick, this is Kari, and … Scott, and you already know Jesse.” I said squeezing his hand hoping he will be nice.

  “Nice to meet you. Good to see you again, Jesse.” He said before kissing me again. I smile feeling relieved that he is going to let it go. “Are you feeling any better?” I nod. “Good. It’s been a long day, I am going to go upstairs and get a shower before I finish some business in my office. See you in bed later?” I smile as he squeezes my butt gently.

  “Definitely. I love you.” I said as he whispers it back, waving to everyone else when he leaves the room. Sitting back down, I notice everyone staring at me, “What?”

  Kari leans across the table wide-eyed, “He is so hot! Oh my gosh! You are so lucky. I wish I looked like you, Kayla, so I could find someone like that.” She sighs in her seat.

  “You are very pretty, Kari. I am sure you do fine on your own.” I said.

  “I do fine, but I would do so much better if I looked like you. The perfect hair, eyes and body, killer legs and …”

  “Kari, damn. You really need to work on your self-esteem. You and Kayla are not that much different. She just got lucky is all.” Jesse said with a forced smile in my direction. “Kayla, where is your rest room?” I give her quick directions and she leaves, prancing away happily.

  “She is so jealous of you, that’s why she acts that way.” Kari said to me. I shake my head, not understanding. “Because everyone thinks you are prettier than she is and she has never had to deal with that before. You’re impossible for her to compete with and, boy, does she hate that.” Kari returns to her notes, giggling to herself. I glance at Scott who is now checking out my legs. I sigh impatiently and he quickly returns to his notes.

  I nearly forget about Jesse as I study. She has been gone for some time and I begin to worry she has taken some sort of drug and has passed out of an overdose in our bathroom. Nick would love that. I get up and go look for her, but she is not in the bathroom near us. After searching everywhere downstairs, I begin to head upstairs when Jesse comes walking down with Nick behind her. I eye her as she passes with a smile, “This place is a maze. It took me forever to find a bathroom. Luckily, I ran into Nick for help.” She said hanging on his arm as if he is escorting her to the prom. Nick passes me with a quick kiss, releasing Jesse from his arm to go into his office. I watch as she slides her hand down his arm and leisurely across his ass waiting for him to turn to look at her so she can wink. Suddenly, an uneasy feeling hits me and I become instantly ill. I run upstairs and get sick, sinking into a corner of the bathroom with a tight hold around myself.

  “Kayla?” Nick said slowly opening the door. “Princess, are you okay?” I shake my head as he pulls my hair back from my face. “I’ll tell your friends you are sick and make sure they get home okay. You go ahead and go to bed.” He said kissing me on the head before leaving me. I take a quick shower and climb into bed feeling better but unable to sleep. When Nick comes to bed, I turn to him as he
puts his arm around me, quickly kisses me, and settles in for the night. Not at all what he suggested earlier. I lean up and kiss him, rubbing my hands over his chest and down past his stomach to fondle him into an erection. Taking hold of my hand, Nick holds me back, “What are you doing?”

  “I thought you said you wanted to and-“

  “And you’re sick. I appreciate the effort but I think we can both get by one night without.” He said turning me down for the first time since we have been together.


  Jesse is excessively nice these days and Nick has been too busy to give me enough comfort. My mind is going to places I never thought it would ever go. Jesse is over all the time, supposedly coming over to speak to Luke, but I watch her touch Nick and flaunt herself in front of him constantly. She has let her skirt hike up a little too far, leaned into Nick’s face with her breasts nearly pressed into his lips and she has made a joke about having both Luke and Nick to herself as the ultimate dream more than once. She thinks I can’t hear her in his office, but that’s all I can hear- and think about. Or maybe the bitch does know?

  It is difficult to concentrate, but with my exam occurring in less than twenty minutes, I take a seat in class going through my notes one last time. Jesse suddenly prances over to me and plops down with a glowing smile. I glance up at her but try hard to ignore her, “Trying to get in some last minute studying?” I nod in response. “I probably should. I was up so late last night.” She sighs. “Oh, I saw your man last night. I went to that club … the one I guess you used to work at.” I look up as she touches up her lipstick. “He looked good last night. We talked forever. He is so smart and funny too, I would have never thought that about him. He seems so serious all the time.”


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