ROMANCE: Unexpected Love Series (Military Bad Boy Billionaire Pregnancy Romance) (Young Adult Alpha Taboo BBW Contemporary)

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ROMANCE: Unexpected Love Series (Military Bad Boy Billionaire Pregnancy Romance) (Young Adult Alpha Taboo BBW Contemporary) Page 8

by Wanda Edmond

  “You said that the issue with Melissa would be taken care of soon,” She hesitated, “What did you mean by that?”

  “Oh,” he frowned, reluctant to spoil their romantic moment, “She is insisting on some type of blood test where they can tell now if its mine or not. I already submitted my part, and now she has to go in and have the baby tested for a match.”

  “And you’re not worried?” She swallowed back the tears.

  He hugged her closely to him and gave a long, loud sigh, “Not in the slightest.”

  “When will you know?” Monica needed to know for her sake that this was all a lie.

  “Tomorrow,” His voice became quiet, “They said they will call me.”

  Monica snuggled up into his arms once again, ending the saddening conversation for the moment. She held a secret hope that this would all turn out to be some desperate attempt by Melissa to break them up, but she knew his old ways could easily have come out in a moment of weakness. She closed her eyes and drifted off into a fitful sleep.

  Chapter 3

  The morning broke through the bedroom curtains and Monica rose slowly from the bed. After a long shower and quick change of clothes, she headed out into the living room of Alex’s apartment to find him on a phone call. He nodded and paced the floor nervously and Monica’s stomach churned. She knew that had to be the doctor’s office calling with the results of his paternity test and she waited anxiously for him to finish. He nodded and listened intently, a smile slowly forming across his lips. Finally Alex hung up the phone, a wave of relief washing over him. He leapt from the couch and hugged his love tightly.

  “That was the results,” He sighed, squeezing her tightly, “Like I said, it’s not mine.”

  “Does she know that?” Monica giggled in delight, the relief filling her as well.

  “Yes they said she was informed as well.” Alex smiled and planted a long kiss on her soft lips.

  With the nightmare of his ex behind them, the two lovers headed to the hotel to meet their parents who had just arrived for the final move into their new home. Monica’s father was ecstatic at the promotion he had received from work, placing him in charge of the new operations in the area, and of his beautiful new ocean front home. He beamed with pride as Monica gave him a warm hug and nodded politely to Carrie. The group headed over to the house in her father’s rental car and she watched as he excitedly filled out the final closing paperwork. Once finished, she wandered the open areas of the home, smiling at the beautiful design and structure of the house she would be living after graduation. Her upstairs bedroom was complete with a breathtaking ocean view and she smiled at the sight, admiring the way the sun made the waters below shimmer. I can definitely get used to this. She inhaled deeply. Downstairs she could hear heated voices and dashed towards the door. Alex was pacing in the empty living room, running his hands nervously through his long black hair. Her father stood near the archway with his arms folded, his faced scowling in disapproval.

  “Ok I’ll be down there right away,” Alex hung up his cell phone and glanced in Monica’s direction.

  “How bad is the damage?” Her father chimed in.

  “They said it’s not too bad and the insurance will cover most of it,” He sighed, “But my manager said the police suspect arson.”

  Monica’s stomach dropped at Alex’s words. The four piled back into the rental car and headed back downtown towards his Tattoo Parlor. It seemed that when his staff stepped out for lunch, someone came along and smashed in the front window, tossing something inside and setting the entire building on fire. As they pulled up the street was a circus of fire engines and police, onlookers crowding the area. The red and blue flashing lights filled the area surrounding the mess as officers attempted to keep the crowd back. Alex leapt from the car and raced towards them and Monica followed closely behind. The police them through and she stopped, her heart sinking as she gazed at the blackened building. Her heart instantly went out to her love, who stood gaping at what was once his business. He had worked so hard to get to this grand point and now someone had destroyed his efforts in less than a minute’s time. Monica placed her hand on his shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look, watching the tears well up in his blue eyes.

  “It’s going to be ok just take a breath,” She coaxed him.

  “Yeah,” He sighed.

  Soon an officer approached them, pen and notebook in hand. He looked Alex up and down with a scowl then proceed with an interview.

  “I’m Officer Jessie,” He informed the group, “I’m heading up what looks to be an arson case. Are you the owner of this establishment?”

  “Yes I’m Alex Yale,” he watched solemnly as fire crew drug debris out from the inside of the building, still smoldering in the fires, “What happened?”

  “Well thankfully no one was inside when the fire started,” The officer sighed, “But from what we’ve gather from eye witnesses, someone came along just after 2 this afternoon and smashed in the front store window. They then proceeded to toss an object inside which caught fire to something inside. We are considering it an arson case though the witnesses state nothing ablaze was thrown in.”

  “So you think whatever was throw must have hit something then?” Alex rubbed his neck once again in frustration, “Yes the coffee pot was still plugged in when we got the fire out. But once we catch whoever did this, we will be charging them with arson as well.”

  Alex and Monica were soon joined by her father and step-mother who stood gaping at the mess. Carrie, Alex’s mother began to cry, watching the charcoaled building that was once her son’s pride and joy. Along the line in the crowd, Monica noticed Lucky and his wife had come for support, as well as many others from his friend circle. The whole event was devastating to everyone and she too began to feel the hot tears falling on her cheeks. The office took some notes, then looked up once again.

  “Do you have any idea who would have done this Mr. Yale?” His eyes were serious and full of intent, “Any enemies or rivals in the business?”

  “Not that I can think of offhand,” He sighed, “I mean there are no other parlors around here and I don’t think I’ve pissed anyone off lately.”

  Despite the fact that her father stood nearby, Monica felt overwhelmed with grief, sharing in her love’s pain from the loss. She ran to him as the office said goodbye and handed him a card with his information. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held him tightly as he began to weep. In her haste, she glanced back at her father who suddenly realized what was happened between the two. He frowned, but made no attempt in the moment to protest. After a few moments the crowd began to thin and the officer returned, informing Alex that he should head home and wait, that they would be in touch as soon as they knew something more. Alex walked slowly to the jeep, saying nothing in response to the many supports that shouted encouraging words in his direction. The jeep was silent on the drive back to the hotel, each in their own world of conflict and sadness for the situation. Alex headed directly for his bike once they parked the rental car and started the engine with a roar.

  “Wait I’m coming with you,” Monica called out from across the parking lot.

  “No,” He looked up, his eyes red from the tears, “I need a minute alone to think. I will be back to get you a bit later ok?”

  Monica was slightly hurt, but understood and gave him a nod. She watched as the bike squealed off down the pavement towards the open road and a single tear fell from her eyes. She trudged into the hotel and headed towards her room, but as she reached the hallway her father’s voice called out from behind. She turned, keys in hand and not in the mood to talk.

  “Kitten,” he frowned, “Is there something going on between you and Alex? Something Carrie and I should know about?”

  Monica scowled, this was not the way she wanted her father to find out about their love affair. But in that moment her need to support her love was more important than keeping their relationship a secret. She nodded to him and Carrie, who stood
behind him out of his line of sight, smiled happily. He shook his head and gave a long sigh, stepping closer to her at the door.

  “Look sweetheart,” He placed his strong hand on her shoulder, “That boy is too wild for you. I know he has gotten his act in gear lately, but men like that will never fully settle down. It’s not in their nature.”

  “Dad,” She was too exhausted to get angry, “everything you see him doing he has done to prove to me that settling down is what he wants. He loves me, and I love him.”

  “But look at this mess sweetheart,” He gave her a half-smile, “Someone he and his lifestyle has made angry set his shop on fire. If you choose a life with him, this is the way it will be for you constantly. The drama and trouble will follow you wherever you go.”

  “Dad the only drama I have seen, other than this mess which could have been a random act, is from his ex-girlfriend but he took care of that one as well,” She suddenly froze in place, an epiphany hitting her like a bullet, “Dad I have to go, I just realized something important. We will talk more about this later ok?”

  “Monica wait where are you going?” Her father shouted out down the hall but Monica was already in the elevator.

  She raced out into the lobby and hailed a taxi, instructing him to take her to the police station. Inside it was business as usual with several rowdy looking teens in cuffs, sitting on the bench near the glass window. She stepped by them cautiously, rolling her eyes at the typical cat call and whistle and tapped on the window.

  “I need to speak with Officer Jessie please,” She was frantic and out of breath, “it’s about the arson case from earlier today? I think I have information.”

  Moments later Officer Jessie stepped out from behind the double doors near the end of the long hallway. He had his pen and notepad in hand and looked up surprised to see Monica standing there waiting for him. He approached with a half-smile, eyeing the kids on the bench with a scowl as he passed.

  “You said you have information for me Mrs. Yale?” he prepared to write.

  “Yes,” She sighed, “I didn’t think of this before but I think you may have a suspect. Her name is Melissa and she’s Alex’s ex-girlfriend.”

  “And what makes you suspect her?” His eyebrow raised in interest.

  “Earlier that day she got the results of a paternity test that stated Alex isn’t the father of her soon-to-be child,” Monica hashed out the circumstances, “She has a bad temper and has made threats before.”

  “I see,” he nodded and jotted down the information, “Thank you for the lead Mrs. Yale.”

  She left the station and headed back for the hotel, feeling slightly more relieved that she may have helped solved the situation. She crawled into her bed and gazed out at the stars, worried about Alex and where he had gone in his haste. She didn’t blame him for being upset but taking off without her was not the best way she could have thought to work through the issue. They were supposed to be a team now, and she was slightly hurt but his taking off. She felt her eyelids closing, fighting the sleep until exhaustion finally overcame her. She drifted off into a dream-filled rest.

  Chapter 4

  Alex rode off from the hotel, his mind racing. It seemed as if anytime he made some attempt to get his life back on track, life would come along and knock him back down again. The fire took out his busiest store and even though he knew the insurance would cover the repairs to this mess it still seemed like a terrible set back. The road around him blurred as he sped fast the old bar he used to frequent and out onto the darkened stretch of highway he often road when something was on his mind. He thought back to Monica and the look on her face as he told her no and rode off. He knew she cared for him now, but he needed time to think alone. He stopped at a small dock and parked his bike on the road, climbing over the wooden fence that separated the street from the beaches and headed down near the water. His mind was still racing, mulling over the possibilities of who could have done this to him. Who hated him enough to set fire to his shop? Yes he had problems with the law and had his share of scraps with the punk kids running around during Spring Break but at this time of year no one was around but the locals. He paused just before the waves and slumped down into the sand, gazing up at the large moon overhead and how it reflected onto the calm waters. With his head in the sand, he laid back and sighed, taking a moment alone to gather himself before heading back into town. He would have his work cut out for him as he rebuilt the shop, but it wasn’t impossible. But his heart held a secret fear. If someone did this once, will they attack again? He shuddered and frowned at the starlit sky above head.


  She awoke with a start the following morning, glancing around the hotel room sleepily. Checking the time it was already nearing ten and she sighed, sleeping in was the last thing she had wanted to do with everything that was happening at the moment. She glanced at her messages and her frown deepened. Two missed calls from Alex, one late last night and one earlier in the morning and a missed call from the detective in charge of the arson case. She showered to wake up and after sliding quickly into a tank top and jeans she set about returning the calls. First to the detective, hoping that she could bring some good news to Alex to cheer him up. She dialed the number and the operator pushed her through.

  “Hi detective this Monica Yale returning your call?” She clamored to put on her sandals and hold the phone still.

  “Ah yes Monica,” The detectives voice was low, “I was following up on the lead you gave us last night? Seems the ex-girlfriend has an alibi for the day though it’s not a solid one. She claims to have been out of town shopping with a friend and the friend has confirmed the story. We are still checking into it however since neither woman could produce even a receipt for evidence.”

  “I see,” She nodded with a saddened look, “Well thank you for letting me know and if anything else comes up please give me a call.”

  She hung up the phone and dialed Alex’s phone. He picked up quickly and gave a sigh into the other line. “Hi there.”

  “Hi,” She paused, unsure of what to say, “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah I’ll be fine,” He was quiet and sounded exhausted as if he hadn’t slept, “I just needed to go for a ride to get my head straight you know?”

  After a moment’s conversation, Alex was on his way to pick her up from the hotel. She snuck past the hotel room her father and step-mother shared in the hopes of escaping without finishing the topic. She knew it would have to be confronted sooner or later but right now Alex needed her. She hoped on the back of his bike and they headed back towards his new apartment. Inside he slumped back down on the couch, looking worn. She sat down beside him, caressing his thigh softly with her delicate hands, her eyes filled with sympathy.

  “Have you slept?” Monica finally asked.

  “Not really,” His voice cracked, “I fell asleep in the sand awhile but that’s about it. I have this stuck in my head you know?”

  Monica rose from her seat and locked the front door, then took his strong hand into hers and pulled up from the couch. She led him to the bedroom and stopped just short of the bed, turning to gently remove his jacket from his shoulders and toss it onto a chair nearby. She looked up into his tired blue eyes and forced a smile.

  “How do you always have a smile for me like that?” He smiled back though he felt as if his body was about to melt into the floor.

  “I don’t know,” She giggled, “You make me smile.”

  With his hand still in hers, she led him to the bed and playfully pushed him down onto the soft comforter. He laid his head down on the pillow, his long black hair still tied back in his usual ponytail and gave a sad sigh. Monica crawled in beside him, closing the curtains to shut out the bright morning light as she went. She snuggled down into his strong arms, inhaling his intoxicating scent as she went with a smile. Alex gave a cheeky grin and leaned down, kissing her lips deeply and savoring the sweet taste of her once again. With everything that had happened, having her by his side in t
he bed was relieving his stress and calming his nerves, yet exciting him at the same time? She attempted to back away.

  “No sir,” Her voice was muffled through the deep kisses, “You need some sleep right now.”

  “Oh I’ll get sleep too,” He laughed and kissed her deeply again, “But right now I need you more.”

  The kisses were driving her body wild with lust once again. Deep and desperate to feel her she could sense he needed the attention and love. She gave in to his attack and allowed his hands to fondle her soft breasts from underneath the t-shirt. She let out a moan. His touch was rougher than usual, more harsh and needing. The sensation was new, but she was enjoying it. Suddenly he grasped at her mound, sending a shiver of desire through her. He was like an animal, wanting the satisfaction that only his mate could bring. He gave a growl and tore the t shirt from over his head, eyeing Monica as she gazed at him hungrily. He dove towards her once again, the kisses more hungry and rough. His hands tugged at her jeans, tearing them away and once again he gasped her firmly with his warm hand. She let out another moan and a gasp. He was taking her for his and the thought was making her wet, anxious to feel him inside her once more. He grunted and growled, biting at her lower lip as he removed each piece of their clothing hurriedly. Once she was fully exposed, he leaned up and smiled at her, a look of desire flashing through his baby blue eyes. With a swift motion he grasped her hips and rolled her to her stomach, pulling her hips up to meet his. She cried out in shock, but the new position caught her curiosity and she braced herself for more pleasure.

  “We’ve never done this before,” She whispered and closed her eyes, feeling Alex shift himself to a better position behind her butt.

  “I know,” He leaned down towards her, guiding himself inside, “You’ll like it.”


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