Their Mating Triad [Paranormal Protection Unit 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Their Mating Triad [Paranormal Protection Unit 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 12

by Honor James

  That had her giggling and she shook her head. “And me I can’t tell if it’s morning or night, only when it’s the bright of day.” Well there were other tells of morning, the birds, the fresh scent of dew on the lawns, but since they were inside she couldn’t feel or hear those things. “Will you help me with the lotion?” she asked with a smile.

  Pressing a kiss to her lips he nodded. “Of course I will,” he told her with a smile. Helping her to her feet he pulled the plug with his toes before gently backing her up a step. Standing Rayne grabbed the handheld shower nozzle and rinsed them both off before getting out. Taking her one hand in his he held on. “Come on, darling,” he said as his eyes moved over her lush body.

  Her hand in his Parker grinned and asked, “Are you ogling me?” She could practically feel his eyes on her body, and she liked it. “After I’m all lotioned up do you think that it will be okay if I just wear one of your guys’ shirts? I want to be comfortable and I have a feeling that they will cover everything on my body that needs to be covered, right?”

  “Given how tall Slade and I are in comparison any shirt we own will likely be long enough to be a short dress,” he told her quietly. “But yes, I am ogling you,” he teased softly. “You are one sexy woman,” Rayne pointed out, wrapping a towel around her. “Dry off, darling, and I’ll go grab you a shirt and then help you with the lotion.”

  She grinned over her shoulder and sighed happily. “I’m very glad that you find me sexy, honey,” she admitted. “Because I’m yours for the rest of time, so it’s good that you find me sexy.” She moved with his help to the bed and turned. “How about a little help with the lotion?”

  Handing her the shirt Rayne found the lotion and sat down. “You still need to get your cheek looked at, love. It’s getting worse.” He didn’t even want to touch it in case he caused her pain. “It’s red, swollen, and starting to turn purple, too.”

  “I was hoping that you guys wouldn’t see that.” She had been feeling it. It had been hurting all night long actually. “Maybe Slade can fix it now?” She chewed her lower lip again, unable to stop herself from doing that nervous gesture. “For now let’s get the lotion on me, the shirt and we will go figure out if Slade has woken up enough to talk to us?”

  “We can only hope.” Rayne chuckled softly. “Here.” He took her one hand and squeezed some of the lotion onto her fingers. “Rub it into your face and I’ll do the rest of you,” he said quietly. Shifting he put some into his hand and began to rub it over her neck and shoulders slowly.

  Taking just a small bit of the lotion she slowly rubbed it into her face, wincing as she did so but soldiering on as she normally did. Finally she rubbed the last bits of lotion into her hands and elbows and smiled. “Okay, now that chore is done will you pass me a shirt please?”

  Shifting he pulled the shirt out from under him and eased it up over her head. “Slip your arms in and then we will go and see if there is caffeine.” Inhaling slowly he smiled. “Smells like he started on breakfast. French toast from what I can pick up and sausages, too, maybe eggs but I’m not sure.”

  “Oh that sounds very good. I really and truly do like that idea a lot. I love sausage. Crazy I know, but I love it so much,” she murmured. When he slipped the shirt over her head she sighed happily and smiled. “You put me in your shirt.” She licked her lips and grinned happily.

  “And tomorrow you can wear one of Slade’s, but since he’s got practically nothing here at the moment I figured it would be better not to diminish his wardrobe. Tomorrow I will have to ask Slade if he was actually planning on moving in or not.” The Sorcerer had managed to avoid any talk of it before they’d mated with Parker.

  Parker frowned and cocked her head to the side. “Why wouldn’t he move in here?” She then paused and touched her fingers to her hands and then arms and nodded, once more the insecurities hitting her hard. “I understand.” But Rayne was stuck with her since he brought her to his home. “Let’s go eat, shall we?” Even though she had no appetite now.

  Hooking his arm through hers he pulled her to a halt. “He likely hasn’t thought about it or feels like he would be an imposition,” Rayne said softly. “He’s a solitary person, love. Most of the magic users are because of their abilities. Ask him when he plans on moving in here. He’ll take it better from you than me, with me he’ll think I’m poking at him. With you he’ll take it sincerely,” he murmured. Pressing a kiss to her cheek he held her in his arms. “It’s not because of you, sweetheart, never, ever think that, baby.”

  “Are you sure that he would stay?” she asked and swallowed hard. “Because I don’t want to be without either of you anymore. Now that I’ve slept between the two of you I never want to give it up.” She smiled for him and nodded. “’Kay, I will ask him.” She slipped her hand into Rayne’s. “So take me to him so we can chat?”

  “He’ll stay,” he told her, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. Leading her up the hall into the kitchen he pointed her in the right direction. “He’s right by the stove, dead ahead,” he whispered and with a hand to her back guided her lightly to Slade before moving to get coffee for them both.

  Parker moved confidently toward Slade and smiled. Reaching out for him, she said, “Slade?” Her smile was gone though, the pain in her cheek hurting too much to smile. “I need you to reach out for me here, honey,” she murmured. “Because I don’t know how far you are from me.”

  Setting the spatula down he reached out and caught her hand. “I’m right here, darling,” Slade told her, shifting to draw her closer. “Watch the heat.” He moved a little more to keep her from getting burned. Touching her chin, he turned her head and sighed. “It’s getting worse, Parker,” he whispered quietly, running his finger down her throat lightly.

  “Will you see if you can heal it for me?” She asked for his help instead of waiting for him to ask. “And I would really and truly like to ask you a question.” She turned her face up to him and leaned in closer to him. When his arms came around her she sighed happily. “Will you move in here? Today maybe?”

  “Uh, okay.” He frowned and shot Rayne a look as he tried to process everything she was throwing at him. “Rayne, can you flip those in two minutes and pull the sausages out of the oven please.” Taking her hand, Slade led her to a stool and had her sit down.

  Complete trust on her face she grabbed Slade and pulled him closer. “I love you, Slade. I never want to sleep without the both of you again. I slept last night and there was no pain, no fear, no nightmares. I want that every night.” She decided to start with that instead of her cheek. It would wait.

  “I suppose I can get most of my stuff moved in here,” he murmured. “I don’t have a room for my”—Slade coughed—“other items though.”

  “Basement’s free or you can use the old artist’s studio out back,” Rayne said quietly as he did the flip on the pieces of French toast in the pan. “The studio might be better in case you decide to have a vindictive moment and blow something up.”

  “What does that mean?” Parker asked and pulled Slade’s hand to her cheek so she could rub her cheek against his palm. “Are you sure that you want this?” she asked softly. “That I’m not forcing your hand or anything like that?”

  “That’s Dragon humor about Sorcerers,” Slade said, shooting Rayne a dark look. “We’re not a bunch of robe-wearing freaks that sit around mixing up shit, Rayne. But I do fiddle around and some of the things are a bit potent and volatile. I’ll take the studio out back,” he murmured, lifting his hand to her cheek. “Relax, sweetheart, and close your eyes. When I tell you to, take a deep breath and then let it out very slowly.”

  “I’ve never done anything at all like that,” Parker admitted. “It just, comes.” She shrugged and licked her lips. “Okay,” she murmured. “I think that I’m as ready as I’m going to get,” she told him with a smile. “I trust you, Slade, always.”

  “Let’s just hope your brother was right and this works.” Otherwise he’d end up across the room f
rom the blowback of the magic. “Deep breath in,” he said quietly as he pulled on the magic inside and held it in his palm. “Slowly let it out,” Slade whispered and gently opened the channel to her wound. Thankfully he didn’t get slammed across the room and actually healed her cheek slowly, carefully.

  Parker stood before him silent and still as Slade healed her cheek. Finally she breathed out and then back in again. “Thank you,” she whispered softly. “It feels so very much better.” She laid her hand on his and stroked her thumb to the back of his hand. “It didn’t take too much from you did it?”

  Shaking his head he rubbed his thumb to her cheek. “No, that magic is easy,” he told her honestly. It was given freely and of himself. “Take the sausages out of the oven, Rayne, or they will be hard little sticks and our mate will kick your ass since she loves them so much.”

  “How did you know that?” Parker asked with a grin, her body leaning against his more, pulling him tighter to herself. “I really rather love having you holding me close, you know that? Like I told Rayne, I think that I’m totally becoming addicted to you two.”

  “I picked it up from you once Rayne mentioned what he’d smelled coming from the kitchen,” he said honestly. “The bond works well between us all, Parker, though it’s much easier picking things up from you since I’m directly connected to you.” Wrapping his arms around her Slade just held her as they stood in the middle of the kitchen. “You can put those on the plate and turn the heat off, Rayne.”

  “Good. I’m glad that you are connected to me and know what I like and don’t like.” A smile on her lips had her adding, “Because later I really and truly want to know what it feels like to have you making love to me alone just as Rayne and I just shared that, I want to share it with you, too.”

  “We can definitely do that,” he whispered quietly, brushing a kiss to her lips. “But first you need to eat and build up your strength,” Slade told her. Stepping back he took her hand in his and guided her to the table, pulling out a chair for her to sit in.

  She took a seat that he had offered her and touched the place settings before her so that she knew where the plate and silverware were. “Could I have milk as well?” she asked softly. “Only about three quarters full please.” So that she didn’t spill it.

  Passing the plates of food to Slade, Rayne grinned. “I’ve got it,” he said, moving to the fridge. Grabbing a glass he filled it so there was a space at the top for her. Collecting his coffee he moved to sit on her left as Slade settled on her right after getting his own coffee.

  Parker touched the food on her plate and then the milk as well. She began to eat then, lifting her fork and smiling. She was happy. Very happy. “I don’t know what I did in life to deserve the two of you but I’m very happy I did whatever it was. I’m thankful to have you both in my life.”

  “We’re the ones that are blessed, Parker,” Slade told her quietly. “We have the most amazing female as our mate,” he murmured quietly. “Gaia did us a great honor with entrusting someone as perfect as you to our care. I just hope we can live up to it.”

  Parker knew she wasn’t perfect but she appreciated that all the same. “I rather love you gentlemen very much as well. I happen to think that you are both the best of the best,” she told them both with a happy grin on her face.

  “As long as you think so, darling,” Rayne said with a smile. “That’s all that matters to us. Yours is the only opinion that ever is important. All others’ opinions are nothing more than talk,” he said, reaching over to touch her cheek lightly.

  Unable to help herself Parker leaned into Rayne’s touch and sighed. “Good,” she told him and then pulled back. “But for now I want to eat because this smells so very, very good. Especially the sausage. I love sausage so very much.” It and bacon were her two favorite meats, ever.

  “Then eat up.” He chuckled, sitting back to pick up his own fork. Pouring a little syrup over the French toast he held it up. “Did you want some of the maple syrup for your toast, darling?” he asked Parker.

  “No thank you.” It was too messy to have syrup. Sometimes she would use it but for the most part she preferred butter and jam. “However I wouldn’t turn down some berry jam if you have some. Doesn’t matter what berry, just not apple.” Wrinkling her nose she grinned and admitted, “I’m not much of an apple girl.”

  Getting up Rayne went to the fridge and brought back some strawberry. “Here you are, darling,” he said. “Strawberry.” He smiled putting it by her hand. “The lid is loose and it’s about half full if you are into digging it out.”

  “Thanks, babe,” she murmured and pulled the cap off and scooped some of the jam onto her French toast. Picking it up with her fingers she took a bite and sighed happily. “This is very, very good.” She hadn’t had French toast in so very, very long that she had forgotten just how good it was.

  Smiling Slade ate quickly and quietly. He loved food and having learned to make all his favorites had been a pleasure. Chewing happily he watched his mate enjoying it all. It wasn’t a great or fancy feast but good and solid food.

  Leaning back when their meal was finished Parker closed her eyes and smiled. “That was actually really very good and I do quite believe that I’m ready for a walk or something after that wonderful breakfast.” She looked to the side where she knew Slade was and asked, “Since you cooked does that mean Rayne cleans up?”

  “Apparently,” Slade said, looking to Rayne who nodded. “At this rate I’ll never have to do dishes again.” He grinned and chuckled at the growl the Dragon gave. “Unless it’s barbecue and then apparently that’s only for the Dragon to handle. Which is okay, after I lost my eyebrows that one time I’m all for letting the professional handle fire.”

  Parker snickered and shook her head. “That’s too funny,” she said. “Can we go outside? I really and truly would love to feel the sun on my face again. It’s been so long since I’ve felt the sun and really, really would love to again.”

  “Absolutely,” Slade told her quietly. “But we should likely either find you a long jacket or some pants,” he said softly with a smile. Getting up he took her hand in his. “Come along, darling, let’s get you some pants and we’ll go out and lounge in the sun for a while.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Slipping her hand in his she let him pull her along and sighed. “We should order me some clothing online since it likely won’t be all that safe to go out and shop right now,” she murmured. “Unless you boys want to go shopping for me?” It was funny, but the thought of them choosing her clothes, knowing that they touched the things that she would wear against her skin made her all kinds of hot, horny, and happy.

  “Uh, no, we love you and all, darling, but I’m not so sure that we should ever be allowed out shopping. I’m emotionally defunct and Rayne is socially backward. It would just go seriously wrong letting us loose in a public situation with people,” Slade said, making a face.

  Parker laughed at that and nodded. “Then internet ordering it is.” She looked to him and smiled. “Maybe I can get the two of you to choose things for me that won’t make me look utterly ridiculous. I can only make the computer find my sizes and colors, but I can’t tell anything about style or the likes.”

  “Well we can definitely help with that,” Slade told her, walking with her to the bedroom. “Rayne has some shorts that have drawstrings. At least your bottom will be covered. It’s still nice outside so you shouldn’t get too cold but we can steal one of his sweaters if you want.”

  “That sounds perfect to me. Maybe we should grab a blanket as well while we are headed out? In case I get cold?” Or in case he felt like rolling around with her on the blanket in the broad daylight. Either worked brilliantly for her.

  “I heard that,” he said with a grin, moving to the hall linen closet to find an older blanket. Hopefully one Rayne wouldn’t kill him for using to roll around the yard with her in. Tossing the blanket on the bed, he moved to the dresser and dug around before passing her the shorts
. “Here you are, love.”

  “Thank you, Slade.” She stepped into the shorts and grinned unrepentantly up at him. “I’m glad that you heard that, I wanted you to hear it. I really think that we should do some rolling around under the sun. It’s warm enough out, isn’t it?” She had no idea what the temperatures were like but she was willing to try anything with her men.

  “Hopefully, but since I haven’t been out yet who knows. We’ll find a spot in the sun and go from there,” he told her with a shrug. Tying her into the shorts he nodded. “Now we just need to find you your shoes in case it’s still chilly.” Moving around her he swiped one of Rayne’s sweatshirts. “Here, sweetheart, one of the Dragon’s sweatshirts to keep you warm.”

  Parker grinned and pulled the sweatshirt on over the shirt she was already wearing. “I think that I’m as ready as I’m going to get. Are you dressed as well, Slade?” She had touched him earlier but he hadn’t had on a shirt then. “So that we can go out and commune with nature or whatever you wanna call it?”

  “Yeah, I stole one of Rayne’s shirts. I need to go back to my place and get clothing, obviously,” Slade said as he tugged on the old and soft shirt. “Come on, sweetheart.” He grabbed the blanket before taking her hand in his. “Let’s go and get you some sunshine.”

  “I love that idea.” Once they stepped out into the sunshine Parker turned her face up to the skies and sighed. “It’s been so very, very long since I’ve been outdoors and felt the sun on my face without a window between me and it.”

  “Well now you can enjoy it anytime you want or rather, anytime it’s sunny out,” Slade said, guiding her toward a spot of grass in the sun. Letting her hand go he shook out and spread the blanket. Taking her hand he guided her to the middle. “Sit on down, darling,” he suggested before he did the same and then lay out to soak up the sun.

  Laying back on the blanket Parker stretched out under the sun and sighed. Reaching out she moved until she was able to touch his hand with hers and then clasped their hands palm to palm and sighed happily. “This is utterly perfect, Slade. Thank you very much for coming out here with me, honey. I needed this sun, so thank you.”


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